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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Must-Know Japanese Social Media Phrases Season 1. Lesson 4 - Sharing a Song.
Eric: Hi everyone, I'm Eric.
Risa: And I'm Risa.
Eric: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave comments in Japanese about sharing music or videos. 葉月 (Hazuki) shares a song she just heard at a party, posts a video of it, and leaves this comment:
Risa: おすすめの1曲! (Osusume no i-kkyoku!)
Eric: Meaning - "The one song to recommend!" Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.
(clicking sound)
葉月: おすすめの1曲! (Osusume no i-kkyoku!)
(clicking sound)
愛美: うわー、なつかしい。 (Uwā, natsukashii.)
優子: 名曲ですね。 (Meikyoku desu ne.)
大和: 古すぎ… (Furusugi...)
紀夫: ぼくも昔このバンドの大ファンだったな。 (Boku mo mukashi kono bando no daifan datta na.)
Eric: Listen again with the English translation.
(clicking sound)
葉月: おすすめの1曲! (Osusume no i-kkyoku!)
Eric: "The one song to recommend!"
(clicking sound)
愛美: うわー、なつかしい。 (Uwā, natsukashii.)
Eric: "Wow, how nostalgic."
優子: 名曲ですね。 (Meikyoku desu ne.)
Eric: "Classic indeed."
大和: 古すぎ… (Furusugi...)
Eric: "Too old..."
紀夫: ぼくも昔このバンドの大ファンだったな。 (Boku mo mukashi kono bando no daifan datta na.)
Eric: "I used to be a huge fan of this band."
Eric: Listen again to 葉月 (Hazuki)'s post.
Risa: おすすめの1曲! (Osusume no i-kkyoku!)
Eric: "The one song to recommend!"
Risa: (SLOW) おすすめの1曲! (Osusume no i-kkyoku!) (Regular) おすすめの1曲! (Osusume no i-kkyoku!)
Eric: Let's break this down. First is an expression meaning "__ to recommend."
Risa: おすすめの (Osusume no __)
Eric: Among Japanese people, it is pretty common to share something you like or recommend on social media. You can use this phrase before the name of something you want to recommend in a post. Listen again- "__ to recommend" is...
Risa: (SLOW) おすすめの (Osusume no __) (REGULAR) おすすめの (Osusume no __)
Eric: Then comes the phrase - "one song."
Risa: 1曲 (i-kkyoku)
Eric: In Japanese, there are various types of counters you have to add after numbers. This counter is only one of them and is used to count "songs". Listen again- "one song" is...
Risa: (SLOW) 1曲 (i-kkyoku) (REGULAR) 1曲 (i-kkyoku)
Eric: All together, "The one song to recommend!"
Risa: おすすめの1曲! (Osusume no i-kkyoku!)
Eric: In response, 葉月 (Hazuki)'s friends leave some comments.
Eric: Her high school friend, 愛美 (Manami), uses an expression meaning - "Wow, how nostalgic."
Risa: (SLOW) うわー、なつかしい。 (Uwā, natsukashii.) (REGULAR) うわー、なつかしい。 (Uwā, natsukashii.)
Risa: うわー、なつかしい。 (Uwā, natsukashii.)
Eric: Use this expression to show you are thinking of the past.
Eric: Her neighbor, 優子 (Yūko), uses an expression meaning - "Classic indeed."
Risa: (SLOW) 名曲ですね。 (Meikyoku desu ne.) (REGULAR) 名曲ですね。 (Meikyoku desu ne.)
Risa: 名曲ですね。 (Meikyoku desu ne.)
Eric: Use this expression to show you agree.
Eric: Her nephew, 大和 (Yamato), uses an expression meaning - "Too old..."
Risa: (SLOW) 古すぎ… (Furusugi...) (REGULAR) 古すぎ… (Furusugi...)
Risa: 古すぎ… (Furusugi...)
Eric: Use this expression to show you are feeling cynical.
Eric: Her supervisor, 紀夫 (Norio), uses an expression meaning - "I used to be a huge fan of this band."
Risa: (SLOW) ぼくも昔このバンドの大ファンだったな。 (Boku mo mukashi kono bando no daifan datta na.) (REGULAR) ぼくも昔このバンドの大ファンだったな。 (Boku mo mukashi kono bando no daifan datta na.)
Risa: ぼくも昔このバンドの大ファンだったな。 (Boku mo mukashi kono bando no daifan datta na.)
Eric: Use this expression to be nostalgic.


Eric: Okay, that's all for this lesson. If a friend posted something about sharing music or videos, which phrase would you use? Leave us a comment letting us know. And we'll see you next time!
Risa: またね。


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