
Vocabulary (Review)

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Chigusa: チグサです。
Peter: Peter here. Celebrity survival phrases #7. Saying Goodbye. Today we are here with our Japanesepod101.com celebrity, Chigusa san.
Chigusa: こんにちは。 Hello.
Peter: It is great to have you. Now this series has you written all over it.
Chigusa: Celebrity.
Peter: Celebrity.
Chigusa: Chigusa’s C is for celebrity, so yeah. No, I am just kidding.
Peter: Chigusa celebrity Yamaguchi is the middle name.
Chigusa: Yes. Middle name yes.
Peter: Chigusa san, you’ve met your fair share of celebrities, correct?
Chigusa: Ah a few.
Peter: Right.
Chigusa: Yes.
Peter: And how much would it benefit them if they knew these phrases when they came to Japan?
Chigusa: Umm very…
Peter: There is only one answer to this. Very, wow yeah, really help them.
Chigusa: Yes.
Peter: Essential right?
Chigusa: Essential yes I would say.
Peter: Yeah. So we are going to – again today we are going to give you some more phrases that you can use when you come here and again, this is not – we always say celebrities but this is not limited to celebrities business type situations and formal situations. This Japanese is perfect for this and again not just these formal situations. Whenever you want to have a great impression on someone, we have some phrases in here today especially the goodbye greeting that would just knock some socks off. Chigusa san, do you have that in Japanese, Knock some socks off?
Chigusa: I don’t think so.
Peter: Okay just checking. All right. Are you ready?
Chigusa: Yes.

Lesson focus

Peter: Here we go.
Female staff: インタビューは以上です。長い時間、お疲れさまでした。
Johnny: お疲れさまでした。
Female staff: 実は、私はジョニーさんの大ファンなので、お話ができて大感激です。
Johnny: 私も、とても楽しかったです。ありがとうございました。
Female staff: それでは、日本での滞在を楽しんでください。
Johnny: また、お会いできる日を楽しみにしています。
Female : もう一度お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。
Female staff: インタビューは、いじょうです。ながい、じかん、おつかれさまでした。
Johnny: おつかれさまでした。
Female staff: じつは、わたしは、ジョニーさんの、だいファンなので、おはなしができて、だいかんげきです。
Johnny: わたしも、とても、たのしかったです。ありがとうございました。
Female staff: それでは、にほんでの、たいざいを、たのしんでください。
Johnny: また、おあいできるひを、たのしみにしています。
Female: 今度は英語が入ります。
Female staff: インタビューは以上です。長い時間、お疲れさまでした。
Peter: Thank you for your efforts as it took a while.
Johnny: お疲れさまでした。
Peter: Thank you as you also worked hard.
Female staff: 実は、私はジョニーさんの大ファンなので、お話ができて大感激です。
Peter: To tell the truth, I am a big fan of yours and I am really blown away that we had the chance to talk.
Johnny: 私も、とても楽しかったです。ありがとうございました。
Peter: It was really fun for me too. Thank you very much.
Female staff: それでは、日本での滞在を楽しんでください。
Peter: Well then, please enjoy your stay in Japan.
Johnny: また、お会いできる日を楽しみにしています。
Peter: I am looking forward to the day when we can meet again.
Peter: So Chigusa san, what did you think of today’s conversation?
Chigusa: Well Johnny Depp is really polite.
Peter: Really polite.
Chigusa: Really polite.
Peter: This is some powerful Japanese that he is throwing out there. And I can guarantee with this Japanese, one, people will have an even better impression of him.
Chigusa: Yes.
Peter: I mean, I can’t wait till we go through this because this is exciting.
Chigusa: I know like if I were the interviewer, I would love him even more.
Peter: Right.
Chigusa: Yes.
Peter: So…
Chigusa: So, like such a good impression, right?
Peter: Yeah and that’s the thing. You don’t even have to be Johnny Depp but if you use this Japanese
Chigusa: Yes.
Peter: You will be loved.
Chigusa: Yes for sure. And he sounds so much smarter too right?
Peter: Yeah. It really changes you.
Chigusa: Yes.
Peter: If you get new clothes, this is what you really want to learn. This is what you really want to bring with you to Japan.
Chigusa: Yes.
Peter: So what we are going to do here is, first take a look at the vocab and phrases. Chigusa san, what do we have first?
Chigusa: First we have 以上
Peter: This is all.
Chigusa: い・じょ・う、以上
Peter: Followed by
Chigusa: お疲れさま。
Peter: This is an expression used at the workplace or when someone puts forth an effort. It can be used as a parting greeting or it can be used as a regular greeting. We are going to get into this in a bit but this is a phrase used at the workplace and when someone is doing work, not necessarily work as in a job but some kind of physical, something physical or mentally strenuous. Did I cover it all Chigusa san?
Chigusa: I think you did. Physical or mentally strenuous. I love how you put it, yes. It’s difficult because there is no, like translation for it you know like in English, there is no word for it.
Peter: Yeah. So when we go through the dialogue, we are going to explain how this is used and why this is used. So just give us a few more minutes. Next we have
Chigusa: 実は
Peter: The truth is
Chigusa: じ・つ・は、実は
Peter: Followed by
Chigusa: 大感激
Peter: Really moved.
Chigusa: だ・い・か・ん・げ・き、大感激
Peter: What’s the word for moved here like emotionally moved?
Chigusa: 感激
Peter: To this we add
Chigusa: 大
Peter: To the front, so we get
Chigusa: 大感激
Peter: Really moved. Next we have
Chigusa: 滞在
Peter: Stay.
Chigusa: た・い・ざ・い、滞在
Peter: It’s a very formal expression. Would be used in such cases for an interviewer. Okay now what we want to do is take a look at the conversation because inside the conversation is where all the good Japanese is. Are you ready, Chigusa san?
Chigusa: Yes.
Peter: All right. What do we have first?
Chigusa: インタビューは以上です。
Peter: That’s it for the interview. First we have interview followed by
Chigusa: 以上です。
Peter: That’s it. So literally interview that’s it. 以上is a very useful phrase. You can use it when you are ordering at a restaurant. For example, Chigusa san, if you are done ordering, you finish up with
Chigusa: 以上です。
Peter: That’s it to let the other party know that’s all that you need. You could use it in a workplace if you are done talking to someone 以上です That’s it. Briefing is over. Out, out, out. So here, the interviewer is saying, that’s all. The interview is over. This is followed by
Chigusa: 長い時間、お疲れさまでした。
Peter: For a long time thank you for your efforts. First we have
Chigusa: 長い時間
Peter: Long time followed by the phrase
Chigusa: お疲れさまでした。
Peter: Thank you for your effort and here this is like work for Johnny. Chigusa san, you know what it is like? Interviews are grilling, right? Lots of questions.
Chigusa: Yeah lots of people they have interviews and interviews and interviews like they have like 5 or 6 interviews in a row. So it could be really hectic for people.
Peter: Really mentally and physically strenuous.
Chigusa: Yes I love that phrase Peter.
Peter: So as Johnny has put forth this great effort to recognize this, the interviewer says
Chigusa: お疲れさまでした。
Peter: Now the next line is the best because how do you respond to this and how did Johnny respond to this?
Chigusa: お疲れさまでした。
Peter: So he repeated it. Same to you, thank you for your efforts for the interview. Now a common place you will come into contact with this is at the work office. Two people approach the elevator, they see each other. Instead of saying good afternoon こんにちは they say
Chigusa: お疲れさまです。
Peter: Yeah thank you for your efforts to this point. Still more to go. This is a phrase used when leaving the office. When someone is putting forth that effort. You can also use it if you go to a barbeque. People are cleaning up. Everyone is putting forth that effort. I guess you know what, there is another factor to it. Usually not just putting forth physical and mental efforts but in addition the fact that you are doing it with other people working towards a common goal would be another factor in it. So he is participating to make the interview go well. The person in the barbeque they are all working together to clean it up. At the workplace they are all working together to have a better result for the company hah what do you think?
Chigusa: Yeah exactly. And one thing is, when the work is over, you say お疲れさま、でした but when it’s not over yet, most people say お疲れさま、です。
Peter: So there is that definition with です being the nonpast and でした being the past.
Chigusa: Yes.
Peter: So you have to be a little bit careful there. All right, so let’s just break this phrase down for everybody.
Chigusa: お・つ・か・れ・さ・ま・で・し・た、お疲れさまでした。
Peter: Okay. Next we have
Chigusa: 実は、私はジョニーさんの大ファンなので、お話ができて大感激です。
Peter: The truth is, I am a huge Johnny Depp fan and the fact that we could talk I am ecstatic. All right, let’s just back this up and go over it one more time slowly. First we have
Chigusa: 実は
Peter: The truth is followed by
Chigusa: 私は
Peter: I am.
Chigusa: ジョニーさんの
Peter: Johnny’s
Chigusa: 大ファンなので
Peter: Big fan because. Now let’s just go over big fan. That is
Chigusa: 大ファン
Peter: ファン We covered it at previous one and to make it big, we just add the 大 so [大ファンです. So if you ever met Chigusa celebrity Yamaguchi, you could say Chigusa san 大ファンです。
Chigusa: Any time.
Peter: Any time. Then we have because なのでfollowed by
Chigusa: お話ができて大感激です。
Peter: Because we could talk, I am so moved. The first part is お話ができて that we were able to talk 大感激です I am very moved. So Johnny responds to this with?
Chigusa: 私もとても楽しかったです。
Peter: I had a really good time too. Now Johnny’s Japanese is getting a lot better because in the last one, I don’t know if he would have got this. So Johnny is getting pretty good here. Umm but when you can focus on it, don’t worry so much about the previous sentence because the grammar in that is pretty tough. You got to check the PDF for that but this sentence here, it was also fun for me. You can use it in a lot of situations if you have a meal together. Right Chigusa san?
Chigusa: Right.
Peter: What other cases maybe you go out with somebody, you can say?
Chigusa: 私もとても楽しかったです。
Peter: It was really fun for me too. The first part we have
Chigusa: 私も
Peter: 私being I, the pronoun for – the personal pronoun for I. Then we have next も which means also. Next we have
Chigusa: とても
Peter: Very.
Chigusa: 楽しかったです
Peter: Was fun. I also very fun. It was also very fun for me. Then we have
Chigusa: ありがとうございました。
Peter: Thank you very much and this is the most polite way to say it. One more time Chigusa san,
Chigusa: ありがとうございました。
Peter: Very polite followed by
Chigusa: それでは、日本での滞在を楽しんでください。
Peter: All right then, have a great time in Japan. And again the Japanese in this sentence is a little complex. Let’s focus on Johnny’s answer which comes next.
Chigusa: また、お会いできる日を楽しみにしています。
Peter: Chigusa san, before I even mention what this means, just hearing it, I am kind of like wow.
Chigusa: You want me to slow down?
Peter: No, it's just such nice Japanese.
Chigusa: Um…
Peter: So like…
Chigusa: Intelligent and polite and sincere and loving.
Peter: All those things.
Chigusa: I know.
Peter: So yeah let’s hear it one more time because if you memorize this, we will just go around to random people and watch the expression on their face if you say this to them. Imagine if you are a cashier and you hear somebody say this to you? So one more time nice and slow.
Chigusa: また、おあいできるひを、たのしみにしています。
Peter: I am looking forward to the day we can meet again.
Chigusa: So romantic!
Peter: Right. It’s like ah…I don’t even know what to say. Thank you for explaining it, Chigusa san. I am a little flustered here.
Chigusa: Now Peter is getting red.
Peter: Just so…
Chigusa: Very nice face, yes.
Peter: What is that word I am looking for, that code of chivalry or it’s something just…Ah..
Chigusa: Beyond expression.
Peter: Yeah. I think romantic was the best one for it. So let’s just break it down a bit. First we have
Chigusa: また
Peter: Again followed by
Chigusa: お会いできる
Peter: To meet can. Again meet able can.
Chigusa: 日を
Peter: Day and then we have the object marker を. So literally again meet can they followed by
Chigusa: 楽しみにしています
Peter: This is a set phrase meaning I am looking forward to. So anytime someone tells you something that you’d be looking forward to in Japanese, you could say たのしみにしています And anytime we talk about the Japanese person, they say something that you are going to do together and you are looking forward to it, you can say
Chigusa: 楽しみにしています。
Peter: Okay and we will have that inside the PDF. So I am looking forward to using this phrase.
Chigusa: Yeah. You can use it right away.
Peter: Chigusa san また、お会いする日を楽しみにしています。
Chigusa: Yes and you can even say it to the listeners また、ジャパニーズポッド101でお会いできる日を、楽しみにしています。
Peter: Can we have it one more time?
Chigusa: 皆さんに、お会いできる日を楽しみにしています。


Peter: Very nice. All right, that is going to do it for today.
Chigusa: またね。


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