
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Lori’s Story, Lesson 32. Will you make it in Japan? In this lesson, you will learn how to give and receive directions to a place in context of another place.
Naomi: Such as 薬局の隣 (yakkyoku no tonari).
Eric: Next to the pharmacy.
Naomi: 駅の隣 (eki no tonari)
Eric: Or next to the station and this conversation takes place on the street.
Naomi: Lori is looking for 薬局 (yakkyoku).
Eric: A pharmacy and this conversation is between
Naomi: ロリーさんと通行人。(Rorī-san to tsūkōnin.)
Eric: Lori and a passerby and these speakers are total strangers. So they will be speaking in
Naomi: Formal Japanese.
Eric: Let’s listen.
ロリー (Rorī) : あの、すみません、近くに 薬屋は ありますか。(Ano, sumimasen, chikaku ni kusuriya wa arimasu ka.)
通行人 (tsūkōnin) : 薬屋...。ああ、薬局ですね。薬局は あそこです。(Kusuriya... Ā, yakkyoku desu ne. Yakkyoku wa asoko desu.)
ロリー (Rorī) : … どこですか。(... Doko desu ka.)
通行人 (tsūkōnin) : あそこに、コンビニが ありますね。(Asoko ni, konbini ga arimasu ne.)
ロリー (Rorī) : コンビニ...。あ、はいはい。あります。(Konbini... A, hai hai. Arimasu.)
通行人 (tsūkōnin) : 薬局は コンビニの となりです。(Yakkyoku wa konbini no tonari desu.)
ロリー (Rorī) : コンビニの となり ですね。ありがとう ございました。(Konbini no tonari desu ne. Arigatō gozaimashita.)
もう一度、お願いします。今度は、ゆっくりお願いします。(Mō ichi-do, onegai shimasu. Kondo wa, yukkuri onegai shimasu.)
ロリー (Rorī) : あの、すみません、近くに 薬屋は ありますか。(Ano, sumimasen, chikaku ni kusuriya wa arimasu ka.)
通行人 (tsūkōnin) : 薬屋...。ああ、薬局ですね。薬局は あそこです。(Kusuriya... Ā, yakkyoku desu ne. Yakkyoku wa asoko desu.)
ロリー (Rorī) : … どこですか。(... Doko desu ka.)
通行人 (tsūkōnin) : あそこに、コンビニが ありますね。(Asoko ni, konbini ga arimasu ne.)
ロリー (Rorī) : コンビニ...。あ、はいはい。あります。(Konbini... A, hai hai. Arimasu.)
通行人 (tsūkōnin) : 薬局は コンビニの となりです。(Yakkyoku wa konbini no tonari desu.)
ロリー (Rorī) : コンビニの となり ですね。ありがとう ございました。(Konbini no tonari desu ne. Arigatō gozaimashita.)
今度は、英語が入ります。(Kondo wa, Eigo ga hairimasu.)
ロリー (Rorī) : あの、すみません、近くに 薬屋は ありますか。(Ano, sumimasen, chikaku ni kusuriya wa arimasu ka.)
LORI: Umm, excuse me, is there a medicine shop nearby?
通行人 (tsūkōnin) : 薬屋...。ああ、薬局ですね。薬局は あそこです。(Kusuriya... Ā, yakkyoku desu ne. Yakkyoku wa asoko desu.)
PASSERBY: A medicine shop?... Oh, a pharmacy? There's a pharmacy right over there.
ロリー (Rorī) : … どこですか。(... Doko desu ka.)
LORI: ...Where?
通行人 (tsūkōnin) : あそこに、コンビニが ありますね。(Asoko ni, konbini ga arimasu ne.)
PASSERBY: There's a convenience store right there, see?
ロリー (Rorī) : コンビニ...。あ、はいはい。あります。(Konbini... A, hai hai. Arimasu.)
LORI: Convenient store… ah, yes, yes. There is.
通行人 (tsūkōnin) : 薬局は コンビニの となりです。(Yakkyoku wa konbini no tonari desu.)
PASSERBY: The pharmacy is next to the convenience store.
ロリー (Rorī) : コンビニの となり ですね。ありがとう ございました。(Konbini no tonari desu ne. Arigatō gozaimashita.)
LORI: Next to the convenience store. Thank you very much.
Naomi: Is コンビニ (konbini) Japanese English or do you also say コンビニ (konbini) for convenience store?
Eric: No I don’t. You know, I don’t think many English speakers will understand you if you ask them where the コンビニ (konbini) is. コンビニ (konbini) is actually an abbreviation of the word that English speakers do understand.
Naomi: コンビニエンスストア (konbiniensu sutoa)
Eric: Convenience store.
Naomi: Which nobody in Japan really say.
Eric: Why? It is too long?
Naomi: Yeah it’s too long. We usually say コンビニ (konbini). エリックさん、コンビニに行きますか。(Erikku-san, konbini ni ikimasu ka.) Do you often go to a convenience store?
Eric: Yeah, I guess I am pretty much a コンビニ (konbini) regular. No but mostly I get bottle drinks and little snacks, chocolates, things like that but you know what, I don’t recommend getting regular supermarket items at the コンビニ (konbini) though. You know, things like flower, oil, curry mix, rice, whatever. Those types of items are heavily marked up, sometimes two or three times our actual cost at the supermarket.
Naomi: そうね。高いですよね。(Sō ne. Takai desu yo ne.)
Eric: Ae it’s the cost of convenience.
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.) Is Japanese コンビニ (konbini) different from the convenience store in your hometown?
Eric: Well in my hometown, I guess the closest thing resembling a convenient store is the – you know, the little shop inside gas stations.
Naomi: あ~、はいはい。(Ā, hai hai.)
Eric: Right, you know, they usually sell like little snacks, little things but the scope of what they sell is nothing like a Japanese コンビニ (konbini). In a Japanese convenience store, aside from food and drink, you can pay your bills, buy stamps, buy fried chicken corn dogs, Chinese meat buns and even a plate of traditional Japanese soup I guess, called おでん (oden).
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.) You can also buy tickets to most concert sporting events or live shows.
Eric: I was pretty specific about that, wasn’t I?
Naomi: Umm…
Eric: It’s pretty convenient. Anyway, on to the vocabulary.
Naomi: 次は、単語です。(Tsugi wa, tango desu.)
Eric: The first word is
Naomi: 薬局 (yakkyoku)
Eric: Pharmacy, drug store.
Naomi: (slow) やっきょく (yakkyoku) (natural speed) 薬局 (yakkyoku)
Eric: The next word is
Naomi: コンビニ (konbini)
Eric: Convenience store.
Naomi: (slow) コンビニ (konbini) (natural speed) コンビニ (konbini)
Eric: The next word is
Naomi: 隣 (tonari)
Eric: Next to.
Naomi: (slow) となり (tonari) (natural speed) 隣 (tonari)
Eric: The next word is
Naomi: 屋 (ya)
Eric: A suffix which means store or seller.
Naomi: 屋 (ya)
Eric: And the last word is
Naomi: 通行人 (tsūkōnin)
Eric: Passerby.
Naomi: (slow) つうこうにん (tsūkōnin) (natural speed) 通行人 (tsūkōnin)
Eric: What’s the first word we are going to look at today?
Naomi: あそこ (asoko)
Eric: Over there. あそこ (asoko) is one of those so called こそあど (ko so a do) words that we’ve covered in newbie series, season 4, lesson 7. So let’s review some of these こそあど (ko so a do) words.
Naomi: これ (kore)
Eric: This one.
Naomi: それ (sore)
Eric: That one.
Naomi: あれ (are)
Eric: That one over there.
Naomi: どれ (dore)
Eric: Which one. So こ (ko) words refer to something near the speaker. そ (so) words refer to something far from the speaker, but close to the listener. あ (a) words refer to something far from both the speaker and the listener and ど (do) words are questions. So for places, we have
Naomi: ここ (koko)
Eric: Here.
Naomi: そこ (soko)
Eric: There, close to you.
Naomi: あそこ (asoko)
Eric: Over there, close to neither of us.
Naomi: どこ (doko)
Eric: Where. The next phrase we are going to look at is
Naomi: 近くに薬局はありますか。(Chikaku ni yakkyoku wa arimasu ka.)
Eric: Is there a pharmacy near here? Alright, so let’s break it down.
Naomi: 近く (chikaku)
Eric: Nearby.
Naomi: に (ni)
Eric: Particle indicating place.
Naomi: 薬局 (yakkyoku)
Eric: Pharmacy.
Naomi: は (wa)
Eric: Topic marker.
Naomi: あります (arimasu)
Eric: Exist.
Naomi: か (ka)
Eric: Question marking particle.
Naomi: 近くに薬局はありますか。(Chikaku ni yakkyoku wa arimasu ka.)
Eric: Literally nearby at pharmacy exist question. Of course, in natural English, is there a pharmacy nearby? In newbie series, season 4, lesson 27, we introduced the sentence structure 近くに (chikaku ni) something, something ありますか (arimasu ka), however the places speaker is looking for is sometimes followed by either が (ga) or は (wa). For example, 近くに (chikaku ni) the place you are looking for, はありますか (wa arimasu ka) or がありますか (ga arimasu ka).
Naomi: So you could say 近くに薬局、ありますか (chikaku ni yakkyoku, arimasu ka) or 近くに薬局はありますか (chikaku ni yakkyoku wa arimasu ka) or 近くに薬局がありますか (chikaku ni yakkyoku ga arimasu ka). Either one is fine.
Eric: And if you are curious, the reason that either one is fine is because a sentence without the は (wa) or the が (ga) is considered as having an omitted topic particle, something that’s pretty common in Japanese, right Naomi-sensei?
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)
Eric: By the way Naomi-sensei, Lori called the pharmacy 薬屋 (kusuriya) at first, right? Is that wrong?
Naomi: No it’s not wrong. People still use it.
Eric: Right but that’s not the official name of a pharmacy, right?, It’s more like that you come up with if you don’t know the official name of a place, right?
Naomi: そうですね。うんうん。(Sō desu ne. Un un.)
Eric: Because 屋 (ya) at the end of any product or I mean the store that sort of sells that product, right?
Naomi: そうですね。カレー屋。(Sō desu ne. Karēya.) Curry shop, コーヒー屋 (kōhī’ya).
Eric: The coffee store right which sounds really strange but everyone will understand you, right?
Naomi: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Eric: So on to the grammar.
Naomi: 次は文法です。(Tsugi wa bunpō desu.)

Lesson focus

Eric: Let’s learn how to give directions. What do we have from the dialogue?
Naomi: 薬局はコンビニの隣です。(Yakkyoku wa konbini no tonari desu.)
Eric: The pharmacy is next to the convenience store. コンビニの隣 (konbini no tonari) means next to the convenience store.
Naomi: 薬局の隣 (yakkyoku no tonari)
Eric: Next to the pharmacy.
Naomi: 病院の隣 (byōin no tonari)
Eric: Next to the hospital.
Naomi: 駅の隣 (eki no tonari)
Eric: Next to the station.
Naomi: 大学の隣 (daigaku no tonari)
Eric: Next to the university. So as you can see, the pattern is place の (no) positional word. So what are some other positional words?
Naomi: 上 (ue)
Eric: On or above.
Naomi: 下 (shita)
Eric: Under or below.
Naomi: 中 (naka)
Eric: In, inside.
Naomi: 近く (chikaku)
Eric: Near.
Naomi: 隣 (tonari)
Eric: Next to.
Naomi: 前 (mae)
Eric: In front of.
Naomi: 後ろ (ushiro)
Eric: Behind. And don’t worry about all these words we just threw at you. They are all listed in this lesson’s PDF. Just go to japanesepod101.com.
Naomi: 駅の隣 (eki no tonari) is next to the station.
Eric: And if you want to say near the station but not directly next to the station, you just change 隣 (tonari) with 近く (chikaku).
Naomi: Right, 駅の近く (eki no chikaku).
Eric: Near the station. 前 (mae) is in front of. So if you like to say, in front of the station,
Naomi: 駅の前 (eki no mae)
Eric: Behind the station, behind in Japanese is 後ろ (ushiro).
Naomi: 駅の後ろ (eki no ushiro)
Eric: In the station. In in Japanese is
Naomi: 中 (naka), so 駅の中 (eki no naka)
Eric: Time to practice. Naomi-sensei, you have a headache. なおみ先生は頭が痛いです。(Naomi-sensei wa atama ga itai desu.)
Naomi: はい。頭が痛いですね。(Hai. Atama ga itai desu ne.)
Eric: Huh. 可哀想ですね。(Kawaisō desu ne.) We learned 可哀想 (kawaisō) earlier. So look it up. So you want to get some medicine. 薬を買います。(Kusuri o kaimasu.) But you don’t know where the pharmacy is. So you ask a passerby, excuse me, is there a pharmacy nearby?
Naomi: すみません。近くに薬局はありますか。(Sumimasen. Chikaku ni yakkyoku wa arimasu ka.)
Eric: The passerby points in one direction and says, it’s over there.
Naomi: あそこです。(Asoko desu.)
Eric: But you can’t see the pharmacy. Excuse me, where is it?
Naomi: すみません。どこですか。(Sumimasen. Doko desu ka.)
Eric: The passerby says, the pharmacy is next to the hospital.
Naomi: 薬局は病院の隣です。(Yakkyoku wa byōin no tonari desu.)


Eric: So that does it for today.
Naomi: それじゃあ、また。(Sorejā, mata.)
Eric: See you next time.


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