
Vocabulary (Review)

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Eric: Lori’s Story #30. Disaster averted. What you need to know in case of a medical emergency. We are back at the hospital, Naomi-sensei.
Naomi: はい。(Hai.)
Eric: In this lesson, we will learn more useful vocabulary and phrases for medical situations.
Naomi: Hospital in Japanese is 病院 (byōin).
Eric: This conversation takes place at
Naomi: 診察室 (shinsatsushitsu)
Eric: The examination room and the conversation is between
Naomi: ロリーさんとお医者さん。(Rorī-san to o-isha-san.)
Eric: Lori and the doctor. All right, last week, Lori arrived at the hospital and today, Lori is going to see a doctor.
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)
Eric: Talk about long wait times. Let’s listen.
アナウンス (anaunsu) : ロリーさん。ロリーネイラーさん。診察室へ どうぞ。(Rorī-san. Rorī Neirā-san. Shinsatsushitsu e dōzo.)
(ドアを開ける) (doa o akeru)
ロリー (Rorī) : こんにちは。お願いします。(Kon'nichiwa. Onegai shimasu.)
医者 (isha) : ロリーネイラーさんですね。あ、いすへ どうぞ。どうしましたか。(Rorī Neirā-san desu ne. A, isu e dōzo. Dō shimashita ka.)
ロリー (Rorī) : のどが 痛いです。熱が39.5度あります。あ、あと、頭と 背中と お腹が 痛いです。(Nodo ga itai desu. Netsu ga san-jū kyū ten go-do arimasu. A, ato, atama to senaka to onaka ga itai desu.)
医者 (isha) : ふーん。吐き気は?(Fūn. Hakike wa?)
ロリー (Rorī) : 吐き気...?(Hakike…?)
医者 (isha) : オエッ。(Oe.)
ロリー (Rorī) : あ、はいはい。吐き気が あります。(A, hai hai. Hakike ga arimasu.)
もう一度、お願いします。今度は、ゆっくりお願いします。(Mō ichi-do, onegai shimasu. Kondo wa, yukkuri onegai shimasu.)
アナウンス (anaunsu) : ロリーさん。ロリーネイラーさん。診察室へ どうぞ。(Rorī-san. Rorī Neirā-san. Shinsatsushitsu e dōzo.)
ロリー (Rorī) : こんにちは。お願いします。(Kon'nichiwa. Onegai shimasu.)
医者 (isha) : ロリーネイラーさんですね。あ、いすへ どうぞ。どうしましたか。(Rorī Neirā-san desu ne. A, isu e dōzo. Dō shimashita ka.)
ロリー (Rorī) : のどが 痛いです。熱が39.5度あります。あ、あと、頭と 背中と お腹が 痛いです。(Nodo ga itai desu. Netsu ga san-jū kyū ten go-do arimasu. A, ato, atama to senaka to onaka ga itai desu.)
医者 (isha) : ふーん。吐き気は?(Fūn. Hakike wa?)
ロリー (Rorī) : 吐き気...?(Hakike…?)
医者 (isha) : オエッ。(Oe.)
ロリー (Rorī) : あ、はいはい。吐き気が あります。(A, hai hai. Hakike ga arimasu.)
今度は、英語が入ります。(Kondo wa, Eigo ga hairimasu.)
アナウンス (anaunsu) : ロリーさん。ロリーネイラーさん。診察室へ どうぞ。(Rorī-san. Rorī Neirā-san. Shinsatsushitsu e dōzo.)
ANNOUNCEMENT: Lori, Miss Lori Nailer, please come to the examination room.
(ドアを開ける) (doa o akeru)
(opens the door)
ロリー (Rorī) : こんにちは。お願いします。(Kon'nichiwa. Onegai shimasu.)
LORI: Hello, thank you for seeing me.
医者 (isha) : ロリーネイラーさんですね。あ、いすへ どうぞ。どうしましたか。(Rorī Neirā-san desu ne. A, isu e dōzo. Dō shimashita ka.)
DOCTOR: Lori Nailer, right? Please have a seat. What's wrong?
ロリー (Rorī) : のどが 痛いです。(Nodo ga itai desu.)
LORI: My throat hurts.
ロリー (Rorī) : 熱が39.5度あります。(Netsu ga san-jū kyū ten go-do arimasu.)
LORI: I have a fever of 39.5 degrees.
ロリー (Rorī) : あ、あと、頭と 背中と お腹が 痛いです。(A, ato, atama to senaka to onaka ga itai desu.)
LORI: Also, my head and my back and my stomach hurt.
医者 (isha) : ふーん。吐き気は?(Fūn. Hakike wa?)
DOCTOR: Hmmm. How about nausea?
ロリー (Rorī) : 吐き気...?(Hakike…?)
LORI: Nausea…?
医者 (isha) : オエッ。(Oe.)
DOCTOR: (makes a retching noise)
ロリー (Rorī) : あ、はいはい。吐き気が あります。(A, hai hai. Hakike ga arimasu.)
LORI: Ah, yes, yes. I have nausea.
Eric: ロリーは熱が39.5度あります?(Rorī wa netsu ga san-jū kyū ten go-do arimasu?)
Naomi: はい。(Hai.)
Eric: So Lori has a fever of 39.5 degrees, about 103.1 degrees Fahrenheit.
Naomi: すごいね。(Sugoi ne.)
Eric: Which is a really high fever.
Naomi: 高いですね。(Takai desu ne.) That’s a quite high fever, isn’t it? インフルエンザですかね。(Infuruenza desu ka ne.) I wonder she has the flu.
Eric: But whatever it is, she needs treatment quickly.
Naomi: そうね。(Sō ne.) Right.
Eric: Right. Hey, is the flu common in Japan, Naomi-sensei?
Naomi: Umm during the winter, yes.
Eric: It’s common everywhere right? Everybody gets a flu but especially in metropolitan areas like Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, people are always in crowded spaces in contact with each other. So what do people do to prevent getting the flu?
Naomi: Some people get flu shots before winter. I think it works.
Eric: Do you get your flu shot every year?
Naomi: No, I wear a mask.
Eric: You wear the mask. I see people wearing masks. So that’s also a preventative measure and not just after you get sick, right? Does that work, the mask?
Naomi: わかんないな。(Wakannai na.) I am not sure.
Eric: Well how many times have you gotten the flu?
Naomi: Never.
Eric: It works!
Naomi: あぁ、そうね。(Ā, sō ne.) And I also gargle. Gargle, うがい (ugai).
Eric: You gargle with what, Listerine, water?
Naomi: Just water.
Eric: That works?
Naomi: 次は単語です。(Tsugi wa tango desu.)
Eric: On to the vocabulary.
Eric: The first word is
Naomi: 喉 (nodo)
Eric: Throat.
Naomi: (slow) のど (nodo) (natural speed) 喉 (nodo)
Eric: The next word is
Naomi: 痛い (itai)
Eric: Painful, sore, hurts.
Naomi: (slow) いたい (itai) (natural speed) 痛い (itai)
Eric: The next word is
Naomi: 吐き気 (hakike)
Eric: Nausea.
Naomi: (slow) はきけ (hakike) (natural speed) 吐き気 (hakike)
Eric: The next word is
Naomi: 熱 (netsu)
Eric: Fever, temperature.
Naomi: (slow) ねつ (netsu) (natural speed) 熱 (netsu)
Eric: And the last word is
Naomi: 頭 (atama)
Eric: Head.
Naomi: (slow) あたま (atama) (natural speed) 頭 (atama)
Eric: Let’s look at some vocabulary for body parts.
Naomi: 喉 (nodo)
Eric: Throat.
Naomi: 頭 (atama)
Eric: Head.
Naomi: 背中 (senaka)
Eric: Back.
Naomi: お腹 (onaka)
Eric: Stomach. So what was that line in today’s dialogue?
Naomi: 喉が痛いです。(Nodo ga itai desu.)
Eric: My throat hurts. Let’s break the sentence down.
Naomi: 喉 (nodo)
Eric: Throat.
Naomi: が (ga)
Eric: Subject marker.
Naomi: 痛い (itai)
Eric: Hurts, painful.
Naomi: です (desu)
Eric: Copula.
Naomi: When you are sick or injured, this body part が痛いです (ga itai desu) comes in handy.
Eric: Right. Say the body part you feel pain in and add が痛いです (ga itai desu). So when you have a backache.
Naomi: Back is 背中 (senaka), so... 背中が痛いです。(Senaka ga itai desu.)
Eric: My back hurts. How about when you have a stomachache?
Naomi: Stomach is お腹 (onaka), so... お腹が痛いです。(Onaka ga itai desu.)
Eric: My stomach hurts. How about when you have a headache?
Naomi: Head in Japanese is 頭 (atama), so... 頭が痛いです。(Atama ga itai desu.)
Eric: My head hurts, I have a headache but the doctor might ask you about your headache using a different word for headache, right?
Naomi: You mean 頭痛がありますか (zutsū ga arimasu ka.) Do you have a headache?
Eric: Right, 頭痛 (zutsū) and that’s another very common word for headache and I think doctors are more likely to use that word, right?
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)
Eric: But you have to use a different sentence structure to use the word 頭痛 (zutsū).
Naomi: Right. 頭痛があります。(Zutsū ga arimasu.)
Eric: Which brings us to today’s grammar.
Naomi: 次は文法です。(Tsugi wa bunpō desu.)

Lesson focus

Eric: What’s today’s target phrase?
Naomi: 熱が39.5度あります。(Netsu ga san-jū kyū ten go-do arimasu.)
Eric: I have a fever of 39.5 degrees. The subject of the sentence is missing.
Naomi: Right. It should be 私は熱が39.5度あります。(Watashi wa netsu ga san-jū kyū ten go-do arimasu.)
Eric: So if we break it down
Naomi: 私 (watashi)
Eric: Me, I.
Naomi: は (wa)
Eric: Topic marker.
Naomi: 熱 (netsu)
Eric: Fever.
Naomi: が (ga)
Eric: Subject marker.
Naomi: 39.5 (san-jū kyū ten go)
Eric: 39.5. 点 (ten) means dot or point and it’s used to refer to the decimal point.
Naomi: 度 (do)
Eric: Degree.
Naomi: あります (arimasu)
Eric: To exist, to have. So literally I fever 39.5 degrees have. Of course, in natural English, it’s ‘I have a fever of 39.5 degrees.’ As we reviewed in the previous lesson, the sentence pattern
Naomi: Person は (wa) noun が (ga) あります (arimasu)
Eric: Corresponds with a person has a noun in English. The quantity is usually inserted before あります (arimasu). For example, I have money is?
Naomi: 私はお金があります。(Watashi wa o-kane ga arimasu.)
Eric: And if you want to say how much money you have, you put the amount in front of あります (arimasu). So if you have ¥1000?
Naomi: 私はお金が千円あります。(Watashi wa o-kane ga sen-en arimasu.)
Eric: I have ¥1000. How do you say, I have a fever?
Naomi: 私は熱があります。(Watashi wa netsu ga arimasu.)
Eric: I have a fever of 38 degrees.
Naomi: 私は熱が38度あります。(Watashi wa netsu ga san-jū hachi-do arimasu.)
Eric: So let’s quickly review by complaining to each other about our pains and problems, Naomi-sensei. You know what, let’s play doctor. I will be the doctor and you tell me your ailments, okay?
Naomi: Okay.
Eric: どうしましたか。(Dō shimashita ka.) What seems to be the problem, Miss?
Naomi: 頭が痛いです。(Atama ga itai desu.)
Eric: My head hurts. 熱がありますか。(Netsu ga arimasu ka.) Do you have a fever?
Naomi: いえ、ありません。でも、吐き気があります。(Ie, arimasen. Demo, hakike ga arimasu.)
Eric: No I don’t but I feel nauseous. あ、そうですか。(A, sō desu ka.) Oh I see.


Eric: Please join us next week for the dramatic conclusion of the tale of the ailing Naomi-sensei.
Naomi: それじゃあ、また。(Sorejā, mata.)
Eric: See you.


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