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Peter: ガリガリPeter here with ぽっちゃり Naomi sensei.
なおみ: Hi everyone, Naomi here.
Peter: Onomatopoeia Lesson #25. The Sounds You Hear Inside Your Head Are Your Japanese Personality Breaking Free.
なおみ: Now everyone thinks I am chubby or fat. みんなぽっちゃりだと思うでしょ。 Am I ほっちゃり
Peter: No, no, no 全然. Ah Naomi Sensei, it was just to help everyone remember the onomatopoeia that much better.
なおみ: Okay if you say so こんにちは、みなさん hi everyone.
Peter: Welcome to japanesepod101.com’s onomatopoeia series. In this series, we are exploring the world of Japanese onomatopoeia.
なおみ: There are two types of Japanese onomatopoeia 擬音語and 擬態語
Peter: 擬音語 are the true onomatopoeia that mimic sounds like our English onomatopoeia.
なおみ: Such as ぴちゃぴちゃ
Peter: Splash, splash.
なおみ: ブクブク
Peter: To bubble. 擬態語on the other hand describes a situation, feeling or state using sound.
なおみ: For example 兄はアメフトの選手でがっちりしている
Peter: My brother plays American Football and he is muscular.
なおみ: 良いですね。
Peter: We hope you will join us on this enjoyable ride into the wonderful world of Japanese onomatopoeia. Without further adieu, let’s get on with the lesson. In this lesson, we will be introducing onomatopoeia in situations within upper beginner, lower intermediate level dialogue. Naomi Sensei, what are we going to learn in this lesson?
なおみ: 人の性格と態度 性格means personality and 態度means attitude.
Peter: So in this lesson, you learn how to describe someone’s personality and attitude. The conversation is between
なおみ: 二人の高校生 いさむさんとはやとさんです。
Peter: Two high school students いさむ and はやと. Where does the conversation take place?
なおみ: 学校
Peter: At school.
なおみ: 男の子たちは、好きな女の子の話をしています
Peter: They are talking about the girls they like.
なおみ: Umm はやと君はゆうかちゃんが好きみたいですよ
Peter: And it seems はやと likes ゆうか. This is ゆうか from the last lesson right?
なおみ: そうそうそう
Peter: Okay let’s listen to the conversation.
1. 速人: ゆうかちゃんっていいよね。ちゃきちゃき、さばさばしていて。
2. いさむ: ゆうか?やめとけやめとけ。
3. 速人: そうかな。
4. いさむ: みんなは、ゆうかはてきぱきしてるって言うけど、俺は、せかせか
5. 速人: へー。よく知っているね。
6. いさむ: 家が隣だからな。
7. 速人: ぱっとしないんだよね。
8. いさむ: ぜいたくだなぁ。
1. 速人: ゆうかちゃんっていいよね。ちゃきちゃき、さばさばしていて。
2. いさむ: ゆうか?やめとけやめとけ。
3. 速人: そうかな。
4. いさむ: みんなは、ゆうかはてきぱきしてるって言うけど、俺は、せかせか
5. 速人: へー。よく知っているね。
6. いさむ: 家が隣だからな。
7. 速人: ぱっとしないんだよね。
8. いさむ: ぜいたくだなぁ。
1. 速人: ゆうかちゃんっていいよね。ちゃきちゃき、さばさばしていて。
2. いさむ: ゆうか?やめとけやめとけ。
3. 速人: そうかな。
4. いさむ: みんなは、ゆうかはてきぱきしてるって言うけど、俺は、せかせか
5. 速人: へー。よく知っているね。
6. いさむ: 家が隣だからな。
7. 速人: ぱっとしないんだよね。
8. いさむ: ぜいたくだなぁ。
1. HAYATO: Yuka's pretty cool, don't you think? The way she's so straightforward
and frank; it's refreshing!
2. ISAMU: Yuka? Give it up, man.
She has a sharp tongue, and if it looks like you're playing around
and aren't serious, she'll give you the boot.
3. HAYATO: I'm not sure about that...
4. ISAMU: Everyone says that she's got it together, but I think she's just
She's a scatterbrain. And what's more, she's a slob. Her room is a
5. HAYATO: Wow, you know a lot about her.
6. ISAMU: Well, that's because she's my neighbor.
Aoi's much better than her. The way she talks is really sweet; she's
carefree, and she's cute.
7. HAYATO: There's nothing special about her.
I mean, sure she's gentle and cute, but she's indecisive and wishywashy,
so I don't really like her.
8. ISAMU: You're asking too much.
なおみ: このストーリーはレッスン23からの続きです
Peter: So this story is a continuation from onomatopoeia lesson #23.
なおみ: 話をちょっと整理しましょう。あおいちゃんは、はやと君が好き。はやと君は、ゆうかちゃんが好き。あおいちゃんとゆうかちゃんは、お友達
Peter: So let’s kind of clean this conversation up a bit. So ゆうかand あおIare good friends. あおい  likes はやと  but はやと likes ゆうか.
なおみ: That’s why いさむ said 贅沢だな to はやと
Peter: So you are asking too much.
なおみ: 多分贅沢だなあ is more like もったいないなあwhat a waste.
Peter: So what いさむmeant by 贅沢is something like such a sweet girl like あおいlikes you but you are not interested. Man, what a waste!
なおみ: そうそうそうそう、そんな感じ、そんな感じ
Peter: Now jumping back to the today’s story, いさむはちょっと言いすぎじゃない like didn’t he say too much?
なおみ: About ゆうか
Peter: Yeah.
なおみ: I think いさむ likes ゆうか
Peter: Definitely.
なおみ: でしょ。だってHe knows her very well. よく知ってますよね。
Peter: So that’s what I think too.
なおみ: Umm…
Peter: Because there is no reason to be that nasty.
なおみ: そう。
Peter: ひどくない
なおみ: そうだよね。でもI think いさむ is just like you Peter like you’ve been nasty to the person who you like.
Peter: もう言うこともないですねLike I have nothing to say.
なおみ: はい、じゃあ、レッスンに行きましょう
Peter: Okay first let’s introduce some onomatopoeia that describes someone’s personality or attitude. Naomi Sensei, what did we have in the dialogue?
なおみ: ゆうかちゃんて良いよね。ちゃきちゃき、さばさばしていて
Peter: ゆうかis pretty cool, don’t you think the way she is so straightforward and frank, it’s refreshing. Naomi Sensei, what are the onomatopoeia?
なおみ: There are two onomatopoeia ちゃきちゃきand さばさば.
Peter: ちゃきちゃき was originally used in the phrase ちゃきちゃきの江戸っ子
なおみ: そうそうそう
Peter: So true born Tokyoite as in 江戸っ子 Tokyoites which are known for being frank, straightforward and brave.
なおみ: そうそうそう
Peter: So ちゃきちゃきbecame an expression that means all of these things.
なおみ: そうですね。 I’d say ちゃきちゃきand さばさば are pretty similar.
Peter: Right. さばさばdescribes the attitude of being unfussy or not detail oriented.
なおみ: You are pointing at yourself.
Peter: Yeah.
なおみ: ちゃきちゃきもさばさばも良い意味ですね They both have a good connotation.
Peter: Awesome! Now can we hear another sentence from the dialogue?
なおみ: はい。みんなはゆうかはテキパキしてるって言うけど、俺はせかせかしているだけだと思うね。
Peter: Everyone says that she is really quick on her feet. I think she is just restless and fidgety.
なおみ: テキパキ and せかせか are onomatopoeia.
Peter: When you read the sentence, you will know what kind of nuance they have.
なおみ: Right テキパキhas a good meaning whereas せかせか has a bad meaning.
Peter: テキパキ means someone acts briskly and quickly. The translation would be alert, well organized, crisp whereas せかせかdescribes someone who is hectic and kind of in a restless state. The translation is busy, restlessly, fidgety. So in the dialogue, four onomatopoeia are used to describe ゆうかpersonality.
なおみ: Right ちゃきちゃき さばさば テキパキ せかせか
Peter: Now from this onomatopoeia, you can probably get a grasp of what kind of person ゆうかis like. All right, so what about あおい. How did いさむ describe her?
なおみ: いさむsaid ほのぼのとした話し方だし、のほほんとして可愛いしh
Peter: The way she talks is really sweet. She is carefree and she is cute.
なおみ: ほのぼの
Peter: Relaxed, heartwarming.
なおみ: And のほほん
Peter: のほほん carefree, easygoing.
なおみ: Are onomatopoeia.
Peter: ほのぼのindicates something that relaxes you or warms the heart. のほほんmeans easygoing and peaceful by the way which is awesome onomatopoeia. However, it could also refer to being easygoing to the point of not doing what he or she is supposed to do.
なおみ: そうですね。のほほん は、悪い意味にもなりますね のほほんcan be used in both a good way and a bad way.
Peter: It sounds like a laugh のほほん
なおみ: のほほん
Peter: のほほん
なおみ: そうかな I don’t know.
Peter: なおみ先生はのほほん
なおみ: Yeah, yeah….I think so.
Peter: Okay what did はやとsay about あおい
なおみ: 確かにおっとりしてて、可愛いけど、はっきりしないし、ぐずぐずしていて好きじゃないんだ
Peter: I mean sure she is gentle and cute but she is indecisive and she dillydallies. So I don’t really like her.
なおみ: onomatopoeiaはおっとり
Peter: Easygoing.
なおみ: と、ぐずぐず
Peter: Wasting time, dillydally.
なおみ: です
Peter: おっとり means that someone’s attitude or personality is calm and comfortable however ぐずぐず is used with a negative meaning. ぐずぐず describes the state of someone not acting quickly enough.
なおみ: そうですね。 So あおい was described as ほのぼの のほほん おっとり ぐずぐず
Peter: Speaking of personality, I heard the expression チャラ男 on TV recently. What does it mean? Is that related to the onomatopoeia チャラチャラnot serious, playing around?
なおみ: チャラ男。そうですね。そうそうそう、チャラチャラした男の人。だから、チャラ男です。
Peter: チャラチャラ describes the sound of a small, thin and probably cheap metal objects hitting each other. When talking about people, it describes someone with a shallow, vain and wishy-washy personality. Someone who is just playing around.
なおみ: そうそうそうそう、 I think among younger generation, i-adjective チャラいis also used チャラい人or チャラい男. チャラおのおは、男manですね。でも、チャラ子とか、チャラみとかは言わないです。
Peter: So you can use チャラチャラfor describing both men and women but チャラ男only for men.
なおみ: そうです
Peter: So in this lesson, we introduced onomatopoeia that describe personality or attitude. The onomatopoeia we learned are
なおみ: ちゃきちゃき さばさば てきぱき おっとり ほのぼの
Peter: These all have good connotation.
なおみ: そうです Whereas チャラチャラ せかせか ぐずぐずhave a negative connotation.


Peter: Okay. This is the last lesson of this onomatopoeia series. We hope that you learned a lot. It was really fun sharing with you one of the most interesting aspects of the Japanese language.
なおみ: Please let us know what you think about this series コメント待ってます. We are looking forward to hearing your feedback.
Peter: Thank you for listening.
なおみ: 有難うございました


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