
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Natsuko: おはよう、東京
Peter: こんばんは、ニューヨーク
Natsuko: こんにちは、ロンドン
Natsuko: ナツコです。
Kazunori: カズノリです。
Peter: Peter here and we are back again with another lesson. As you might have realized, the staff has returned. Welcome back guys! Nice to have you here today. It’s the end of the year. So we are not going to push you. We are going to take it nice and slow. Relax! You know we had a nice survival phrase lesson yesterday and I think we are going to do the same thing again today because we are not going to push you. What do you think about that, Natsuko?
Natsuko: Sounds nice.
Peter: Yeah.
Natsuko: Towards the holiday.
Peter: So yes everyone is having a nice end of the year. So we are not going to get you too excited and put too much strain on you. We have survival phrases 3, right?
Natsuko: Oh that sounds nice.

Lesson focus

Peter: Yeah again as always, we are based in the restaurant. We are going to give you some more restaurant phrases and phrases to use when you are eating and when you are out of the restaurant and with your – out with some friends. So without further ado, let’s jump right in. So can you give us the first one, Natsuko?
Natsuko: かんぱい
Peter: Okay what does this word mean?
Natsuko: Cheers.
Peter: Yes, very nice and how important would you say this word is?
Natsuko: You start with this word on a drinking party.
Peter: Yeah. So it’s very important.
Natsuko: Of course.
Peter: Okay. Can you give us the word one more time please?
Natsuko: かんぱい
Peter: Very, very nice and this means cheers again. Now please break it down nice and slowly.
Natsuko: か・ん・ぱ・い
Peter: Very nice. One time fast please.
Natsuko: かんぱい
Peter: Very, very nice and now let’s get Kazunori to say it one time nice and fast.
Kazunori: かんぱい
Peter: Very nice, one more time.
Kazunori: かんぱい
Peter: Okay very, very nice. So let’s give the typical party. We all go out, let’s all do it together 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3…
Everyone: かんぱーい!
Peter: And we all raise our glasses, we do what with them? Clink them together.
Natsuko: Clink them, yeah.
Peter: Yeah. So it’s pretty much the same as a western cheers.
Natsuko: Hmm I guess so.
Peter: Yeah. Okay so that’s very, very nice. So this is an essential phrase because as Natsuko said, all drinking parties or you know most – most dinners too start out like this because you start with…
Natsuko: かんぱい
Peter: Yeah. Start with drinks right?
Natsuko: Yeah.
Peter: Okay. So this is another key phrase. Now we do the cheers which is
Natsuko: かんぱい
Peter: And then we wait for the food to come and before we eat, there is a phrase that it’s very, very polite to say and it’s very important to say this phrase, correct?
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: So can you give us this phrase?
Natsuko: いただきます
Peter: Okay. What does this roughly translate because it’s very difficult to translate this one.
Natsuko: Yeah, yeah I know there is no equivalent word in English but it roughly means I am now going to start eating this.
Peter: Yes.
Natsuko: And you know the food is given to me, thank you, like that kind of nuance.
Peter: Yes, receiving nuance. So I am receiving this and we are about to eat it. Of course it’s very important to say this word. It’s very, very polite manners. Can you give us this word one more time?
Natsuko: いただきます
Peter: Okay and now please break it down for us.
Natsuko: い・た・だ・き・ま・す
Peter: Okay and one time fast please.
Natsuko: いただきます
Peter: Very, very nice and now let’s get big, Kazunori, in here.
Kazunori: いただきます
Peter: Okay and one time nice and slow.
Kazunori: い・た・だ・き・ま・す
Peter: Okay and one time fast.
Kazunori: いただきます
Peter: Okay and how about you guys together.
Natsuko and Kazunori: いただきまーす!
Peter: Okay now we are eating and the food is really good, really good. Now what can we say to describe delicious food?
Natsuko: おいしい
Peter: Very nice, delicious and one more time please.
Natsuko: おいしい
Peter: Very, very nice. Now can you break this down for us?
Natsuko: お・い・し・い
Peter: Very, very nice and one time fast.
Natsuko: おいしい
Peter: Very nice and how about you Kazunori
Kazunori: おいしい
Peter: Very, very nice. Okay so now we are getting as you could see, if you incorporate these other ones, we are learning how to order, we are learning how to have a conversation while we eat. How about you guys give us one time together, delicious?
Natsuko and Kazunori: おいしい
Peter: Okay very, very nice. There is another expression that we would like to go on to and this is- +this is not just limited to the dinner table. We can use this in a lot of situations. Can you please give us this word?
Natsuko: すごい
Peter: And what does this word mean? Can you break it down a little bit for us, give us a rough translation because again this is another very versatile word we can use in many situations.
Natsuko: It means, like great.
Peter: Yes great, amazing, quite, very.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: And what I would like to do, I would like to incorporate this into – use this with the word delicious. How could I do that?
Natsuko: すごいおいしい
Peter: Very, very nice. Let’s just go back to the original word and can you give it to us one more time?
Natsuko: すごい
Peter: Amazing. Great. Can you break this word down for us?
Natsuko: す・ご・い
Peter: Very, very nice and now one time fast.
Natsuko: すごい
Peter: And now give us in the context when we use this together with delicious, it means really delicious, amazingly delicious right?
Natsuko: Uhoo.
Peter: So can you give us this word together?
Natsuko: すごいおいしい
Peter: Very, very nice. One more time nice and slow.
Natsuko: すごいおいしい
Peter: Okay and just break it down a bit.
Natsuko: す・ご・い・お・い・し・い
Peter: Very, very nice. Now how about one time from you Kazunori
Kazunori: すごいおいしい
Peter: Okay. So we come out, place food on the table. You guys take a bite of something and it’s amazingly good, it’s really good. What would you say?
Natsuko: すごいおいしい!
Peter: Very, very nice pronunciation there. Let’s move on to another couple of user phrases. Okay I go out, I am eating and I am full and I can’t take any more. What can I say, what word can I say?
Natsuko: おなかいっぱーい!
Peter: Okay very, very nice. One time nice and slow.
Natsuko: お・な・か・いっ・ぱ・い
Peter: Okay very, very nice. One time fast.
Natsuko: おなかいっぱい
Peter: Very, very nice. Now this is full and I recommend that you use this word because the Japanese are very, very hospitable and they will keep giving you food. I have little bit – a little bit off the subject but in western manners, it’s very polite to finish all your food.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: But in Japan, when you’ve had enough, you leave something on your plate.
Natsuko: Ah it depends on occasion but they tend to, you know, kind of care whether you are always full.
Peter: Yes. So the first time I went to eat at someone’s house, I started to eat and I started to drink and I didn’t want to eat anymore. So I finished my plate and more food came.
Natsuko: Yeah right.
Peter: So I said okay all right, you know I will just eat this second plate and then you know I will call it quits. So I finished – I finished a plate and I finished my beer. They were giving me beer. I said finally I am finished and more food came.
Natsuko: I can imagine that.
Peter: Yes. To make a long story short, I was very drunk and very full.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: This phrase is what you kind of want to use when someone is about to give you more food. One more time please.
Natsuko: おなかいっぱい
Peter: Okay. You want to hold right after – you want to hold the いっぱい you want to – there is a bit of a pause in there right?
Natsuko: Yes between い and ぱ.
Peter: Yeah. So you want to hold kind of like いっぱい
Natsuko: Right.
Peter: Hold it in there a little bit.
Natsuko: いっぱい
Peter: Very, very nice. Okay and let’s get one more from Kazunori.
Kazunori: おなかいっぱい
Peter: Very, very nice. Now we’ve toasted, we’ve said we are ready to eat. We are full and now we want to leave the restaurant.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: And this could be a big problem if you don’t know how to get the check.
So can you tell us how to get the check?
Natsuko: お会計
Peter: Very, very nice. One more- and this means check. One more time please.
Natsuko: お会計
Peter: Check and break it down nice and slow.
Natsuko: お・か・い・け・い
Peter: And one time nice and fast.
Natsuko: お会計
Peter: Now this is “check” and you might want to say, please right. So how – if you remember in survival phrases 1, we showed you how to say please. So how about check, please?
Natsuko: お会計お願いします。
Peter: Very, very nice and let’s get one from Kazunori.
Kazunori: お会計お願いします。
Peter: Okay very, very nice. So we finished and we got the check. We are ready to leave. What’s the very, very polite way of saying, thank you for the meal.
Natsuko: ごちそうさまでした。
Peter: Very, very nice.
Natsuko: And ごちそう means you know kind of a very good meal.
Peter: Ah I see.
Natsuko: So that’s why it kind of means it was a great meal, thank you.
Peter: Ah thank you very much Natsuko. Please give us this word one more time.
Natsuko: ごちそうさまでした。
Peter: Okay and the translation again.
Natsuko: It was a great meal.
Peter: Great meal. Please break this down for us.
Natsuko: ご・ち・そ・う・さ・ま・で・し・た
Peter: Okay and nice and fast.
Natsuko: ごちそうさまでした。
Peter: Okay and how about Kazunori one time please.
Kazunori: ごちそうさまでした。
Peter: Very, very nice. Now this might be a little long and a little bit intimidating. Is there a way we can shrink this a bit, make it a little smaller?
Natsuko: ごちそうさま
Peter: Okay there we go and you know, this is much easier to remember, a little easier off the tongue. One more time. We just drop the last three syllables and we stick with it.
Natsuko: ごちそうさま
Peter: Okay and this is roughly the equivalent right?
Natsuko: Yes. It’s slightly more casual.
Peter: Yeah casual. Yes. As you will see, there are lots of levels of casual and this and that. So if you stick with this one, you’d be okay too.
Natsuko: It's very polite.
Peter: Okay. So what I want to do here is a quick review. We are going to have Natsuko read all the words that we did one time.
Natsuko: かんぱい、いただきます、おいしい、すごい、おなかいっぱい、お会計、ごちそうさま
Peter: Very, very nice and let’s have Kazunori read them one more time.
Kazunori: かんぱい、いただきます、おいしい、すごい、おなかいっぱい, お会計、ごちそうさま


Peter: Okay so we are going to cut it here today and we’d like to say?
Natsuko: またね!
Kazunori: じゃあね!
Peter: じゃあね See you tomorrow.


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