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Peter: Peter here. Onomatopoeia Lesson 17. The Sound is the Word is the Sound. Noisy Eating in Japanese.
さくら: さくらです。こんにちはhello everyone, this is Sakura.
Peter: Welcome to japanesepod101.com’s onomatopoeia series. In this series, we are exploring the world of Japanese onomatopoeia.
さくら: There are two types of Japanese onomatopoeia 擬音語and擬態語
Peter:擬音語 are the true onomatopoeia that mimic sounds just like our English onomatopoeia. For example chirp chirp!
Peter: ずーas in the snoring sound, that was awful.
Peter: In Japanese. We covered this in onomatopoeia lesson 16. Now 擬態語on the other hand describe a situation, feeling or state using sound such as
さくら: ぐっすりas inぐっすり眠る
Peter: To sleep soundly. ぐっすりwas also introduced in lesson 16. We hope you will join us for this enjoyable ride into the wonderful world of Japanese onomatopoeia. Without further adieu, let’s get into this lesson. In this lesson, you will learn some onomatopoeia that express the action of eating.
さくら: Such as どんどん がつがつ ぺろりandペロペロ
Peter: So Sakura san, can we hear them in context?
さくら: Okay I am going to read some passages that include this lesson’s target onomatopoeia.
1. 「さあ、どんどん食べろ。」
2. 男は、犬の前に大きい肉を置いた。
3. 犬は、その肉をがつがつと食べ始めたが、すぐに、ぺろりと食べ終わってしまった。
4. 犬はいつまでも、皿をぺろぺろとなめていた。
Peter: Now the translation. All right, eat up the man said putting a large piece of meat in front of the dog. The dog began to greedily devour the piece of meat and quickly finished it off. The dog went on forever at looking at plate. If you ever had a dog, I am sure you can relate to this somehow. Anyway there are four onomatopoeia phrases in this passage right?
Peter: They are
Peter: To eat up or to eat a lot.
Peter: To greedily devour.
Peter: Easily finish it all off.
Peter: To lick. First let’s take a look atどんどん is used in a situation where something happens continuously or rapidly one after another. This can be used with other verbs too right?
さくら:はい likeどんどん安くなる
Peter: To get cheaper and cheaper.
Peter: I can think of one example sentence.
Peter:アメリカドルはどんどん安くなる。困ったなあThe American dollar is getting cheaper and cheaper, what should I do?
さくら: I am sure some people might say円はどんどん高くなる。困ったなあ
Peter: The Yen is getting more and more expensive, what should I do? Okay what was the sentence you read at the beginning?
Peter: All right, eat up. Come on, eat a lot.
さくら: なんかWhen you are invited to a friend’s house and friend’s mother is cooking, she might sayさあ、どんどん食べてね
Peter: Kind of like don’t hold back, eat a lot.
さくら: そうそうそうそう、But食べろとは言わないね eat like orderingだから。食べろはね。
Peter: It’s a good point. As the master was speaking to the dog, the master was using 命令系like orders.
Peter: Okay on to the next onomatopoeia. What’s the second onomatopoeia?
Peter: In context please.
Peter: The dog began to greedily devour the piece of meat.がつがつ refers to the action of devouring something or the state of being hungry and wanting to eat. It’s used with the verb 食べるto eat or するto do.
さくら: Right がつがつ食べるor がつがつと食べるmean to eat like a pig.
Peter: Or to scarf, to gobble down, to devour or to greedily eat, to put it more politely.
さくら: Politely. When I hear がつがつと食べるI picture a person who is absorbed in eating and is eating with really bad manners,がつがつと食べる
Peter: Ah you often see it in Manga right?
さくら: Ah yes, yes, yesがつがつ
Peter: Like somebody will be eating like they will have their pose where there is elbow up and food coming to his mouth andがつがつ
Peter: Okay next we have
さくら: ぺろりas inすぐにぺろりと食べ終わってしまった
Peter: He quickly finished it all off.ぺろり can refer to the action of licking something but it also refers to eating something up very quickly without any trouble as if one just licked it up.
さくら: You can repeat the first ぺろpart twice and sayぺろぺろなめる
Peter: As we mentioned in some previous lessons, repetitive onomatopoeia indicates a continuous action or state. So basically ぺろりis to lick once whereasぺろぺろ is to lick multiple times.ぺろぺろ describes the action of someone, a person or a animal licking something. It’s often used with the verb なめるto lick, okay. Sample sentence please.
Peter: The dog was licking the plate.
さくら: I think theぺろぺろ and ぺろりdescribe the actual licking sound.
Peter: Likeぺろっ
Peter: I can’t believe that I just did that but umm I think you get the point and hopefully you are not traumatized from that.
さくら: But I think that the sound isぺろぺろ. We also have aぺろぺろキャンディー candy. Have you ever heard of it?
Peter: Umm no.
さくら: Can you guess what it is?
Peter: Ah a sucking candy.
さくら: そうそうそう、A lollypopみたいなね
さくら: So ぺろぺろit’s a giant lollypop and it’s on a stake. It’s likeチュッパチヤップスなんだけど. I think the most typicalぺろぺろキャンディー candy like the one you imagine straight away is it’s round but it’s thinわかる
Peter: Round and thin
さくら: It’s not like a ball but its thin and its round.
Peter: The yogurt Trops.
さくら: なにそれIt’s like a coin.
Peter: Ah…
さくら: With a stick.
Peter: Yeah a lollypop.
Peter: Yeah.
さくら: Soぺろぺろキャンディー って言うと、コインの形を
Peter: And it has like the swirl.
Peter: Okay. Now we just learned onomatopoeia that express the action of eating. Sakura san, how do you describe this action in Japanese?
Peter: ごくっdescribes the sound you make when you gulp something. How about this sound
Peter:ごくごく is used with the verb飲む to drink and refers to the action of drinking something quickly. Sample sentence please.
Peter: I was really thirsty, so I gulped down the water.
さくら: Actually からからas in喉がからから is also onomatopoeia. からからindicates something is dried up.
Peter: So literally 喉がからからmeans I have a dry throat.
Peter: And it means I am thirsty.
さくら: 喉がからからis I am thirsty,お腹ぺこぺこ is
Peter: That’s the famous one. My stomach is empty or I am hungry.
さくら: You can sayお腹がぺこぺこだったので、ご飯をがつがつ食べた
Peter: I was really hungry, so I wolf down the meal. Okay let’s recap the usage of the words we looked at in this lesson. We are going to do this with sample sentences. Sakura sanお願いします。
さくら: はい。The first phrase is どんどん食べるto eat a lot.さあ、どんどん食べてください
Peter: Eat up, eat a lot. What’s the second phrase?
さくら:がつがつ食べる To eat greedily,がつがつ食べないでゆっくり食べなさい
Peter: Don’t scarf down your food, eat slowly. The third phrase
さくら:ぺろりと食べる To gobble up, to finish up food easily and quickly小林君はホットドッグを10個ぺろりと食べた
Peter: Mr. Kobayashi easily finished off 10 hot dogs.
Peter: But actually that’s not that many if we are talking about, the Mr. Kobayashi.
Peter: The
さくら: The…
Peter: And of course we are referring to the famous Kobayashi San who is a professional contest eater.
Peter: And he has done well at many eating competitions.
Peter: Probably most well known as the Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest held in Coney Island. Okay lastly,
さくら: ぺろぺろなめるTo lick.子供がチュッパチヤップスをぺろぺろなめている
Peter: The child is licking a Chupa Chups lollipop. So Sakura san, have you used or heard any of these phrases recently?
さくら: そうですね。私の娘がMy daughter がね、スプーンをぺろぺろなめていましたshe was licking the spoon and I told her not to ぺろぺろなめるのやめなさいI stop stop it. お行儀が悪いですよThat’s bad manners, you know.
Peter:懐かしいなあ。 I remember doing that myself.
Peter: The peanut butter, you take a spoonful of peanut butter.
さくら: Whoa!
Peter: Peanut butter lollipop.


Peter: Umm okay that’s all for today. Remember, learning onomatopoeia is essential for greater fluency and for taking your Japanese to the next level. Be sure to stop by the website and pick up the lesson notes. There you will find a detailed write up of this lesson. Also on the website, you can access some of the previous lessons. With a basic or premium membership, you can access all of the audio and lesson notes from this and other series. You can find out more information by visiting japanesepod101.com


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