
Vocabulary (Review)

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Natsuko: こんにちは、ナツコです。(Kon’nichiwa, Natsuko desu.)
Akihiro: あきひろです。(Akihiro desu.)
Peter: Peter here. Natsuko-san.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Today we get to hear from the prime minister.
Natsuko: The Head of the hospital is trying to access the prime minister, right?
Peter: Yep.
Natsuko: What to do with this PSIA?
Peter: Yeah.
Natsuko: Was that person Mr. Takayama?
Peter: Exactly. What to do with the former spy or I mean, anyway something is going on there. So we have a call today with the prime minister.
Natsuko: I think we should also introduce あきひろ (Akihiro) to our listeners.
Peter: Definitely, あきひろさん (Akihiro-san).
Akihiro: 初めまして、あきひろです。神奈川県鎌倉出身です。(Hajimemashite, Akihiro desu. Kanagawa-ken Kamakura shusshin desu.)
Natsuko: 鎌倉ですか。いいところですよね。(Kamakura desu ka. Ii tokoro desu yo ne.)
Akihiro: 海が近くて、はい。(Umi ga chikakute, hai.)
Peter: Really. Natsuko-san, can we get a translation?
Natsuko: Just ask him.
Peter: All right, Akihiro-san, can we get a translation?
Akihiro: I am Akihiro. I am from Kamakura. Nice to meet you.
Peter: Nice to meet you, too. こちらこそ、よろしくお願いします。(Kochirakoso, yoroshiku onegai shimasu.)
Natsuko: よろしくお願いします。(Yoroshiku onegai shimasu.)
Akihiro: よろしくお願いします。(Yoroshiku onegai shimasu.)
Peter: All right. So are you ready for today’s lesson, Akihiro-san?
Akihiro: はい、頑張ります。(Hai, ganbarimasu.)
Peter: Natsuko-san?
Natsuko: Yes, I am ready.
Peter: Here we go.
病院長 (byōinchō) : もしもし、東京病院の田中です。お忙しいところ申しわけありませ
ん。(Moshimoshi, Tōkyō byōin no Tanaka desu. O-isogashii tokoro mōshiwake arimasen.)
首相 (shushō) : 田中さん、久しぶりですね。どうしました?(Tanaka-san, hisashiburi desu ne. Dō shimashita?)
病院長 (byōinchō) : 高山さんのことですが、彼が起きました!(Takayama-san no koto desu ga, kare ga okimashita!)
首相: (shushō) まさか!彼は大丈夫ですか?!(Masaka! Kare wa daijōbu desu ka?!)
病院長 (byōinchō) : 大丈夫ですが、記憶喪失です。(Daijōbu desu ga, kioku sōshitsu desu.)
首相 (shushō) : 記憶喪失ですか。。じゃ、こうしましょう… (Kioku sōshitsu desu ka... Ja, kō shimashō…)
もう一度お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。(Mō ichi-do onegai shimasu. Yukkuri onegai shimasu.)
病院長 (byōinchō) : もしもし、東京病院の田中です。お忙しいところ申しわけありませ
ん。(Moshimoshi, Tōkyō byōin no Tanaka desu. O-isogashii tokoro mōshiwake arimasen.)
首相 (shushō) : 田中さん、久しぶりですね。どうしました?(Tanaka-san, hisashiburi desu ne. Dō shimashita?)
病院長 (byōinchō) : 高山さんのことですが、彼が起きました!(Takayama-san no koto desu ga, kare ga okimashita!)
首相: (shushō) まさか!彼は大丈夫ですか?!(Masaka! Kare wa daijōbu desu ka?!)
病院長 (byōinchō) : 大丈夫ですが、記憶喪失です。(Daijōbu desu ga, kioku sōshitsu desu.)
首相 (shushō) : 記憶喪失ですか。。じゃ、こうしましょう… (Kioku sōshitsu desu ka... Ja, kō shimashō…)
次は英語が入ります。(Tsugi wa Eigo ga hairimasu.)
病院長 (byōinchō) : もしもし、東京病院の田中です。お忙しいところ申しわけありませ
ん。(Moshimoshi, Tōkyō byōin no Tanaka desu. O-isogashii tokoro mōshiwake arimasen.)
HOSPITAL HEAD: Hello. This is Tanaka from Tokyo Hospital. I'm sorry to disturb you at such a busy time, but…
首相 (shushō) : 田中さん、久しぶりですね。どうしました?(Tanaka-san, hisashiburi desu ne. Dō shimashita?)
PRIME MINISTER: Mr. Tanaka. It's been a while. What's going on?
病院長 (byōinchō) : 高山さんのことですが、彼が起きました!(Takayama-san no koto desu ga, kare ga okimashita!)
HOSPITAL HEAD: It's about Mr. Takayama. He woke up!
首相 (shushō) : まさか!彼は大丈夫ですか?!(Masaka! Kare wa daijōbu desu ka?!)
PRIME MINISTER: That's impossible! Is he alright?
病院長 (byōinchō) : 大丈夫ですが、記憶喪失です。(Daijōbu desu ga, kioku sōshitsu desu.)
HOSPITAL HEAD: He's okay, but he has amnesia.
首相 (shushō) : 記憶喪失ですか。。じゃ、こうしましょう… (Kioku sōshitsu desu ka... Ja, kō shimashō…)
PRIME MINISTER: Amnesia? OK, here's what we'll do…
Peter: Natsuko-san,
Natsuko: The prime minister did appear.
Peter: Oh, he did.
Natsuko: That was kind of surprising to me.
Peter: Well I think the story goes. I have a little connection with the writer that they are old friends and he is more than just the Head of the hospital. I think he has actually some kind of connection with the PSIA. So that’s how he got through.
Natsuko: The story…. The story goes on.
Peter: And it goes on. Akihiro-san, what did you think?
Akihiro: すごい、ワクワクしますね。(Sugoi, wakuwaku shimasu ne.)
Peter: ワクワク。(Wakuwaku.) ナツコさん、お願いします。(Natsuko-san, onegai shimasu.)
Natsuko: Excited.
Peter: Excited. Exciting. How did you use that again Akihiro-san, one more time?
Akihiro: ワクワク (wakuwaku)
Peter: ワクワクします。(Wakuwaku shimasu.)
Akihiro: はい。(Hai.)
Peter: All right. Yes, and we have one more installment coming up next week because we kind of left off in an interesting place.
Natsuko: Yeah.
Peter: Let’s do this.
Natsuko: What are we doing? Like this Takayama-san.
Peter: We will see next week.
Natsuko: Well, let’s take a look at the vocab first.
Peter: Here we go.
Natsuko: 忙しい (isogashii)
Peter: Busy.
Natsuko: (slow) いそがしい (isogashii) (natural speed) 忙しい (isogashii)
Peter: Akihiro-san, can we get a sample sentence?
Akihiro: 今日は仕事で忙しい。(Kyō wa shigoto de isogashii.)
Peter: Today I am busy with work.
Natsuko: 今日も仕事で忙しい。(Kyō mo shigoto de isogashii.)
Peter: Today I am also busy with work and then we can say 毎日 (mainichi), 毎日仕事で (mainichi shigoto de).
Natsuko: 毎日仕事で忙しい。(Mainichi shigoto de isogashii.)
Peter: Every day I am busy with work. Now interesting point about this sentence is the particle で (de) marking 仕事 (shigoto). So busy with that thing.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: All right. On we go, next. あきひろさん、お願いします。(Akihiro-san, onegai shimasu.)
Akihiro: 大丈夫 (daijōbu)
Peter: All right.
Akihiro: (slow) だいじょうぶ (daijōbu) (natural speed) 大丈夫 (daijōbu)
Peter: Natsuko-san,
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Can we get a sample sentence?
Natsuko: けがは大丈夫ですか。(Kega wa daijōbu desu ka.)
Peter: Is that injury, all right? And new word here is けが (kega).
Natsuko: Injury.
Peter: Injury, to get hurt.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: And it’s actually a する (suru) verb.
Natsuko: けがする (kega suru)
Peter: Yeah, very interesting. On we go next.
Natsuko: 記憶喪失 (kioku sōshitsu)
Peter: Loss of memory.
Natsuko: (slow) きおくそうしつ (kioku sōshitsu) (natural speed) 記憶喪失 (kioku sōshitsu)
Peter: Now we looked at this one before and as we said, two words.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Natsuko-san, what are those two words?
Natsuko: 記憶 (kioku)
Peter: Memory.
Natsuko: 喪失 (sōshitsu)
Peter: Lose. So very straightforward, memory loss.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Maybe we need a 中 (chū) on there, 記憶喪失中 (kioku sōshitsuchū) because
Natsuko: 中 (chū)?
Peter: Like you are in the process of losing them but they may come back.
Natsuko: No, we won’t use it that way.
Peter: Okay, disregard that. On we go. あきひろさん、お願いします。(Akihiro-san, onegai shimasu.)
Akihiro: 起きる (okiru)
Peter: To wake up.
Akihiro: (slow) おきる (okiru) (natural speed) 起きる (okiru)
Peter: Now this is a dictionary form of this verb. In the conversation, it appears in the polite past.
Natsuko: 起きました (okimashita)
Peter: Which is the polite past. Now we are going to take a look at that grammar point a little bit later.
Natsuko: Okay.
Peter: You didn’t sound too enthusiastic about that?
Natsuko: Umm…
Peter: Alrighty then, let’s take a look at the conversation. Now we are only going to take a look at certain parts. As always, Natsuko will do the choosing. Natsuko-san, what do we want to take a look at first?
Natsuko: The first line.
Peter: Okay, what do we have?
Natsuko: もしもし、東京病院の田中です。(Moshimoshi, Tōkyō byōin no Tanaka desu.)
Peter: Hello this is Tanaka from Tokyo Hospital. Okay, and the first part, it is just もしもし (moshimoshi), the standard telephone greeting.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Followed by
Natsuko: 東京病院 (Tōkyō byōin)
Peter: Tokyo Hospital.
Natsuko: の (no)
Peter: ‘S. Tokyo Hospital’s.
Natsuko: 田中 (Tanaka)
Peter: So he is part of this hospital.
Natsuko: Yeah.
Peter: He represents them and he is part of it, part of that organization. So literally we have Tokyo Hospital’s Tanaka, but we translate this as Tanaka from Tokyo hospital.
Natsuko: です (desu)
Peter: Is. So Tokyo hospital’s Tanaka is. And in English, we say this is. On we go.
Natsuko: お忙しいところ (o-isogashii tokoro)
Peter: Sorry to trouble you or I know you are busy. I know you are busy but – so there is some pressing matter and the person you are contacting, usually a person with a higher social status than yourself. So when I ask Natsuko something, I always start with お忙しいところ (o-isogashii tokoro).
Natsuko: No way.
Peter: Because I know how valuable her time is and how important she is. Now a little bit of a joke there but when talking to someone who is very busy and again, the social status is higher than yourself. So you want to start off with a very polite greeting. The base in there is
Natsuko: 忙しい (isogashii)
Peter: Busy. Then we are going to spice this up. We put the honorific prefix
Natsuko: お (o)
Peter: To make it more polite. Then finally we have
Natsuko: ところ (tokoro)
Peter: Which can be a place and here it’s a position in time.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: So this busy point in time you are. And what comes after is kind of always inferred. It’s like I am sorry to disturb you at this busy time of the day or this busy time for you but – And then you are going to go on with something.
Natsuko: Because here I think you know, the prime minister kind of interrupt into his conversation to you know, like start the topic but I think usually you should finish this phrase like お忙しいところ申し訳ありません (o-isogashii tokoro mōshiwake arimasen), sorry to trouble you when you are busy.
Peter: So I think that’s perfect advice. Spot on, what you said Natsuko-san. Then the answer to this is
Akihiro: 田中さん、お久しぶりですね。どうしましたか。(Tanaka-san, o-hisashiburi desu ne. Dō shimashita ka.)
Peter: Mr. Tanaka, it’s been a long time. What’s wrong? Let’s take a look at that first part. First we have
Akihiro: 田中さん (Tanaka-san)
Peter: Mr. Tanaka.
Akihiro: お久しぶり (o-hisashiburi)
Peter: It’s been a while, it’s been a long time.
Akihiro: ですね (desu ne)
Peter: And again, お久しぶり (o-hisashiburi) alone can mean this. ですね (desu ne) gets attached to this fixed phrase and here what it’s doing is kind of increasing the politeness level. So we went over the variations, the 久々 (hisabisa) for good friends, prime ministers. お久しぶり (o-hisashiburi) for to increase the politeness level little more, お久しぶりです (o-hisashiburi desu).
Natsuko: Yes, that’s very polite.
Peter: Very polite and the ね (ne) is him kind of emphasizing the fact that it’s been a while. Then we have
Akihiro: どうしましたか (dō shimashita ka)
Peter: What’s wrong? Let’s look at the first part. The first part is how どう (dō), then we have the past. The polite past of する (suru) which is
Akihiro: しました (shimashita)
Peter: So literally how did do it, how did it and then we have か (ka), the question marking particle. Now this by itself doesn’t really make much sense.
Natsuko: Right.
Peter: But it’s a kind of a set phrase, meaning what happened.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: So what happened? Mr. Tanaka, it’s been a while, what happened? So he only calls whatever his problem.
Natsuko: Seems so.
Peter: I can relate to the prime minister. So he wants to get you familiar with this. Then we find out what’s wrong.
Natsuko: 高山さんのことですが、(Takayama-san no koto desu ga,)
Peter: It’s Mr. Takayama.
Natsuko: 彼が起きました。(Kare ga okimashita.)
Peter: He woke up. Ah! It sounds so Hollywood!
Natsuko: Right.
Peter: The newbie lesson coming to a theater near you. Okay.
Natsuko: Yeah.
Peter: How do you say coming to a theater near you?
Natsuko: Oh. 近日公開 (kinjitsu kōkai)
Peter: So shortly being broadcast.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Oh boy! “Awakenings for”. What do we have? Akihiro-san, this is where you use back on track. Let me hear you say it once, back on track.
Akihiro: Back on track.
Peter: Thank you. Natsuko-san shall we continue…
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Okay, so the first part is Takayama-san. Mr. Takayama, followed by
Natsuko: の (no)
Peter: Possessive
Natsuko: こと (koto)
Peter: Thing. When talking about someone, we can say
Natsuko: The issue.
Peter: So it’s not him, but it’s something with him. Something about him.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: And the thing about him is he woke up. So this is followed by
Natsuko: 彼が起きました (kare ga okimashita)
Peter: He woke up. Literally he woke up. Here it’s the same. Now but what we have is the polite past of 起きる (okiru). Now the dictionary form is, Natsuko-san?
Natsuko: 起きる (okiru)
Peter: Now 起きる (okiru) is a class II verb. Most verbs that end in る (ru), but what comes before る (ru) is an い (i) or an え (e) like 見る (miru), “MIRU”. So る (ru) is preceded by “I” or the い (i) column, い (i), き (ki) and here it’s み(mi). Now for these Natsuko-san, how do we get the stem?
Natsuko: Just drop the る (ru).
Peter: That’s it. So we wind up with, in this case.
Natsuko: 起き (oki)
Peter: Now the past polite, we can attach the following to make the past polite every time for class II verbs.
Natsuko: ました (mashita)
Peter: So we take the stem 起き (oki), we attach
Natsuko: ました (mashita)
Peter: And there it is. Polite past. Now finally today, we just want to take a look at the last line. We have
Akihiro: 記憶喪失か。では、こうしましょう。(Kioku sōshitsu ka. Dewa, kō shimashō.)
Peter: Memory loss. Let’s do this. Now that last let’s do this, Natsuko-san, what do we have?
Natsuko: では (dewa)
Peter: Then.
Natsuko: こうしましょう (kō shimashō)
Peter: Now こう (kō) is this or like this.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: So こう (kō) like this, followed by
Natsuko: しましょう (shimashō)
Peter: Which is the volitional of する (suru). Now you are going to have to check the PDF to get this conjugation because we are out of time but we have one more lesson in this series.
Natsuko: One more?
Peter: One more.
Natsuko: One more and finished?
Peter: I believe so because next up is Naomi Sensei’s newbie course. So yeah, a little more serious I believe. No movies there.
Natsuko: Really?
Peter: No plots to movies.
Natsuko: Okay.
Peter: All right, ワクワク (wakuwaku)? ワクワク (wakuwaku) next week.
Natsuko: どうなるのかな。(Dō naru no ka na.)


Peter: All right, that’s going to do for today.
Natsuko: じゃあ、また今度。(Jā, mata kondo.)
Akihiro: お疲れ様。(Otsukare-sama.)


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