
Vocabulary (Review)

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Eric: Lori’s Story, Lesson 28, Learn this Japanese before it’s too late. In the previous lesson, Lori had a cold and Mr. Mizuki was trying to find a hospital near the university for her. And in this lesson, you will learn how to ask for the business hours of the store.
Naomi: Right and we are going to review seven days of the week and some time expressions.
Eric: This conversation takes place on the phone.
Naomi: 電話です。(Denwa desu.)
Eric: The conversation is between
Naomi: 水木さん (Mizuki-san) and 看護師さん (kangoshi-san).
Eric: Mr. Mizuki and the nurse.
Eric: But anyway, let’s ease it up on their phone call.
看護師 (kangoshi) : はい、森病院です。(Hai, Mori byōin desu.)
水木一男 (Mizuki Kazuo) : すみません。診察は 何時から 何時まで ですか。(Sumimasen. Shinsatsu wa nan-ji kara nan-ji made desu ka.)
看護師 (kangoshi) : 診察は 月曜日から 金曜日。時間は 午前九時から 午後一時半まで と 午後三時半から 午後六時までです。土日は お休みです。(Shinsatsu wa getsu-yōbi kara kin-yōbi. Jikan wa gozen ku-ji kara gogo ichi-ji han made to gogo san-ji han kara gogo roku-ji made desu. Donichi wa o-yasumi desu.)
水木一男 (Mizuki Kazuo) : わかりました。平日、朝の九時から 昼の一時半まで。それから、午後 三時半から 夕方六時まで ですね。(Wakarimashita. Heijitsu, asa no ku-ji kara hiru no ichi-ji han made. Sorekara, gogo san-ji han kara yūgata roku-ji made desu ne.)
看護師 (kangoshi) : そうです。(Sō desu.)
もう一度、お願いします。今度は、ゆっくりお願いします。(Mō ichi-do, onegai shimasu. Kondo wa, yukkuri onegai shimasu.)
看護師 (kangoshi) : はい、森病院です。(Hai, Mori byōin desu.)
水木一男 (Mizuki Kazuo) : すみません。診察は 何時から 何時まで ですか。(Sumimasen. Shinsatsu wa nan-ji kara nan-ji made desu ka.)
看護師 (kangoshi) : 診察は 月曜日から 金曜日。時間は 午前九時から 午後一時半まで と 午後三時半から 午後六時までです。土日は お休みです。(Shinsatsu wa getsu-yōbi kara kin-yōbi. Jikan wa gozen ku-ji kara gogo ichi-ji han made to gogo san-ji han kara gogo roku-ji made desu. Donichi wa o-yasumi desu.)
水木一男 (Mizuki Kazuo) : わかりました。平日、朝の九時から 昼の一時半まで。それから、午後 三時半から 夕方六時まで ですね。(Wakarimashita. Heijitsu, asa no ku-ji kara hiru no ichi-ji han made. Sorekara, gogo san-ji han kara yūgata roku-ji made desu ne.)
看護師 (kangoshi) : そうです。(Sō desu.)
今度は、英語が入ります。(Kondo wa, Eigo ga hairimasu.)
看護師 (kangoshi) : はい、森病院です。(Hai, Mori byōin desu.)
NURSE: Hello, Mori Hospital.
水木一男 (Mizuki Kazuo) : すみません。診察は 何時から 何時まで ですか。(Sumimasen. Shinsatsu wa nan-ji kara nan-ji made desu ka.)
MIZUKI KAZUO: From what time to what time do you do medical examinations?
看護師 (kangoshi) : 診察は 月曜日から 金曜日。(Shinsatsu wa getsu-yōbi kara kin-yōbi.)
NURSE: Examinations are from Monday to Friday,
看護師 (kangoshi) : 時間は午前九時から 午後一時半までと午後三時半から 午後六時までです。(Jikan wa gozen ku-ji kara gogo ichi-ji han made to gogo san-ji han kara gogo roku-ji made desu.)
NURSE: Nine a.m. to one thirty p.m. and three thirty p.m. to six p.m.
看護師 (kangoshi) : 土日は お休みです。(Donichi wa o-yasumi desu.)
NURSE: Saturdays and Sundays are holidays.
水木一男 (Mizuki Kazuo) : わかりました。(Wakarimashita.)
水木一男 (Mizuki Kazuo) : 平日、朝の九時から 昼の一時半まで。(Heijitsu, asa no ku-ji kara hiru no ichi-ji han made.)
MIZUKI KAZUO: On weekdays from nine in the morning to one thirty in the afternoon.
水木一男 (Mizuki Kazuo) : それから、午後 三時半から 夕方六時までですね。(Sorekara, gogo san-ji han kara yūgata roku-ji made desu ne.)
MIZUKI KAZUO: And also from three thirty p.m. to six in the evening.
看護師 (kangoshi) : そうです。(Sō desu.)
NURSE: That's right.
Eric: So Mr. Mizuki is talking to a nurse.
Naomi: 看護師ですね。(Kangoshi desu ne.)
Eric: 看護師 (kangoshi) is a nurse.
Naomi: Right.
Eric: But doesn’t 看護婦 (kangofu) also mean nurse?
Naomi: Well 婦 (fu) means women.
Eric: Ah so to be politically correct, you should say 看護師 (kangoshi).
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.) I think the government changed the standard in 2002. Since then, 看護婦 (kangofu) became 看護師 (kangoshi).
Eric: So if you learned this word before 2002, you have to re-memorize it, don’t you?
Naomi: そうそう。次は単語です。(Sō sō. Tsugi wa tango desu.)
Eric: On to the vocabulary.
Eric: The first word is
Naomi: 看護師 (kangoshi)
Eric: Nurse.
Naomi: (slow) かんごし (kangoshi) (natural speed) 看護師 (kangoshi)
Eric: The next word is
Naomi: 診察 (shinsatsu)
Eric: Medical examination, consultation.
Naomi: (slow) しんさつ (shinsatsu) (natural speed) 診察 (shinsatsu)
Eric: The next word is
Naomi: 土日 (donichi)
Eric: Weekend, Saturday and Sunday.
Naomi: (slow) どにち (donichi) (natural speed) 土日 (donichi)
Eric: The next word is
Naomi: 休み (yasumi)
Eric: Closed, holiday, day off.
Naomi: (slow) やすみ (yasumi) (natural speed) 休み (yasumi)
Eric: And the last word is
Naomi: 平日 (heijitsu)
Eric: Weekday.
Naomi: (slow) へいじつ (heijitsu) (natural speed) 平日 (heijitsu)
Eric: All right. So let’s take a closer look at some of these words from the lesson. The first word is
Naomi: 休み (yasumi)
Eric: Holiday. So 休み (yasumi) is holiday but お休み (o-yasumi) is also holiday, right?
Naomi: Right.
Eric: So sometimes people put the polite prefix お (o) before 休み (yasumi).
Naomi: そうです。お休み。(Sō desu. O-yasumi.)
Eric: So what is the sample sentence on like?
Naomi: エリックさんのお休みはいつですか。(Erikku-san no o-yasumi wa itsu desu ka.)
Eric: When is your holiday? When is your day off, Eric?
Naomi: お休みはいつですか。(O-yasumi wa itsu desu ka.)
Eric: 休みは土日です。(Yasumi wa donichi desu.)
Naomi: Your day-offs are weekends.
Eric: Right. There is usually no work on the weekend.
Naomi: あ~、そうですか。(Ā, sō desu ka.) You can’t say お休み (o-yasumi) for your holiday or day offs.
Eric: Right exactly if you noticed, Naomi-sensei asked me お休みはいつですか (o-yasumi wa itsu desu ka) and I didn’t say お休みは (o-yasumi wa) when I replied because you don’t say that about yourself because the お (o) is honorific. You don’t want to respect yourself. You want to humble yourself which brings us to our next word.
Naomi: 土日 (donichi)
Eric: Which it literally means Saturday and Sunday and the word 土日 (donichi), it comes from the two characters of both days. The first kanji character of Saturday, 土曜日 (do-yōbi). You just take out the 曜日 (yōbi) and Sunday, 日曜日 (nichi-yōbi). So you take the 土 (do) and the 日 (nichi), you put them together and you have the weekend. How do you say weekdays?
Naomi: 平日 (heijitsu)
Eric: Which literally means ordinary regular day, right?
Naomi: はい。(Hai.)
Eric: What’s the next word?
Naomi: 診察 (shinsatsu)
Eric: Medical examination. In today’s dialogue, we saw
Naomi: 診察は何時から何時までですか。(Shinsatsu wa nan-ji kara nan-ji made desu ka.)
Eric: From what time to what time do you conduct medical examinations? We learn the 何時から何時まで (nan-ji kara nan-ji made) sentence structure in newbie series, season 4, Lesson 17. Now, Naomi-sensei, how do you ask ‘business hours’ at stores?
Naomi: 営業 (eigyō) is business, sales or operation. So 営業は何時から何時までですか。(Eigyō wa nan-ji kara nan-ji made desu ka.)
Eric: So literally from what time to what time are your business hours and in your regular natural English, when are you open?
Naomi: 営業は何時から何時までですか。次は復習です。(Eigyō wa nan-ji kara nan-ji made desu ka. Tsugi wa fukushū desu.)
Eric: Oh, a new word from Naomi-sensei.
Naomi: Review, 復習 (fukushū).

Lesson focus

Eric: In this lesson, we are going to review the seven days of the week and hours of the day. The seven days of the week are covered in newbie series, season 4, Lesson 19. The hours of the day are covered in newbie series, season 4, Lesson 12. If you check those lessons, there is a list and detailed write up. So please make sure to pick up those lesson notes. In this lesson, we are focusing on practicing them, okay. Naomi-sensei is going to say a day of the week in Japanese. So try to say that English translation before I say the answer. All right, let’s start.
Naomi: 月曜日 (getsu-yōbi)
Eric: Monday.
Naomi: 土曜日 (do-yōbi)
Eric: Saturday.
Naomi: 水曜日 (sui-yōbi)
Eric: Wednesday. Okay, now from English to Japanese. Thursday.
Naomi: 木曜日 (moku-yōbi)
Eric: Tuesday.
Naomi: 火曜日 (ka-yōbi)
Eric: Friday.
Naomi: 金曜日 (kin-yōbi)
Eric: Okay, let’s go over time. First Japanese to English.
Naomi: 五時 (go-ji)
Eric: 5 o’clock.
Naomi: 十一時 (jū ichi-ji)
Eric: 11 o’clock.
Naomi: 九時 (ku-ji)
Eric: 9 o’clock. Next, English to Japanese. 1 o’clock.
Naomi: 一時 (ichi-ji)
Eric: 4 o’clock.
Naomi: 四時 (yo-ji)
Eric: 12 o’clock.
Naomi: 十二時 (jū ni-ji)
Eric: Okay Naomi-sensei, we are changing your job title.
Naomi: なんでしょう。(Nan deshō.)
Eric: You are now working for a dentist.
Naomi: はい。(Hai.)
Eric: You’re a dental hygienist. So I am going to call you and ask about the consultation hours. So please tell me. すみません。診察は何時から何時までですか。(Sumimasen. Shinsatsu wa nan-ji kara nan-ji made desu ka.)
Naomi: 平日は午前十時から午後五時までです。土曜日は午前十時から午後一時までです。日曜日はお休みです。(Heijitsu wa gozen jū-ji kara gogo go-ji made desu. Do-yōbi wa gozen jū-ji kara gogo ichi-ji made desu. Nichi-yōbi wa o-yasumi desu.)
Eric: もう一度、お願いします。ゆっくり、お願いします。(Mō ichi-do, onegai shimasu. Yukkuri, onegai shimasu.)
Naomi: 平日は午前十時から午後五時までです。(Heijitsu wa gozen jū-ji kara gogo go-ji made desu.)
Eric: We are open from 10 AM to 5 PM on weekdays.
Naomi: 土曜日は午前十時から午後一時までです。(Do-yōbi wa gozen jū-ji kara gogo ichi-ji made desu.)
Eric: We are open from 10 AM to 1 PM on Saturdays.
Naomi: 日曜日はお休みです。(Nichi-yōbi wa o-yasumi desu.)
Eric: We are closed on Sundays. Did you get that, 皆さん (mina-san)?
Naomi: 大丈夫ですか。(Daijōbu desu ka.)
Eric: Make sure to use that when you are asking for business hours.
Naomi: 営業は何時から何時までですか。(Eigyō wa nan-ji kara nan-ji made desu ka.)


Eric: So that does it for today. All right. See you guys next time.
Naomi: じゃ、また。(Ja, mata.)


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