
Vocabulary (Review)

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Natsuko: こんにちは、ナツコです。
Peter: Peter here. Celebrity survival phrases, lesson 4. Natsuko san,
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: We are back with more.
Natsuko: Yes, more Japanese Johnny Depp.
Peter: Yes. Now I am usually rambling on about. These phrases are not just for celebrities but they are also for you. Well, today they are not for you. Today, they are for celebrities only.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Unless it’s going to be a crowd of people waiting for you at the airport.
Natsuko: I think you know usually those are celebrities.
Peter: Yeah. So sorry about that. Today I am not going to try and sugar coat it. I am going to give it to you straight. This is for celebrities.
Natsuko: But there are some phrases and words that you can use as well.

Lesson focus

Peter: Good point Natsuko san. Yes, this lesson is for everybody. So with that said, let’s get into today’s lesson for everyone.
Female staff: 日本に大勢のファンがいますね。
Johnny: 空港に大勢の皆さんが来てくれました。とても感激しました。
Female staff: 子どもたちのファンも多いですね。
Johnny: とてもうれしいです。日本のファンの皆さん、本当にありがとうございます。
Female: もう一度お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。
Female staff: にほんに、おおぜいの、ファンがいますね。
Johnny: くうこうに、おおぜいの、みなさんが、きてくれました。とても、かんげきしました。
Female staff: こどもたちのファンも、おおいですね。
Johnny: とてもうれしいです。にほんの、ファンの、みなさん、ほんとうに、ありがとうございます。
Female: もう一度お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。
Female staff: 日本に大勢のファンがいますね。
Male: You have many fans in Japan, don’t you?
Johnny: 空港に大勢の皆さんが来てくれました。とても感激しました。
Male: Yes. Many people came to greet me at the airport. I was so touched.
Female staff: 子どもたちのファンも多いですよね。
Male: You have many young fans as well, don’t you?
Johnny: とてもうれしいです。日本のファンの皆さん、本当にありがとうございます。
Male: Yes. I am very glad. I really want to thank all my fans in Japan.
Peter: Natsuko san,
Natsuko: はい。
Peter: What did you think?
Natsuko: Yeah useful, isn’t it?
Peter: Yeah.
Natsuko: Few words to your fans.
Peter: Yeah.
Natsuko: Waiting at the airport.
Peter: Well, don’t you think there are some useful phrases in there?
Natsuko: Yes there were some.
Peter: Yeah. Which one did you think was pretty good?
Natsuko: とても感激しました。
Peter: I was very moved.
Natsuko: I think you can use that a lot.
Peter: Yeah. I think this is a great one to really convey your sincere gratitude for someone doing something for you and chances are while you are in Japan, something very nice is going to happen.
Natsuko: Or you can also use it for something you see or something you experience.
Peter: Yeah.
Natsuko: Like when you are impressed with a shrine, you can say とても感激しました。
Peter: Oh ho!
Natsuko: Yeah. The scenery was wonderful.
Peter: I don’t even use that, all right.
Natsuko: Well really?
Peter: Yeah. Well I didn’t know you could.
Natsuko: Yes you can definitely use it.
Peter: So if I saw something
Natsuko: Yeah like 富士山 was really beautiful and you can say 感激しました!
Peter: 感激しました。
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: So if it’s fall or early spring, the snow is still on the mountain. It’s a clear day.
Natsuko: Yeah and if you are really impressed with what you see, well maybe what you experience.
Peter: All right. Okay let’s save that for when we go through the conversation.
Natsuko: Okay.
Peter: For now, let’s take a look at the vocab. Natsuko san, give us the first one.
Natsuko: 大勢
Peter: Crowd, a lot of people.
Natsuko: お・お・ぜ・い、大勢
Peter: Followed by
Natsuko: 空港
Peter: Airport.
Natsuko: く・う・こ・う、空港
Peter: Useful for getting in and out of Japan. Next we have
Natsuko: 来る
Peter: To come.
Natsuko: く・る、来る
Peter: Now this is a dictionary form. In the dialogue, we had
Natsuko: 来て
Peter: Which is the て form of this verb. Now the conjugation is way beyond the scope of this lesson but inside the PDF, there is something about how to conjugate for this. So check out the PDF. On we go.
Natsuko: 感激する
Peter: To be moved.
Natsuko: か・ん・げ・き・す・る、感激する
Peter: Now before we kind of – well not we – sorry to drag you in Natsuko san, I was kind of babbling about this, where we could use it but yeah just think of it as this word means to be moved. So any situation that you would be moved in whether it’s visual or someone – an act of kindness, this is the type of situation that you can use this in.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: I went a lot smoother that time. Next we have
Natsuko: 子ども
Peter: Child.
Natsuko: こ・ど・も、子ども This can also mean children. There is no plural in Japanese.
Peter: Yeah so both. Followed by
Natsuko: 多い
Peter: Many.
Natsuko: お・お・い、多い
Peter: And last
Natsuko: うれしい
Peter: Glad, happy. Again we had this one before but we really want to drill this one in. All right, conversation time. Natsuko, take us away. We start off with the interviewer.
Natsuko: 日本に大勢のファンがいますね。
Peter: You have many fans in Japan. Don’t you? Okay we start off with
Natsuko: 日本
Peter: Japan.
Natsuko: に
Peter: Here we are marking the position of the people. So we use the particle に
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: This is going to be paired with what verb?
Natsuko: いる
Peter: Which is the verb to exist for animate things. This is followed by
Natsuko: 大勢
Peter: Crowd. Lots of…
Natsuko: の
Peter: Crowds, possessive here. Crowds
Natsuko: ファン
Peter: Fan. Crowd of fans.
Natsuko: が
Peter: Subject marker.
Natsuko: います
Peter: Polite present form of the verb いる which is to exist for animate things.
Natsuko: ね
Peter: Here this sentence ending particle is acting as a tag question. So literally we have ‘Japan in crowds of fans there are.’ Right?
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Which we translate as, you have many fans in Japan. Don’t you? The answer is
Natsuko: 空港に、大勢の皆さんが来てくれました。
Peter: Yes. Many fans came to greet me at the airport. Now this sentence is quite complex because giving and receiving verbs in Japanese is one of the tricky although not difficult areas of Japanese. So we are going to go through a bit of detail here. Natsuko san, start us off.
Natsuko: 空港
Peter: Airport.
Natsuko: に
Peter: Same particle as above, but here it’s marking direction. Again you have to watch what verbs are in the sentence to find the proper translation into English. Now here the verb is come. So it’s direction. So, airport to.
Natsuko: 大勢の皆さん
Peter: Crowd of everyone, so everybody.
Natsuko: が
Peter: Subject marking particle.
Natsuko: 来てくれました
Peter: Come for me. And so we have the verb 来るplus a receiving verb.
Natsuko: くれる
Peter: Which is way beyond the scope of this lesson. So come for me. So literally we have ‘airport to many people came for me.’ Yes, many people came to greet me at the airport.
Natsuko: とても感激しました。
Peter: I was very moved. Now again, in this sentence, we don’t have a subject. Literally it is ‘very moved’ but the speaker has inferred that he’s the one being moved. I was very moved. One more time please, nice and slow break it down.
Natsuko: と・て・も・か・ん・げ・き・し・ま・し・た。とても感激しました。
Peter: I was very moved. Then we have
Natsuko: 子どもたちのファンも多いですね。
Peter: You have many young fans as well, don’t you? Let’s just break this down. First we have
Natsuko: 子ども
Peter: Child
Natsuko: たち
Peter: Plural. So children
Natsuko: のファン
Peter: Young fans.
Natsuko: も
Peter: Also.
Natsuko: 多い
Peter: Many.
Natsuko: ですね
Peter: There is, right. So you have many young fans, right. Now we want to point out about these sentences. Notice the ね at the end. He is – the interviewer is asking questions using the sentence ending particle. He is asking for input from Japanese Johnny Depp ね
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: So prompting a response out of him as opposed to a straightforward question. These are sentences without the ね they are standalone sentences but because of the ね, the Japanese Johnny is prompted to respond.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: And finally we have
Natsuko: とてもうれしいです。
Peter: I am very happy. Again literally very happy. ‘I’ is inferred here. I am very happy.
Natsuko: 日本のファンの皆さん、本当にありがとうございます。
Peter: I really want to thank all my fans in Japan. Now the first part is fans of Japan. All the fans of Japan.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: The second part is a phrase that you got to memorize. You got to really, really, really memorize this because you are going to use this all over the place; restaurants, hotels, anywhere you go.
Natsuko: Right. 本当にありがとうございます。
Peter: So let’s get in there and break it down. Why don’t we start – instead of break it down, let’s build it up. How do we say thank you?
Natsuko: ありがとう
Peter: Which is thank you but it’s a little kind of casual and we build this up. We can make this a little more polite by adding
Natsuko: ございます
Peter: And we put them together
Natsuko: ありがとうございます。
Peter: Which is a very, very polite way of saying thank you but here he’s moved. He really wants to express his gratitude. So we add on
Natsuko: 本当に
Peter: Really? 本当is really and here we have the particle に again. So it’s modifying the thank you. Really thank you, translated thank you so much.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Now when I first came to Japan, I used this all the time you know. It’s better to be too polite than not polite enough.
Natsuko: Right.
Peter: And there was – but there were just so many times I really wanted to say this, thank you for the food 本当にありがとうございます。 So this is one you really want to put to memory.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Now there is one more phrase that I’d like to introduce here and this is very, very useful for many reasons. It’s going to be a big deal when you are in Japan. So there are many times that a lot of people are going to get together to see you. And if you want to thank them for coming and you know, in English we usually say, thank you everyone for coming and whether you are in business, you know your business meeting [0:11:58.7] people come for the business dinner, you know whatever it is to the airport, they come to meet you, a Japanese person. If there’s any case that you want to express your gratitude for someone coming to meet you, you can use the following phrase.
Natsuko: 来てくださって、ありがとうございます。
Peter: Thank you for coming for me. This phrase you can use anytime. Conferences, you know if you walk out and before – and you say anything, if you say this to everyone, it’s a wow factor.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: 皆さん
Natsuko: 来てくださって、ありがとうございます。
Peter: Speechless, jaws dropping. Where did you learn that, how did you do that? You know, you are out to dinner, business dinner. Five or six people gather around.
Natsuko: 来てくださってありがとうございます。
Peter: Hah you will hear あれ which means how did you know that what.
Natsuko: Yeah and you can continue with English but it’s always very nice to start with the native language.
Peter: Yeah.
Natsuko: To impress the people.
Peter: Really impress them. So can we get that phrase one time slowly?
Natsuko: き・て・く・だ・さっ・て、あ・り・が・と・う・ご・ざ・い・ま・す。来てくださって、ありがとうございます。
Peter: Natsuko san 今日、来てくださいありがとうございます。
Natsuko: どういたしまして。
Peter: Uh what! So unlike us, so polite and -
Natsuko: Unlike us?
Peter: Okay unlike me.
Natsuko: No, no, no.


Peter: All right. Well that’s going to do it for today. Again these are the tools that can really make a difference when a lot of people are gathered around and just have a really great impression on people.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: So we are looking forward to seeing this someday on the news. That’s going to do it for today.
Natsuko: じゃあ、また今度。


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