
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Yoshi&Takase: おはよう東京
Yoshi: Survival phrases #23. ヨシです。
Takase: タカセです。
Peter: Peter here. Survival phrases #23. All right, we are back. Nagasaki connection.
Takase: Oh…
Peter: Ouu…
Peter: Well you guys seem very well today. Yes we have a bit of a dark topic today. Yes, today we are going to be speaking about our one and only Takase san’s favourite season of the year. Takase san, what is your favourite season of the year? It’s dark, it’s wet, it is
Takase: 梅雨(つゆ)
Peter: Rainy season. Yes, once a year, Japan turns into a permanent one month rain storm. Well it’s not that bad but it’s pretty bad. Right Takase san?
Takase: Yes, it really depresses you.
Peter: Come on, not you Takase. You are always so 元気、元気いっぱい。
Takase: That’s really depressing.
Peter: Oh Yoshi san, when does the season come to town?
Yoshi: In June.

Lesson focus

Peter: Yes June and sometimes – sometimes late May but usually around June and it goes through the beginning of July. So it’s a large period where maybe every other day it’s raining or every day it rains a bit and all of a sudden, it’s nice, then rain storms. It gets humid, ah it has it all. So for those of you on your way to Japan, you definitely want to be aware of this because there are few things you are going to need to combat this. Also we are going to give you a couple of tips on where to shop because there are few places that you need to know about. So what we are going to do, we are going to start off with a conversation. Up until now, we are bringing you key words but we think you are ready to get a conversation. So without further ado, please listen to the following conversation. It’s going to take place at a hotel. Our guest of course the well-travelled Yoshi san will be leaving the hotel but before he leaves, he will be asking the counter clerk Takase san a quick question. Okay so please listen and see what you can get. Here we go.
Yoshi: おはようございます。
Takase: おはようございます。
Yoshi: すみません。今日の天気はどうですか?
Takase: 今日は雨です。
Yoshi: 傘が必要ですか?
Takase: そうですね。かなり降ってます。
Yoshi: 100円ショップは近くにありますか?
Takase: ありますよ。そこをまっすぐ行って、右にあります。
Yoshi: ありがとうございます。
Takase: おはようございます。
Yoshi: すみません。きょうの、てんきは、どうですか?
Takase: きょうは、あめです。
Yoshi: かさが、ひつようですか?
Takase: そうですね。かなり、ふってます。
Yoshi: 100えんショップは、ちかくに、ありますか?
Takase: ありますよ。そこをまっすぐいって、みぎにあります。
Yoshi: ありがとうございます。
Peter: This time, Yoshi san and Takase san will give us the Japanese and I will give you the English. Here we go.
Yoshi: おはようございます。
Peter: Good morning.
Takase: おはようございます。
Peter: Good morning.
Yoshi: すみません。
Peter: Excuse me.
Yoshi: 今日の天気はどうですか?
Peter: How is today’s weather?
Takase: 今日は雨です。
Peter: Today it’s raining.
Yoshi: 傘が必要ですが?
Peter: Isn't an umbrella necessary?
Takase: そうですね。
Peter: Yes I think so.
Takase: かなり降ってます。
Peter: It’s coming down pretty hard, it’s raining pretty hard.
Yoshi: 100円ショップは、近くにあります?
Peter: Is there a 100 yen shop nearby?
Takase: ありますよ。
Peter: Yes there is.
Takase: そこをまっすぐ行って、右にあります。
Peter: Go straight over there, turn right and there it is.
Yoshi: ありがとうございます。
Peter: Thank you very much. All right, lots to get into there but one very, very important thing that we want to talk about first. Yoshi san, what is the most important word there?
Yoshi: 傘?
Peter: Ah Yoshi san, as the Japanese say ブーブー you struck out.
Yoshi: Oh no.
Peter: Takase san, what’s the most important word in there? Don’t let me down Takase san?
Takase: もちろん、100円ショップ
Peter: Yes. The 100 yen shop. This is equivalent to the dollar store back home or the 99 cents shop but contrary to what we have back home, the stuff here is really nice. Right off the boat from China, and we are talking about brand new things, cups, glasses, plates, utensils, food products, drinks. This is one place you want to make the most of while you are in Japan. We are talking about a 20% to 50% discount of prices at convenience stores. You definitely want to utilize this tool but you got to know where they are and that’s why we introduced you to the question that you want to ask wherever you go, whatever town you are in, Takase san お願いします。
Takase: 100円ショップは近くにありますか?
Peter: Yes and until someone says
Yoshi: はい、あります。
Peter: Yes there is. Keep asking. There are a lot of them. They are all over the place and they have really great stuff. You can stop by there, get your food for the day, get your drinks for the day, the week and of course they have umbrellas. Now Takase san, at a convenience store, how much is an umbrella?
Takase: It’s about 500 yen.
Peter: And at the 100 yen shop Yoshi?
Yoshi: A 100 yen.
Peter: Yep. So this just gives you an idea of, like the crazy discounts and stuff you can find there. Instant Ramen, all kinds of stuff to get you through your trip.
Yoshi: You should buy all the souvenirs at this stall but…
Peter: Souvenirs at this…
Yoshi: For your friends and family but sometimes they are selling some stuff cheaper than 100 yen at the stall. So you might want to watch out for those items.
Peter: Yeah. Sometimes there are items that you can find cheaper at other places but they charge a 100 yen for them but I think that’s a small minority. Don’t ruin my fun, Yoshi, I love this store. Okay running short on time because we are talking about my passion here. So it gives you an idea of the salaries we have around here that we have to go to these stores but let’s get into some vocabulary because we want to talk more about this question.
Takase: 今日の天気はどうですか?
Peter: What’s today’s weather and in the dialogue, the answer was?
Yoshi: 今日は雨です。
Peter: Today it’s rainy or today it’s raining. Now the best thing about this sentence, one more time Takase san?
Takase: 今日の天気はどうですか?
Peter: Yes. We can just take out today which is
Takase: 今日(きょう)
Peter: And we can put in tomorrow.
Takase: 明日(あした)
Peter: And ask about tomorrow’s weather. Can we say that Takase?
Takase: 明日の天気はどうですか?
Peter: How is tomorrow’s weather and you get the idea. Now let’s just start with the word for weather. Takase, what’s the word for weather please?
Takase: 天気
Peter: Break it down.
Takase: て・ん・き
Peter: Okay. And we can say good weather, which is, Yoshi san?
Yoshi: 天気がいい
Peter: And bad weather.
Yoshi: 天気が悪い
Peter: Yes. Now here is where the structure “how is” comes in so good. Takase san, what is the structure for how is.
Takase: どうですか?
Peter: And again, we are going to need the は(va) for this. So
Takase: はどうですか?
Peter: Then we have the weather and we have the possessive no. Say today, we are in Tokyo but tomorrow we are going to Kyoto. We can ask somebody
Takase: 明日の京都の天気はどうですか?
Yoshi: もう一度、ゆっくりお願いします。
Takase: あしたの、きょうとの、てんきはどうですか?
Peter: How is the weather tomorrow in Kyoto? So now we are getting a wide range of questions. We are asking how the weather is tomorrow, how it is today plus we can even ask about destinations we are going to. You are going to be weather [00:09:29] by the time you are done with this class. All right but now we got – we are asking, we are asking and then maybe the weather is good which is
Takase: 天気がいい
Peter: Or maybe the weather is bad which is
Takase: 天気が悪い
Peter: All right. So what we are going to do now is give you a little sample. Yoshi san again, we will speak to the clerk. You know what Takase san, you saved up your money from all those days of clerking and now you are on vacation.
Takase: Yeay!
Peter: Now Yoshi san, what kind of job should we give him?
Yoshi: Taxi driver.
Peter: No, too good for you. Give you – ah okay, you are the newspaper delivery guy.
Yoshi: Okay right.
Peter: So Takase is in Tokyo today, tomorrow and then the day after she will be on her way to Kyoto and she wants to know the weather for every single day. Now Yoshi knows because he is the weather guy. You are the weather guy from TV.
Yoshi: Okay.
Peter: All right. That’s what you are. So you are the weather guy from TV and Takase sees you in the restaurant. She wants to know the weather for today in Tokyo, tomorrow in Tokyo and the day after in Kyoto. So here we go.
Takase: あ、お天気おじさんだ。
Yoshi: こんにちは。
Takase: すみません。今日の天気はどうですか?
Yoshi: 今日は、雨です。
Takase: 明日の天気はどうですか?
Yoshi: 明日も雨です。
Takase: 明後日の京都の天気はどうですか?
Yoshi: 明後日の京都の天気も雨です。
Takase: ええー!?


Peter: Rainy girl ah! We have something to tell you about that but we are out of time plus if you are wondering why it’s raining every day, we haven’t introduced the word for nice weather or sunny yet. So we are going to do – we are going to turn this into a two part series again. So we will be back next week with more weather.
Takase: また明日。
Yoshi: またね。


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