
Vocabulary (Review)

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Eric: Lesson 44. Check please. In this lesson, you will learn phrases and expressions that you can hear and use at the restaurant like…
Naomi: おごります (ogorimasu)
Eric: It’s my treat. And again, this week, we are back at the
Naomi: インド料理店 (Indo ryōriten)
Eric: The Indian restaurant. Who is speaking?
Naomi: リュウさん、静さん、店員さん。(Ryū-san, Shizuka-san, ten’in-san.)
Eric: Ryu, Shizuka, and the waiter. The speakers are using
Naomi: Formal Japanese.
Eric: Okay, let’s listen.
店員 (ten’in) : お会計、三千円です。(O-kaikei, san-zen-en desu.)
静 (Shizuka) : 別々でお願いします。(Betsubetsu de onegai shimasu.)
リュウ (Ryū) : おごりますよ。一緒で、お願いします。(Ogorimasu yo. Issho de, onegai shimasu.)
静 (Shizuka) : いいですよ。結構です。割り勘で、お願いします。(Ii desu yo. Kekkō desu. Warikan de, onegai shimasu.)
リュウ (Ryū) : いいですよ。今日は初めてのデートです。はい、三千円。ごちそうさま。(Ii desu yo. Kyō wa hajimete no dēto desu. Hai, san-zen-en. Gochisō-sama.)
店員 (ten’in) : ありがとうございました。(Arigatō gozaimashita.)
静 (Shizuka) : ごちそうさまでした、リュウさん。じゃ、コーヒーをおごります。あのお店に入りましょう。あそこの、カフェ・イノベイティブ。(Gochisō-sama deshita, Ryū-san. Ja, kōhī o ogorimasu. Ano o-mise ni hairimashō. Asoko no, Kafe Inobeitibu.)
もう一度、お願いします。今度は、ゆっくりお願いします。(Mō ichi-do, onegai shimasu. Kondo wa, yukkuri onegai shimasu.)
店員 (ten’in) : お会計、三千円です。(O-kaikei, san-zen-en desu.)
静 (Shizuka) : 別々でお願いします。(Betsubetsu de onegai shimasu.)
リュウ (Ryū) : おごりますよ。一緒で、お願いします。(Ogorimasu yo. Issho de, onegai shimasu.)
静 (Shizuka) : いいですよ。結構です。割り勘で、お願いします。(Ii desu yo. Kekkō desu. Warikan de, onegai shimasu.)
リュウ (Ryū) : いいですよ。今日は初めてのデートです。はい、三千円。ごちそうさま。(Ii desu yo. Kyō wa hajimete no dēto desu. Hai, san-zen-en. Gochisō-sama.)
店員 (ten’in) : ありがとうございました。(Arigatō gozaimashita.)
静 (Shizuka) : ごちそうさまでした、リュウさん。じゃ、コーヒーをおごります。あのお店に入りましょう。あそこの、カフェ・イノベイティブ。(Gochisō-sama deshita, Ryū-san. Ja, kōhī o ogorimasu. Ano o-mise ni hairimashō. Asoko no, Kafe Inobeitibu.)
今度は、英語が入ります。(Kondo wa, Eigo ga hairimasu.)
店員 (ten’in) : お会計、三千円です。(O-kaikei, san-zen-en desu.)
STAFF : That’ll be 3000 yen.
静 (Shizuka) : 別々でお願いします。(Betsubetsu de onegai shimasu.)
SHIZUKA : We’d like separate checks please.
リュウ (Ryū) : おごりますよ。一緒で、お願いします。(Ogorimasu yo. Issho de, onegai shimasu.)
RYU : Oh, it's my treat. Put it on the same check please.
静 (Shizuka) : いいですよ。結構です。割り勘で、お願いします。(Ii desu yo. Kekkō desu. Warikan de, onegai shimasu.)
SHIZUKA : No, it's fine. Can you split the bill in two please?
リュウ (Ryū) : いいですよ。今日は初めてのデートです。(Ii desu yo. Kyō wa hajimete no dēto desu.)
RYU : No, it's really okay. Today was our first date after all.
リュウ (Ryū) : はい、三千円。ごちそうさま。(Hai, san-zen-en. Gochisō-sama.)
RYU : Here’s 3000 yen. The meal was excellent.
店員 (ten’in) : ありがとうございました。(Arigatō gozaimashita.)
STAFF : Thank you.
静 (Shizuka) : ごちそうさまでした、リュウさん。(Gochisō-sama deshita, Ryū-san.)
SHIZUKA : Thank you for the meal, Ryu.
静 (Shizuka) : じゃ、コーヒーをおごります。 (Ja, kōhī o ogorimasu.)
SHIZUKA : Let me buy you a coffee then.
静 (Shizuka) : あのお店に入りましょう。あそこの、カフェ・イノベイティブ。(Ano o-mise ni hairimashō. Asoko no, Kafe Inobeitibu.)
SHIZUKA : Let’s go to that place – Café Innovative.
Naomi: エリックさん、よくおごりますか。(Erikku-san, yoku ogorimasu ka.)
Eric: Do I often treat people?
Naomi: はい。おごります?(Hai. Ogorimasu?)
Eric: Yeah, I guess I do but you know, not as much as regular Japanese businessmen. Not as intense. Those guys, they love to treat, right? I mean it’s a regular Japanese custom for people to treat, especially people who are under them. So at a company, it would be there under links or at school it would be their younger classmates. That’s pretty common, right?
Naomi: そうかもしれないですね。(Sō kamo shirenai desu ne.) Especially among men.
Eric: Really?
Naomi: Girls don’t do that often.
Eric: Wait! So you’ve never done that before? You’d never taken your co-workers out and treated them all?
Naomi: うーん。ないですね。(Ūn. Nai desu ne.)
Eric: I guess it just happens among men.
Naomi: そうだと思いますね。(Sō da to omoimasu ne.)
Eric: Yeah, I have had that a couple of times. You know professors or…
Naomi: そうね。男の人はよくします。(Sō ne. Otoko no hito wa yoku shimasu.)
Eric: Men do that often.
Naomi: そうね。多分女の人はちょっとケチかもね。(Sō ne. Tabun onna no hito wa chotto kechi kamo ne.) In that aspect.
Eric: So, you are saying that women are cheap in that aspect, cheapskates.
Naomi: Or tight.
Eric: Little bit frugal.
Naomi: Uhoo.
Eric: In the wallet. I wonder why guys do so much. Is it a point of pride I guess.
Naomi: そうかもしれないですね。(Sō kamo shirenai desu ne.) I guess so.
Eric: Yeah, all right. On to the vocabulary.
Naomi: 次は単語です。(Tsugi wa tango desu.)
Eric: The first word is
Naomi: 別々 (betsubetsu)
Eric: Separately.
Naomi: (slow) べつべつ (betsubetsu) (natural speed) 別々 (betsubetsu)
Eric: Next.
Naomi: 結構です (kekkō desu)
Eric: No thank you.
Naomi: (slow) けっこうです (kekkō desu) (natural speed) 結構です (kekkō desu)
Eric: Next.
Naomi: 割り勘 (warikan)
Eric: Splitting the cost.
Naomi: (slow) わりかん (warikan) (natural speed) 割り勘 (warikan)
Eric: Next we have a phrase.
Naomi: ごちそうさま (gochisō-sama)
Eric: I really enjoyed the meal. Thank you for the meal.
Naomi: (slow) ごちそうさま (gochisō-sama) (natural speed) ごちそうさま (gochisō-sama)
Eric: Next we have a phrase.
Naomi: おごります (ogorimasu)
Eric: To treat.
Naomi: (slow) おごります (ogorimasu) (natural speed) おごります (ogorimasu)
Eric: Okay, what’s the first word we are going to look at?
Naomi: おごります (ogorimasu)
Eric: To treat. In the conversation, what did you say?
Naomi: おごりますよ。(Ogorimasu yo.)
Eric: It’s my treat. Literally I am going to treat. And Shizuka said
Naomi: じゃ、コーヒーをおごります。(Ja, kōhī o ogorimasu.)
Eric: All right. Let me buy you coffee then. Naomi-sensei, I have also heard the expression 私のおごりです (watashi no ogori desu). It’s my treat or it’s on me.
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.) Right. おごります (ogoraimasu) is a verb and おごり (ogori) is a noun.
Eric: So if you want to say it’s on me, you can either say
Naomi: おごりますよ (ogorimasu yo) or おごります (ogorimasu) or 私のおごりです (watashi no ogori desu).
Eric: When someone says おごりますよ (ogorimasu yo), what are we supposed to say?
Naomi: That’s what we are going to look at next ごちそうさま (gochisō-sama) or ごちそうさまでした (gochisō-sama deshita).
Eric: ごちそうさま (gochisō-sama) or ごちそうさまでした (gochisō-sama deshita), roughly translates to thank you for the meal and you say it when someone treats you to a meal or cooks a meal for you. You also say it to restaurant staff and when used toward friends or peers, just drop でした (deshita).
Naomi: ごちそうさま。(Gochisō-sama.)
Eric: Right. So what’s next?
Naomi: 結構です (kekkō desu)
Eric: Yeah, this is actually a tricky phrase because it could be no thank you or it’s good.
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)
Eric: And literally like the opposite meaning, right?
Naomi: It’s really a formal expression and it might sound harsh. I would recommend that you use いいです (ii desu) instead.
Eric: But if you wanted to say no in a polite but firm way, 結構です (kekkō desu) is handy, right?
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)
Eric: Hey would you like to buy some of this?
Naomi: あー。結構です。(Ā. Kekkō desu.)
Eric: Like that but don’t use it to your friends because they will think you are kind of cold.
Naomi: そうですね。いいです、とか。いいよ、とか。(Sō desu ne. Ii desu, toka. Ii yo, toka.)
Eric: On to the grammar.
Naomi: 次は文法です。(Tsugi wa bunpō desu.)

Lesson focus

Eric: In this lesson, we are back at the restaurant and we are still learning phrases that we can use at the restaurant. In particular, we are going to focus on phrases that can be used toward the end of the meal when it comes time to pay.
Naomi: いいですね。(Ii desu ne.)
Eric: Really important, right? You can’t just leave, stand up and get out. So the next three expressions can be used to specify how you would like to pay for your meal okay and note that each one is followed by でお願いします (de onegai shimasu). What’s the first phrase?
Naomi: 別々でお願いします。(Betsubetsu de onegai shimasu.)
Eric: We’d like separate checks please.
Naomi: 別々 (betsubetsu) means separately.
Eric: 別々でお願いします (betsubetsu de onegai shimasu) literally means separately please which basically means that you pay for exactly what you ate and drank.
Naomi: そうです。(Sō desu.)
Eric: But when you want to split the bill directly and half, how do you say that?
Naomi: 割り勘でお願いします。(Warikan de onegai shimasu.)
Eric: Can you split the bill in two please? 割り勘 (warikan) means splitting the cost, right?
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.) 割ります (warimasu) is to divide. 勘 (kan) is from the word 勘定 (kanjō).
Eric: Which means the bill, so to divide the bill. In this phrase, you don’t really usually say it to the clerk?
Naomi: No.
Eric: But the person at the restaurant is more you know within your group or friends?
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)
Eric: You know before you gathered all the money up.
Naomi: 割り勘でお願い。割り勘でお願いします。(Warikan de onegai. Warikan de onegai shimasu.)
Eric: And finally we have
Naomi: 一緒でお願いします。(Issho de onegai shimasu.)
Eric: Put it on the same check please.
Naomi: 一緒 (issho) means together.
Eric: So 一緒でお願いします (issho de onegai shimasu) literally means together please. Okay, time to practice, all right? You went out for lunch with your younger teammate and you are at the cash register at the restaurant. The waiter asks you if you want to pay together or separately.
Naomi: 一緒ですか。別々ですか。(Issho desu ka. Betsubetsu desu ka.)
Eric: And being the older one, you naturally want to treat your friend.
Naomi: 一緒でお願いします。(Issho de onegai shimasu.)
Eric: And when you leave the restaurant, you might want to say to the restaurant staff.
Naomi: ごちそうさまでした。(Gochisō-sama deshita.)
Eric: Thank you for the meal.


Eric: All right, that does it for today. I'll see you guys next time.
Naomi: じゃ、また。(Ja, mata.)


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