
Vocabulary (Review)

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Natsuko: ナツコです。(Natsuko desu.)
Sachiko: さちこです。(Sachiko desu.)
Peter: Peter here. Natsuko-san.
Natsuko: Hello. It’s nice to be back.
Peter: It’s really nice to be back and we are back with a newbie lesson. Now today’s lesson is quite interesting. Should we give them some hints, Natsuko-san?
Natsuko: Well maybe they can go without hints, but it’s always nice to have more information.
Peter: Excellent point. Today we are going to be covering class 2 verbs. You may have come in contact with them, but here what we are going to do is actually give you the – not only the polite Japanese probably what a lot of newbies come into contact with, but also we have informal Japanese. So it’s a mix between the two. Okay, here we go.
クマA (Kuma A) : (伸びをする声)ウーン、おはようございます! ((Nobi o suru koe) Ūn, ohayō gozaimasu!)
クマB (Kuma B) : (眠い声で)何だよ。((Nemui koe de) Nan da yo.)
クマA (Kuma A) : おなかがすいてきました。 (Onaka ga suite kimashita.)
クマB (Kuma B) : おなかがすいた? (Onaka ga suita?)
今何月? (Ima nan-gatsu?)
クマA (Kuma A) : え~と、2月ですね。 (Ēto, ni-gatsu desu ne.)
クマB (Kuma B) : まだ2月?まだ冬だよ! 眠いよ~。 クマは3月まで寝るよ。 私は寝る。(Mada ni-gatsu? Mada fuyu da yo! Nemui yō. Kuma wa san-gatsu made neru yo. Watashi wa neru.)
クマA (Kuma A) : はーい、わかりました。 私も寝ます。(Hāi, wakarimashita. Watashi mo nemasu.)
もう一度お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。(Mō ichi-do onegai shimasu. Yukkuri onegai shimasu.)
クマA (Kuma A) : ウーン、おはようございます! (Ūn, ohayō gozaimasu!)
クマB (Kuma B) : 何だよ。(Nan da yo.)
クマA (Kuma A) : おなかがすきました。 (Onaka ga sukimashita.)
クマB (Kuma B) : おなかがすいた? (Onaka ga suita?)
今何月? (Ima nan-gatsu?)
クマA (Kuma A) : え~と、2月ですね。 (Ēto, ni-gatsu desu ne.)
クマB (Kuma B) : まだ2月? まだ冬だよ! 眠いよ~。 クマは3月まで寝るよ。 私は寝る。(Mada ni-gatsu? Mada fuyu da yo! Nemui yō. Kuma wa san-gatsu made neru yo. Watashi wa neru.)
クマA (Kuma A) : はーい、わかりました。 私も寝ます。(Hāi, wakarimashita. Watashi mo nemasu.)
次は英語が入ります。(Tsugi wa Eigo ga hairimasu.)
クマA (Kuma A) : (伸びをする声)ウーン、おはようございます! ((Nobi o suru koe) Ūn, ohayō gozaimasu!)
BEAR A: (STRETCHING) Uhh, good morning.
クマB (Kuma B) : (眠い声で)何だよ。 ((Nemui koe de) Nan da yo.)
BEAR B: (IN A SLEEPY VOICE) What's going on?
クマA (Kuma A) : おなかがすいてきました。 (Onaka ga suite kimashita.)
BEAR A: I'm hungry now.
クマB (Kuma B) : おなかがすいた? (Onaka ga suita?)
BEAR B: Hungry?
クマB (Kuma B) : 今何月? (Ima nan-gatsu?)
BEAR B: What month is it?
クマA (Kuma A) : え~と、2月ですね。 (Ēto, ni-gatsu desu ne.)
BEAR A: Uhh, it's February now.
クマB (Kuma B) : まだ2月? (Mada ni-gatsu?)
BEAR B: Still February?
クマB (Kuma B) : まだ冬だよ!(Mada fuyu da yo!)
BEAR B: It's still winter!
クマB (Kuma B) : 眠いよ~。(Nemui yō.)
BEAR B: I'm so sleepy.
クマB (Kuma B) : クマは3月まで寝るよ。(Kuma wa san-gatsu made neru yo.)
BEAR B: Bears sleep until March.
クマB (Kuma B) : 私は寝る。(Watashi wa neru.)
BEAR B: So I will sleep.
クマA (Kuma A) : はーい、わかりました。(Hāi, wakarimashita.)
BEAR A: Yeah, I got it.
クマA (Kuma A) : 私も寝ます。(Watashi mo nemasu.)
BEAR A: I'll also sleep.
Sachiko: Natsuko-san, what did you think of the conversation?
Natsuko: Maybe this winter is so warm. The bears can wake up before March.
Sachiko: I think so, too. It’s been a weird mix of really warm days and freezing cold days. It’s kind of crazy, ha!
Natsuko: Yeah.
Sachiko: Well with that said, let’s move on to the vocab.
Natsuko: 眠い (nemui)
Sachiko: Sleepy, drowsy.
Natsuko: (slow) ねむい (nemui) (natural speed) 眠い (nemui)
Sachiko: Natsuko-san, next.
Natsuko: おなかがすく (onaka ga suku)
Sachiko: Get hungry.
Natsuko: (slow) おなかがすく (onaka ga suku) (natural speed) おなかがすく (onaka ga suku)
Sachiko: This is not a vocab but it’s actually more like a sentence and the key words here are おなか (onaka) and すく (suku), where おなか (onaka) means stomach.
Peter: But in the dictionary, when I look up stomach, I get 胃 (i).
Natsuko: I know.
Peter: What’s going on here, Natsuko-san?
Natsuko: That’s a….
Peter: Natsuko-san, help us like you always do.
Natsuko: 胃 (i) is an organ inside you – inside the body, the stomach, and おなか (onaka) is more like the middle part of your body. So it’s more general. You can say about the outside, not only the organs but おなかが出てきた (onaka ga dete kita), like that.
Sachiko: It means you are getting a little chubby around the waist.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Oh yeah.
Sachiko: Ouch. Good example.
Natsuko: So a good way to memorize is I think you know the word なか (naka) which means center. So the center part of your body is おなか (onaka).
Sachiko: Good one.
Peter: Ah Natsuko-san, you always do it, you did it again. Thank you so much. ありがとうございます。(Arigatō gozaimasu.)
Natsuko: You are welcome. And another word, すく (suku), that means to get empty.
Peter: So it’s actually a verb.
Natsuko: Uhoo. So “stomach” and “empty” which means hungry.
Sachiko: Great. Thank you for that breakdown.
Peter: Very interesting. Now in the conversation, we actually had the polite past of this, which was
Natsuko: おなかがすきました。(Onaka ga sukimashita.)
Peter: Now this is extremely polite. More likely you will come in contact with the informal version, which is
Natsuko: おなかがすいた。(Onaka ga suita.)
Peter: Now the reason we are introducing this – obviously the grammar is way beyond this class but this is a set phrase and you really should know how to say it. I am hungry.
Sachiko: It will come up, believe me.
Peter: Oh, yeah.
Natsuko: Very important.
Sachiko: Yeah.
Peter: This is for survival here.
Sachiko: Yeah.
Natsuko: Yes, critical.
Peter: Exactly. So this is why we are introducing this today. Again past tense and how we got the construction, that’s beyond the scope of this lesson but we will cover it down the road and actually we’ve already covered it last year. So if you are interested, you can jump to the beginner lessons but yes, this phrase Natsuko-san, one more time.
Natsuko: おなかがすいた。(Onaka ga suita.) おなかがすきました。(Onaka ga sukimashita.)
Sachiko: Natsuko-san, what’s one of the common ways of using this sentence?
Natsuko: I think you often use it as a question.
Sachiko: Really? How do you make it into a question?
Natsuko: You just change the intonation. You can use the whole phrase. おなかがすいた?(Onaka ga suita?)
Sachiko: That’s it?
Natsuko: Uhoo…
Sachiko: Just the intonation?
Natsuko: Yes, and that means, are you hungry?
Sachiko: That’s so convenient.
Peter: So if you come to Japan and say you are out with your host mother or out with some friends, you are going to get asked this question all day long.
Natsuko: おなかがすいた、ピーター?(Onaka ga suita, Pītā?)
Peter: Now what do I answer? I want to be polite and how can I say, yes I am hungry.
Natsuko: You can just say はい (hai).
Peter: はい。(Hai.) Okay.
Sachiko: Great.
Peter: See Natsuko-san and Sachiko-san, sometimes you know, I just can’t let go. How could I – I know we can just say はい (hai), that’s the easy way but what would be the very polite way? Can I say the same thing as the bear in here?
Natsuko: はい、すきました。(Hai, sukimashita.)
Peter: Which is it’s empty.
Natsuko: Uhoo.
Peter: In the polite form, all right.
Sachiko: Alright next.
Natsuko: まだ (mada)
Sachiko: Still, yet.
Natsuko: (slow) まだ (mada) (natural speed) まだ (mada)
Sachiko: Natsuko-san, can you use this in a sentence for us?
Natsuko: まだ冬です。(Mada fuyu desu.)
Sachiko: It’s still winter. What’s the next one?
Natsuko: 寝る (neru)
Sachiko: To go to bed. To lie down, to sleep.
Natsuko: (slow) ねる (neru) (natural speed) 寝る (neru)
Sachiko: That’s something I’d like to do more of lately. Seems like I've been so busy.
Natsuko: Today’s vocabulary is kind of my state. 眠い。お腹がすいた。寝る。(Nemui. Onaka ga suita. Neru.)
Sachiko: Yeah, the theme is deprivation. Something that modern working people may be all too familiar with.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: I think you hit the nail right on the head. Now let’s just take a quick look at the conversation. Now we are going back and forth here between the polite and informal. So Natsuko-san, what kind of relationship or Sachiko-san, what kind of relationship is between these two bears?
Sachiko: Well apparently, there is some kind of seniority. The bear who is using the polite form is lower in status compared to the other bear and that’s why he is using a polite form to talk to his, let’s say, his supervisor, his boss or someone who is just older and should be respected.
Peter: That’s one thing about Japanese. Just by hearing the politeness level, you can kind of get a feel for what the relationship is or what the connection is between the two speakers.
Natsuko: Although I am not very sure about, you know, bear communication and social status.
Peter: Natsuko-san, come on.
Natsuko: I know.
Peter: Now what we would like to first cover here is the months of the year. So Natsuko-san, can you give us the months of the year in Japanese and Sachiko-san will give us the English. お願いします。(Onegai shimasu.)
Natsuko: 1月 (ichi-gatsu)
Sachiko: January.
Natsuko: 2月 (ni-gatsu)
Sachiko: February.
Natsuko: 3月 (san-gatsu)
Sachiko: March.
Natsuko: 4月 (shi-gatsu)
Sachiko: April.
Natsuko: 5月 (go-gatsu)
Sachiko: May.
Natsuko: 6月 (roku-gatsu)
Sachiko: June.
Natsuko: 7月 (shichi-gatsu)
Sachiko: July.
Natsuko: 8月 (hachi-gatsu)
Sachiko: August.
Natsuko: 9月 (ku-gatsu)
Sachiko: September.
Natsuko: 10月 (jū-gatsu)
Sachiko: October.
Natsuko: 11月 (jū ichi-gatsu)
Sachiko: November.
Natsuko: 12月 (jū ni-gatsu)
Sachiko: December.
Peter: Now in addition, in today’s lesson, we covered class 2 verbs. The Japanese is, Natsuko-san?
Natsuko: 一段活用動詞 (ichi-dan katsuyō dōshi)
Peter: Also referred to as 一段 (ichi-dan) verbs. We are cutting it close with time so for everyone interested in the grammar out there, stop by, check out the PDF. Really, really nice write up. Also other examples on how to conjugate. Okay, you definitely want to stop by and pick that up.


Peter: All right, I think that’s going to do for today.
Natsuko: じゃあ、また明日。(Jā, mata ashita.)
Sachiko: 明日ね。(Ashita ne.)


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