
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Lori’s Story lesson 29. I am sick, here is how to get help at the hospital in Japan. In the previous lesson, Mr. Mizuki was calling the hospital to find out their opening hours for Lori.
Naomi: That’s very kind of him. いい人ですね。(Ii hito desu ne.)
Eric: And in this lesson, you will learn some useful vocabulary and phrases at the hospital.
Naomi: And we are going to review the grammar points from
Eric: Newbie series Lori’s Story lesson 25. This conversation takes place at
Naomi: 病院 (byōin)
Eric: The hospital. The conversation is between two people,
Naomi: ロリーさんと看護師さん。(Rorī-san to kangoshi-san.)
Eric: Lori and the nurse.
Naomi: I hope Lori will get well soon.
Eric: Right. Let’s listen to the conversation.
(ドアを開ける) (doa o akeru)
看護師 (kangoshi) : こんにちは。ご予約は ありますか。(Kon'nichiwa. Go-yoyaku wa arimasu ka.)
ロリー (Rorī) : はい。ロリーと申します。(ゴホッ)さっき、電話しました。四時から 予約を しました。(Hai. Rorī to mōshimasu. (goho) Sakki, denwa shimashita. Yo-ji kara yoyaku o shimashita.)
看護師 (kangoshi) : 四時から...。あ、ロリーネイラーさんですね。この病院は 初めて ですか。(Yo-ji kara… A, Rorī Neirā-san desu ne. Kono byōin wa hajimete desu ka.)
ロリー (Rorī) : はい。初めてです。(Hai. Hajimete desu.)
看護師 (kangoshi) : 保険証は ありますか。(Hokenshō wa arimasu ka.)
ロリー (Rorī) : ほけんしょう・・・。保険証は 何ですか。(Hokenshō … Hokenshō wa nan desu ka.)
もう一度、お願いします。今度は、ゆっくりお願いします。(Mō ichi-do, onegai shimasu. Kondo wa, yukkuri onegai shimasu.)
看護師 (kangoshi) : こんにちは。ご予約は ありますか。(Kon'nichiwa. Go-yoyaku wa arimasu ka.)
ロリー (Rorī) : はい。ロリーと申します。さっき、電話しました。四時から 予約を しました。(Hai. Rorī to mōshimasu. Sakki, denwa shimashita. Yo-ji kara yoyaku o shimashita.)
看護師 (kangoshi) : 四時から...。あ、ロリーネイラーさんですね。この病院は 初めて ですか。(Yo-ji kara… A, Rorī Neirā-san desu ne. Kono byōin wa hajimete desu ka.)
ロリー (Rorī) : はい。初めてです。(Hai. Hajimete desu.)
看護師 (kangoshi) : 保険証は ありますか。(Hokenshō wa arimasu ka.)
ロリー (Rorī) : ほけんしょう・・・。保険証は 何ですか。(Hokenshō … Hokenshō wa nan desu ka.)
今度は、英語が入ります。(Kondo wa, Eigo ga hairimasu.)
(ドアを開ける) (doa o akeru)
(The door opens)
看護師 (kangoshi) : こんにちは。ご予約は ありますか。(Kon'nichiwa. Go-yoyaku wa arimasu ka.)
NURSE: Hello, do you have an appointment?
ロリー (Rorī) : はい。ロリーと申します。(ゴホッ)さっき、電話しました。四時から 予約を しました。(Hai. Rorī to mōshimasu. (goho) Sakki, denwa shimashita. Yo-ji kara yoyaku o shimashita.)
LORI: Yes, my name is Lori (coughs). I spoke to you on the phone earlier. I made an appointment for 4 o'clock.
看護師 (kangoshi) : 四時から...。あ、ロリーネイラーさんですね。この病院は 初めて ですか。(Yo-ji kara… A, Rorī Neirā-san desu ne. Kono byōin wa hajimete desu ka.)
NURSE: 4 o'clock...Ah, Lori Nailer? Is this your first time here?
ロリー (Rorī) : はい。初めてです。(Hai. Hajimete desu.)
LORI: Yes, it's my first time.
看護師 (kangoshi) : 保険証は ありますか。(Hokenshō wa arimasu ka.)
NURSE: Do you have your insurance card?
ロリー (Rorī) : ほけんしょう・・・。保険証は 何ですか。(Hokenshō … Hokenshō wa nan desu ka.)
LORI: Insurance… card? What's an insurance card?
Naomi: I feel sorry for Lori because going to a hospital in foreign country, it’s a big challenge, you know.
Eric: Yeah, like I said in the previous lesson, I wouldn’t even know where to start.
Naomi: そうね。(Sō ne.)
Eric: But Lori has inadvertently gotten herself into trouble by not knowing about the National Health Service.
Naomi: 健康保険 (kenkō hoken), yeah medical treatment can be quite expensive if you are not enrolled in the National Healthcare System.
Eric: Yeah, if you study abroad in Japan or come here to work, most schools or employers will encourage you to join the system.
Naomi: あ~、そうなんですか。(Ā, sō nan desu ka.) I didn’t know that.
Eric: Actually you know what, I have a story. Early last year, I moved from Chiba to Tokyo and about 8 months later, I sort of noticed that I hadn’t been receiving the regular health insurance bills. So I went to the insurance section of the ward, my New Ward City hall and they said that not only was I no longer a member of the insurance since I had moved, but because I didn’t re-apply to the insurance system in Tokyo, I was actually without insurance for the full 8 months.
Naomi: 良かったですね。(Yokatta desu ne.) You didn’t get sick during that 8 months.
Eric: Yeah, thank goodness. Nothing happened right. Nothing happened in those 8 months but I asked the guy what would happen hypothetically if I had gone sick and he said, I would have to pay full price for any treatment. So keep that in mind if you are planning on moving or coming to Japan.
Naomi: 次は単語です。(Tsugi wa tango desu.)
Eric: On to the vocabulary.
Eric: The first word is
Naomi: 予約 (yoyaku)
Eric: Reservation, appointment.
Naomi: (slow) よやく (yoyaku) (natural speed) 予約 (yoyaku)
Eric: The next word is
Naomi: 申します (mōshimasu)
Eric: To say, humble, to be called.
Naomi: (slow) もうします (mōshimasu) (natural speed) 申します (mōshimasu)
Eric: The next word is
Naomi: 初めて (hajimete)
Eric: For the first time.
Naomi: (slow) はじめて (hajimete) (natural speed) 初めて (hajimete)
Eric: The next word is
Naomi: 保険証 (hokenshō)
Eric: Insurance card.
Naomi: (slow) ほけんしょう (hokenshō) (natural speed) 保険証 (hokenshō)
Eric: And the last word is
Naomi: さっき (sakki)
Eric: Some time ago, a while ago.
Naomi: (slow) さっき (sakki) (natural speed) さっき (sakki)
Eric: So let’s take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first phrase we will look at is
Naomi: ロリーと申します。 (Rorī to mōshimasu.)
Eric: I am Lori. Something, something と申します (to mōshimasu) is a formal way to introduce your name. と (to) is a particle and it marks quotation. 申します (mōshimasu) is a humble expression for to say. So what is the sample sentence on like?
Naomi: はじめまして。私は、水木一男と申します。(Hajimemashite. Watashi wa, Mizuki Kazuo to mōshimasu.)
Eric: It’s a pleasure to meet you. My name is Kazuo Mizuki. So this と申します (to mōshimasu) is often used when you are meeting someone for the first time, right?
Naomi: そうです。(Sō desu.) So if I am meeting you for the first time, I would say... はじめまして。私はなおみと申します。(Hajimemashite. Watashi wa Naomi to mōshimasu.)
Eric: And then we would say よろしくお願いします (yoroshiku onegai shimasu) to each other, right?
Naomi: Yeah.
Eric: The next word we will look at is
Naomi: 初めて (hajimete)
Eric: For the first time. How do you say, is this your first time?
Naomi: 初めてですか。(Hajimete desu ka.) Just put ですか (desu ka) at the end of the sentence. 初めてですか。(Hajimete desu ka.)
Eric: Is this your first time in Tokyo?
Naomi: 東京は初めてですか。(Tōkyō wa hajimete desu ka.)
Eric: Is this your first time having 牛丼 (gyūdon), the Beef ball?
Naomi: 牛丼は初めてですか。(Gyūdon wa hajimete desu ka.)
Eric: So basically you put the place or object at the beginning and follow it with は初めてですか (wa hajimete desu ka). Is this your first time to be at a place or to try something? So again, is this your first time in Tokyo?
Naomi: 東京は初めてですか。(Tōkyō wa hajimete desu ka.)
Eric: Is this your first time having a 牛丼 (gyūdon), beef ball?
Naomi: 牛丼は初めてですか。(Gyūdon wa hajimete desu ka.)
次は、文法です。(Tsugi wa, bunpō desu.)
Eric: On to the grammar.

Lesson focus

Eric: In this lesson, we are going to review the usage of
Naomi: あります (arimasu)
Eric: And the past tense of the masu-form of a verb. Both grammar points are covered in newbie series, season 4, Lesson 25. So what’s the first sentence we are looking at?
Naomi: 予約はありますか。(Yoyaku wa arimasu ka.)
Eric: Do you have a reservation? All right, let’s break down this sentence.
Naomi: 予約 (yoyaku)
Eric: Reservation.
Naomi: は (wa)
Eric: Topic marking particle.
Naomi: あります (arimasu)
Eric: To exist, to have.
Naomi: か (ka)
Eric: Question marker. So literally we have reservation to exist question and, you know, putting it into real English, it’s do you have a reservation?
Naomi: 予約はありますか。(Yoyaku wa arimasu ka.)
Eric: In the dialogue we also had
Naomi: 保険証がありますか。(Hokenshō ga arimasu ka.)
Eric: Do you have your insurance card? In an affirmative sentence, the particle が (ga) marks the object. However in a negative sentence or a yes/no question sentence, the object can be marked by either a が (ga) or a は (wa). So the sentence
Naomi: 保険証がありますか。(Hokenshō ga arimasu ka.)
Eric: Can also be asked
Naomi: 保険証はありますか。(Hokenshō wa arimasu ka.)
Eric: And it will have the same meaning.
Naomi: はい。(Hai.)
Eric: The next grammar point we are reviewing is
Naomi: しました (shimashita), 見ました (mimashita), 食べました (tabemashita)
Eric: Did, saw, ate. To get the past tense of a verb, you change
Naomi: ます (masu)
Eric: To
Naomi: ました (mashita)
Eric: So to do is
Naomi: します (shimasu)
Eric: And did
Naomi: しました (shimashita)
Eric: How about ‘to eat’?
Naomi: 食べます (tabemasu)
Eric: Ate.
Naomi: 食べました (tabemashita)
Eric: And to see?
Naomi: 見ます (mimasu)
Eric: Saw.
Naomi: 見ました (mimashita)
Eric: In the vocabulary section, we learn the word
Naomi: 初めて (hajimete)
Eric: For the first time. How do you say I did something for the first time?
Naomi: You say 初めて (hajimete) and put the past tense of a verb. For example, 寿司を食べる (sushi o taberu).
Eric: Is to eat Sushi.
Naomi: 寿司を食べました。(Sushi o tabemashita.)
Eric: I ate Sushi.
Naomi: So 初めて寿司を食べました (hajimete sushi o tabemashita) would be
Eric: I ate Sushi for the first time.
Naomi: 初めて (hajimete) such and such ました (mashita).
Eric: I did such and such for the first time. How about I went to Kyoto for the first time?
Naomi: 初めて京都に行きました。(Hajimete Kyōto ni ikimashita.)
Eric: Naomi-sensei, do you have any recent 初めて (hajimete) experiences you want to share with us?
Naomi: 初めて (hajimete) experience? First time experience? Okay. 私は初めて宝塚を見ました。(Watashi wa hajimete Takarazuka o mimashita.)
Eric: You saw 宝塚 (Takarazuka) for the first time.
Naomi: はい。(Hai.)
Eric: For those of you who haven’t heard of 宝塚 (Takarazuka), it’s the sort of musical theater group performed only by women. Right, it's just an interesting concept.
Naomi: そうね。(Sō ne.)
Eric: Developed by a Railroad mogul back early in the 20th century, right? How was it?
Naomi: To be honest, it was a bit weird but it was an interesting experience.
Eric: What was weird about it? To see girls wearing suits and acting as men?
Naomi: Like old atmosphere.
Eric: Just like in general, you just walked in and you felt like you were in another world or something?
Naomi: So the audience was kind of unique.
Eric: Wow, so you were more impressed by the audience than you were with the actual show?
Naomi: Right.
Eric: Wow! That’s really cool though. I mean, it’s kind of like in the old days where Shakespeare’s plays were performed only by men, but this is like the opposite concept.
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.) How about your 初めて (hajimete) experience, how about your first time experience?
Eric: Well I don’t have any recent experiences but something coming up, yeah. This winter, 初めてスノーボードをします (hajimete sunōbōdo o shimasu).
Naomi: That sounds exciting.
Eric: That’s right with our producer and director Yūki-san.
Naomi: そうね。(Sō ne.)
Eric: Yeah as we mentioned in the previous episode, he is a snowboard master. We weren’t making that up. He is really like a snowboard instructor and he is going to be teaching at some mountains. So we are going to go.
Naomi: はい。楽しみですね。(Hai. Tanoshimi desu ne.)
Eric: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.) Yeah, I am looking forward to it.


Eric: So that does it for today. See you next time.
Naomi: じゃ、また。(Ja, mata.)


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