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Yoshi: ヨシです。
Takase: タカセです。
Peter: Peter here. Survival phrases #37. Well, back for the first time in a long time. Today, joining us in the studio is the Nagasaki connection. Welcome back guys!
Takase: ヨシ、お帰りなさい。
Yoshi: あ、タカセさん、ただいま。ただいま…。タカセさん、お帰りなさい。
Takase: ただいま。
Peter: Yes, that’s the way it should go. Takase san, where have you been? Ok, now let’s uh, Go ahead? Like that? Takase san, where have you been?
Takase: Well, I was just not invited to the studio? Or, no-one wanted me, that’s why.
Peter: That’s pretty much the case. But, we’re short on people today so it’s great to have you back.
Takase: ありがとうございます。

Lesson focus

Peter: And you’re back just on time for today’s great episode. Today we’re going to be talking about visiting houses. Not just any house but, visiting a friend’s house, or apartment, or small room because there are lots of those in Japan. And, we’re going to go through some customs and some phrases that will help get you through the whole process. Takase san, when was the last time you visited someone’s house?
Takase: I didn’t for a long time and I don’t even remember.
Peter: Well it’s a good thing Yoshi san has so many friends. Yoshi san, when was the last time you visited someone’s house?
Yoshi: Last week.
Peter: And what kind of relationship did you have with the person you were visiting?
Yoshi: I was visiting my friend’s house.
Peter: Now, we’re going to point out today that it’s quite a difference if you’re visiting a friend’s house where they live in an apartment by themselves, or if you are going to a kind of formal occasion. Say you are coming to Japan, you have a long time pen pal, or you have a friend and that friend’s taking you to the family house. We’re going to go through a bunch of different situations. Now, Yoshi san, if you’re going to visit a friend, now this friend you went to visit, does that person live alone?
Yoshi: Yes.
Peter: Ok, so when you went to the house, what did you say when you went in the house? Kind of a very informal situation, correct?
Yoshi: It was kind of formal.
Takase: What do you mean?
Peter: I want to know too!
Yoshi: So, I actually visited my friend’s dad's place and my friends and other friends came along. We all met there, but at my friend’s dad's place, so it was kind of informal but still formal in a way.
Peter: Alright, what did you do? You went to the house? And, did you use their intercom? Or did you go straight to the door and knock?
Yoshi: I knocked on the door.
Peter: Ok, and then did your friend's dad say anything? Or he just opened the door?
Yoshi: He said, ‘come on in’.
Peter: And, how did he say that in Japanese?
Yoshi: He actually said, ‘it’s open’ so.
Peter: Ok, give us the Japanese for that? I thought you said it was a formal situation!
Yoshi: He said 開(あ)いとるよ.
Peter: So, can you give it to us one more time? And try to listen for this accent that we went over once. So this happened, actually, in Kyushu right?
Yoshi: Right.
Peter: One more time?
Yoshi: 開いとるよ。
Peter: Break it down?
Yoshi: あ・い・と・る・よ、開いとるよ
Peter: Now, unless you’re in Kyushu and it’s a very good acquaintance I don’t think this phrase is going to come in too handy for our listeners there but, can you give us the standard Japanese?
Yoshi: 開いてるよ。
Peter: And this is the present progressive of the verb, ‘to open’?
Yoshi: 開いている、あ・い・て・い・る、開いている
Peter: And this phrase can be used if you have plans with a friend. They’re coming over, they knock on the door, you can just yell this out from the other side and let them know that they are welcome to come in. I think this could work out as well if you are going on an exchange program and you know, you’re in a dorm or something like that, a very informal situation. Now, what did you say before you went in the door? And I hope you’re going to say this next phrase because, if not, I'm going to be a little disappointed. It’s kind of the standard phrase that you use when you go into someone’s house.
Yoshi: Yes, I said おじゃまします.
Peter: Perfect, one more time? Slowly please? もう一度お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。
Yoshi: おじゃまします。
Peter: This roughly translates to, ‘I’m going to trouble you now’.
Yoshi: Yes.
Peter: I don’t think this works out very well in Yoshi’s case. You definitely live up to this phrase!
Yoshi: Hey! Stop it now! Sorry.
Peter: Oh boy. What a Monday, everyone is feeling really good today! Ok, can you break this phrase down for us?
Yoshi: お・じゃ・ま・し・ま・す、おじゃまします
Peter: Now let’s take a closer look at this phrase. Notice how it starts off with the prefix?
Yoshi: お
Peter: This is attached to the front of the noun?
Yoshi: じゃま
Peter: Break this down?
Yoshi: じゃ・ま、じゃま
Peter: ‘Interrupt’. And we turn this into a verb by attaching?
Yoshi: する
Peter: ‘To interrupt’, ‘to bother’, ‘to hinder’. And, in this case we make it polite?
Yoshi: おじゃま
Peter: And when we say するpolitely, it is?
Peter: します
Peter: So the phrase becomes?
Yoshi: おじゃまします。
Peter: This is the standard when you enter a residence, a friend’s place, this is standard when you go in the door. Right before you go in the door you say? Takase san?
Takase: おじゃまします。
Peter: Yoshi san?
Yoshi: おじゃまします。
Peter: Perfect. How about cars? When you get into a car? Would I use this phrase? Would I say, おじゃまします.
Takase: I don’t.
Yoshi: I think you can say that but you can also say 失礼します.
Peter: Yeah, I think that’s the better choice when you’re getting into a car. Break that down?
Yoshi: し・つ・れ・い・し・ま・す、失礼します
Peter: And, again we make this into a verb by adding する. Let’s take the する off and look at this noun?
Yoshi: 失礼
Peter: ‘Rudeness’. Then we attach?
Yoshi: する
Peter: To make it into a verb ‘to be rude’, and we say it in the polite form, it becomes?
Yoshi: します
Peter: Give us the whole phrase?
Yoshi: 失礼します
Peter: This can be interpreted as ‘excuse me’. So, when you enter a room, you start off with?
Yoshi: 失礼します。
Peter: And also when you leave a room?
Yoshi: 失礼しました。
Peter: Then, when we get into a car it is?
Yoshi: 失礼します。
Peter: In most cases. Now again, let’s get back to the house. Now, I suppose this comes from the fact that the house is more intimate. We gave you the polite phrase to say before going to someone’s house. Now, if that other person wants to say ‘please come in’ in a polite way. Takase san, what would that person say?
Takase: どうぞお入りください。
Peter: One more time? Slowly please?
Takase: どうぞ、おはいりください。
Peter: Three parts to this phrase. First part please?
Takase: どうぞお入りください。
Peter: Break it down?
Takase: ど・う・ぞ、どうぞ
Peter: You often hear this phrase used when someone presents something to eat or something to drink. ‘Please’ as in, ‘please go ahead’ followed by?
Takase: お入りください。
Peter: Again, what do we have in the front there Takase san?
Takase: お
Peter: The honorific prefix. Followed by?
Takase: 入り
Peter: And this stems from the verb?
Takase: 入る
Peter: ‘To enter’. And, followed by?
Takase: ください
Peter: ‘Please’. Now, this is an extremely, extremely polite way to invite someone to enter your house. Let’s have Takase san say it one time and Yoshi san follow up with it once more.
Takase: どうぞお入りください。
Peter: Yoshi san, one time please?
Takase: どうぞお入りください。
Peter: It sounds so warm and welcoming! You like that right, Takase san?
Takase: Yes! Can I come in?
Peter: どうぞ、どうぞ、お入りください。
Takase: おじゃまします。
Peter: And there it is. Let’s give you a little taste of how it would go in a real situation.
Takase: (knock,knock,knock)ああ、ヨシさん。どうぞお入りください。
Peter: お邪魔します。
Peter: Now let’s reverse it. Takase san will be knocking on Yoshi’s door.
Yoshi: (bam,bam,bam,bam...)あ、はいはい、はいはい。ああ…あ、タカセさん。どうぞ、お入りください。
Takase: おじゃましまーす。
Peter: Yeah, needless to say, I don’t think Takase san will be coming by anytime soon. And, Takase san, what about when you use the window to go into people's houses?
Takase: What?
Peter: Ok, today I don’t know if there's something in the water, something in the air conditioner! Things are chaotic. Now, a couple of things, this is the standard for entering and inviting someone in. So Yoshi san, now we live in the 21st century, some of us, Takase san, unlike you who lives in a wooden house where you just yell in the door or the keyhole! If you go to visit a friend in an apartment building, you’ll use an intercom or a phone to call them and let them know you’re there. In that case, Yoshi san, what will we do? You punch in the room number and then you say?
Yoshi: ヨシです。
Peter: Your name, followed by?
Yoshi: です
Peter: Break it down?
Yoshi: で・す、です
Peter: Takase san, you go to visit Yoshi san’s rich uncle in Roppongi hills, you pick up the intercom or you dial on the intercom and you say?
Takase: こんにちは、タカセです。
Peter: Same as Yoshi, name plus です. Now Takase san, here you used?
Takase: こんにちは。
Peter: Meaning ‘good afternoon’ but, it’s usually very flexible with the time. Not as flexible as good morning but it’s quite flexible and in this case it works. There’s one other thing that may be used and this, Takase, you should be familiar with when people come to visit. What can they yell in the door? Or yell in through the thin walls?
Takase: こんにちはー!ごめんくださーい!
Peter: Give us the first part? Two words here.
Takase: ごめん、
Peter: Break down.
Takase: ご・め・ん、ごめん
Peter: This is ‘sorry’ plus?
Takase: ください
Peter: ‘Please’. Break this down?
Takase: く・だ・さ・い、ください
Peter: ‘Sorry please’. And this phrase is used when you can’t see anyone and you want someone to come out. This phrase I’ve used a few times in shops, small mom and pop shops. The doors open, all the things are there for the taking and nobody’s in sight. So, Yoshi san, in this case too you can yell out?
Yoshi: ごめんくださーい。
Peter: You can also use this if you go to someone’s door and you knock and there’s no answer, you can yell out this phrase too. So, in today’s lesson we gave you the ways to invite somebody in and the phrases to get you through the door. If you walk away with anything today, it’s this phrase. Takase san, what’s the phrase of the day?
Takase: おじゃまします。
Peter: And saying this before you go in someone’s house will make all the difference. Yoshi san, how polite do you seem if you enter someone’s house?
Yoshi: He or she must have a really good education.
Peter: It’s the difference between good food and alright food. It’s the difference between them breaking out the real tea and the instant green tea. So, you really want to make sure you say this before you go in. It really, really expresses everything you feel in one phrase and lets the party that invited you over know that you really care, and that this really means a lot to you. So this is a phrase. Yoshi san, one more time?
Yoshi: おじゃまします。
Peter: That’s going to cover for this week. What we’re going to do next week is we’re going to come back and give you part two of survival phrases in the house. Now, this is great. Again, things that will really make your visit to a Japanese person’s house amazing for you and them. Final words for everybody?
Takase: おじゃましました!
Peter: Very nice! Yoshi san, top that?
Yoshi: 失礼しました。
Peter: Takase san, can we say that?
Takase: Yes.
Peter: Are you just being nice?
Takase: Yes.


Peter: Alright, that’s going to do for today. See you tomorrow.
Yoshi: また来週!


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