
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Lori’s story 22. Make time for this lesson. What’s the story for Lori today?
Naomi: I think they are going to have some free time now.
Eric: You mean on the train?
Naomi: No, they are at the destination already.
Eric: Wait wait! The destination that we made a bet on?
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)
Eric: I am dying to listen to it. Let’s find out where it is.
(長野県 松本城) (Nagano-ken Matsumoto-jō)
水木 (Mizuki) : 皆さん、ここは、松本城です。では、今から、ニ時半まで自由時間です。午後、りんご園に行きます。(Mina-san, koko wa, Matsumoto-jō desu. Dewa, ima kara, ni-ji han made jiyū jikan desu. Gogo, ringoen ni ikimasu.)
みんな (minna) : はーい。(Hāi.)
ロリー (Rorī) : 今、十二時半...。じゃ、自由時間はニ時間ですね。静さん、何を食べますか。(Ima, jū ni-ji han... Ja, jiyū jikan wa ni-ji-kan desu ne. Shizuka-san, nani o tabemasu ka.)
静 (Shizuka) : おそばを食べます。(O-soba o tabemasu.)
ロリー (Rorī) : そば・・・ですか。(Soba... desu ka.)
もう一度、お願いします。今度は、ゆっくりお願いします。(Mō ichi-do, onegai shimasu. Kondo wa, yukkuri onegai shimasu.)
水木 (Mizuki) : 皆さん、ここは、松本城です。では、今から、ニ時半まで自由時間です。午後、りんご園に行きます。(Mina-san, koko wa, Matsumoto-jō desu. Dewa, ima kara, ni-ji han made jiyū jikan desu. Gogo, ringoen ni ikimasu.)
みんな (minna) : はーい。(Hāi.)
ロリー (Rorī) : 今、十二時半...。じゃ、自由時間はニ時間ですね。静さん、何を食べますか。(Ima, jū ni-ji han... Ja, jiyū jikan wa ni-ji-kan desu ne. Shizuka-san, nani o tabemasu ka.)
静 (Shizuka) : おそばを食べます。(O-soba o tabemasu.)
ロリー (Rorī) : そば・・・ですか。(Soba... desu ka.)
次は、英語が入ります。(Tsugi wa, Eigo ga hairimasu.)
(長野県 松本城) (Nagano-ken Matsumoto-jō)
(Nagano prefecture, Matsumoto castle)
水木 (Mizuki) : 皆さん、ここは、松本城です。では、今から、ニ時半まで自由時間です。午後、りんご園に行きます。(Mina-san, koko wa, Matsumoto-jō desu. Dewa, ima kara, ni-ji han made jiyū jikan desu. Gogo, ringoen ni ikimasu.)
MIZUKI: Everyone, this is Matsumoto castle. You'll be free from now until two thirty. In the afternoon, we'll go to the apple orchard.
みんな (minna) : はーい。(Hāi.)
ALL: Okay.
ロリー (Rorī) : 今、十二時半...。じゃ、自由時間はニ時間ですね。(Ima, jū ni-ji han.... Ja, jiyū jikan wa ni-ji-kan desu ne.)
LORI: It's… twelve thirty now. We are free for two hours.
ロリー (Rorī) : 静さん、何を食べますか。 (Shizuka-san, nani o tabemasu ka.)
LORI: Shizuka-san, what are you going to eat?
静 (Shizuka) : おそばを食べます。(O-soba o tabemasu.)
SHIZUKA: I'm going to eat soba noodles.
ロリー (Rorī) : そば・・・ですか。(Soba... desu ka.)
LORI: Soba...?
Eric: Naomi-sensei.
Naomi: ねー。(Nē.) You failed.
Eric: Me? So did you! You guessed it was some kind of Lake, right?
Naomi: Lake and mountains.
Eric: They ended up going to
Naomi: Matsumoto castle. I think I have mentioned it in a previous lesson.
Eric: Oh is that in Nagano?
Naomi: Yeah, one of the most famous castles in Japan.
Eric: I could have sworn it was the Olympic stadium. It seems like they are going to eat, right?
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.) And it seems like they are going to the Apple orchard in the afternoon. Nagano is famous for their apples.
Eric: And it’s also famous for their soba noodles, right?
Naomi: あ~、そうですね。(Ā, sō dsu ne.) Shizuka wants to eat some soba noodles.
Eric: He knows what Matsumoto is famous for. Alright, so let’s go onto the vocabulary.
Naomi: 次は、単語です。(Tsugi wa, tango desu.)
Eric: All right. The first word is
Naomi: 皆さん (mina-san)
Eric: Everyone.
Naomi: (slow) みなさん (mina-san) (natural speed) 皆さん (mina-san)
Eric: The next word is
Naomi: 松本城 (Matsumoto-jō)
Eric: Matsumoto castle.
Naomi: (slow) まつもとじょう (Matsumoto-jō) (natural speed) 松本城 (Matsumoto-jō)
Eric: The next word is
Naomi: 半 (han)
Eric: Half.
Naomi: (slow) はん (han) (natural speed) 半 (han)
Eric: And the next word is
Naomi: 自由時間 (jiyū jikan)
Eric: Free time, leisure time.
Naomi: (slow) じゆうじかん (jiyū jikan) (natural speed) 自由時間 (jiyū jikan)
Eric: The next word is
Naomi: 午後 (gogo)
Eric: Afternoon, P.M.
Naomi: (slow) ごご (gogo) (natural speed) 午後 (gogo)
Eric: The next word is
Naomi: リンゴ園 (ringoen)
Eric: Apple orchard.
Naomi: (slow) りんごえん (ringoen) (natural speed) リンゴ園 (ringoen)
Eric: The next word is
Naomi: 二時間 (ni-ji-kan)
Eric: Two hours.
Naomi: (slow) にじかん (ni-ji-kan) (natural speed) 二時間 (ni-ji-kan)
Eric: The next word is
Naomi: 食べます (tabemasu)
Eric: To eat.
Naomi: (slow) たべます (tabemasu) (natural speed) 食べます (tabemasu)
Eric: And the last word is
Naomi: おそば (o-soba)
Eric: Buckwheat noodles.
Naomi: (slow) おそば (o-soba) (natural speed) おそば (o-soba)
Eric: All right. Let’s take a closer look at some of these words. First we have
Naomi: 半 (han)
Eric: Which means half or in the case of time, half past an hour, right?
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.) 30 minutes.
Eric: Right and in the previous lesson, we learned how to tell time. At least how to tell the hour but now we are going to talk about half past.
Naomi: Half past.
Eric: That hour.
Naomi: 1 o'clock is 一時 (ichi-ji).
Eric: So then what would 1:30 be?
Naomi: 一時半 (ichi-ji han)
Eric: Right so basically you put 半 (han) at the end of any hour that you want to talk about, right?
Naomi: はい。(Hai.)
Eric: To make it 30 minutes past that hour.
Naomi: Uhoo.
Eric: So how about 2:30?
Naomi: 二時半 (ni-ji han)
Eric: 3:30?
Naomi: 三時半 (san-ji han)
Eric: And so on and so forth. All right and since we are already talking about time, let’s talk about AM, PM, not the Japanese convenience store, AMPM but you know, afternoon, morning, that whole spiel. We learned it in a previous lesson, right?
Naomi: はい。(Hai.)
Eric: PM.
Naomi: 午後 (gogo)
Eric: And AM.
Naomi: 午前 (gozen)
Eric: And how would you say, for example, 3 PM.
Naomi: 午後三時 (gogo san-ji)
Eric: How about 7 AM?
Naomi: 午前七時 (gozen shichi-ji)
Eric: So in English, I would say the time and then PM or AM, but in Japanese you would what put it at the beginning?
Naomi: That’s right. そうです。(Sō desu.)
Eric: So you put 午後 (gogo) or 午前 (gozen) before the time. And Naomi-sensei, not too long ago, we learned how to count, right? We learned how to count things.
Naomi: Count things, uh…
Eric: Right some things and we happened to mention that there are counters for everything. There is something. There is like a way, a special way in Japanese to count almost everything and as it turns out, there is something. There is a word that you can use to count time, to count hours. How would I say two hours?
Naomi: 二時間 (ni-ji-kan)
Eric: Three hours.
Naomi: 三時間 (san-ji-kan)
Eric: So how do you explain its construction, Naomi-sensei?
Naomi: 時間 (ji-kan) is a counter for hours. The numbers before 時間 (ji-kan) conjugate same as 時 (ji), for hour.
Eric: So for example, the number four changes from よん (yon) to
Naomi: よ (yo)
Eric: In time right. So 4:00 hours would be?
Naomi: 四時間 (yo-ji-kan)
Eric: And 4 o'clock would be?
Naomi: 四時 (yo-ji)
Eric: And 9 also changes right from きゅう (kyū) to
Naomi: く (ku) as in 九時 (ku-ji), 9 o’ clock. For hours, 九時間 (ku-ji-kan).
Eric: And we just learned 半 (han) like 12:30, 2:30?
Naomi: Oh yeah.
Eric: Can you use 半 (han) with this new 時間 (ji-kan) counter?
Naomi: You mean like an hour and a half?
Eric: Right.
Naomi: 一時間半 (ichi-ji-kan han)
Eric: So you just put 半 (han) at the end of 時間 (ji-kan). It’s pretty useful.
Naomi: So 二時間半 (ni-ji-kan han) will be
Eric: 2 and a half hours. How about 7 and a half hours?
Naomi: 七時間半 (shichi-ji-kan han)
Eric: It’s pretty straightforward, right Naomi-sensei?
Naomi: はい。(Hai.)
Eric: All right. So let’s go onto the grammar.
Naomi: 次は文法です。(Tsugi wa bunpō desu.)

Lesson focus

Eric: What’s our target phrase today?
Naomi: 私はおそばを食べます。(Watashi wa o-soba o tabemasu.)
Eric: I am going to eat buckwheat noodles. Let’s break it down.
Naomi: 私 (watashi)
Eric: I .
Naomi: は (wa)
Eric: Topic marking particle.
Naomi: おそば (o-soba)
Eric: Buckwheat noodles.
Naomi: を (o)
Eric: Object marking particle.
Naomi: 食べます (tabemasu)
Eric: To eat. All right, the main point here is this object marking particle…
Naomi: を (o)
Eric: Uhh that’s mysterious. What does that mean, object marking particle?
Naomi: It marks objects.
Eric: Wow, very – I am enlightened. So let’s get down into the nitty-gritty of this を (o). All right, first of all, this を (o) is not the same お (o) that we put in front of the soba to make it more honorific and polite though, おそば (o-soba).
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.) That’s right. That’s a good point.
Eric: What is this を (o) then? It’s a separate character in Hiragana right when you are writing it down and it only has the function of marking objects.
Naomi: Right.
Eric: Which in plain regular English means
Naomi: The particle を (o) connects noun and action.
Eric: That makes sense. So in this case, we have
Naomi: おそばを食べます。(O-soba o tabemasu.)
Eric: So we have Soba – the noodles Soba connected with 食べます (tabemasu), to eat. Hah! I have a feeling we just learned a really, really powerful type of sentence now that we can just make any type of sentence with a new phrase that’s really useful.
Naomi: Right.
Eric: I am sure this is really powerful. We can say now nearly everything in nouns and verbs.
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)
Eric: So how would I say I eat breakfast?
Naomi: 朝ごはん (asagohan) is the breakfast. 私は朝ごはんを食べます。(Watashi wa asagohan o tabemasu.)
Eric: I eat breakfast. That’s good. How about Sushi? I eat Sushi.
Naomi: 私はお寿司を食べます。(Watashi wa o-sushi o tabemasu.) And a masu-form of a verb, for example, 食べます (tabemasu) could be will eat or eat.
Eric: Ah that’s true. So it’s not very clear if you are talking about the present or the future.
Naomi: Future. We don’t have future tense. Well, we do but we don’t usually use the future tense.
Eric: And if you were to be talking about the future, you would modify it with some sort of time modifier like you know, I will eat breakfast tomorrow right which it’s the future.
Naomi: 明日?(Ashita?) So... 明日朝ごはんを食べます。(Ashita asagohan o tabemasu.) So sometimes not clear if the speaker is talking about his habit or his future.
Eric: I see because if you say just 私は朝ごはんを食べます (watashi wa asagohan o tabemasu), it means either I eat breakfast every day.
Naomi: Or
Eric: Or just I will eat breakfast now or I will eat tomorrow or I will eat breakfast next week. It could be any of those, right?
Naomi: はい。(Hai.)
Eric: Depending on the context and what’s going on. It’s mysterious. Okay, so in the previous lesson, we learned the negative masu-form of the verb to eat.
Naomi: 食べます (tabemasu) becomes 食べません (tabemasen) in a negative sentence.
Eric: To not eat.
Naomi: はい。(Hai.)
Eric: All right. So then how do we use this を (o) with 食べません (tabemasen)? I will not eat breakfast.
Naomi: 私は朝ごはんを食べません。(Watashi wa asagohan o tabemasen.)
Eric: Which can also mean you know, I am not going to eat breakfast now. I won’t eat breakfast now or I never eat breakfast or I won’t eat breakfast next week.
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)
Eric: Anything, anything, right?
Naomi: Right. So do you eat breakfast? エリックさんは朝ごはんを食べますか。(Erikku-san wa asagohan o tabemasu ka.)
Eric: はい。朝ごはんを食べます。(Hai. Asagohan o tabemasu.)
Naomi: Yeah to make a question, you can just add か (ka) at the end of the sentence.
Eric: And what if you don’t know what we are going to eat. You have to ask what are you going to eat.
Naomi: It’s simple. You can just put 何 (nani) at the object part. For example, 何を食べますか (nani o tabemasu ka).
Eric: What will you eat or what are you going to eat or what do you usually eat?
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)
Eric: Habitually.
Naomi: はい。(Hai.) So for breakfast. 何を食べますか。(Nani o tabemasu ka.)
Eric: パンを食べます。(Pan o tabemasu.)
Naomi: Bread?
Eric: Yes.
Naomi: 私は朝ごはんを食べません。(Watashi wa asagohan o tabemasen.)
Eric: What? You don’t eat breakfast.
Naomi: No.
Eric: How are you still alive?
Naomi: ねぇ。(Nee.)
Eric: You don’t get lightheaded and you don’t feel like you want to die?
Naomi: I get hungry but…
Eric: Well of course, of course. You haven’t eaten anything, right?
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)
Eric: Yeah, you are going to eat when you are hungry.
Naomi: I don’t have time.
Eric: You don’t have time to stop by the コンビニ (konbini)?
Naomi: No, maybe after I go to the office.
Eric: Well Naomi-sensei, it’s not the thing of preference. It’s not like you are an anti 朝ごはん (asagohan) person.
Naomi: I love to have a big breakfast if I have time.
Eric: Like pancakes?
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)
Eric: So if you were to have breakfast. パンケーキを食べますか。(Pankēki o tabemasu ka.)
Naomi: パンケーキを…食べません。(Pankēki o… tabemasen.)
Eric: Okay, so how about ベーコン (bēkon)?
Naomi: ああ、ベーコンね。(Ā, bēkon ne.)
Eric: ベーコンを食べますか。(Bēkon o tabemasu ka.)
Naomi: ベーコンを食べます。ベーコンと多分、卵。(Bēkon o tabemasu. Bēkon to tabun, tamago.)
Eric: And と (to) is a particle which means and.
Naomi: はい。ベーコンと卵を食べます。(Hai. Bēkon to tamago o tabemasu.)
Eric: Hah! That’s a pretty good breakfast. I wonder what our listeners eat for breakfast.
Naomi: あ~!皆さんは朝ごはんを食べますか。何を食べますか。(Ā! Mina-san wa asagohan o tabemasu ka. Nani o tabemasu ka.)


Eric: Yeah, you can go ahead and answer that in the comment section of the page for this episode. I’ll see you next time.
Naomi: じゃ、また。(Ja, mata.)


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