
Vocabulary (Review)

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Yoshi: おはよう東京。ヨシです。
Peter: Peter here. Survival phrases #36. Alright, we are finally back with part two of ‘the Bus’. Now, a few weeks ago, maybe actually a month ago, we promised you a scenario of a person looking for the bus, finding the bus, getting the right bus, getting off at the right place and paying accordingly. So we promised you this conversation but things came up, there were other things going on in Japan that we had to give precedence to but now, we’re ready.
So, today we have a conversation for you. There’s going to be a lot of people in this episode. We have Yoshi san and Haruyo san in the conversation. Then, after the conversation, Chigusa and I are going to break down the dialogue for you. We’re going to walk through everything, it’s going to be a long lesson.
So, in the following conversations, as we said, it’s a scenario. There’s one tourist looking for the bus, she’s going to find the bus, try to get the right bus, then get off at the desired destination. So, Haruyo san will be playing the part of the tourist and Yoshi san will be playing four other characters. After this we’re going to go through the whole conversation, break it down line by line and dissect what we just said. As always, we’re going to go, one time fast, one time slow and then one time with the translation. Listen, see what you can pick up and remember, we’re going to go through it nice and slow once we’re done. Alright, so let’s get into today’s conversation. Here we go.

Lesson focus

tourists: すみません。バス停を探しているんですが。
Male: このアパートの反対側にありますよ。
tourists: ありがとうございます。すみません。このバスは池袋に行きますか?
Bus driver1: いいえ、この次のバスに乗ってください。
tourists: はい、ありがとうございます。
Bus driver2: 次は池袋でございます。
tourists: すみません。次はどこですか?
Bus driver2: 次は池袋です。
tourists: ありがとうございます。すみません。千円札でも大丈夫ですか?
Bus driver2: はい。お札をここに入れてください。200円と乗車券をここに入れてください。
tourists: ありがとうございました。
Bus driver2: ご乗車、ありがとうございました。
tourists: すみません。バスていを、さがして、いるんですが。
Male: このアパートの、はんたいがわに、ありますよ。
tourists: ありがとうございます。すみません。このバスは、いけぶくろに、いきますか?
Bus driver1: いいえ。このつぎの、バスに、のってください。
tourists: はい、ありがとうございます。
Bus driver2: つぎは、いけぶくろでございます。
tourists: すみません。つぎはどこですか?
Bus driver2: つぎは、いけぶくです。
tourists: ありがとうございます。すみません。1000えんさつでも、だいじょうぶですか?
Bus driver2: はい。おさつを、ここにいれてください。200えんと、じょうしゃけんを。ここにいれてください。
tourists: ありがとう、ございました。
Bus driver2: ごじょうしゃ、ありがとうございました。
Female: 次は、ピーターさんの英語が入ります。
tourists: すみません。
Peter: ‘Excuse me’.
tourists: バス停を探しているんですが。
Peter: ‘I’m looking for a bus stop’.
Male: このアパートの反対側にありますよ。
Peter: ‘It’s on the other side of this building’.
tourists: ありがとうございます。
Peter: ‘Thank you’.
tourists: すみません。
Peter: ‘Excuse me’.
tourist: このバスは池袋に行きますか?
Peter: ‘Will this bus go to Ikebukero?’
Bus driver1: いいえ
Peter: ‘No’.
Bus driver1: この次のバスに乗ってください。
Peter: ‘Please take the next bus’.
tourists: はい、ありがとうございます。
Peter: ‘Ok, thank you’.
Bus driver2: 次は池袋でございます。
Peter: ‘The next stop is Ikebukero’.
tourists: すみません。
Peter: ‘Excuse me’.
tourists: 次はどこですか?
Peter: ‘What’s next?’
Bus driver2: 次は池袋です。
Peter: ‘Next is Ikebukero’.
tourists: ありがとうございます。
Peter: ‘Thank you’.
tourists: すみません。
Peter: ‘Excuse me’.
tourists: 千円札でも大丈夫ですか?
Peter: ‘Is it already to use a 1000-yen bill?’.
Bus driver2: はい。お札をここに入れてください。
Peter: ‘Yes, please put the bill in here’.
Bus driver2: 200円と乗車券をここに入れてください。
Peter: ‘Please put 200 yen and the bus ticket in here’.
Bus driver2: ありがとうございました。
Peter: ‘Thank you’.
Bus driver2: ご乗車、ありがとうございました。
Peter: ‘Thank you for riding’.
Peter: Now, to help us break down and dissect these conversations, here’s Chigusa san.
Chigusa: チグサです。
Peter: よろしくお願いします。 Chigusa san, can you give us the first sentence of the dialogue? Actually the first two sentences of the dialogue.
Chigusa: すみません。バス停を探しているんですが。
Peter: As we established, excuse me is...?
Chigusa: すみません。
Peter: Next we have?
Chigusa: バス停を、探しているんですが。
Peter: What’s the word for ‘bus stop’?
Chigusa: バス停
Peter: And break that down?
Chigusa: ば・す・て・い、バス停
Peter: This is marked by?
Chigusa: を
Peter: Then we have the present progressive of the verb ‘to search for’. Which is?
Chigusa: 探している
Peter: Can you give us the plain form, the dictionary form of this verb?
Chigusa: 探す
Peter: And the form we have it in now?
Chigusa: 探している
Peter: Can you break that down?
Chigusa: さ・が・し・て・い・る、探している
Peter: This is followed by?
Chigusa: んですが
Peter: Now this?
Chigusa: ん
Peter: Is actually a contraction of?
Chigusa: の
Peter: Followed by?
Chigusa: のですが
Peter: The copula?
Chigusa: です
Peter: Is in its polite form. And this is followed by?
Chigusa: が
Peter: Which softens your request and lets the listener know that you’re asking a question. ‘I’m searching for a bus stop and’. So this is actually a sentence, not a question but the way it’s asked, the formation lets the listener know that you want his help, you want a response from him. ‘I’m looking for a bus stop’. And this final?
Chigusa: が
Peter: Let the listener know that you haven’t found one up until this point and, if he can help you would like his help. His response was?
Chigusa: このアパートの反対側にありますよ。
Peter: As we said in the translation, ‘on the other side of this apartment’. So this particular person knew where a bus stop was. First part of the sentence?
Chigusa: このアパート
Peter: ‘This apartment’. Through the demonstrative we have?
Chigusa: この
Peter: Followed by the word for apartment. Which is?
Chigusa: アパート
Peter: Can you break this down?
Chigusa: あ・ぱ・あ・と、アパート
Peter: This is followed by the possessive?
Chigusa: の
Peter: Next we have?
Chigusa: 反対側
Peter: ‘Opposite side’. Chigusa san, what’s the word for ‘opposite?’
Chigusa: 反対
Peter: Break down.
Chigusa: は・ん・た・い、反対
Peter: And the word for ‘side?’
Chigusa: 側(かわ) But if we combine it with something in front it changes to 側(がわ).
Peter: For example, how do we say ‘right side’?
Chigusa: 右側
Peter: The word for ‘right’ being?
Chigusa: 右
Peter: And the word for ‘side’?
Chigusa: 側(かわ)
Peter: But, put them together?
Chigusa: 右側(みぎがわ)
Peter: ‘Left side’?
Chigusa: 左側(ひだりがわ)
Peter: And there are more examples like this. This is followed by a particle marking a place?
Chigusa: に
Peter: And, last we have?
Chigusa: あります
Peter: The verb ‘to exist’ for inanimate things, and in this case the building is definitely inanimate. Followed by?
Chigusa: よ
Peter: Now this sentence particle adds emphasis to what the speaker is saying. So, give us the whole sentence one more time.
Chigusa: このアパートの反対側にありますよ。
Peter: ‘It’s on the opposite side of this building’. Next we had?
Chigusa: ありがとうございます。
Peter: A very polite way to say, ‘thank you’. We get to the bus stop, we’re waiting, and it’s always best to confirm that you’re going the right way. Now if there’s someone else at the bus stop, you can ask them?
Chigusa: すみません。このバスは池袋に行きますか?
Peter: ‘Excuse me, will this bus go to Ikebukuro?’. And again, the name. The previous bus on ‘we have survival phrases’ covers this. Again, it’s just the place that changes. Now you can ask the person at the bus stop, or, in our dialogue, once you get on the bus you can ask the driver the same thing.
Chigusa: すみません。このバスは池袋に行きますか?
Peter: His answer was?
Chigusa: いいえ、この次のバスに乗ってください。
Peter: ‘No. Please ride the next bus’. Break it down, the word for ‘no’?
Chigusa: いいえ、い・い・え、いいえ
Peter: And, Chigusa san, isn’t there a shorter version too?
Chigusa: You can also say いえ
Peter: One more time?
Chigusa: いえ
Peter: Break that down?
Chigusa: いえ、い・え、いえ
Peter: Now you would probably hear this in more kind of casual situations depending on the bus driver. If it’s a very polite bus driver he may make that extra effort to hit every syllable but I think the further away you get from Tokyo or some of these big cities, once you get out to the countryside it may become more casual. So you may hear?
Chigusa: いえ
Peter: ‘Ok’, followed by?
Chigusa: この次
Peter: ‘This next’. Followed by?
Chigusa: の
Peter: The possessive particle. Followed by?
Chigusa: バス
Peter: ‘This bus is next’, ‘The next bus’. You may also hear this with trains too. What’s going to stay fixed Chigusa san?
Chigusa: この次の
Peter: And, if it’s a train, what changes?
Chigusa: 電車
Peter: So give us, ‘the next bus’, one more time?
Chigusa: この次のバス
Peter: And, give us now, ‘the next train’?
Chigusa: この次の電車
Peter: Followed by, the particle used when you’re boarding something?
Chigusa: に
Peter: Followed by?
Chigusa: 乗ってください。
Peter: ‘Please ride’, or ‘please take’. And again, we follow this with?
Chigusa: はい、ありがとうございます。
Peter: Always want to be polite, right Chigusa san?
Chigusa: Right.
Peter: Ok. Now we’re on the bus and the bus driver says? Over the loudspeaker?
Chigusa: 次は池袋に停まります。
Peter: ‘Next we’re stopping at Ikebukuro’. Now, Chigusa san, as we went over in previous lessons, what’s the only thing that changes in this?
Chigusa: The name of the place.
Peter: And again, you can use this in trains also. If you didn’t catch what the driver said, you can ask?
Chigusa: すみませねん。つぎはどこですか?
Peter: The literal translation, ‘excuse me, where is next?’, ‘What’s the next stop?’ is how you should interpret it. Can you break it down?
Chigusa: つ・ぎ・は、ど・こ・で・す・か?、次はどこですか?
Peter: So what’s the word for next? Chigusa san?
Chigusa: 次
Peter: And this is marked by?
Chigusa: は
Peter: Then we have the interrogative for ‘where’?
Chigusa: どこ
Peter: Break that down?
Chigusa: ど・こ、どこ
Peter: Followed by the copula?
Chigusa: です
Peter: And, finally we have?
Chigusa: か
Peter: Sentence ending particle marking that this is a question. Ok, the answer is?
Chigusa: 次は池袋です。
Peter: ‘Next is Ikebukuro’. Same pattern as the last sentence. We have ‘next’?
Chigusa: 次
Peter: Marked by?
Chigusa: は
Peter: And, followed by?
Chigusa: 池袋
Peter: The location.
Chigusa: です
Peter: And, the copula. Then again, always remember to be polite, we have?
Chigusa: ありがとうございます。
Peter: Next we run into our problem, right Chigusa san?
Chigusa: Right.
Peter: What problem is that?
Chigusa: We don’t have change.
Peter: Yes, a common problem on the bus, right?
Chigusa: Right.
Peter: So, how are we going to get this change?
Chigusa: We need to ask.
Peter: Alright, and what do we have in the dialogue?
Chigusa: すみません。千円札でも大丈夫ですか?
Peter: Ok, the first phrase ‘excuse me’, is the same. Then we had...? Can you break it down for us?
Chigusa: 千円札
Peter: Hang on one second, this is?
Chigusa: 1000-yen bill.
Peter: Give us the word for a thousand?
Chigusa: 千(せん)
Peter: The word for ‘Japanese yen’?
Chigusa: 円
Peter: Notice that there’s no ‘y’ in there. One more time?
Chigusa: 円、え・ん、円
Peter: Break that down?
Chigusa: 千円
Peter: And give us 1000-yen?
Chigusa: せん、えん
Peter: Break it down?
Chigusa: せ・ん・え・ん、千円
Peter: Then the word for ‘bill’?
Chigusa: 札、さ・つ、札
Peter: This was followed by?
Chigusa: でも
Peter: Now, the grammar is well beyond the scope of this lesson but, in this context it means ‘even if’. So, even if it’s a 1000-yen bill?
Chigusa: 大丈夫ですか?
Peter: ‘Is it alright?’. The word for ‘alright’ being?
Chigusa: 大丈夫
Peter: Break that down?
Chigusa: だ・い・じょ・う・ぶ、大丈夫
Peter: Followed by?
Chigusa: ですか
Peter: Making this into a question. Now Chigusa san, in Japan, how many bills are there? Or well, maybe I should rephrase this because there are probably some people who are really knowledgeable about Japan out there. So how many bills are there in circulation now that an everyday person would come into contact with?
Chigusa: Four.
Peter: And they are?
Chigusa: 千円札
Peter: ‘1000-yen bill’. Next we have?
Chigusa: 二千円札
Peter: Break this down?
Chigusa: に・せ・ん・せ・ん・さ・つ、二千円札
Peter: Everything in there is the same as the 1000-yen bill except for one thing, what’s that?
Chigusa: You add 二(に) at the beginning.
Peter: And this makes it into?
Chigusa: 二千円札
Peter: Which is?
Chigusa: ‘2000-yen bill’.
Peter: Now, they aren’t as common in Japan because they were introduced just a few years ago.
Chigusa: Right.
Peter: Next we have?
Chigusa: 五千円札(ごせんえんさつ)
Peter: Now, listen one more time.
Chigusa: 五千円札
Peter: Chigusa san, one more time please?
Chigusa: 五千円札
Peter: Now, there’s only one thing different about this too. That is?
Chigusa: 五(ご)
Peter: In the front. This makes it...?
Chigusa: 五千円札
Peter: ‘5000-yen bill’. And last we have?
Chigusa: 一万円札
Peter: Break this down?
Chigusa: い・ち・ま・ん・え・ん・さ・つ、一万円札
Peter: Now, let’s take out the word for ‘bill’ which is?
Chigusa: 札
Peter: And the word for ‘yen’? Which is?
Chigusa: 円
Peter: And we have, for 10,000?
Chigusa: 一万
Peter: ’10,000-yen bill’. So again, interchangeable with any of these. So these are just the four bills you will come across. Piece of cake! Next we have?
Chigusa: お札をここに入れてください。
Peter: ‘Please put the bill in here’. Give us the sentence one more time?
Chigusa: お札をここに入れてください。
Peter: First part. Break it down?
Chigusa: お札
Peter: Now, the word for bill is?
Chigusa: 札
Peter: But you said?
Chigusa: お札
Peter: Why do we had the prefix お to it?
Chigusa: In normal speaking language we don’t quite say 札. We add お to make it a little more polite, and that’s the common phrase.
Peter: Ok, there it is. The お prefix which is attached to other things, such as?
Chigusa: お金
Peter: ‘Money’.
Chigusa: お寿司(おすし)
Peter: Sushi is sometimes added to things to make it more polite. This is followed by?
Chigusa: を
Peter: Marking it?
Chigusa: ここに
Peter: に meaning ‘here’. に will be the indicating particle. Then we have...?
Chigusa: 入れてください。
Peter: ‘Please put it in’. Alright, then the money is changed and the driver says?
Chigusa: 200円と乗車券を、ここに入れてください。
Peter: First part, how much money was that?
Chigusa: 200円
Peter: ‘200-yen’. Break this down?
Chigusa: に・ひゃ・く・え・ん、200円
Peter: And if it was ‘300-yen’?
Chigusa: 300円(さんびゃくえん)
Peter: ‘400-yen’?
Chigusa: 400円(よんひゃくえん)
Peter: ‘500-yen’?
Chigusa: 500円(ごひゃくえん)
Peter: ‘600-yen’?
Chigusa: 600円(ろっぴゃくえん)
Peter: ‘700-yen’?
Chigusa: 700円(ななひゃくえん)
Peter: ‘800’?
Chigusa: 800円(はっぴゃくえん)
Peter: ‘900’?
Chigusa: 900円(きゅうひゃくえん)
Peter: Next we have?
Chigusa: と
Peter: And?
Chigusa: 乗車券
Peter: ‘Bus ticket’. Now remember, when you first board the bus you take this on most busses, or maybe if it’s the first stop you won’t take one. But if you ride the bus not from the first location you will have to take a ticket and when you get off the bus you’re required to put this ticket in along with the money. Again, this ticket has a number that corresponds to the amount of money you are required to pay when you get off the bus. So, you take these two things together and you put them in the top. The driver, here he is pointing to where you’re supposed to put the money and the ticket. And again, we have the same expression.
Chigusa: を
Peter: Object marker followed by the same expression as in the last sentence.
Chigusa: ここに入れてください。
Peter: ‘Please put it in here’. With ‘please put’ being?
Chigusa: 入れてください
Peter: And ‘here’ being?
Chigusa: ここ
Peter: And ここ is the marking particle for ここ. Then, always be polite before you get off the bus!
Chigusa: ありがとうございます。
Peter: Now, on our website we will have some more tips and things about busses and special deals, so stop by japanesepod101.com. Now, one of the best deals they have going is called a ‘bus card’. Chigusa? How do you say that?
Chigusa: バスカード
Peter: ‘Bus card’. Break it down?
Chigusa: ば・す・か・あ・ど、バスカード
Peter: These cards are prepaid cards but in purchasing one you get really good value. If you buy a 1000-yen card, you get 1100-yen worth of travel. That’s ten percent. I don’t know about you but my portfolio, my stock portfolio nowadays isn’t even doing ten percent! So, if you want to get one of these, if you’re going to be using the bus more than once you might want to get one of these. And, if you have one you can actually use it to pay for two or more people, which would work out really well. If the card runs out of money you can always put in cash to make up for the balance. Now, Chigusa san, we covered this last week. What’s the phrase if you want to pay for two people?
Chigusa: 二人分(ふたりぶん)お願いします。
Peter: You can do the same thing with the bus card. When you go to pay, you can ask the driver ‘do you have bus cards?’, which is?
Chigusa: バスカードはありますか?
Peter: One more time? Slowly?
Chigusa: バスカードは、ありますか?
Peter: And, if he doesn’t have it, he will say?
Chigusa: ございません。
Peter: Which is the extremely polite way to say, ‘there isn’t any’. If he has them he will usually have them in denominations of 1000, 2000 and 5000, coinciding with the bills.
Chigusa: 1000円カード
Peter: ‘1000-yen card’.
Chigusa: 2000円カード
Peter: ‘2000-yen card’.
Chigusa: 5000円カード
Peter: ‘5000-yen card’. You buy one by saying, for example, in the case of a 1000-yen card?
Chigusa: 1000円カードお願いします。
Peter: Once you get the card you can use it to pay for say, two people?
Chigusa: 二人分お願いします。
Peter: He’ll set the machine to take payment for two, put the card in and it pops right out. And, this is a very convenient and cost effective way to pay for travelling on the bus.


Peter: Wow, what a long lesson. Alright, with that said, enjoy your bus riding and stop by japanesepod101.com for more on this.
Chigusa: またね!


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