
Vocabulary (Review)

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Yoshi&Takase: おはよう東京。
Yoshi: ヨシです。
Takase: タカセです。
Peter: Peter here. Survival phrases #18. Okay, we are back with the Nagasaki connection. Hey guys!
Yoshi: H…
Takase: Hi.
Yoshi: Peter!
Peter: Hey, Yoshi! Okay, what did we talk about two weeks ago?
Yoshi: We talked about 警察 and emergency.
Peter: And since Takase is still here, business must be going well.
Takase: Yes.
Peter: So this week, what we are going to do is we are going to talk a little bit more about emergencies but then we are going to switch topics because we don’t want to scare anybody, right, Takase?
Takase: Yes.
Peter: Japan is so safe, right?
Takase: Yes.
Peter: You are going to have a good time when you are here, right?
Takase: Yes, of course.
Peter: There you go. Takase guarantees it.
Takase: Yes, I do.

Lesson focus

Peter: So what we are going to do is get into today’s lesson. Takase, give us the first word.
Takase: 救急車
Peter: Ambulance.
Takase: きゅ・う・きゅ・う・しゃ、救急車
Peter: "Ambulance," and this is when the situation is bad but as we said, we are just going to be on this topic a bit longer. Have you ever called an ambulance for anybody?
Takase: No, no, I haven’t.
Peter: Yoshi?
Yoshi: No.
Peter: Well, we have. One time, we called an ambulance. One of our friends was a bit sick. So we called the ambulance. And they came very fast, took care of her, took her to the hospital. So Takase, how do we say, calling an ambulance?
Takase: 救急車を呼んでください。
Peter: And give us the second part one more time slowly?
Yoshi: もう一度お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。
Takase: きゅうきゅうしゃを、よんでください。
Peter: Now Yoshi, what’s familiar about this phrase?
Yoshi: を呼んでください。
Peter: Because we had this two weeks ago, right?
Yoshi: Right.
Peter: And this means?
Yoshi: Please call.
Peter: And two weeks ago, what was the example we had?
Takase: 警察を呼んでください。
Peter: Please call the police. This week, we had?
Yoshi: 救急車を呼んでください。
Peter: Okay. Now one more point we want to introduce about this phrase. Now Yoshi, when we meet someone and we give our formal names, maybe you want someone to call you a more casual name. Now where does this expression come into that?
Yoshi: You can use this when you meet someone and if you want them to call you more casually, then you can say と呼んでください。
Peter: Okay, stop right there. One more time please, slowly please.
Takase: もう一度お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。
Yoshi: と、呼んでください。
Peter: Now this is almost the same as the previous expression which is
Yoshi: を、呼んでください。
Peter: But the を changes to
Yoshi: と
Peter: And what goes in front of this?
Yoshi: What you want to be called.
Peter: Now, while this might seem a little confusing, we are going to clear it up right now. So what we are going to do now is give you a little sample of how this may work. For Japanese, sometimes foreign names may be difficult to pronounce and for foreigners, at first, Japanese names will be tough to pronounce. So we are going to give you a little example of how this expression
Takase: と呼んでください。
Peter: Can be used, okay, Yoshi and I met for the first time. Here we go.
Yoshi: はじめまして。渡辺ヨシヒロです。よろしくお願いします。
Peter: すいません。ワタナベ、よし、よしひ、よしひろさんですか?
Yoshi: ああ、ヨシと呼んでください。
Peter: ああ、ヨシ、はい。ヨシさん。
Yoshi: よろしくお願いします。
Peter: はじめまして。Peterです。よろしくお願いします。
Yoshi: ああ…グラン、グランテ…
Peter: ピーターと呼んでください。
Yoshi: ああ、分かりました。ピーターさん。
Peter: ヨシさん、友達ですか?
Yoshi: ああ、はい。私の友達です。
Takase: 高瀬ヒロコです。
Peter: たか、た…
Takase: はい。タカセと呼んでください。
Peter: タカセさん。はい。
Takase: はい。よろしくお願いします。
Peter: よろしくお願いします。 So you get a kind of an idea of how this expression could be used. So we gave you three ways to use this. Calling the police, calling an ambulance and telling your friends to please call your more casual name. Now Yoshi, which one do you think you use the most?
Peter: Umm… about the same. I live in a bad neighbourhood.
Peter: Oh oh! Takase, which one do you think you use the most?
Takase: Call the ambulance.
Peter: Okay. Well I personally think you use, please call me something more off than anything else but you heard the professionals uh. Now that we have that out of the way, we doubt that you will be calling for an ambulance or asking someone to call for an ambulance, but just in case, let’s give you the number to call an ambulance. Hey, by the way, Takase, isn’t this also the number for the fire department?
Takase: Yes. It's the same number.
Peter: Okay. What’s that number?
Peter: 119(ひゃくじゅうきゅう)番です。
Peter: One more time, slowly please.
Takase: もう一度お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。
Peter: ひゃく・じゅう・きゅう・ばん・です。119番です。
Peter: Takase, what’s that number?
Takase: It’s 119.
Peter: For Americans, this is the opposite of the emergency number 911. Very easy to remember. I wonder what some of the other countries' emergency numbers are. If you are listening out there, we’d love to hear what the emergency number is in your country. Stop by, leave us a post at JapanesePod101.com
Now we think that most people out there won’t need an ambulance but what you may need during your trip is what, Takase?
Takase: 薬局
Peter: Pharmacy, drug store. One more time please, slowly please.
Yoshi: もう一度お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。
Takase: やっ・きょ・く、薬局
Peter: In Japan, there are a lot of drug stores. The only catch is I can’t find a 24-hour drug store. Where are the 24-hour drug stores, Yoshi?
Takase: Why do you need it for 24 hours?
Peter: Because sometimes I get sick at night. Why, Takase, why, Yoshi, help me out here.
Yoshi: I don’t know why.
Takase: Do you really need to go out to buy medicine at night?
Peter: Yes 24-hour drug store. It’s a necessity.
Takase: No I don’t think so. I just wait.
Peter: So you might want to be precautious and buy some medicines that you think you might need along the way and what we are going to do now is give you some of those medicines. What’s the first medicine we have?
Yoshi: 風邪薬
Peter: Cold medicine.
Yoshi: か・ぜ・ぐ・す・り、風邪薬
Peter: Yoshi, if we went to the pharmacy, which is… Takase?
Takase: 薬局
Peter: How do we ask for cold medicine?
Yoshi: 風邪薬はありますか?
Peter: And Takase?
Takase: はい、あります。
Peter: Yes we do. You need to follow this up with
Yoshi: お願いします。
Peter: Please give it to me. That’s it. Now you remember from the post office when we asked about ATMs, do you have an ATM, yes we do. Where is it? This time do you have cold medicine? Yes we do. Please give it to me. Okay, next we have… Takase?
Takase: 頭痛薬
Peter: Medicine for headache.
Takase: ず・つ・う・や・く、頭痛薬
Peter: Next we have.
Yoshi: 目薬
Peter: Eye medicine.
Yoshi: め・ぐ・す・り、目薬
Peter: So if your eye gets dry a bit or your eye hurts, you can swing by, pick up some eye medicine. Next?
Takase: 酔い止め
Peter: Motion sickness medicine. This is a big one. Takase, break it down.
Takase: よ・い・ど・め、酔い止め
Peter: Okay, Takase, do you get motion sickness?
Takase: No, never.
Peter: Really? We are moving back and forth.
Takase: No.
Peter: Back and forth.
Takase: I like it.
Peter: How about you, Yoshi?
Yoshi: I am getting sick.
Peter: Do you get motion sick?
Yoshi: When I was a kid, I used to all the time but now, I still get motion sickness sometimes.
Peter: So when you go on a trip, you definitely bring?
Yoshi: 酔い止め
Peter: Yeah, my wife, she gets a little bit sick. So we always have 酔い止め on hand. Takase, question?
Takase: No.
Peter: Okay. Now when I say my wife gets motion sickness, if she’s on the train and facing the same direction we are going, she is okay, but a lot of the time, we get seats facing the opposite direction of the way the train is heading. So it’s kind of like we are getting pulled backwards and it’s those times that she feels sick. So actually when we go to buy tickets on the train, is there a way that we can ask to be facing the same way the train is going? Takase, help us out. I am sure there’s other people out there who want to face the same direction the train is going. Actually I knew a friend. He was the same way, like I can’t sit backwards. Takase, people are depending on you. Give us the word, give us the word, give us the word.
Takase: But you can move the seat.
Peter: Yes, you can sometimes, but what if you are the last one?
Takase: Okay. So you can say, 前向きの席をお願いします。
Yoshi: もう一度お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。
Takase: まえむきの、せきをおねがいします。
Peter: A seat facing forward please and forward as in the same direction as the train will be going. Now, can you break this down for us?
Takase: ま・え・む・き・の・せ・き
Peter: And then you add to that?
Yoshi: をお願いします
Peter: Okay, and that should help out. Yoshi, do you have any problems sitting backwards?
Yoshi: Yes I do.
Peter: Really? So you always get the 前向きの席
Yoshi: Yeah I do.
Peter: All right, Takase?
Takase: I don’t really care.
Peter: As long as you are on the train, right?
Takase: Yes.
Peter: Oh…
Takase: I prefer the seat facing backward.
Peter: Really?
Takase: Umm.
Peter: Hmm. Do you like rollercoasters?
Takase: No.
Peter: That’s strange.
Takase: Why? Train doesn’t go up and down.
Peter: It should.
Takase: No. Not in Japan.
Peter: Okay, here we go, everybody. Talk about Fuji!
Yoshi: Ah, I am getting sick.
Peter: Okay, enough, enough, enough of this topic. Okay let’s – next topic.
Yoshi: 胃薬
Peter: Stomach medicine.
Yoshi: い・ぐ・す・り、胃薬
Peter: Now, stomach medicine, what’s that? Takase, what’s stomach medicine?
Takase: ああ、え?
Peter: Exactly. There are lots of different kinds of stomach medicine. You have to explain about your symptoms a bit more. So for example, if I had a stomach-ache, what would I say?
Takase: 胃が痛いです。
Peter: My stomach hurts. One more time.
Takase: 胃が、痛いです。
Peter: Break down that last part?
Takase: 痛いです。い・た・い・で・す。痛いです。い・が、痛いです。胃が痛いです。
Peter: And what’s the word for stomach.
Takase: 胃
Peter: And what’s the word for hurts?
Takase: 痛い
Peter: So my stomach hurts. So they will give you something to help the stomach pain. Now what about heartburn?
Yoshi: む・ね・や・け、胸焼け
Peter: So Yoshi, if I had heartburn, what would I do? I go into the pharmacy, I go into the drug store and what would I say?
Yoshi: すいません。胃薬お願いします。
Takase: どうしましたか?
Yoshi: 胸焼けです。
Takase: はい、どうぞ。
Peter: Or you could just go in holding your stomach and you can say.
Yoshi: 胸焼けです。
Peter: But if you say it like that, Yoshi, no one is going to believe you. Come on, man. You just ate 10 plates of Yakiniku. You will die. Come on, let’s really hear it.
Yoshi: 胸焼けです!
Peter: Takase?
Takase: 売り切れです。
Yoshi: ええーっ!
Peter: Takase, what did you just say?
Takase: Sold out.
Peter: Sold out. Try some water. Give us the word for sold out one more time.
Takase: 売り切れす。
Peter: Break it down.
Takase: う・り・き・れ
Peter: Okay. We are out of time but we have a lot more to talk about with this topic. So what we are going to do is we are going to come back next week with drug store part 2. How does that sound?
Takase: Yes.
Yoshi: Great.
Peter: Come on, how does that sound, Takase?
Takase: Okay.
Yoshi: 胸焼けです!


Peter: All right, see you tomorrow.
Takase: また明日。
Peter: またね。


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