
Vocabulary (Review)

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Eric: Lori’s story 8. How to talk about the weather. Naomi-sensei, Lori went through customs without a scratch.
Naomi: はい。(Hai.)
Eric: And she met Mr. Mizuki at the airport and she already went to her apartment. She likes it, it’s all right and what’s going on today?
Naomi: 今日は (kyō wa) it seems like she is meeting a new person.
Eric: That’s good. It’s always good to meet some new people.
Naomi: はい。(Hai.)
Eric: Okay, so let’s see what she has to say. Let’s listen in.
(アパートのエレベーター) (Apāto no erebētā)
静 (Shizuka) : おはようございます。(Ohayō gozaimasu.)
ロリー (Rorī) : あ... おはようございます。(A... o-hayō gozaimasu.)
静 (Shizuka) : 蒸し暑いですね。(Mushiatsui desu ne.)
ロリー (Rorī) : むし... あ... つい?むし?虫?!(Mushi... a... tsui? Mushi? Mushi?!)
静 (Shizuka) : … あ、と て も 暑いですね。(... A, totemo atsui desu ne.)
ロリー (Rorī) : あ、はいはい。分かります。分かります。とても 暑いですね。(A, hai hai. Wakarimasu. Wakarimasu. Totemo atsui desu ne.)
もう一度、お願いします。今度は、ゆっくりお願いします。(Mō ichi-do, onegai shimasu. Kondo wa, yukkuri onegai shimasu.)
静 (Shizuka) : おはようございます。(Ohayō gozaimasu.)
ロリー (Rorī) : あ... おはようございます。(A... o-hayō gozaimasu.)
静 (Shizuka) : 蒸し暑いですね。(Mushiatsui desu ne.)
ロリー (Rorī) : むし... あ... つい?むし?虫?!(Mushi... a... tsui? Mushi? Mushi?!)
静 (Shizuka) : … あ、と て も 暑いですね。(... A, totemo atsui desu ne.)
ロリー (Rorī) : あ、はいはい。分かります。分かります。とても 暑いですね。(A, hai hai. Wakarimasu. Wakarimasu. Totemo atsui desu ne.)
今度は、英語が入ります。(Kondo wa, Eigo ga hairimasu.)
(アパートのエレベーター) (Apāto no erebētā)
静 (Shizuka) : おはようございます。(Ohayō gozaimasu.)
SHIZUKA: Good morning.
ロリー (Rorī) : あ... おはようございます。(A... o-hayō gozaimasu.)
LORI: Uh… good morning.
静 (Shizuka) : 蒸し暑いですね。(Mushiatsui desu ne.)
SHIZUKA: It's humid, isn't it?
ロリー (Rorī) : むし... あ... つい?むし?虫?!(Mushi... a... tsui? Mushi? Mushi?!)
LORI: Hu… mid? Humid?
静 (Shizuka) : … あ、と て も 暑いですね。(... A, totemo atsui desu ne.)
SHIZUKA: I mean..., very hot.
ロリー (Rorī) : あ、はいはい。分かります。分かります。とても 暑いですね。(A, hai hai. Wakarimasu. Wakarimasu. Totemo atsui desu ne.)
LORI: Oh… I see. I see. Yeah, it’s very hot.
Eric: Wow! It’s actually really 蒸し暑い (mushiatsui) today, isn’t it?
Naomi: Yeah it is, it’s very 蒸し暑い (mushiatsui).
Eric: It’s out of control and 蒸し暑い (mushiatsui) doesn’t mean the bugs are hot around here, right?
Naomi: Steaming hot.
Eric: Steaming hot, steaming hot meaning it’s super humid. I swear, I have been walking around with the scuba tank these days. I don’t think that Lori handles it well.
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.) She could have said 蒸し暑いは何ですか (mushiatsui wa nan desu ka).
Eric: Yeah like she totally – she got stuck on the word むし (mushi) and she got caught up in it and then the person was like oh man! This girl causing me too much trouble. So she skipped it and she just said, oh it’s hot and then Lori missed out on learning what 蒸し暑い (mushiatsui) meant. She probably thinks now that むし (mushi) means very.
Naomi: あ~、そうね。(Ā, sō ne.)
Eric: She is probably going to come in one day and say, hey it’s むし寒い (mushisamui).
Naomi: I actually had that kind of student.
Eric: Really?
Naomi: But I taught 蒸し暑い (mushiatsui) in the lesson and the very next day, he came out to me and said, 先生、蒸し寒いですね (sensei, mushisamui desu ne).
Eric: What?
Naomi: Like okay 蒸し (mushi) doesn’t mean very. 蒸し (mushi) means steaming.
Eric: Right, right. It's steam, it’s literally like steaming hot. So watch out and if you don’t know words that are basically combinations of other words, just stick to the whole word and don’t flip out like Lori did. So anyway, on to the vocab.
Eric: Okay, what’s the first word today? Is it a word or phrase?
Naomi: Phrase.
Eric: Okay, our first word is a phrase. What is it?
Naomi: おはようございます (ohayō gozaimasu)
Eric: Good morning.
Naomi: (slow) おはようございます (ohayō gozaimasu) (natural speed) おはようございます (ohayō gozaimasu)
Eric: Rise and shine. Okay, what’s our next word?
Naomi: 蒸し暑い (mushiatsui)
Eric: Humid, steaming hot.
Naomi: (slow) むしあつい (mushiatsui) (natural speed) 蒸し暑い (mushiatsui)
Eric: The next word is
Naomi: とても (totemo)
Eric: Very.
Naomi: (slow) とても (totemo) (natural speed) とても (totemo)
Eric: The next word is
Naomi: わかります (wakarimasu)
Eric: To understand in the masu-form.
Naomi: (slow) わかります (wakarimasu) (natural speed) わかります (wakarimasu)
Eric: The next word is
Naomi: 暑い (atsui)
Eric: Hot.
Naomi: (slow) あつい (atsui) (natural speed) 暑い (atsui)
Eric: The next word is
Naomi: エレベーター (erebētā)
Eric: Elevator, lift.
Naomi: (slow) エレベーター (erebētā) (natural speed) エレベーター (erebētā)
Eric: The next word is
Naomi: 虫 (mushi)
Eric: Insect.
Naomi: (slow) むし (mushi) (natural speed) 虫 (mushi)
Eric: All right. That’s a short set of words. Remember when you are learning these words, learn the intonation as well. Learn how to pronounce these words. Sometimes it will really save you. Let’s learn how to use some of these words. Take a closer look. What’s the first phrase that’s very applicable to today’s weather, Naomi-sensei?
Naomi: とても暑いですね。(Totemo atsui desu ne.)
Eric: Yeah, it is really hot, isn’t it? Let’s break it down word by word.
Naomi: とても (totemo)
Eric: Very.
Naomi: 暑い (atsui)
Eric: Hot, warm.
Naomi: です (desu)
Eric: Copula.
Naomi: ね (ne)
Eric: Isn’t it?
Naomi: とても暑いですね。(Totemo atsui desu ne.)
Eric: That’s right and you know, it doesn’t just have to be hot. You can use this phrase and stick whatever adjective you want in there. For example, if it was super cold today, what would you say?
Naomi: Cold is 寒い (samui). とても寒いですね。(Totemo samui desu ne.)
Eric: What if today wasn’t that hot and it was just a little warm and it’s like the perfect spring warm.
Naomi: 暖かい (atatakai)
Eric: That’s warm.
Naomi: とても暖かいですね。(Totemo atatakai desu ne.)
Eric: What if the leaves are already turning purple and yellow and brown and all of that. You know, a little chilly, a little cool and you are thinking, you might want to put on another layer.
Naomi: 涼しい (suzushii)
Eric: Cool or chilly.
Naomi: とても涼しいですね。(Totemo suzushii desu ne.)
Eric: You know, this is not a one-sided conversation. Someone says oh it’s very hot or it’s very cold, it’s very warm and you have to respond, right? You can’t just nod your head or you could, you could but then people might think you are a freak. So how would you respond, Naomi-sensei? とても暑いですね。(Totemo atsui desu ne.)
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)
Eric: Yes it is, isn’t it?
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)
Eric: That’s right. That’s probably one of the most often used phrases in Japanese. そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)
Eric: That’s right.

Lesson focus

Eric: Okay Naomi-sensei, what’s today’s grammar point?
Naomi: Greetings.
Eric: Greetings. So…
Naomi: In the morning.
Eric: In the morning. What type of greetings do we have in the morning?
Naomi: おはようございます。(Ohayō gozaimasu.)
Eric: Good morning and that’s not the only way to say good morning, is it?
Naomi: You can say おはよう (ohayō) to your friends.
Eric: To your friends all right yeah and who would you say おはようございます (ohayō gozaimasu) to?
Naomi: To elder people or your boss.
Eric: For strangers?
Naomi: Strangers, yes.
Eric: People you don’t know, right? おはよう (ohayō) is that a word, just that means good morning because you know in English, good morning is like good and morning.
Naomi: It doesn’t mean good and morning. It means just early.
Eric: That’s right. It just means it’s a very classical old way of saying, it is early.
Naomi: Yes.
Eric: That’s right. I mean I know this is a newbie series and you know, you are just starting out, but if some of you guys are going to get into this really hardcore, one day you are going to learn about the construction of how to make these really old classical – yeah you are going to learn the conjugation for this. So hey! Stick around, stick around. You got many fun things to come but you know I have one beef with おはようございます (ohayō gozaimasu), Naomi-sensei.
Naomi: はい。(Hai.)
Eric: You know what that is? Okay, I am in some clubs at school, all right. I play music and all the stuff and I get there and it’s you know, 5:30, 6:00 in the afternoon. It’s kind of late and everybody says おはようございます (ohayō gozaimasu). What is it? Tell me please.
Naomi: I see you for the first time in the day.
Eric: Okay, so that’s the first time we met that day. So you could say any time of the day.
Naomi: Even in the evening.
Eric: Does it have to be related to club activities? You know we have an event and it starts at a certain time and you know, we have to get together with people that are part of the club and all say おはようございます (ohayō gozaimasu) but like when I am walking down the street or I am going to class and I see somebody for the first time that they don’t say おはようございます (ohayō gozaimasu). They just say hey or you know こんにちは (kon’nichiwa), or yo.
Naomi: When I start late at japanesepod101, I still use おはようございます (ohayō gozaimasu) to everybody.
Eric: Because that’s the first time you saw them. Okay, so everyone keep that in mind. You don’t have to use it that way but you know if you happen to do something at even at night and you get there and everyone says おはようございます (ohayō gozaimasu) to you, don’t be there scratching your head standing there for 10 minutes. It just means that this is the first time that they saw you and hello, it’s early. Why don’t we give some examples all right between friends, between you and me, Naomi-sensei?
Naomi: はい。(Hai.)
Eric: So it’s morning, it’s 6 in the morning.
Naomi: おはよう、エリック。(Ohayō, Erikku.)
Eric: おはよう、なおみ。(Ohayō, Naomi.) All right, now we are coworkers. Coworkers at japanesepod101.com. Okay, so we just got into the office. It’s 5 in the morning.
Naomi: おはようございます、エリックさん。(Ohayō gozaimasu, Erikku-san.)
Eric: おはようございます、なおみさん。(Ohayō gozaimasu, Naomi-san.) All right, I am a student and you are my teacher. おはようございます、先生。(Ohayō gozaimasu, sensei.)
Naomi: あ、おはよう。(A, ohayō.)
Eric: You can clearly see the class structure there. All the differences between the people. All right, so you guys are all newbies here and I am sure, there are a lot of things that you still don’t know. There are more things you don’t know than you do know but hey sometimes when you do know something, it’s good to tell people that you know. So how do you say yeah, yeah I know in Japanese?
Naomi: わかります。(Wakarimasu.)
Eric: わかります。(Wakarimasu.) So that’s the verb わかる (wakaru) the masu-form, right?
Naomi: はい。(Hai.)
Eric: It’s polite. It literally means to understand. So when you understand something, when you know, when you are affirming. So Lori after she got all confused and she finally learned that 蒸し暑い (mushiatsui) meant hot. She said
Naomi: わかります、わかります。(Wakarimasu, wakarimasu.)
Eric: I got it, I got it. I understand and what happens if she would have said わかる、わかる (wakaru, wakaru) because that’s the base verb of this word, right?
Naomi: Right. Since 静 (Shizuka) is still a stranger to Lori, she used the polite form instead of casual form.
Eric: That’s right. So the more polite way is the masu-form, right?
Naomi: はい。(Hai.)
Eric: So you know for strangers or people you don’t know, it’s always better to use the masu-form of any word.
Naomi: And the masu-form is easy to learn.
Eric: Yeah, it’s really easy. We are going to talk about that in the future lesson so you guys stick around okay but as I just said earlier, there is a lot of stuff that you don’t know and sometimes you just need to tell people hey, I don’t know.
Naomi: あ~、そうね。(Ā, sō ne.)
Eric: So how would you turn わかる (wakaru) which is I understand, the positive into a negative, I don’t know.
Naomi: Just put ません (masen) instead of ます (masu).
Eric: So all you have to do is change that ます (masu) to ません (masen).
Naomi: わかりません。(Wakarimasen.)
Eric: わかりません。(Wakarimasen.) It means I don’t know. I don’t understand. So how would you ask you get it, do you understand?
Naomi: わかりますか。(Wakarimasu ka.) Just add か (ka) at the end.
Eric: You put the か (ka) the sentence particle, right?
Naomi: はい。(Hai.)
Eric: And then my usual reply, わかりません (wakarimasen). So yeah and Japanese people use this word all the time. They like to tell you what they know and what they don’t know. So use this, use this a lot. If you don’t know something, just say わかりません (wakarimasen). All right, just say it straight on and people will teach you. That’s the best way to learn by the way. So why don’t we practice some of these?
Naomi: はい。(Hai.)
Eric: I will tell you how much I don’t know. So Naomi-sensei, it’s morning. You met your Japanese boss on the street, you would say….
Naomi: おはようございます。(Ohayō gozaimasu.)
Eric: And then you will ask him where he is going. No, I am just kidding.
Naomi: どこ行くんですか。(Doko iku n desu ka.)
Eric: I want you to go to the office. What are you doing on the street? No but anyway, that day it’s really hot, it’s very hot. So then you would say
Naomi: あ~、蒸し暑いですね~。(Ā, mushiatsui desu nē.)
Eric: And then your boss would say and he would probably say そうですね (sō desu ne) and then your boss speaks to you in Japanese but if he talks too fast Naomi-sensei, what would you do?
Naomi: すみません、わかりません。ゆっくり、お願いします。(Sumimasen, wakarimasen. Yukkuri, onegai shimasu.)
Eric: I am sorry. I just don’t understand. Please speak slowly. Naomi-sensei, you should listen to japanesepod101.com.
Naomi: Oh yeah I will, I will.


Eric: Check it out. Alright, so it’s almost time for me to get to my club activity where everyone is going to definitely tell me おはようございます (ohayō gozaimasu). All right, I will see you guys later.
Naomi: じゃ、また。(Ja, mata.)


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