
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Naomi: こんにちは!なおみです!(Kon’nichiwa! Naomi desu!)
Kat: Hi everyone, Kat here! Japan isn’t far away.
Naomi: Kat-san, please tell us what we're going to learn in this lesson.
Kat: In this lesson you will learn how to make the negative forms of i-adjectives.
Naomi: Where does this conversation take place and who is it between?
Kat: This conversation takes place at school and it looks like Madoka is showing Kent around the school grounds.
Naomi: What’s the formality level of the conversation?
Kat: Madoka and Kent are cousins of the same age, so they are speaking informally. Okay, so let’s listen to the conversation.
まどか (Madoka):ここは、体育館。(Koko wa, taiikukan.)
ケント (Kento):ふーん。あまり、おおきくないね。(Fūn. Amari, ōkikunai ne.)
まどか (Madoka):そうね。(Sō ne.)
ケント (Kento):あたらしい?(Atarashii?)
まどか (Madoka):あたらしくない。ふるい。(Atarashikunai. Furui.)
ケント (Kento):へー。(Hē.)
まどか (Madoka):で、そこはプール。(De, soko wa pūru.)
もう一度、お願いします。今度はゆっくりお願いします。(Mō ichi-do, onegai shimasu. Kondo wa yukkuri onegai shimasu.)
まどか (Madoka):ここは、体育館。(Koko wa, taiikukan.)
ケント (Kento):ふーん。あまり、おおきくないね。(Fūn. Amari, ōkikunai ne.)
まどか (Madoka):そうね。(Sō ne.)
ケント (Kento):あたらしい?(Atarashii?)
まどか (Madoka):あたらしくない。ふるい。(Atarashikunai. Furui.)
ケント (Kento):へー。(Hē.)
まどか (Madoka):で、そこはプール。(De, soko wa pūru.)
今度は英語が入ります。(Kondo wa Eigo ga hairimasu.)
まどか (Madoka):ここは、体育館。(Koko wa, taiikukan.)
Kat: This is the gymnasium.
ケント (Kento):ふーん。あまり、おおきくないね。(Fūn. Amari, ōkikunai ne.)
Kat: Huh. It's not that big, is it?
まどか (Madoka):そうね。(Sō ne.)
Kat: I guess not.
ケント (Kento):あたらしい?(Atarashii?)
Kat: Is it new?
まどか (Madoka):あたらしくない。ふるい。(Atarashikunai. Furui.)
Kat: It's not new. It's old.
ケント (Kento):へー。(Hē.)
Kat: Oh.
まどか (Madoka):で、そこはプール。(De, soko wa pūru.)
Kat: And over there's the swimming pool.
Kat: So it looks like Kent is being shown around the school. He doesn't sound too impressed with the size of the gym, though.
Naomi: Right, because he said あまり、大きくないね (amari, ōkikunai ne). “It's not that big, is it?”
Kat: That’s kind of rude isn’t it? Maybe the gym at his school back home was much bigger or something.
Naomi: Yeah. That could be! Was there a gym as part of your high school?
Kat: Yes we did have several gyms I think. So yeah, our school was quite good for sports, yeah.
Naomi: How about a pool?
Kat: Yes, I remember swimming lessons at school and we had to wear those rubber hats, it was horrible! And the chlorine, the smell of the chlorine, I still remember it! How about you, Naomi-sensei, did you have swimming lessons in Japanese High School?
Naomi: Yeah, we had a nice sized gym and there was also a small 道場 (dōjō) for martial arts.
Kat: Oh really? That’s so Japanese! Wow!
Naomi: I’ve never tried them though.
Kat: Yeah, neither have I. I don’t want to get hit in the face. Okay, so now let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Naomi: ここ (koko) [natural native speed]
Kat: here
Naomi: ここ (koko) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi: ここ (koko) [natural native speed]
Kat: And next.
Naomi: そこ (soko) [natural native speed]
Kat: there, that place
Naomi: そこ (soko) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi: そこ (soko) [natural native speed]
Kat: OK, next.
Naomi: 体育館 (taiikukan) [natural native speed]
Kat: gymnasium
Naomi: 体育館 (taiikukan) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi: 体育館 (taiikukan) [natural native speed]
Kat: OK, next.
Naomi: 古い (furui) [natural native speed]
Kat: old (for inanimate objects)
Naomi: 古い (furui) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi: 古い (furui) [natural native speed]
Kat: OK, and next.
Naomi: プール (pūru) [natural native speed]
Kat: swimming pool
Naomi: プール (pūru) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi: プール (pūru) [natural native speed]
Naomi: 大きい (ōkii) [natural native speed]
Kat: big, large, huge; i-Adj
Naomi: 大きい (ōkii) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi: 大きい (ōkii) [natural native speed]
Kat: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this
Naomi: The first word we will look at is 体育館 (taiikukan).
Kat: Gymnasium, gym. Now, this refers to a gym at a school, right?
Naomi: Ah, that's right. A gym at school where students play sports and do P.E.
Kat: So, not a gym where people go to work out then?
Naomi: そうそうそう。(Sō sō sō.) Right. That would simply be called ジム (jimu). The word has just been taken from English.
Kat: So that's something to keep in mind. Going back to 体育館 (taiikukan) - we can break this word down into two parts, can’t we?
Naomi: Yes. 体育 (taiiku)
Kat: physical education
Naomi: And 館 (kan)
Kat: building, hall
Naomi: However, it's likely to be pronounced たいくかん (taikukan) than たいいくかん (taiikukan).
Kat: Yes, because たいいくかん (taiikukan) is quite hard to say, so it runs together into たいくかん (taikukan).
Naomi: Right.
Kat: ですね。(Desu ne.) This 館 (kan) actually shows up in the names of lots of different buildings, doesn’t it?
Naomi: Yes, it does! Like, 映画館 (eigakan).
Kat: Cinema, or movie theater. That's the word for film or movie, 映画 (eiga) plus 館 (kan), building. So, movie building.
Naomi: Movie building, that’s cute. The next word is probably much easier to remember.
Kat: Oh, you mean the word for pool?
Naomi: Right. It's just プール (pūru).
Kat: Another loanword taken straight from English.
Naomi: Remember to lengthen the vowel in the middle, プール (pūru).
Kat: Okay, and now there are a couple of other vocabulary words I'd like to go over.
Naomi: あー!(Ā!) The new set of ko-so-a-do words, right?
Kat: Exactly! Do you remember the こそあど (ko so a do) words we went over last time? Those had meanings such as “this”, “that”, “that over there”, etc. This set of こそあど (ko so a do) words refers to location. What was the first one we heard in the dialogue?
Naomi: ここ (koko), here.
Kat: ここ (koko), remember that こ (ko) refers to something close to you. The next one is
Naomi: そこ (soko), there.
Kat: そこ (soko), そ (so) refers to something that is a little farther from you.
Naomi: So those are the two we heard in the conversation, but there are still two more. The next one is あそこ (asoko), “there at a distance”.
Kat: あそこ (asoko) also means “there”, but it refers to a location even farther than そこ (soko). It’s far from both you and the person you are talking to.
Naomi: Exactly, and the last one is どこ (doko), the question word, and it means “where”?
Kat: There is a chart with this set of words in the lesson notes, so be sure to check those out.

Lesson focus

Kat: In this lesson, you'll learn how to make the negative form of i-adjectives. That means you'll be able to say phrases like “not good”, “not bad”, “not big”, “not small”, etc. First, let's look at the different i-adjectives we saw in the lesson.
Naomi: 大きい (ōkii)
Kat: big
Naomi: 新しい (atarashii)
Kat: new
Naomi: 古い (furui)
Kat: old. Notice how they all end in い (i). That's why they're called i-adjectives. Now, how do we make all of these negative, as in “not big”, “not new”, “not old”? Let's go through the steps using the word ふるい (furui), old. First step, take off the final い (i).
Naomi: ふる (furu)
Kat: Then, add くない (kunai) to the end of it.
Naomi: ふるくない (furukunai)
Kat: That's it! This means “not old”.
Naomi: ふるくない (furukunai), not old.
Kat: Let's try it now with the word あたらしい (atarashii), meaning “new”. First, take off the final い (i). Note that there are two い (i)s in this word. So be careful!
Naomi: あたらし (atarashi)
Kat: Then, add くない (kunai).
Naomi: あたらしくない (atarashikunai)
Kat: This means “not new”.
Naomi: あたらしくない (atarashikunai), not new.
Kat: Oh, I have an idea actually! Remember the word we learned last time, which means “delicious”?
Naomi: あ~、おいしい。(Ā, oishii.)
Kat: Yes, おいしい (oishii). Let's change this one into the negative. We'll do it together. Again, first drop the い (i).
Naomi: おいし (oishi)
Kat: And then add くない (kunai). Listeners, what did you get? Think about it for a moment...
[slight pause]
Kat: Okay Naomi-sensei, the final answer is?
Naomi: おいしくない (oishikunai)
Kat: “Not delicious”, “not tasty”, used when talking about food.
Naomi: はい。(Hai.)
Kat: Okay, have you got that? Not so bad, right? There's one more grammar point we'd like to cover. Naomi-sensei, what did Kent say when he saw the school gym again?
Naomi: あまり、大きくないね。(Amari, ōkikunai ne.)
Kat: 大きくない (ōkikunai), “not big” plus... the particle ね (ne). This ね (ne) is used to elicit agreement from the listener.
Naomi: You want them to agree with you, like... “isn't it?” “don't you think so?” “am I right?”
Kat: Right. So when Kent said あまり、大きくないね (amari, ōkikunai ne), he meant “It's not that big, is it?” The particle ね (ne) is just like the “is it?” tag question in English.
Naomi: If he didn't use ね (ne) here, it could sound like he's not expecting any response, like he's just talking to himself.
Kat: Right, exactly! ひとりごと (hitorigoto), talking to himself. Here's an example of this ね (ne) that you hear a lot these days... さむいね!(Samui ne!)
Naomi: あ~、さむいね!(Ā, samui ne!) It's cold, isn't it! I agree. People say this all the time to each other in these cold winter months.
Kat: And as soon as it gets slightly warmer, あついね (atsui ne). It’s hot, isn’t it? Well that's all for this lesson! By the way, we didn't have quite enough time to go into the phrase あまり (amari) or あんまり (anmari), which is used in negative sentences. It's explained in the PDF for this lesson note, so please take a moment to read up on it!


Kat: OK, so that’s about everything for this lesson.
Naomi: Thanks for listening everyone!
Kat: See you next time!
Naomi: じゃ、また。(Ja, mata.)
まどか (Madoka):ここは、体育館。(Koko wa, taiikukan.)
ケント (Kento):ふーん。あまり、おおきくないね。(Fūn. Amari, ōkikunai ne.)
まどか (Madoka):そうね。(Sō ne.)
ケント (Kento):あたらしい?(Atarashii?)
まどか (Madoka):あたらしくない。ふるい。(Atarashikunai. Furui.)
ケント (Kento):へー。(Hē.)
まどか (Madoka):で、そこはプール。(De, soko wa pūru.)


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