
Vocabulary (Review)

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Yoshi, Takase: おはよう東京。
Yoshi: ヨシです。
Takase: タカセです。
Peter: Peter here, Survival Phrases #50, Number 50, Takase san, Yoshi san, do you know what this means? Today is the last Survival Phrases. They can survive already; it’s no longer needed. It’s time to graduate onto beginner lessons. What do you think about that? Hello?
Yoshi: You can say that again.
Peter: This ends the almost year-long journey of this series. One year dedicated to just surviving in Japan, and it’s funny, a lot of the times the content in here was actually more complicated than the lessons we were presenting but we feel that after 50 lessons, that’s it, it’s time to throw you out, what is it like…a baby bird out of the nest, Takase, out of that nest. Takase, say something.
Takase: I still want to do another lesson.
Peter: We’re not kicking you out, no, no, just the Survival Phrases is going to stop.
Takase: I want to do Survival Phrases.
Peter: Alright, why don’t we ask the people. If you would like us to continue with this series, let us know. Stop by japanesepod101.com, leave us a comment. I was ready to close them down but Takase says…
Takase: お願いしまーす。
Peter: Oh boy, she pulled the お願いします card so that means we have to continue. Yoshi san?
Yoshi: Hmmm. Whichever is fine with me.

Lesson focus

Peter: Okay, but anyway, let’s move on. Now today is lesson number 50. Yoshi san, what are we dealing with today?
Yoshi: How to ask to heat something up.
Peter: There it is. When you go to the convenience store they have lots of different items and some of them are cold, that need to be heated and a lot of the places, they don’t give you microwave access so the microwaves are behind the counter, so if you want something heated up, you are going to need today’s phrase. Now I’ll get into a story a bit later, that’ll give some people the chance to escape and shut the podcast off, but for now let’s take a listen to today’s conversation. Takase san, Yoshi san, お願いします.
Yoshi: すみません。これをお願いします。
Takase: はい、720円でございます。
Yoshi: すみません。これを温めてください。
Takase: はい、どうぞ。
Peter: One more time, slowly please.
Takase: もう一度お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。
Peter: すみません。これを、おねがいします。
Takase: はい、720えんで、ございます。
Yoshi: すみません。これを、あたためてください。
Takase: はい、どうぞ。
Peter: This time, Takase san and Yoshi san will give you the Japanese and I’ll give you the English.
Yoshi: すみません。
Peter: Excuse me?
Yoshi: これをお願いします。
Peter: This please.
Takase: はい、720円でございます。
Peter: Okay, that’ll be 720 yen.
Yoshi: すみません。
Peter: Excuse me?
Yoshi: これを温めてください。
Peter: Could you heat this please?
Takase: はい、どうぞ。
Peter: Yes, here you are. Okay, now it’s a little short story and why we’re introducing this phrase. When I first came to Japan I went to a convenience store and a lot of times the person will actually ask you if you want to heat it – and we’re going to cover that phrase in a second – but on this occasion the person working at the store, the convenience store worker, didn’t ask me if I wanted it heated and I did and I didn’t know the Japanese to ask for the person working at the store to heat this, and this is why we’re introducing this today. So, why don’t we do this, first let’s introduce the vocabulary word. Takase san, what’s today’s lone vocabulary word?
Takase: 温める
Peter: To heat up. Break it down?
Takase: あ・た・た・め・る、温める
Peter: I like this word, it’s fun to say. Yoshi san, can you back me up here?
Yoshi: Yep, it’s really fun.
Takase: No it’s not.
Peter: You don’t know…okay, back on track here. Come on, it’s あたた, I like that sound, it’s a-ta-ta. Once you get that, the rest is a piece of cake. あたた-める、温める. I don’t know, it flows…something about the way it flows.
Yoshi: Let’s say it altogether.
Peter: Alright, Yoshi san, that is one that I like. Come on, Takase san, let’s say it all together. Ready?
Takase: はい。
Peter: 1, 2, 3
Yoshi, Takasein unison: 温める
Peter: Okay, Yoshi san, just as your punishment, you’re going to say it twice now for everybody. Here you go.
Yoshi: 温める、温める
Peter: Oh, what a day in the studio we have…alright, Takase, do you want to take over here?
Takase: No.
Peter: Okay, the point is that the word flows nicely but I don’t know, it’s a little intimidating at first, that sound, 温める, but once you just get the first three syllables あたた、あたたthen the rest just flows right off the tongue. 温める. Now this is the word you need to get what you want heated up. Now again, we’re going to go over this…you know what, let’s get that dialogue one more time.
Yoshi: すみません。
Peter: Excuse me? Now we give you this every, almost every single Survival Phrases. Our goal is to ingrain this in your brain so deep that instead of English ‘Excuse me’ when you see people in your own country you just sayすみません. Right, Takase san? Every lesson we give this to them.
Takase: Hmm.
Peter: So this should just come naturally. Excuse me. Then we have...?
Yoshi: これをお願いします。
Peter: This please. First we have the word for this…
Yoshi: これ
Peter: …marked by the object marker…
Yoshi: を
Peter: …followed by?
Yoshi: お願いします。
Peter: And this phrase is set, meaning please. Same very straightforward, same in English. This please. The only difference in Japanese is, besides the words, that we have the object marker in there. これをお願いします. This please. Then we have the person at the store?
Takase: はい、720円でございます。
Peter: Hmmm, it’s been a long shift for you at the store, hasn’t it? Where’s that pep?
Takase: Huh? はい、720円でございます!
Peter: Now that’s the store I want to shop at! And here we have ‘okay’, then the amount first. Give us an amount one more time?
Takase: 720円
Peter: 720 yen. And the word for yen is?
Takase: 円
Peter: Now, this is marked by the particle…
Takase: で
Peter: …followed by?
Takase: ございます
Peter: And this is again just a very polite form of the です. There is. Okay? So, again, but what’s important here, or what’s important to notice here, is the amount comes first – 720 yen, it is. Again, when we interpret it in English, ‘it is’ comes first. It’s, ‘that’ll be 720 yen.’ Okay, and the reason we throw all these numbers at you, we want to get your ears accustomed to hearing different amounts because when you come to Japan, you know, it’s not going to be that one amount every single time, you are going to get lots of different amounts, but there should be a register there to help you out so you can see, okay? This is followed by?
Yoshi: すみません。
Peter: Excuse me. Now here what happened is the person working at the store didn’t heat the item up and didn’t ask the customer if he or she wanted it heated. So, we have to step in here, so we start off with ‘Excuse me’, followed by?
Yoshi: これを温めてください。
Peter: Please heat this up. Now, in the translation we gave you, could you please heat this up, because in English this is the politer way to ask, and in Japanese this is quite a polite way to ask, if the person working at the store can heat this. Okay, first we have again the word for this.
Yoshi: これ
Peter: Followed by the object marker…
Yoshi: を
Peter: …followed by the verb in its て form.
Yoshi: 温めて
Peter: Okay, again the dictionary form of this verb is:
Peter: 温める
Peter: And the て form is:
Yoshi: 温めて
Peter: And this is followed by?
Yoshi: ください
Peter: Okay, so 温めてください– heat this please, and this comes first, so it’s actually ‘this, heat, please’, is literally what it means but again we interpret and we start from the back – please heat this. Please heat this up as 温めるis heat up. Okay, just give it to us one more time?
Yoshi: これを温めてください。
Peter: Okay, that’s the phrase you want. It’s all heated up, so the shopkeeper takes it out of the microwave and passes it to the customer and she says?
Takase: はい、どうぞ。
Peter: Come on, not in Japan, they’re a little more peppy. はい、どうぞ~!. Come on!
Takase: はい、どうぞ~……
Peter: You are not cut out for the counter, Takase san.
Yoshi: がんばれ!
Takase: はいどうぞ!
Peter: Not bad. Alright. Now, what a great conversation, and hot food too! The reason I kind of point this out too is sometimes they won’t ask you because there are certain items that they will ask you because it’s kind of implied that they will be heated up but I have some maybe exotic or Yoshi, shall we say, strange, tastes, so I like some things hot that aren’t really supposed to be, sometimes like おにぎり or something like this.
Takase: Eurgh!
Peter: Yeah, I think that’s why they don’t ask me too much but you haven’t seen that つくねおにぎり, the minced chicken, like a hamburger surrounded by the rice? Okay, I’ll get you a picture. Yoshi san, do you want to back me up here or…?
Yoshi: すみません。
Peter: (laugh)
Yoshi: Yes, it’s nice to have it hot.
Peter: Sometimes it is. Come on, what about 焼き肉Barbecued beef おにぎり. Do you eat it cold?
Takase: I just don’t eat barbecued バーベキューおにぎり.
Peter: Makes sense.Yoshi san?
Yoshi: Come on!
Takase: Do you, Yoshi?
Yoshi: Haha, Ah, ya. I always heat it up too.
Takase: ウソつき……。
Peter: I think your new nickname could be Sunshine.
Yoshi, Takase, Peter:(laugh)
Peter: It’s so bright in here 明るい, bright Takase san.
Takase: そうですね。
Peter: Okay, now let’s get a little back on track here. If it’s something that’s expected to be heated up the person working at the store will ask you a question. So Takase san, what would that person ask you?
Takase: 温めますか?
Peter: Okay, one more time?
Takase: 温めますか?
Peter: Literally, ‘Will you heat this?’ But we should interpret it as ‘Would you like this heated?’ Now, again, give it to us just one more time?
Takase: 温めますか?
Peter: Here we have the verb 温めるin its polite form, 温めます, followed by the question-marking particle か, so just 温めますか.‘Will you heat this?’ is the literal translation but it should be interpreted. Okay, just break this down for us, Takase san?
Takase: あ・た・た・め・ま・す・か、温めますか
Peter: Okay, so let’s try that conversation one more time, this time you’ll ask Yoshi san if he would like it heated up.
Yoshi: すみません。これをお願いします。
Takase: はい、720円でございます。温めますか?
Yoshi: はい、お願いします
Peter: Okay, now that works if you want to heat it up, what if you don’t want it heated up, like (coughs) some of us in the studio. One more time please?
Yoshi: すみません。これをお願いします。
Takase: はい、720円でございます。温めますか?
Yoshi: いいえ、結構です。
Peter: Okay, and let’s go over that way to politely decline one more time. Yoshi san?
Yoshi: いいえ、結構です。
Peter: No, I’m fine. No, it’s fine. Okay, first we have the word for no, which is?
Peter: いいえ
Peter: Break it down?
Peter: い・い・え、いいえ
Peter: And then the word for fine.
Yoshi: 結構
Peter: Okay, inside there we have a slight pause and a long vowel. Break it down for us.
Peter: けっ・こ・う、結構
Peter: Okay, and if you put です on the end of です it becomes extremely polite, a very nice way to decline and again we went over this many other ways. Okay, Yoshi san, say you’re out at someone’s house, or you’re out to eat and someone asks you if you would like more food or more drink, and you would like to decline, you can say?
Yoshi: いいえ、結構です。
Peter: No thanks, I’m fine. Really useful phrase here.
Yoshi: You can also say 大丈夫です。
Peter: Okay, now about this conversation. Inside the learning center we have line-by-line audio so you can hear this conversation over and over, also lots of supplemental material to tie it all together, really really reinforce what you hear in the podcast. Finally, for all those people out there who’ve been using japanesepod or some of those people who are new to japanesepod and don’t know about this feature, if you click the centre of your iPod, that white button in the middle two times the notes for today’s lesson, the Romaji, will magically appear. Okay, now anything else you want to add, any questions, anything else, stop by japanesepod101.com. If you stop by, be sure to leave us a post and say ‘Hi’. Alright, this could possibly be the last Survival Phrases. Time to throw everybody out, fend for yourself in Japan. Takase san, in case we don’t get an overwhelming response on the message board, so many comments, do you have any last words, sorry that sounded a little dark…?
Takase: さようなら!
Takase, Peter:(laugh)
Takase: Japanesepod.
Yoshi: (laugh)
Takase: It was fun to work with you.
Peter: We’re not fired! Yoshi san, can you, how can we explain…she’s…
Yoshi: またね。


Peter: And on that note, that’s going to do for today.
Takase: また明日。
Yoshi: またね。


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