
Vocabulary (Review)

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Natsuko: ナツコです。(Natsuko desu.)
Megumi: めぐみです。(Megumi desu.)
Fujimoto: 藤本です。(Fujimoto desu.)
Peter: Peter here. Now we are back with, again, Natsuko-san, the Math class.
Natsuko: Again…
Peter: You guessed it. Now Megumi-san, we are teaching language through math and today we are continuing on with multiplication and today we have Fujimoto-sensei in the studio.
Megumi: 先生、ようこそ!(Sensei, yōkoso!)
Natsuko: こんにちは。(Kon’nichiwa.)
Peter: よろしくお願いします。(Yoroshiku onegai shimasu.)
Natsuko: よろしくお願いします。(Yoroshiku onegai shimasu.)
Fujimoto: よろしくお願いします。(Yoroshiku onegai shimasu.)
Peter: Sensei, how are you today?
Fujimoto: 元気ですよ!ピーターさんは?(Genki desu yo! Pītā-san wa?)
Peter: あ、おかげさまで元気ですよ。(A, okage-sama de genki desu yo.)
Fujimoto: めぐみさんは?(Megumi-san wa?)
Megumi: あ、すごく元気です。(A, sugoku genki desu.)
Fujimoto: よかった。(Yokatta.)
Megumi: ありがとうございます。(Arigatō gozaimasu.)
Peter: Now Natsuko-san, how do you say multiplication in Japanese?
Natsuko: かけ算 (kakezan)
Peter: So we are working on multiplication today. With that said, let’s get into today’s lesson. Here we go.
先生 (Sensei):今日はかけ算です。(Kyō wa kakezan desu.)
清さん、問題を言ってください。(Kiyoshi-san, mondai o itte kudasai.)
清 (Kiyoshi):は〜い。7かける6は?(Hāi. Nana kakeru roku wa?)
智子 (Tomoko):42です。(Yon-jū ni desu.)
先生 (Sensei):はい、そうですね。(Hai, sō desu ne.)
次は智子さん、問題を言ってください。(Tsugi wa Tomoko-san, mondai o itte kudasai.)
智子 (Tomoko):12かける6は?(Jū ni kakeru roku wa?)
清 (Kiyoshi):72です。(Nana-jū ni desu.)
先生 (Sensei):違います。(Chigaimasu.)
60です。(Roku-jū desu.)
清 (Kiyoshi):ええー。先生、違います!(Eē. Sensei, chigaimasu!)
先生 (Sensei):あら!そうですね。失礼しました。72ですね。(Ara! Sō desu ne. Shitsurei shimashita. Nana-jū ni desu ne.)
清&智子 (Kiyoshi&Tomoko):先生、頑張ってください!(Sensei, ganbatte kudasai!)
もう一度お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。(Mō ichi-do onegai shimasu. Yukkuri onegai shimasu.)
先生 (Sensei):今日はかけ算です。(Kyō wa kakezan desu.)
清さん、問題を言ってください。(Kiyoshi-san, mondai o itte kudasai.)
清 (Kiyoshi):は〜い。7かける6は?(Hāi. Nana kakeru roku wa?)
智子 (Tomoko):42です。(Yon-jū ni desu.)
先生 (Sensei):はい、そうですね。(Hai, sō desu ne.)
次は智子さん、問題を言ってください。(Tsugi wa Tomoko-san, mondai o itte kudasai.)
智子 (Tomoko):12かける6は?(Jū ni kakeru roku wa?)
清 (Kiyoshi):72です。(Nana-jū ni desu.)
先生 (Sensei):違います。(Chigaimasu.)
60です。(Roku-jū desu.)
清 (Kiyoshi):ええー。先生、違います!(Eē. Sensei, chigaimasu!)
先生 (Sensei):あら!そうですね。失礼しました。72ですね。(Ara! Sō desu ne. Shitsurei shimashita. Nana-jū ni desu ne.)
清&智子 (Kiyoshi&Tomoko):先生、頑張ってください!(Sensei, ganbatte kudasai!)
次は英語が入ります。(Tsugi wa Eigo ga hairimasu.)
先生 (Sensei):今日はかけ算です。(Kyō wa kakezan desu.)
Teacher:Today's topic is multiplication.
先生 (Sensei):清さん、問題を言ってください。(Kiyoshi-san, mondai o itte kudasai.)
Teacher:Kiyoshi, read the problem.
清 (Kiyoshi):は〜い。7かける6は?(Hāi. Nana kakeru roku wa?)
Kiyoshi:Okay. What is 7 times 6?
智子 (Tomoko):42です。(Yon-jū ni desu.)
先生 (Sensei):はい、そうですね。(Hai, sō desu ne.)
Teacher:Yes, that's right.
先生 (Sensei):次は智子さん、問題を言ってください。(Tsugi wa Tomoko-san, mondai o itte kudasai.)
Teacher:Next is Tomoko. Read the problem.
智子 (Tomoko):12かける6は?(Jū ni kakeru roku wa?)
Tomoko:What is 12 times 6?
清 (Kiyoshi):72です。(Nana-jū ni desu.)
先生 (Sensei):違います。(Chigaimasu.)
先生 (Sensei):60です。(Roku-jū desu.)
Teacher:It's 60.
清 (Kiyoshi):ええー。先生、違います!(Eē. Sensei, chigaimasu!)
Kiyoshi:What?! You're wrong!
先生 (Sensei):あら!そうですね。失礼しました。72ですね。(Ara! Sō desu ne. Shitsurei shimashita. Nana-jū ni desu ne.)
Teacher:Huh? Wow. That's right. Pardon me. 72.
清&智子 (Kiyoshi&Tomoko):先生、頑張ってください!(Sensei, ganbatte kudasai!)
Kiyoshi &Tomoko: Teacher, do your best!
Peter: Now in Japan, elementary school kids have a very interesting way of remembering the multiplication table. Sensei, can you tell us about that?
Fujimoto: 9×9=81  これを、くくはちじゅういち、と覚えます。(Kyū kakeru kyū wa hachi-jū ichi. Kore o, kuku hachi-jū ichi, to oboemasu.)
Peter: 先生、もう一度お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。(Sensei, mō ichi-do onegai shimasu. Yukkuri onegai shimasu.) One more time, slowly please.
Fujimoto: 9×9=81 (kyū kakeru kyū wa hachi-jū ichi)
Natsuko: 9 x 9 is 81.
Fujimoto: くくはちじゅういち、と覚えます。(Kuku hachi-jū ichi, to oboemasu.)
And they memorize it as 9,9, 81. You omit the multiplication sign as well as the equal sign.
Peter: Yeah, and it also plays on the fact that 9 in Japanese can be pronounced く (ku) or きゅう (kyū) both ways. So くく (kuku), 9, 9, はちじゅういち (hachi-jū ichi), 81. Now this method has a lot to do with the rhythm of the sentence. The teacher provides the kids with these special sentences to help them memorize the multiplication table. For example, we had
Fujimoto: くくはちじゅういち (kuku hachi-jū ichi)
Natsuko: 9 x 9 = 81.
Peter: Sensei, can we have another one?
Fujimoto: ししじゅうろく (shishi jū-roku)
Natsuko: 4 x 4 = 16.
Peter: 先生、もう一度お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。(Sensei, mō ichi-do onegai shimasu. Yukkuri onegai shimasu.) One more time, slowly please.
Fujimoto:ししじゅうろく (shishi jū-roku)
Natsuko: 4 x 4 = 16.
Peter: It’s the rhythm inside of these sentences that makes that connection from memorization for the Japanese students.
Megumi: Right it’s almost like a song that allows for ease of memorization.
Peter: Yeah, so, with that said, let's take a look at today's vocabulary.
Megumi: The first word.
Natsuko: 今日 (kyō)
Megumi: Today. Break it down.
Natsuko: きょう (kyō) 今日 (kyō)
Megumi: Next word.
Natsuko: かけ算 (kakezan)
Megumi: Multiplication. And break it down.
Natsuko: かけざん (kakezan) かけ算 (kakezan)
Peter: Next, we have.
Natsuko: 問題 (mondai)
Megumi: Problem, question. Next we actually have a phrase.
Fujimoto: 問題を言ってください。(Mondai o itte kudasai.)
Megumi: Please read the problem.
Fujimoto: もんだいをいってください。(Mondai o itte kudasai.) 問題を言ってください 。(Mondai o itte kudasai.)
Peter: Now there are two points of interest in this phrase. First, we have the word for problem. Sensei?
Fujimoto: 問題 (mondai)
Peter: Then this is marked by the object marking particle
Fujimoto: を (o)
Peter: Followed by
Fujimoto: 言ってください (itte kudasai)
Peter: Now 言って (itte) is actually what verb, Sensei?
Fujimoto: 言う (iu)
Peter: Which is the verb to say. Here it’s in its te-form, which is Sensei?
Fujimoto: 言って (itte)
Peter: And it’s followed by
Fujimoto: ください (kudasai)
Peter: Now again Japanese, the verb comes at the end. So literally this phrase is problem, say, please. The exact opposite of English, please say the problem. Okay, next.
Natsuko: かける (kakeru)
Megumi: Times to multiply by.
Natsuko: かける (kakeru) かける (kakeru)
Megumi: The next word you’ve just learned.
Fujimoto: 言う (iu)
Megumi: To speak, to say
Fujimoto: いう (iu) 言う (iu)
Megumi: Next word.
Natsuko: 先生 (sensei)
Megumi: Teacher
Natsuko: せんせい (sensei) 先生 (sensei)
Peter: Now the name of the teacher comes before the word for teacher in Japanese. So in English, we would have Ms. Fujimoto but in Japanese, we have
Natsuko: Fujimoto Sensei.
Megumi: Next we have another phrase
Fujimoto: 失礼しました (shitsurei shimashita).
Megumi: Excuse me, pardon me.
Fujimoto: しつれいしました (shitsurei shimashita)

Lesson focus

Megumi: Now let’s move on to the focal point of the lesson which is the numbers from 20 to 100. 先生、お願いします。(Sensei, onegai shimasu.)
Fujimoto: にじゅう (ni-jū)
Megumi: 20
Fujimoto: さんじゅう (san-jū)
Megumi: 30
Fujimoto: よんじゅう (yon-jū)
Megumi: 40
Fujimoto: ごじゅう (go-jū)
Megumi: 50
Fujimoto: ろくじゅう (roku-jū)
Megumi: 60
Fujimoto: ななじゅう (nana-jū)
Megumi: 70
Fujimoto: はちじゅう (hachi-jū)
Megumi: 80
Fujimoto: きゅうじゅう (kyū-jū)
Megumi: 90
Fujimoto: ひゃく (hyaku)
Megumi: 100
Peter: In the previous lesson, we covered the numbers 11 through 19 and we formed those numbers by taking 10 and following it with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. So for example, in the case for 11, we actually had the number 10 followed by the #1.
Natsuko: じゅういち (jū ichi)
Peter: There it is. Now for these numbers, you take the numbers 2 through 9 and we simply put them in front of the 10. In the case of 20, we have
Megumi: にじゅう (ni-jū)
Peter: In the case of 30, we have
Megumi: さんじゅう (san-jū)
Peter: Yeah, just taking that number and putting it in front. It’s that easy. Now a couple of key points. The number 40, as there is two numbers for the number 4, し (shi) andよん (yon), can we have しじゅう (shi-jū) for 40?
Megumi: No, no.
Peter: No, no only one which is
Megumi: よんじゅう (yon-jū)
Peter: And how about 70?
Megumi: ななじゅう (nana-jū)
Peter: Can we have しちじゅう (shichi-jū)?
Megumi: If you want to sound weird.
Peter: Yeah, so that’s a no and how about for 90?
Megumi: きゅうじゅう (kyū-jū)
Peter: Can we have くじゅう (ku-jū)?
Megumi: Nope.
Peter: Yeah, so those three, 40, 70 and 90, those are the only kind of pitfalls you kind of have to watch out for. Can we just get those one more time, Megumi-san?
Megumi: よんじゅう (yon-jū)
Peter: 40
Megumi: ななじゅう (nana-jū)
Peter: 70
Megumi: きゅうじゅう (kyū-jū)
Peter: 90.


Peter: All right, now be sure to stop by japanesepod101.com and pick up the PDF. Inside the PDF, we have a detailed explanation about forming numbers. All right, that’s going to do for today. じゃあ藤本先生、今日どうもありがとうございます。(Jā Fujimoto-sensei, kyō dōmo arigatō gozaimasu.)
Fujimoto: どういたしまして。(Dōitashimashite.)
Megumi: 色々習いました。(Iroiro naraimashita.)
Fujimoto: 皆さんも頑張ってください。(Mina-san mo ganbatte kudasai.)
Megumi: じゃあまた明日ー!(Jā mata ashitā!)


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