
Vocabulary (Review)

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Chigusa, Yoshi:おはよう東京。
Chigusa: チグサです。
Yosho: ヨシです。

Lesson focus

Peter: Peter here. Survival phrases #42. Okay we are back with Chigusa san and Yoshi san. We are back at the restaurant. Now last week, we worked on getting seated and meeting people who had arrived before you. Now we are going to work on getting food or that is getting the right food. Chigusa san, what do you think of today’s lesson?
Chigusa: I think it’s quite useful.
Peter: Yeah I think it comes into play sometimes because…
Chigusa: Sometimes.
Peter: Well I know when I first came to Japan and well my pronunciation still isn’t correct. So I still have some problems ordering certain things. All right, not too many problems but like but when I first came out, I had lots of problems. So today we are going to work on what phrase Yoshi san?
Yosho: これは注文していないんですけど。

Lesson focus

Peter: Now if this phrase seems a little intimidating, don’t worry about it. One, we are going to break it down. Two, we are really going to go through it thoroughly and show you all the pieces and if it’s still tough, we are going to introduce you to a similar phrase that you can use and will have the same effect and that effect is letting the person know that you didn’t order this. So with that said, let’s go into our restaurant conversation. Chigusa san will be playing the role of customer and Yoshi san will be playing the role of waiter. Yoshi san, Chigusa san お願いします Here we go.
Yosho: お待たせしました。唐揚げと焼きそばと焼きうどんでございます
Chigusa: すいません。焼きうどんは注文していないんですけど。
Yosho: え? 申し訳ございません。失礼しました。
Peter: One more time slowly please.
Chigusa: もう一度お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。
Yosho: おまたせしました。からあげと、やきそばと、やきうどんでございます。
Chigusa: すいません。やきうどんは、ちゅうもん、していないんですけど。
Yosho: え? もうしわけございませんしつれいしました。
Peter: This time Chigusa san and Yoshi san will give you the Japanese and I will give you the English. Here we go.
Yosho: お待たせしました。
Peter: Sorry for the wait.
Peter: 唐揚げと、焼きそばと、焼きうどんでございます。
Peter: Here are Karaage,Yakisoba and Yakiudon.
Chigusa: すいません。
Peter: Excuse me.
Chigusa: 焼きうどんは注文していないんですけど。
Peter: I didn’t order Yakiudon.
Peter: え? 申し訳ございません。
Peter: Ah I am so sorry.
Peter: 失礼しました。
Peter: I apologize.
So Chigusa san, a pretty realistic conversation right?
Chigusa: I think so.
Peter: Yeah especially on a Friday or Saturday night when the restaurants are packed.
Chigusa: Yeah.
Peter: You know this…
Chigusa: And the waiters are panicking.
Peter: Have you waitressed before?
Chigusa: Yes, part time.
Peter: Really?
Chigusa: Yeah when I was a student.
Peter: Any situation like this?
Chigusa: Lots.
Peter: Lots and was this a common phrase that you heard?
Chigusa: Yes or other times, there were 頼んだのと違うんですけど which is this is different from what I ordered.
Peter: Okay anymore.
Chigusa: Or I ordered this but it’s not here. なになにも頼んだんですけど。
Peter: Really useful phrases but we don’t have time to look at these in the podcast but if you stop by japanesepod101.com, we will have a write up about these inside the PDF. These are of course alternate ways to say it. Now we give you the most common one and in addition to this one, we are going to give you one more and Yoshi san is holding out on that one and that’s the easiest possible way to convey that you didn’t order something. Okay now what we will do now is take a look at the vocab because there are some names of Japanese dishes in there and let’s take a look at these because these are some really good dishes. So first word, what do we have Yoshi san?
Yosho: 唐揚げ
Peter: Fried chicken.
Yosho: か・ら・あ・げ、唐揚げ
Peter: Now when we say fried chicken, in the US we think of usually on the bone, you know you have a leg, a breast, big piece of chicken. Can you tell us about this Chigusa san? Can you tell us about 唐揚げ
Chigusa: The most common 唐揚げ we have in Japan doesn’t have bones. You can just munch it up.
Peter: Just munch it up?
Chigusa: Yes.
Peter: So no bones but how big.
Chigusa: They are usually bite size and they are seasoned and they are fried.
Peter: Okay now Yoshi san, what do you think of this dish?
Yosho: Yummy.
Peter: And this is a common dish when you go to an 居酒屋 a drinking place in Japan, quite cheap. This is one of the most common dishes that people tend to order, okay. What do we have next?
Chigusa: 焼きそば
Peter: Fried noodles. Let’s Break it down.
Chigusa: や・き・そ・ば、焼きそば
Peter: Yoshi san, tell us about this one.
Yosho: It’s also yummy and it’s also good and it’s really popular during the festivals. You can buy them from the street vendors.
Peter: The little booths they set up during the festivals.
Chigusa: 屋台
Peter: That’s what it is. One more time
Chigusa: 屋台
Peter: And it’s the noodles, they fry their noodles and they add a special sauce to it.
Chigusa: Hmm 焼きそばソース
Peter: 焼きそばソースNow this one I really like. I like the thin noodles but some people actually favour the thicker noodles which brings us to our next word. Yoshi san?
Yosho: 焼きうどん
Peter: Again fried noodles but this time the noodles are thicker. A different type and it’s a thicker noodle.
Yosho: や・き・う・ど・ん、焼きうどん
Peter: Yoshi san, which do you like better 焼きそば or 焼きうどん
Yosho: I like 焼きそば better.
Peter: Yeah Chigusa san, how about you?
Chigusa: I think I like 焼きそば better because when I was little, I used to eat the instant 焼きそば packages, you know.
Peter: Ah.
Chigusa: It’s really common in Japan. It’s everywhere.
Peter: Yeah I used to live off those when I was single. It was cheap and easy to make.
Chigusa: Yes.
Peter: Please go on.
Chigusa: I think it’s more common than 焼きうどん isn’t it?
Yosho: Right.
Peter: Now, we only can scrape, just scrape the surface of this. We are talking, there is lots of different types of 焼きそば and 焼きうどん depending on the place and the location in Japan. I mean we could spend a few podcasts just on this, right Yoshi san?
Yosho: Let’s do it.
Peter: Well yeah that’s not bad. If they want, if the listeners want it, we are going to do it. How many podcasts do you think it would take to cover all the types of 焼きそば and 焼きうどん
M!: A lot.
Peter: Now there are two main flavors. Chigusa san, can you tell us about those?
Chigusa: One is the most common sauce flavour and the other is the salt flavour.
Peter: Yeah with the first much more popular than the latter.
Chigusa: Yes because I’ve never had 塩焼きそば which is salt ソース焼きそば
Peter: Really?
Chigusa: In my life, never. I’ve heard of it but…
Peter: I’ve had it. It’s a really great -
Chigusa: Really?
Peter: Yeah.
Chigusa: What color is it?
Peter: It’s clear. It’s clear.
Chigusa: But I can’t imagine you know like clear 焼きそば because usually it’s brown right?
Peter: Yeah because of the sauce.
Chigusa: Yeah.
Peter: Now here is another thing. They add the sauce while they are cooking it. So it starts out with the color of noodles, right the yellow noodles?
Chigusa: Yeah.
Peter: Now with ソース焼きそば once the sauce is added, it turns brown but with the 塩 it stays the same color. So it’s that yellow noodle color and usually they put, which I love, leek. Really good.
Chigusa: Where did you have it, in Tokyo?
Peter: Yeah. I had it in Tokyo.
Chigusa: So that means I can have it today, tonight.
Peter: No I don’t remember where I had it, but I know – Yoshi san help me out here.
Peter: I think though, the Instant food companies bring out all the new flavors all the time.
Yosho: So if you like, Yoshi and I can get you some instant 塩焼きそば
Chigusa: Really?
Peter: Yep.
Chigusa: The next time please.
Peter: All right. Sounds good. Yoshi san, before we change the topic, do you have anything to add?
Yosho: Yeah I think given you say 焼きそばlike all the locations, different locations or all the different families have different ingredients like what, like vegetables or like how strong you want the taste.
Peter: What did your family put in it?
Yosho: We had standard, pretty much the same things everyone puts in like cabbage, carrots…
Peter: And peppers?
Yosho: Peppers yeah and I think my family usually had like after we had barbeque.
Peter: Yeah.
Yosho: Like on the same iron plate, we cooked like all the leftover vegetables and stuff and made 焼きそば
Peter: Yeah I think it’s one of the most popular things. It’s almost like cleaning the grill with 焼きそば
Yosho: Right.
Peter: Yeah excellent point. I noticed that a lot too at the end of the barbeque. The last thing they make is 焼きそば Excellent observation. Okay now let’s take a look at the conversation. Yoshi san, first line.
Yosho: お待たせしました。
Peter: Literally I made you wait but when we interpret this, it comes out as I have kept you waiting and there is an apologetic feel to it. Would you hear that same thing, Yoshi?
Yosho: Uhoo.
Peter: So we interpret this as, sorry to keep you waiting. Again that apologetic feel is inferred. Now the grammar of this construction is – will be on the scope of this lesson but we want to point out what verb is in there. Yoshi san, what’s the base verb here?
Yosho: 待つ
Peter: To wait. Okay then this is followed by
Yosho: 唐揚げと
Peter: Fried chicken and
Yosho: 焼きそばと
Peter: Fried noodles and...
Yosho: 焼きうどん
Peter: Fried noodles, the thick type. Now what we want to point out here is the particle と which follows each noun. Now in Japanese, this is used to string nouns together. So we had fried chicken 唐揚げと焼きそばと and 焼きうどんbut the last one doesn’t take the と Now this is followed by
Yosho: でございます。
Peter: The extremely polite form of the copula. Now just remember, just think of this word as
Chigusa: です
Peter: That’s what it translates into. It’s an extremely polite way to say the same thing です So when you hear this word, in your mind, just think です. It’s just the copula. It is just dressed up. Next we have
Chigusa: すみません。
Peter: Excuse me and here it’s getting the person’s attention.
Chigusa: 焼きうどんは注文していないんですけど。
Peter: I didn’t order 焼きうどん Now here the person realized that the dish that was just presented was not something that that person had ordered. So she is letting the waitress know and the way she does is by saying the name of the dish
Chigusa: 焼きうどん
Peter: Marked by the topic particle
Chigusa: は(Va)
Peter: Followed by
Chigusa: 注文
Peter: Order followed by
Chigusa: していない
Peter: The negative present progressive. So when we literally translate this, it comes out to, I am not ordering but again, in Japanese, the present progressive represents a state and this state is, I haven’t ordered, the state of not ordering. When you interpret it into English, I haven’t ordered 焼きうどん Again back to front. Now what comes on the end is,
Chigusa: んですけど
Peter: And this is very similar to うですか, just a little bit more informal. The けど makes it less formal than が. The ん is contraction of the particle
Chigusa: の
Peter: Which in this case lets the listening party の that you would like input or feedback from what they are saying. And again ですけど is just an informal way of saying
Chigusa: ですが
Peter: And what comes after that is inferred. I haven’t ordered this. I haven’t ordered 焼きうどん So please take it back or I haven’t ordered 焼きうどん so what do you want to do about this. The rest is inferred and the person will know what to do because it’s something obvious to both people. Once the speaker tells the waitress that this thing wasn’t ordered it is now common knowledge. It is now a shared knowledge. They both understand now that this isn’t ordered. So the waitress will know what to do with it. This is followed by
Yosho: え?
Peter: An interjection of surprise hah, oh oh, oh boy!
Yosho: 申し訳ございません。
Peter: Extremely polite Japanese. As a customer paying for a service, if the service isn’t up to par or if something goes wrong, this is an expression you will hear and it’s one of the most polite ways to apologize in Japanese. Again this is beyond the scope of this lesson but it’s interpreted as I am sorry. I am really sorry. I am so sorry. Yoshi san, can you be more sorry than using this phrase?
Peter: I don’t think so.
Peter: Yeah maybe one or two ways but for today’s purpose, it’s – well anyway it’s up there. It’s in the top three. So you are really, really sorry. Okay next we have
Yosho: 失礼しました。


Peter: Literally this means, ‘I did rude.’ 失礼 rudeness and past tense of the verb to do, rudeness to do but we have the past tense, rudeness I did. I was rude and again when you are rude, you apologize. So I apologize, I am sorry. So a very apologetic waiter. Okay with that said, that’s going to do it for today.
Peter: またね。
Chigusa: またね。


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