Vocabulary (Review)

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Peter: おはよう東京。
Takase: おはよう東京。
Yoshi: ヨシです。
Takase: タカセです。
Peter: Peter here. Survival phrases #17. Okay, join us for the first time for survival phrases. It is the Nagasaki connection.
Takase: Yeay!
Yoshi: All right.
Peter: You guys are always in a great mood. Well very good because we have a lesson that I think suits Takase very well.
Takase: Why?
Peter: Takase, have you ever had any problems?
Takase: No.
Peter: I didn’t even finish. Have you ever had any problems in Japan?
Takase: No.
Peter: Have you ever caused any problems? Ah Yoshi, you see.
Yoshi: はい Yep I see it.
Peter: You can’t hide Takase, we know.
Takase: I never caused any problems in Japan.
Yoshi: That explains.
Peter: That explains that just in Japan, she is good. Watch out. We will keep you updated on where she goes. Again these phrases are designed to get you through your trip, make it more fun, more exciting and up until now, we’ve been giving you all sorts of great things but in Japan as in any place you travel or for people living here, any place you live, you have to be careful. You have to be aware and if you take the proper precautions, you shouldn’t have any problems just like Takase never had any problems. Yoshi, have you had any problems in Japan?
Yoshi: No, not at all.
Peter: And do you foresee any problems in the future?
Yoshi: Ah I don’t think so. I hope not.

Lesson focus

Peter: Just be aware, take precautions and today what we are going to do is give you some words to help you get out of uncomfortable situations. So let’s get right into it. First word, Takaseお願いします。
Takase: 警察。英語で何と言いますか?
Peter: Police. Okay Takase, let’s hear your 警察 Give it to us.
Takase: 警察
Peter: Wow Takase, that was really good. Have you used this word before?
Takase: No but I will.
Peter: もう一度お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。
Takase: けいさつ
Peter: I got an idea. Imagine that Takase is running after you, scary right?
Peter: Very scary 警察!
Peter: I don’t know about that. I will probably let you go but anyway let’s break this word down. Takase, お願いします。
Takase: け・い・さ・つ、警察
Peter: This word is the shortest and we’d probably get the quickest response. Please which means the situation has probably deteriorated to a very bad point where you would just yell out.
Yoshi: 警察
Peter: But before this, maybe you feel a little uncomfortable but you are not ready to call the police. You are not ready to yell for help. Maybe you are feeling confident enough to take care of the problem by yourself. It doesn’t need the police intervention. So you can also say to the person.
Yoshi: 警察を呼びます。
Peter: もう一度お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。
Yoshi: けいさつを、よびます。
Takase: 英語でお願いします。
Peter: I will call the police. Takaseお願いします。
Takase: 警察を呼びます!
Peter: Oh ho ho! It’s good. Takase, you should go looking for trouble. You’d be very good at getting out of it.
Takase: Yes, I am always ready to use it.
Peter: And believe me, the way you are using it, it will get results and again this phrase would probably be used if you think that these words would take care of the problem without having the police intervene. Okay Yoshi, break down the second half.
Yoshi: ~を・よ・び・ま・す、~を呼びます。
Peter: And the whole expression.
Yoshi: 警察を呼びます。
Peter: It can also mean that you will call the police. I am going to call the police right now. It can be used as both, kind of a warning or a statement. I am going to call the police right now. I will go call the police. So this can be used as both. Now the next expression, you can either say or you might hear it from somebody else. What is this expression Takaseお願いします。
Takase: 警察を呼んでください。
Peter: もう一度お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。
Takase: けいさつを、よんでください。
Yoshi: 英語でお願いします。
Peter: Please call the police and as we said, you might say it yourself. If you need help from the police, you could say
Yoshi: 警察を呼んでください。
Peter: Or you could be walking on the street, you can see somebody else that’s in need of help and they would say
Takase: 警察を呼んでください。
Peter: Which means
Yoshi: Please call the police.
Peter: For them. So they need help or you need help, how are we going to call the police?
Yoshi: 110番(ひゃくとおばん)。
Peter: もう一度お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。
Yoshi: ひゃくとおばん
Peter: Takase, what’s this?
Takase: It’s a number for the police.
Peter: In English, what’s the number?
Takase: It’s 110.
Yoshi: An easy way to remember it is 1 minus 1 equals zero.
Peter: Very nice Yoshi, yeah. 1 minus 1, zero that’s it. 110.
Yoshi: Yes.
Peter: Okay let’s do a little situation. So I came to Japan. I am visiting Tokyo. I am walking down the street and Yoshi is trying to steal Takase’s purse. Okay Takase is trying to steal Yoshi’s wallet.
Takase: Yes, that's better.
Peter: Yoshi, you better watch out. Yoshi, let’s get our stuff on this side of the room. Hang on, just hold on everybody.
Takase: I won’t do it in the studio.
Yoshi: Good to know.
Peter: Oh that’s classic. Okay back to the story. So Takase is trying to steal Yoshi’s wallet. Let’s do a little situation.
Takase: 財布はどこだ!
Yoshi: ああ…警察を、呼んでくださーい!
Peter: So I see this and I want to help Yoshi dial 110 but what do I say?
Takase: 助けてくださいーい!
Peter: もう一度お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。
Takase: 助けてください。
Peter: Yoshi, what does this mean?
Yoshi: Please help.
Peter: Yes. And in emergencies, it can get reduced to just
Yoshi: 助けてー!
Peter: もう一度お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。
Yoshi: たすけてえ!
Peter: Okay Takase, break down the first expression.
Takase: た・す・け・て・く・だ・さ・い
Peter: And one time fast.
Takase: 助けてください。
Peter: Two words in there. Yoshi, give us the first word and the short version of this expression, please help.
Yoshi: 助けてー!
Peter: Break it down.
Yoshi: た・す・け・て・え!、助けてー!
Peter: So now you have the means to help you, get help from people around you. Now a few things we want to point out. The Japanese police as I am sure many police departments around the world recommend that you use the landline. That way they can trace the call and dispatch units there. So watch out Takase, they will be there fast.
Takase: I am too fast for them.
Peter: So yes, as you can see, Takase is the reason we are doing this class.
Takase: Don’t scare them.
Peter: Too late.
Takase: I am just acting.
Peter: Yes again we really want to stress. We are just introducing this to you for the worst case scenario because remember there are things you can’t plan for. We do feel that if you come to Japan and you take precautions, where it is going on around you and you are safe about things you do that it’s highly unlikely you run into problems. Right, Yoshi?
Peter: You are right.
Peter: Because we have Takase in the office from 9 to 8. So she is not out on the streets. Wouldn’t you agree, Takase?
Takase: I do.
Peter: But there are things you can’t plan for and it’s best to know this and more than that, you can help somebody else out. You can play the good Samaritan. So this is why we are introducing this today. Okay in this case, what name would we call Takase?
Yoshi: 泥棒
Peter: もう一度お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。
Yoshi: どろぼう
Peter: Takase, can you break down 泥棒
Takase: ど・ろ・ぼ・う、泥棒
Peter: Now Takase is the bold mugger. She goes right out to people and says give me your wallet but there is a different style for getting a woman’s purse which is
Takase: ひったくり
Peter: もう一度お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。
Takase: ひっ・た・く・り
Yoshi: 英語で何と言いますか?
Peter: Type of thief that runs up from behind, grabs the purse and keeps running in one motion. Break it down for us.
Yoshi: ひっ・た・く・り、ひったくり
Peter: But again this is I haven’t heard about this too much in Japan. Have you Yoshi?
Yoshi: Ah yes.
Peter: How about you Takase?
Takase: No.
Peter: Where did you hear about this Yoshi?
Yoshi: On the news, sometimes people, they come behind you on bicycles or scooters and take your stuff away.
Peter: Ah…
Peter: Also…
Peter: Hitech ひったくり
Yoshi: はい。
Peter: Hitech ひったくり
Peter: Yes.
Peter: Okay. Now there is one more thing we’d like to introduce. We want to introduce a lot. We are going to – again we are going to have to break this into a few episodes. There are a few more expressions that we want to get in there. Now in Japan on the crowded trains, sometimes there is a problem. Right Takase?
Takase: Yes.
Peter: Yoshi?
Yoshi: Yes.
Peter: What’s this problem?
Yoshi: 痴漢
Peter: もう一度お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。
Yoshi: ちかん
Peter: Takase, what’s this?
Takase: It’s grope.
Peter: Yes, somebody who gropes people. Umm there are other ways to explain it but I think the best way to explain it is someone who gropes people. The trains here, Yoshi, how crowded are the trains here?
Yoshi: Very crowded that you can’t even move.
Peter: Can’t even move. Takase, you take the train in the morning.
Takase: Yes.
Peter: How crowded is it?
Takase: It’s so crowded that I get lifted off the ground.
Peter: Wow! I’ve never been lifted off the ground. Maybe I was lifting people but in the morning, the person on the platform is actually pushing people into the train. If a guy gets caught, he runs after and he pushes it in. He is pushing people in. It’s so crowded. So sometimes, some people take advantage of this. They take advantage of the close proximity and if this was to happen, it’s very important that you say the word.
Takase: 痴漢!
Peter: There it is just like Takase. Takaseもう一度お願いします。
Takase: 痴漢!
Peter: There it is and if you say this, the people around you are definitely willing to help. The way that this becomes a real problem is if you don’t say anything. If you don’t say anything, then it could become a very big problem but if you say
Takase: 痴漢!
Peter: It will alert people around you. I knew someone who this happened to, she said it, two guys nearby grabbed the guy and they all went to the.
Yoshi: 警察
Peter: Yep. So it’s very important that you say something. Okay Yoshi, break down this word.
Yoshi: ち・か・ん、痴漢
Peter: And the 痴漢 is usually used for guys groping girls but we know that there are some good looking guys out there. Yoshi, you are a good looking guy.
Yoshi: Hell yeah!
Peter: So you might have this problem. Sometimes the reverse will happen and if a girl gropes a guy, what’s the word for that?
Yoshi: 痴女
Peter: もう一度お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。
Takase: Why are you looking at me?
Peter: Well Takase, we’ve heard about your past.
Takase: No…What happened is, the train is so crowded that you have to touch them, no, not have to but…
Peter: Contact right? You mean contact.
Takase: Yes.
Peter: Yes and that’s why we have the word
Yoshi: 痴女
Takase: 痴女
Peter: Break it down Takase.
Takase: ち・じょ、痴女
Peter: Okay. So we hope these phrases helped you out today. What do you think, pretty useful Takase?
Takase: Yes.
Peter: Yoshi?
Yoshi: Very much.


Peter: All right. So that’s going to do it for this week.
Takase: また明日。
Yoshi: またね。
Peter: See you tomorrow.


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