
Vocabulary (Review)

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Chigusa, Jun: おはよう、東京。
Chigusa: チグサです。
Jun: ジュンです。
Peter: Peter here. Survival phrases #32. Now we interrupt our regularly scheduled program to bring you an important lesson about Chigusa San?
Chigusa: Allergies.

Lesson focus

Peter: Food allergies. Now one of our listeners is on her way to Kyoto and she is traveling there with her boyfriend and she emailed us about food allergies. Now Chigusa San do you have any food allergies?
Chigusa: Fortunately I don’t.
Peter: Jun San?
Jun: I don’t have it.
Peter: I also don’t have any food allergies fortunately but Chigusa San can you imagine, even in your own native language I imagine it’s really tough to get the food the way you want and to make sure you have to ask for every single meal, does this food contain this, does this food contain that. So in your own native language it’s got to be really difficult. Imagine trying it in a second language.
Chigusa: Too hard.
Peter: That’s specifically why we are doing this lesson today. We are going to take that hard difficult task and we are going to turn into a piece of cake and Chigusa San is the one who is going to get us there. Right Chigusa San?
Chigusa: Right.
Peter: Alright. Now we want to do, we want to give you a conversation. Now please listen to the conversation. Don’t worry about getting it all. It’s going to be a conversation between a customer and an employee at a pizza shop. Now the customer is ordering a pizza and that customer has an allergy, so please listen, try and pick up whatever you can, see if you can get what allergy it is, see if you can get the word for allergy. Now don’t worry about getting everything. Afterwards we are going to break it all down. And trust me by the time this lesson is over you should be able to ask whether or not the food you want has the thing you are allergic to. Alright. So without further adieu, let's get into today’s conversation.
Chigusa: すみません、シーフードピザ、ひとつお願いします。
Jun: はい、かしこまりました。
Chigusa: すみません、エビアレルギーなんです。これに、エビは入っていますか??
Jun: いいえ、入っていません。
Chigusa: ありがとうございます。
Peter: One more time, slowly please.
Chigusa: もう一度、お願いします。ゆっくり、お願いします。
Jun: はい、かしこまりました。
Chigusa: すみません、エビアレルギーなんです。これにエビは、はいっていますか?
Jun: いいえ、はいっていません。
Chigusa: ありがとうございます。
Peter: And this time with English
Chigusa: すみません。
Peter: Excuse me.
Chigusa: シーフードピザをひとつお願いします。
Peter: One seafood pizza please.
Jun: はい、かしこまりました。
Peter: Yes, understood.
Chigusa: すみません。
Peter: Excuse me.
Chigusa: エビアレルギーなんです。
Peter; I am allergic to shrimp. I have a shrimp allergy.
Chigusa: これに、エビは入っていますか?
Peter: Does this contain shrimp?
Jun: いいえ、入っていません。
Peter: No, it doesn’t contain it.
Chigusa: ありがとうございます。
Peter: Thank you. This worked out very conveniently. There was no shrimp in it. But Chigusa San what happens if there is shrimp in it? Can we change the ending of that conversation to make it that there is shrimp so that way we can find out what one would say to get that shrimp out of there.
Chigusa: Of course we can.
Peter: Alright, let's do that. One more time please.
Chigusa: すみません、シーフードピザをひとつお願いします。
Jun: はい、かしこまりました。
Chigusa: すみません、エビアレルギーなんです。これにエビは入っていますか?
Jun: はい、入っています。
Chigusa: エビ抜きでお願いします。
Jun: はい、かしこまりました。
Peter: And just that last part, slowly one time please.
Jun: はい、はいっています。
Chigusa: エビぬきで、おねがいします。
Jun: はい、かしこまりました。
Peter: And one time with English.
Jun: はい、入っています。
Peter: Yes it contains it.
Chigusa: エビ抜きでお願いします。
Peter: Without shrimp please.
Jun: はい、かしこまりました。
Peter: Yes. Understood. Alright. Now let's take a closer look at this conversation. Chigusa San, can you give us the first line one more time?
Chigusa: すみません、シーフードピザをひとつお願いします。
Peter: And of course the first word
Chigusa: すみません。
Peter: Is used to get the attention of the waiter or the person in the store and then when ordering whatever you want goes before
Chigusa: お願いします。
Peter: Ok, and in this case it was a seafood pizza. Now the waiter responded
Jun: はい、かしこまりました。
Peter: Yes, understood. This is the extremely polite way to say, to understand. You hear this very often at hotels, whenever you are the customer. This is followed up by?
Chigusa: すみません、エビアレルギーなんです。
Peter: Excuse me, I am allergic to shrimp. Now here is the construction everybody out there with an allergy wants to remember. The only thing that changes in this sentence is what you are allergic to. Now this person happens to be allergic to shrimp so in this sentence shrimp comes before the word for allergy. Now Chigusa San wants the word for shrimp here?
Chigusa: エビ
Peter: What’s the word for allergy?
Chigusa: アレルギー。
Peter: Can you break this word down?
Chigusa: ア・レ・ル・ギー。アレルギー。
Peter: And this is followed by?
Chigusa: なんです。
Peter: The only thing that would change in a sentence is what you are allergic to. So again this person was allergic to shrimp so we had
Chigusa: エビアレルギーなんです。
Peter: That アレルギーなんです, that stays the same for everything and we just change what you are allergic to. So for example, say Jun was allergic to eggs. What's the word for egg?
Peter: So how do we say egg allergy?
Chigusa: 卵アレルギー。
Peter: Ok. And then if you are in the store and you want to tell the person working there that you are allergic to eggs you would say?
Chigusa: 卵アレルギーなんです。
Peter: Ok. So now you are letting them know. Next you want to know if that particular food product is in what you are ordering. How do we ask that?
Chigusa: これに、エビは入っていますか?
Peter: Ok. Now you probably picked up the word for shrimp, エビ which came in the sentence also. Chigusa, can you break this sentence down for us?
Chigusa: これに
Peter: In this we have the word for this which is?
Chigusa: これ
Peter: The marking particle
Chigusa: に
Peter: Which says in this. Next comes what you are allergic to and again this person is allergic to shrimps so we have
Chigusa: エビ
Peter: Then we have the particle
Chigusa: は
Peter: Followed by?
Chigusa: 入っています
Peter: The present progressive of the word.
Chigusa: 入る
Peter: Which means to enter and also to contain. And finally we have
Chigusa: か
Peter: Question marking particle. Now when we take this all together, Chigusa San お願いします。
Chigusa: これに、エビは入っていますか?
Peter: Does this contain shrimp? Now in the previous sentence the first part was the part that changed. In this sentence the word that comes before the particle
Chigusa: は
Peter: Is what changes. So one more time please Chigusa San.
Chigusa: これに、エビは入っていますか?
Peter: Now in Jun`s case if he is allergic to eggs we would say?
Chigusa: これに、たまごは入っていますか?
Peter: Ok. Now here comes, you got to pay attention to the answer. The answer will tell you what you need to say next. If the answer is
Chigusa: いいえ、入っていません。
Peter: No it doesn’t contain it. Then you can just simply say
Chigusa: ありがとうございます。
Peter: Thank you very much. Thank you. But if the answer is
Chigusa: はい、入っています。
Peter: Yes, it contains it. Then you have to follow up with
Chigusa: エビ抜きでお願いします。
Peter: Now we covered this in a previous survival phrase and this means please without something something. In this case please without shrimp. Now Chigusa San, can you give it to us one more time? We will just cover this real quick.
Chigusa: エビ抜きでお願いします。
Peter: Ok. Again what changes comes in the front. In this case is shrimp. Now let's go back to the case of Jun. If Jun is allergic to eggs, how will this sentence read?
Chigusa: たまご抜きでお願いします。
Peter: So what doesn’t change in the sentence?
Chigusa: 抜きでお願いします。
Peter: Just the beginning does. Ok. And again you can see a previous survival phrase for this. Now this word, 抜き, what does this mean?
Chigusa: Without.
Peter: There it is, simply without. That’s it. So now you have the tools to ask if what you are allergic to is in what you are ordering. Now while you got the structure down, we may not have covered what you are allergic to. So what we are going to do now is go over some of the more common foods that people are allergic to and if we don’t cover what you are allergic to in what we are about to go over just email us or leave a comment on the message board and we will get back to you because we know how important this is. Alright. You ready, Chigusa San?
Chigusa: I am ready.
Peter: Alright. So far we gave two things that people may be allergic to. What was the first one?
Chigusa: エビ
Peter: Shrimp. Could you break it down?
Chigusa: え・び、エビ
Peter: Jun San what do we have next?
Jun: 卵
Peter: Eggs.
Jun: た・ま・ご、卵
Peter: Next we have?
Chigusa: ナッツ
Peter: Nuts.
Chigusa: な・っ・つ、ナッツ
Peter: And this should cover all types of nuts right Chigusa San?
Chigusa: Right.
Peter: Ok. Next we have?
Jun: 牛乳。
Peter: Milk.
Jun: ぎゅ・う・にゅ・う、牛乳
Peter: And following up milk in the same category we have?
Chigusa: 乳製品
Peter: Dairy products.
Chigusa: にゅ・う・せ・い・ひ・ん、乳製品。
Peter: Next.
Jun: 小麦。
Peter: Wheat.
Jun: こ・む・ぎ、小麦
Peter: The next one is extremely important not only for allergies but maybe for religious purposes or other things you don’t want in your food.
Chigusa: お酒
Peter: Alcohol
Chigusa: お・さ・け、お酒。
Peter: Next
Jun: かんきつ類。
Peter: Citrus products.
Jun: か・ん・き・つ・る・い、かんきつ類
Peter: Next.
Chigusa: 魚
Peter: Fish.
Chigusa: さ・か・な、魚。
Peter: Next one is also a big one.
Jun: 甲殻類、貝
Peter: Shellfish. Now if you say just
Jun: 貝
Peter:That should get through, it shouldn’t be a problem, but you can also say
Jun: 甲殻類
Peter: Which will definitely get through, but you should be ok with かい, right Chigusa San?
Chigusa: Right. Or you can also say 貝類
Peter: That might even be better. One more time, can you give us that?
Chigusa: 貝類
Peter: And break that down.
Chigusa: か・い・る・い。貝類
Peter: Ok. And finally we have.
Chigusa: 大豆
Peter: Soy. Soy beans.
Chigusa: だ・い・ず、大豆。
Peter: And associated with this
Chigusa: しょう油
Peter: Soy sauce.
Chigusa: し・ょ・う・ゆ、しょう油
Peter: So Chigusa San if someone wants to ask, does this contain soy sauce, how do we say that?
Chigusa: これに、しょう油は入っていますか?
Peter: Ok. Again, the structure from before. Now what we are going to do is give you one more conversation. Please listen and try and find out what this person is allergic to. Alright. Here we go.
Chigusa: すみません、シーフードピザをひとつお願いします。
Jun: はい、かしこまりました。
Chigusa: すみません、貝類アレルギーなんです。これに、貝類は入っていますか?
Jun: はい、入っています。
Chigusa: 貝類抜きでお願いします。
Jun: はい、かしこまりました。
Peter: Alright Chigusa San. What were you allergic to?
Chigusa: Shellfish.
Peter: Alright. Now the person who sent us this email, she was allergic to red peppers. Chigusa San, how do we say red peppers in Japanese?
Chigusa: 赤とうがらし
Peter: One more time please. Slowly please.
Chigusa: あかとうがらし
Peter: Ok. Now these are the hot red peppers. Perhaps she could have been talking about bell peppers. So we are not sure. If she was talking about the bell peppers what would you say for bell peppers?
Chigusa: パプリカ
Chigusa: ぱ・ぷ・り・か、パプリカ
Peter: And that would be the red bell peppers. So we gave you both red peppers. Also we covered a lot of what many people are typically allergic to. Now if we didn’t cover, again if we didn’t cover what you are allergic to here, email us or stop by japanesepod101.com, leave us a comment and someone will get back to you. Alright. Now before we leave you today we just want to remind you, if possible, we’ve been nominated for the 2006 podcast awards in the category of education. Now if you have the time we would really appreciate it if you could give us a vote. Chigusa San, can you ask them nicely for a vote?
Chigusa: 投票を本当によろしくお願いします。


Peter: Alright. So that’s going to do it for today.
Chigusa: またね!
Jun: またね!


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