
Vocabulary (Review)

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Eric: Lori’s story 23. How to tell people what you have? So 皆さん (mina-san), have you been asking your questions in the comments section. Remember, we are doing a little promotion here. A little promotion for a bonus track we are going to release at the end of the series. We are really close to the end and when all is said and done, we are going to release a question and answer episode alright to answer all of your lingering doubts, lingering questions that you might have about Japanese, about this newbie series and of course, try to keep it on topic, try to keep it in the newbie zone. If you have a very advanced question, just go to the forums. Somebody will definitely help you but we want to clear up all the lucents that we might have here in the newbie series, all right. We are really looking forward to your questions.
Naomi: 楽しみにしています。(Tanoshimi ni shite imasu.) I will be looking forward to your comments.
Eric: So Naomi-sensei, is Lori still at Matsumoto castle?
Naomi: I think so. She is around Matsumoto castle area.
Eric: She is taking a look. She is taking in the sights.
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)
Eric: What are we going to talk about today?
Naomi: Allergies.
Eric: Allergies. What a bright topic. You are right.
Naomi: How exciting is that?
Eric: That’s exciting, right? We are going to find out about Lori’s allergies ah!
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.) We are using the phrase, があります (ga arimasu).
Eric: To have. All right, let’s see what Lori is allergic to.
ロリー (Rorī) : 実は、そばアレルギーがあります。(Jitsu wa, soba arerugī ga arimasu.)
静 (Shizuka) : ええ?かわいそう...。(Ee? Kawaisō…)
ロリー (Rorī) : 静さんは、アレルギーがありますか。(Shizuka-san wa, arerugī ga arimasu ka.)
静 (Shizuka) : うん。卵アレルギー、バターアレルギー、ねこアレルギー...。それから、花粉症もあります。(Un. Tamago arerugī, batā arerugī, neko arerugī… Sorekara, kafunshō mo arimasu.)
ロリー (Rorī) : かわいそうですね。(Kawaisō desu ne.)
もう一度、お願いします。今度は、ゆっくりお願いします。(Mō ichi-do, onegai shimasu. Kondo wa, yukkuri onegai shimasu.)
ロリー (Rorī) : 実は、そばアレルギーがあります。(Jitsu wa, soba arerugī ga arimasu.)
静 (Shizuka) : ええ?かわいそう...。(Ee? Kawaisō…)
ロリー (Rorī) : 静さんは、アレルギーがありますか。(Shizuka-san wa, arerugī ga arimasu ka.)
静 (Shizuka) : うん。卵アレルギー、バターアレルギー、ねこアレルギー...。それから、花粉症もあります。(Un. Tamago arerugī, batā arerugī, neko arerugī… Sorekara, kafunshō mo arimasu.)
ロリー (Rorī) : かわいそうですね。(Kawaisō desu ne.)
次は、英語が入ります。(Tsugi wa, Eigo ga hairimasu.)
ロリー (Rorī) : 実は、そばアレルギーがあります。(Jitsu wa, soba arerugī ga arimasu.)
LORI: Actually, I'm allergic to soba noodles.
静 (Shizuka) : ええ?かわいそう...。(Ee? Kawaisō…)
SHIZUKA: Oh no… what a shame...
ロリー (Rorī) : 静さんは、アレルギーがありますか。(Shizuka-san wa, arerugī ga arimasu ka.)
LORI: Shizuka-san, are you allergic to anything?
静 (Shizuka) : うん。卵アレルギー、バターアレルギー、ねこアレルギー...。それから、花粉症もあります。(Un. Tamago arerugī, batā arerugī, neko arerugī… Sorekara, kafunshō mo arimasu.)
SHIZUKA: Yes, I'm allergic to eggs, butter cats, and I have hay fever.
ロリー (Rorī) : かわいそうですね。(Kawaisō desu ne.)
LORI: Poor thing!
Eric: Uh an allergy to Soba.
Naomi: That sounds really bad.
Eric: It sounds really bad especially when you are in Nagano.
Naomi: あ、そうですね。(A, sō desu ne.)
Eric: But you know it’s even worse to be allergic to everything like 静さん (Shizuka-san).
Naomi: Yeah, she is allergic to what - eggs, butter, cats and she also has hay fever. すごいね。(Sugoi ne.)
Eric: Wow, that’s a year long ordeal.
Naomi: ね。(Ne.)
Eric: You know, butter is in a lot of stuff, right? Wow.
Naomi: That’s 可哀想ね (kawaisō ne).
Eric: Let’s go onto the vocabulary.
Naomi: 次は、単語です。(Tsugi wa, tango desu.)
Eric: All right, what’s our first word?
Naomi: 実は (jitsu wa)
Eric: Actually, as a matter of fact.
Naomi: (slow) じつは (jitsu wa) (natural speed) 実は (jitsu wa)
Eric: The next word is
Naomi: アレルギー (arerugī)
Eric: Allergy.
Naomi: (slow) アレルギー (arerugī) (natural speed) アレルギー (arerugī)
Eric: The next word is
Naomi: あります (arimasu)
Eric: To exist, to have.
Naomi: (slow) あります (arimasu) (natural speed) あります (arimasu)
Eric: The next word is
Naomi: 可哀想 (kawaisō)
Eric: Pitiable. An expression used to express empathy with someone.
Naomi: (slow) かわいそう (kawaisō) (natural speed) 可哀想 (kawaisō)
Eric: The next word is
Naomi: バター (batā)
Eric: Butter.
Naomi: (slow) バター (batā) (natural speed) バター (batā)
Eric: The next word is
Naomi: 卵 (tamago)
Eric: Eggs.
Naomi: (slow) たまご (tamago) (natural speed) 卵 (tamago)
Eric: The next word is
Naomi: 猫 (neko)
Eric: Cats.
Naomi: (slow) ねこ (neko) (natural speed) 猫 (neko)
Eric: And the last word is
Naomi: 花粉症 (kafunshō)
Eric: Hay fever, allergy to pollen.
Naomi: (slow)かふんしょう (kafunshō) (natural speed) 花粉症 (kafunshō)
Eric: Hey Naomi-sensei, what’s the weirdest allergy you’ve ever heard of? What’s the most rare allergy that you’ve ever heard of – not heard of, but someone that you know.
Naomi: え~、なんだろう?(Ē, nan darō?)
Eric: I know someone who is allergic to mangoes.
Naomi: あ~、いますね。(Ā, imasu ne.) Actually my mother is allergic to mango.
Eric: あ~、可哀想。(Ā, kawaisō.)
Naomi: That’s the word we are covering today.
Eric: Which means
Naomi: Poor thing.
Eric: Oh poor thing your mother. Poor thing, she can’t eat mango.
Naomi: そう…。(Sō…)
Eric: So what type of word is 可哀想 (kawaisō)?
Naomi: It’s a な (na) ending adjective.
Eric: Okay, so you can say 可哀想な (kawaisō na).
Naomi: そう。(Sō.)
Eric: お母さん (o-kā-san)
Naomi: お母さん (o-kā-san) is mother by the way.
Eric: So なおみ先生の可哀想なお母さん (Naomi-sensei no kawaisō na o-kā-san).
Naomi: そうですね。可哀想ですね。(Sō desu ne. Kawaisō desu ne.) It's a pity, isn’t it.
Eric: The last vocabulary word we did is – it is a special word, isn’t it?
Naomi: Yes. I think it’s a technical term. 花粉症 (kafunshō)
Eric: Which is hay fever.
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.) Pollen allergy.
Eric: Right basically it’s a pollen allergy and actually, you know, there are a lot of people that have hay fever in the states as well.
Naomi: Oh really?
Eric: And I think just across the world, it’s pretty common but it’s especially common in Japan, isn’t it?
Naomi: Yeah, everybody wears masks during pollen season.
Eric: Which is what like around the beginning of spring?
Naomi: Uhoo.
Eric: The beginning of spring is crazy. Even in the weather report, they report the level of pollen in the air that day.
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)
Eric: And everyone goes around wearing a mask on their face and sort of you know hypoallergenic mask to avoid the pollen.
Naomi: Right.
Eric: Which makes them sneeze and you know, makes their nose runny, makes them itchy. It’s a pain. Do you have 花粉症 (kafunshō), Naomi-sensei?
Naomi: I hope I don’t.
Eric: You hope. You are not sure.
Naomi: I have a runny nose in spring but…
Eric: You know what, that’s a psychological effect. You are looking at everybody you know sneezing with their runny noses and all that and you are thinking, wow what if I have it.
Naomi: そっか、そうかもね。(Sokka, sō kamo ne.)

Lesson focus

Naomi: I’m just...仕事アレルギーがあります。(Shigoto arerugī ga arimasu.) I am allergic to work.
Eric: Allergic to your job, I am sorry.
Naomi: Which is the grammar point today, があります (ga arimasu). アレルギーがあります。(Arerugī ga arimasu.)
Eric: I have an allergy.
Naomi: Yeah, I am allergic to something.
Eric: Okay, so what if you want to be more specific to something, right? So what if we are talking about mangoes?
Naomi: はい。マンゴーにアレルギーがあります。(Hai. Mangō ni arerugī ga arimasu.) or マンゴーアレルギーがあります。(Mangō arerugī ga arimasu.)
Eric: So you just said に (ni).
Naomi: はい。(Hai.)
Eric: Which in the previous lesson, we explained it as a particle indicating destination.
Naomi: Right.
Eric: Or it’s about direction, right?
Naomi: Direction.
Eric: Does it have the same function here?
Naomi: Yeah, kind of. I am allergic to mangoes, right? So. マンゴーにアレルギーがあります。(Mangō ni arerugī ga arimasu.)
Eric: That’s right, allergic to. You are allergic in – in the direction of mangoes, right. Basically…
Naomi: Toward.
Eric: Toward. Anything toward mangoes, anything related.
Naomi: But in a conversation, we often drop に (ni).
Eric: Not only に (ni), but just most particles, they are dropped, right?
Naomi: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Eric: So dropping them, the sentence would become
Naomi: マンゴーアレルギーがあります。(Mangō arerugī ga arimasu.)
Eric: And it’s pretty natural and common to drop all the particles.
Naomi: はい。エリックさん、アレルギーがありますか。(Hai. Erikku-san, arerugī ga arimasu ka.)
Eric: いいえ。アレルギーがありません。なおみ先生はアレルギーがありますか。(Iie. Arerugī ga arimasen. Naomi-sensei wa arerugī ga arimasu ka.)
Naomi: アレルギーがありません。(Arerugī ga arimasen.) ありません (arimasen) is a negative form of あります (arimasu). We don’t have any allergies.
Eric: Hey…
Naomi: That’s not fun.
Eric: It’s not fun.
Naomi: For lessons….
Eric: But neither one of us are 可哀想 (kawaisō).
Naomi: ね。そうですね。(Ne. Sō desu ne.) So if you are allergic to eggs, you say 卵アレルギーがあります (tamago arerugī ga arimasu).
Eric: What if you are allergic to nuts? There are a lot of people that are allergic to some sort of nuts, some sort of peanuts.
Naomi: We say ナッツ (nattsu) for nuts. So ナッツアレルギーがあります (nattsu arerugī ga arimasu) or ナッツにアレルギーがあります (nattsu ni arerugī ga arimasu).
Eric: And you know, another common one is dust like house dust, dust mite, how would you say that?
Naomi: 埃アレルギーがあります (hokori arerugī ga arimasu) or 埃にアレルギーがあります (hokori ni arerugī ga arimasu). 埃 (hokori) is dust.
Eric: All right and let’s zoom out a bit and not talk only about the allergies but any condition, any medical condition, anything related to the condition of your body, right? Like some sort of disease or anything. You can say that condition があります (ga arimasu), right? So for example, if I have diabetes.
Naomi: あ~。糖尿病があります。(Ā. Tōnyōbyō ga arimasu.)
Eric: Oooh that’s a tongue twister.
Naomi: Yeah.
Eric: Can you say it slowly?
Naomi: とうにょうびょう (tōnyōbyō)
I think if you have a serious problem, you should look up the dictionary, the name of the disease you have and put in front of があります (ga arimasu).
Eric: Right and that will be very useful especially if you are traveling in Japan and you have a condition that you want to let people know about, right?
Naomi: はい。(Hai.)
Naomi: リスナーの皆さんは、アレルギーがありますか。(Risunā no mina-san wa, arerugī ga arimasu ka.)


Eric: Do you have any allergies? Yeah, I hope your answers are as boring as I ask because it’s no fun being allergic to stuff. I'll see you guys next time.
Naomi: よろしくお願いします。(Yoroshiku onegai shimasu.)
Eric: お願いします。(Onegai shimasu.)


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