
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Yoshi and Chigusa: おはよう、東京。(Ohayō, Tōkyō.)
Yoshi: ヨシです。(Yoshi desu.)
Chigusa: ちぐさです。(Chigusa desu.)
Peter: Peter here.
Peter: Now, it completely slipped my mind that last time we introduced the lesson, actually we began the lesson with a greeting, and we didn’t even cover that in the lesson.
Chigusa: How terrible of you, Peter.
Peter: Can we have that greeting?
Chigusa: おはよう、東京。(Ohayō, Tōkyō.)
Peter: “Good morning, Tokyo.” Now, the informal greeting for “good morning” in Japanese is
Chigusa: おはよう (ohayō)
Peter: So, today is going to be a conversation on Skype. Yoshi-san, can you give us the Japanese for Skype?
Yoshi: スカイプ (Sukaipu)
Peter: Break it down.
Yoshi: スカイプ (Sukaipu) スカイプ (Sukaipu)
Peter: Okay. Now, Professor Watanabe will receive a Skype call from his former student who is now living in New York. Let’s start today’s conversation.
山口 (Yamaguchi):渡辺先生、おはようございます。(Watanabe-sensei, Ohayō gozaimasu.)
渡辺 (Watanabe):おはよう、山口さん。(Ohayō, Yamaguchi-san.)
山口 (Yamaguchi):渡辺先生、ニューヨークは夜です。(Watanabe-sensei, Nyū yōku wa yoru desu.)
渡辺 (Watanabe):あっ、失礼しました。こんばんは。(A, shitsurei shimashita. Konbanwa.)
Peter: One more time, please. Slowly please.
山口 (Yamaguchi):渡辺先生、おはようございます。(Watanabe-sensei, Ohayō gozaimasu.)
渡辺 (Watanabe):おはよう、山口さん。(Ohayō, Yamaguchi-san.)
山口 (Yamaguchi):渡辺先生、ニューヨークは夜です。(Watanabe-sensei, Nyū yōku wa yoru desu.)
渡辺 (Watanabe):あっ、失礼しました。こんばんは。(A, shitsurei shimashita. Konbanwa.)
Peter: This time, Chigusa-san and Yoshi-san will give you the Japanese, and I’ll give you the English. Here we go.
山口 (Yamaguchi):渡辺先生、おはようございます。(Watanabe-sensei, Ohayō gozaimasu.)
Yamaguchi: Good morning, Professor Watanabe.
渡辺 (Watanabe):おはよう、山口さん。(Ohayō, Yamaguchi-san.)
Watanabe: Good morning, Miss Yamaguchi.
山口 (Yamaguchi):渡辺先生、ニューヨークは夜です。(Watanabe-sensei, Nyū yōku wa yoru desu.)
Yamaguchi: Professor Watanabe, it's night time in New York.
渡辺 (Watanabe):あっ、失礼しました。(A, shitsurei shimashita.)
Watanabe: Oh, excuse me.
渡辺 (Watanabe):こんばんは。(Konbanwa.)
Watanabe: Good evening.
Peter: So, what we’re going to do now is take a look at the vocabulary. Yoshi-san, can you start us off?
Yoshi: 先生 (sensei)
Peter: “Teacher.” Break it down.
Yoshi: せんせい (sensei) 先生 (sensei)
Peter: Now, this can be used either as a noun or a suffix. For example, せんせい (sensei) stand alone means “teacher,” a regular noun. But as in the dialogue, you can take the name of a professor or a teacher and attach…
Yoshi: 先生 (sensei)
Peter: to mean “professor” or “teacher.” For example, in the dialogue we had
Yoshi: わたなべ先生 (Watanabe-sensei)
Peter: Professor Watanabe. It can also be Teacher Watanabe, depending on the level. Then we have… next, Chigusa-san.
Chigusa: わたなべ (Watanabe)
Peter: Family name. Yoshi-san’s family name. Can we break that down?
Chigusa: わたなべ (Watanabe) わたなべ (Watanabe)
Peter: Then we have
Yoshi: おはようございます (ohayō gozaimasu)
Peter: “Good morning,” a formal good morning greeting. It means good morning but quite formal, made up of two words. Can we get those two words?
Yoshi: おはよう (ohayō)
Peter: Break it down.
Yoshi: おはよう (ohayō) おはよう (ohayō)
Peter: Second word.
Yoshi: ございます (gozaimasu)
Peter: Break it down.
Yoshi: ございます (gozaimasu) ございます (gozaimasu)
Peter: Next, we have the informal greeting for good morning.
Chigusa: おはよう (ohayō)
Peter: “Good morning.” Break it down.
Chigusa: おはよう (ohayō) おはよう (ohayō)
Peter: Now Chigusa-san, in the conversation you said to Professor Watanabe, おはようございます (ohayō gozaimasu). But わたなべ先生 (Watanabe-sensei) said to you just おはよう (ohayō), why is that?
Chigusa: It’s because I’m his student, and I have to show more respect towards the teacher.
Peter: So, you attached ございます (gozaimasu) to make this polite.
Chigusa: Yes.
Peter: To make the greeting polite. Now Yoshi-san, you answered with
Yoshi: おはよう (ohayō)
Peter: which is quite informal. Now, could you also say おはようございます (ohayō gozaimasu)?
Yoshi: Yes.
Peter: How come?
Yoshi: In this case, you can be either polite or casual because you’re talking to your student.
Peter: So, as the person with the higher social status you have the choice to be polite or be informal. While Chigusa-san, Yamaguchi-san in the story, has no choice. She has to be formal because she is addressing her teacher, correct?
Chigusa: Correct.
Peter: Okay. But speaking of polite and nice students, I noticed in the next line, you correct your professor.
Chigusa: Yes.
Peter: But before we do that, let’s just finish off the vocab. Here we go.
Yoshi: ニューヨーク (Nyū yōku)
Peter: Yes. This will come up again and again as it’s my home town. So, New York. Can we break it down?
Yoshi: ニューヨーク (Nyū yōku) ニューヨーク(Nyū yōku)
Peter: Next we have
Chigusa: よる (yoru)
Peter: “Night.”
Chigusa: よる (yoru) よる (yoru)
Peter: Now, what’s the opposite of night?
Chigusa: あさ (asa)
Peter: Break that down.
Chigusa: あさ (asa) あさ (asa)
Peter: Next we have
Yoshi: しつれいしました (shitsurei shimashita)
Peter: “Excuse me.” Literally “I was rude.” We have the past tense of the verb “to do” coupled with rude, rudeness. Now, this is a set phrase. And the grammar behind it is beyond the scope of this lesson, but this is quite common. And we’ll get into it in later lessons. But for now, please just remember that this set phrase means, “Excuse me.” Break it down.
Yoshi: しつれいしました (shitsurei shimashita) しつれいしました (shitsurei shimashita)
Peter: Finally, we have
Chigusa: こんばんは (konbanwa)
Peter: “Good evening.”
Chigusa: こんばんは (konbanwa) こんばんは (konbanwa)
Peter: Okay. Let’s go over these greetings again because you’ll be using them over and over. This is what you have the chance you’ll probably use the most. When you see classmates or you see your professor. If you see your classmate in your Japanese class, don’t use English. Use Japanese. Practice as much as possible. When you listen to this podcast, try and repeat it over and over. Now, Chigusa-san, what is the word for ”morning?”
Chigusa: あさ (asa)
Peter: “Morning,” okay? Now, what are the morning greetings? First, the formal one.
Chigusa: おはようございます。(Ohayō gozaimasu.)
Peter: Now, the informal one.
Chigusa: おはよう。(Ohayō.)
Peter: Okay. What’s the word for “night?”
Chigusa: よる (yoru)
Peter: And what’s the nighttime greeting?
Chigusa: こんばんは。(Konbanwa.)
Peter: Okay. Now we have a nighttime greeting and a morning greeting. What about the afternoon? Chigusa-san, can you give us the greeting for “Good afternoon”?
Chigusa: こんにちは (kon’nichiwa)
Peter: Break it down.
Chigusa: こんにちは (kon’nichiwa) こんにちは (kon’nichiwa)
Peter: Really try to hit that “n” in there. Lots of foreigners say, こにちは (konichiwa). They skip the “n,” but you really want to hit it, you want to say, こんにちは (kon’nichiwa). Really hit that “n.” Okay? It’s kind of like the “n” in Honda, ホンダ (Honda). You really want to hit that “n.” ホンダ (Honda). Okay? こんにちは (kon’nichiwa) also same for the evening greeting. こんばんは (konbanwa) really hit that “n.” Okay? Now, Yoshi-san, how do we say “afternoon?”
Yoshi: ひる (hiru)
Peter: Break it down.
Yoshi: ひる (hiru) ひる (hiru)
Peter: So now, we have three times a day. Yoshi-san, just give us those one more time.
Yoshi: あさ (asa)
Peter: “Morning.”
Yoshi: ひる (hiru)
Peter: “Afternoon.”
Yoshi: よる (yoru)
Peter: “Night.”
Then we have two different types of greetings for the morning and one each for the afternoon and night. Chigusa-san, can you give us those?
Chigusa: おはようございます。おはよう。こんにちは。こんばんは。(Ohayō gozaimasu. Ohayō. Kon’nichiwa. Konbanwa.)
Peter: Now, what we’re going to do is we’ll take turns. First, Yoshi-san will give you the time of the day and the person to greet. For example, Yoshi-san, from the three, morning, あさ (asa), afternoon,ひる (hiru), or nighttime, よる (yoru), from those three, pick one.
Yoshi: よる (yoru)
Peter: Then pick either yourself, わたなべ先生 (Watanabe-sensei) or やまぐちさん(Yamaguchi-san).
Yoshi: やまぐちさん。(Yamaguchi-san.)
Peter: So, say them both consecutively.
Yoshi: よる/山口さん (yoru / Yamaguchi-san)
Peter: Your job is to greet that person, which in this case would be, Chigusa-san?
Chigusa: こんばんは、やまぐちさん。(Konbanwa, Yamaguchi-san.)
Peter: Okay? So, we’ll take turns. First, Yoshi-san will give you the time plus the person. And your job is to speak back to the podcast and properly greet that person. Then, Chigusa will give you one. Okay? So, we’re going to take turns here. Now, we’ll give you three seconds to answer back, then we’ll give you the right answer, okay? Here we go.
Yoshi: ひる/わたなべ先生 (hiru / Watanabe-sensei)
Chigusa: こんにちは、わたなべ先生。(Kon’nichiwa, Watanabe-sensei.)
あさ/やまぐちさん (asa / Yamaguchi-san)
Yoshi: おはようございます、やまぐちさん。(Ohayō gozaimasu, Yamaguchi-san.)
おはよう、やまぐちさん。(Ohayō, Yamaguchi-san.)
よる/やまぐちさん (yoru / Yamaguchi-san)
Chigusa: こんばんは、やまぐちさん。(Konbanwa, Yamaguchi-san.)
ひる/ピーターさん (Hiru / Pītā-san)
Yoshi: こんにちは、ピーターさん。(Kon’nichiwa, Pītā-san.)
あさ/すずき先生 (asa / Suzuki-sensei)
Chigusa: おはようございます、すずき先生 (Ohayō gozaimasu, Suzuki-sensei)


Peter: Okay. Now, what we’d like to do is we’d like to hear back from you. Did you like the drill? Was it useful? Do you want more? Again, your feedback will shape your curriculum. Let us know what you like. Let us know what you don’t like. So, that’s going to do for today.
Chigusa: またね。(Mata ne.)
Yoshi: またね。(Mata ne.)


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