
Vocabulary (Review)

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Peter: Peter here. Onomatopoeia lesson #5. Easy Onomatopoeia.
さくら: さくらです。こんにちは。Hi everyone.
Peter: Welcome to japanesepod101.com’s onomatopoeia series. In this series, we are exploring the world of Japanese onomatopoeia.
さくら: そうですね。There are two types of Japanese onomatopoeia 擬音語and 擬態語
Peter: 擬音語are the true onomatopoeia that mimic sounds just like in English.
さくら: Such as ワンワン、にゃんにゃん
Peter: Woof woof, meow meow. on the other hand describes the situation, feeling or state using a sound.
さくら: Such as ペラペラ fluent in foreign language.
Peter: So we hope you will join us on this enjoyable ride into the wonderful world of Japanese onomatopoeia.
さくら: Let’s enjoy the ride. I really enjoy it actually onomatopoeia ほんと、ほんと。ほんとに。
Peter: Wow! Somebody had their coffee this morning. Okay anyway, without further adieu, let’s get on with the lesson.
さくら: Okay.
Peter: So Sakura san, so far we’ve published four onomatopoeia lessons.
さくら: はい。
Peter: This lesson is designed to review the onomatopoeia we’ve learned in the previous dialogues.
さくら: はい。
Peter: So Sakura san, what onomatopoeia are we going to review in this lesson?
さくら: ケロケロ ワンワン にゃんにゃん パラパラ ぺちゃくちゃ
Peter: This lesson is a bit different as the review lesson will give you a conversation.
さくら: うん、そうですね。
Peter: Then afterwards, we will explain some points in the conversation. Be sure to check the lesson notes. Okay Sakura san, today’s conversation is between
さくら: Two high school students 本田けんand 鈴木とも
Peter: And finally, we have the teacher.
さくら: そうですね。先生Teacher, sensei.
Peter: So at first, the two students are talking and then the teacher interrupts.
さくら: はい。
Peter: Something wrong with that sentence. This conversation takes place at
さくら: A high school.
Peter: Okay and the Japanese they will be using is
さくら: Informal.
Peter: Because two friends talking.
さくら: Yes.
1. 本田けん: うわ~。なつかしい。このカエル、けろけろけろっぴ?
2. 鈴木とも: そうそう。サンリオのキャラクター。
3. 本田けん: へぇ~。お客さんがいた?
4. 鈴木とも: うーん。パラパラ。
5. 先生: 本田君、鈴木さん。ペチャクチャ話さないでください。授業中です
1. 本田けん: うわ~。なつかしい。このカエル、けろけろけろっぴ?
2. 鈴木とも: そうそう。サンリオのキャラクター。
3. 本田けん: へぇ~。お客さんがいた?
4. 鈴木とも: うーん。パラパラ。
5. 先生: 本田君、鈴木さん。ペチャクチャ話さないでください。授業中です
1. 本田けん: うわ~。なつかしい。このカエル、けろけろけろっぴ?
2. 鈴木とも: そうそう。サンリオのキャラクター。
3. 本田けん: へぇ~。お客さんがいた?
4. 鈴木とも: うーん。パラパラ。
5. 先生: 本田君、鈴木さん。ペチャクチャ話さないでください。授業中です
1. KEN HONDA: Wow, I remember this! Isn't this frog Kero Kero Keroppi?
2. TOMO SUZUKI: Yeah, it's a Sanrio character. I bought it at WanNyan Land near my
3. KEN HONDA: Cool. Were there any people there?
4. TOMO SUZUKI: Mmm, there were a few. Oh, but right now the cherry blossoms are
blooming here and there, and they're really beautiful!
5. TEACHER: Honda-kun, Suzuki-san. Please stop chattering in the middle of
Peter: Sakura san.
さくら: はい。
Peter: There are some interesting words in there.
さくら: Umm…
Peter: ケロケロケロッピー
さくら: So it used to be very famous. It’s sanrio character. Sanrio is キャラクターbrand Sanrio [*何ていうのかな。ハローキティのブランド ハローキティ]. You know the cat, white cat?
Peter: Yeah, yeah, yeah…
さくら: That’s Sanrio character and this is another Sanrio character which is not as famous as kitty but ケロケロケロッピー frog character ね
Peter: Hah!
さくら: Green, green frog ね
Peter: So for Japanese, it’s kind of like Kermit.
さくら: うん、そうね。そうですね。I did some research on ケロケロケロッピーactually.
Peter: Really?
さくら: Yeah ちょっと待ってね。ケロケロケロッピーwas born to the world 1987. So 80s character だね
Peter: That’s not bad at all.
さくら: まあね、ハローキティexisted when I was a child. So it’s much, much newer でもまあ。
Peter: Are you that?
さくら: あとね full name. Full name of ケロケロケロッピーはis a family name. 蓮の上ケロッピー ケロッピーis the first name.
Peter: Really?
さくら: Yes 蓮の上 is on lotus 蓮
Peter: Aha!
さくら: So maybe lotus leaf and he lives in ドーナツ池donut pond. So my research. Now we don’t see ケロケロケロッピー characters that much now-a-days like there are more popular characters but we can meet him at Sanrio ピューロランド
Peter: So this is a real place.
さくら: Yeah Sanrio Puroland is Sanrio Disneyland, Sanrio バージョン
Peter: Okay where is that place?
さくら: 浜センター
Peter: Ah!
さくら: You know?
Peter: Of course I used to work in
さくら: Really?
Peter: That’s on the eastern side of Tokyo.
さくら: Yes.
Peter: All right 連れて行って頂けますか Can you take me?
さくら: Please go buy us help. It’s all indoor ね. It’s all indoor and its mostly shows.
Peter: Okay, okay.
さくら: Okay, okay. Anyway, you can cut this out.
Peter: No, No I would leave it in there. So caffeine Sakura san.
さくら: はい
Peter: Can I ask you a question?
さくら: Yes.
Peter: ケロケロケロッピーThis name is derived from the onomatopoeia ケロケロ
さくら: そうです
Peter: Which is the sound that frogs make.
さくら: Frogs make.
Peter: What is the pi?
さくら: Pi is a suffix you add to someone’s name. It’s a kind of casual and cute suffix. So if you want to なんだろう nickname の時にsomething pi.
Peter: So for example, Sakura pi.
さくら: It doesn’t work that way.
Peter: How about Peter pi?
さくら: ピーターピーもちょっとね but if you – you can say maybe ピタピーwoodwork. You know, the リドルだね
Peter: Ah so you have to shorten it.
さくら: うん、そうですね。
Peter: Can you give me an example like
さくら: あのねTwo famous celebrities かなwith pi nickname is Yamapi and Norepi.
Peter: Norepi and Yamapi.
さくら: So you can use first name and also family name. Either is okay ね. The やまぴーはYamapi is 山下智久 山下family name . So のりピーは酒井法子first name の法子のノリでNorepi, whichever is okay.
Peter: So you kind of cut the name into half.
さくら: そう、そうです、そうです。
Peter: Let’s see if I can get this to work. Sakura san, your name, your full name is とかないさくら Sakura. So we can make it とかぴー
さくら: Yes.
Peter: Cutting your last name とかないinto half.
さくら: そうです。
Peter: とかぴー
さくら: はい。 That works.
Peter: I like it. Can we call you that?
さくら: Yes. So 何ていうのかな。. You know the way you add ちゃん. とかちゃん You use pi to make it cute.
Peter: Got it. Okay とかぴー. Is there anything else that we need to look at in this dialogue before we go on to the vocabulary?
さくら: ワンにゃんランドのワン、にゃんare also onomatopoeia words.
Peter: So a Barkland.
さくら: And Meowland. So maybe you can meet dogs and cats there. You can imagine from this the ワンにゃんit’s a ワンワン、にゃんにゃん
Peter: But we take the first two syllables of each and we combine them. ワン、にゃん
さくら: So it’s not the – you don’t use this in conversation ワンにゃんbut you can imagine from the name.
Peter: That it’s woof, meow land. So dogs and cats.
さくら: そうです。
Peter: Okay let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. とかぴーfirst word.
さくら: 懐かしい
Peter: Nostalgic.
さくら: (slow)なつかしい (natural speed)懐かしい
Peter: Next
さくら: サンリオ
Peter: Brand name, toymaker.
さくら: (slow) サンリオ (natural speed)サンリオ
Peter: Next
さくら: 咲く
Peter: To bloom.
さくら: (slow) さく (natural speed)咲く
Peter: Next
さくら: 授業中
Peter: While in ______ (0:10:42) class.
さくら: (slow) じゅぎょうちゅう (natural speed)授業中
Peter: Okay let’s review some of the words from the dialogue. The first word we are going to review is パラパラ. Can we have the sentence from the dialogue?
さくら: 桜がパラパラ咲いていて綺麗だよ。
Peter: Cherry blossoms are blooming here and there and it’s so beautiful. Now can you drop the onomatopoeia and say the sentence again?
さくら: 桜が咲いていて綺麗だよ。
Peter: Cherry blossoms are blooming and it’s so beautiful. Without the パラパラonomatopoeia, it’s not clear whether the cherry blossoms are fully bloomed but by adding the listeners can guess that the cherry blossoms have just started blooming recently here and there.
さくら: はい。
Peter: And peak hasn’t come yet.
さくら: そうですね。
Peter: So what’s the second onomatopoeia we are going to review?
さくら: ぺちゃくちゃ
Peter: In the dialogue, we have
さくら: ぺちゃくちゃ話さないでください
Peter: Please stop chattering away. Now can you drop the onomatopoeia and say the same sentence again?
さくら: 話さないでください
Peter: Please don’t talk.
さくら: This is pretty neutral but ぺちゃくちゃ話さないでくださいsounds like someone has been rattling on for a while and the speaker is a little bit upset. That’s enough the kanji.
Peter: Kind of like before さっきみたい
さくら: Yes ぺちゃくちゃ話しすぎました。
Peter: 二人とも
さくら: そうですね。
Peter: The both of us, we are just ぺちゃくちゃ
さくら: Chattering too much ね
Peter: ぺちゃくちゃ話していた
さくら: そう。ぺちゃくちゃ話しすぎていた
Peter: Okay well, you know what though, it was fun. I had a very good time.
さくら: すみません。無駄話をぺちゃくちゃと。


Peter: So Sakura san, you have to come back more often. You are not in enough lessons.
さくら: よろしくお願いします。頑張ります。
Peter: お願いします。
さくら: はい。


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