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Peter: Peter here. Onomatopoeia Lesson 13. Don’t Be Afraid of Japanese.
さくら: さくらです。こんにちはHi everyone, this is Sakura.
Peter: Welcome to japanesepod101.com’s onomatopoeia series. In this series, we are exploring the world of Japanese onomatopoeia.
さくら: そうですね。 There are two types of Japanese onomatopoeia 擬音語and 擬態語.
Peter: 擬音語 are the true onomatopoeia that mimic sounds just like in English. One example is tick tock.
さくら: チクタク
Peter: Thump thump.
さくら: ドキドキ
Peter: 擬態語on the other hand describes a situation, feeling or a state using a sound.
さくら: Such as ワクワクexcited.
Peter: So Sakura san, ワクワクnow, are you excited?
さくら: もちろんOf course ワクワクしてます
Peter: 良かったです
さくら: はい
Peter: Okay that’s good. We hope you will join us on this enjoyable ride into the wonderful world of Japanese onomatopoeia. Without further adieu, let’s get on with this lesson.
さくら: はい
Peter: Sakura san, what onomatopoeia are we studying in this lesson?
さくら: Onomatopoeia that express surprise or fear such as はっと ぎょっとand ぞっと
Peter: Now we can’t translate them without context. So Sakura san, can we hear them in context?
さくら: Okay. I am going to read some passages that include this lesson’s target onomatopoeia はっと目をさますと、僕は自分の部屋にいた。どうやって帰ってきたんだろう。手と足が真っ黒に汚れていて、ぎょっとした。何も思い出すことができない。本当にぞっとする
Peter: I woke with a start ______ (0:01:58) and found myself in a room. I wonder how I got home. I was also taken aback to find that my hands and feet were stain black as coal. I couldn’t remember anything. I was terrified.
さくら: 怖いですね Scary.
Peter: Now there are three onomatopoeia phrases in the sentences right?
さくら: Right.
Peter: Which are they Sakura san?
さくら: はっと目をさます
Peter: I woke with a start.
さくら: ぎょっとした
Peter: I was taken aback.
さくら: ぞっとする
Peter: I was terrified or I am terrified. First let’s take a look at はっと which describes a situation where someone becomes suddenly aware of something or surprised by a sudden happening. It’s often used with a verb
さくら: する
Peter: To do.
さくら: はっとする
Peter: To be surprised, to get a start, to gasp.
さくら: Actually only the はっpart is the onomatopoeia. はっis the sound of a gasp like はっ
Peter: はっ
さくら: Yes.
Peter: That first what you inhale.
さくら: そうですそうです
Peter: The sound of you inhaling something.
さくら: そう。はっ
Peter: When you are kind of surprised or shocked.
さくら: そうです
Peter: The とis the quotation marker. So はっとする literally means to gasp with a sound of はっ
さくら: はっ
Peter: Can you read the sentence again?
さくら: はっと目を覚ますと、僕は自分の部屋にいた
Peter: I woke with a start and found myself in my room.
さくら: 目を覚ます
Peter: Means to wake up.
さくら: はっと
Peter: Is also used with
さくら: 目を覚ますFinding yourself in your room is better than finding yourself in strange place.
Peter: Good point Sakura san but in the story, at least the person woke up in their room right?
さくら: そうですね。良かった
Peter: I woke with a start and found myself in my room.
さくら: Your own room is always better than say a
Peter: Sakura san, are you speaking from experience?
さくら: No.
Peter: This is a little weird. Okay on to the next onomatopoeia. What’s the next onomatopoeia?
さくら: ぎょっ
Peter: In context please.
さくら: 手と足が真っ黒に汚れていて、ぎょっとした
Peter: I was taken aback to find that my hands and feet were stain black as coal. So ぎょっとindicates a scared or a shocked feeling caused by a sudden happening. So ぎょっとするmeans to be unpleasantly surprised or taken aback.
さくら: taken aback そうですね。なんかwhen you see something grows とかね。わあ!って感じですね
Peter: Okay next we have
さくら: ぞっ 本当にぞっとする
Peter: Really terrified. Now ぞっとrefers to shivers going down one’s spine or cold from fear.
さくら: そうですね。 It’s used with a verb する ぞっとする
Peter: To be terrified, appalled or to get the shivers.
さくら: そう。ぞっとする。何か鳥肌が立つ感じですよね。ぞっとして鳥肌が立ったみたいな。
Peter: To get Goosebumps.
さくら: Goosebumpsね
Peter: Okay we’ve looked at onomatopoeia that expresses surprise or fear. How about the opposite? Do we have onomatopoeia that expresses relief?
さくら: はい Yes we do. What kind of sound do you make when you are relieved, huh! We go ほー ちょっと different ね. So when it becomes an onomatopoeia, it’s ほっwith a small つね. So it’s ほっとする
Peter: To be relieved. So can we say
さくら: テストに合格してほっとした
Peter: I was relieved I passed the test and if you walk into class and you have a surprise test
さくら: はっとする
Peter: And if the test is easy and you do well
さくら: ほっとする。そうですね。はっとしてほっとする
Peter: Let’s recap the usage of the words we looked at today. To make it easier, we are going to do this with sample sentences. Sakura san,
さくら: はい。The first phrase is はっとする
Peter: To be surprised, to get a start, to gasp.
さくら: 急ブレーキの音を聞いてはっとした
Peter: The sudden breaking sound made me gasp in surprise. Okay what’s the second phrase?
さくら: ぎょっとする
Peter: To be unpleasantly surprised or to be taken aback.
さくら: 突然人が飛び出してきたのでぎょっとした。
Peter: So the person jumped out in front of me and I was taken aback. Lastly,
さくら: ぞっとする
Peter: To be terrified, appalled, to get the shivers.
さくら: 怖い話を聞いて、ゾッとした。
Peter: I heard a scary story and felt freaked out.
さくら: はい。
Peter: So Sakura san,
さくら: はい。
Peter: Do you like scary stories or horror movies?
さくら: 苦手ですねI am not very good at them.
Peter: Recently, have you seen one?
さくら: Hmm yes, no. No, actually no because I try not to see them.
Peter: Okay so when was the last time you used these phrases?
さくら: Umm そうだ when I found this very old Chilli paste in my fridge and it was you know, it was out of date for so many monthだったの
Peter: Not even years?
さくら: Not years, but like half year and I saw the date ぎょっとした. First, I went ぎょっとした this date, . そのあとIf you imagined inside, ゾッとした
Peter: There you have it.
さくら: はい
Peter: Okay well, the lesson is over. So you probably feel
さくら: ほっとしています。どうですか、ピーターさんは。
Peter: ほっとしています
さくら: はい。


Peter: Okay that is going to do for this lesson. Now remember, learning onomatopoeia is essential for greater fluency and for taking your Japanese to the next level. Be sure to stop by the website japanesepod101.com and pick up the lesson notes. There you will find a detailed write up of onomatopoeia that appeared in this lesson. Also on the website, you can access some of the previous lessons. With a basic or premium membership, you can access all the audio and lesson notes from this and other lessons. To find out more, stop by japanesepod101.com. That’s going to do for this lesson.
さくら: はい。またね。


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