
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Yuichi: ゆういちです。
Naomi: なおみです。
Jessi: Jessi here. When You Look into the Crystal Ball, You Will See Your Future in Japan.
Naomi: クリスタルボールを見れば、未来が見えるかもしれない。面白いタイトルですね。今回のストーリーについて教えてください。
Yuichi: はい。今回は、ある女性が手相占いをしてもらいます。
Jessi: In this story, a female character is going to get a palm reading.
Naomi: どこで、手相占いをしていますか。
Yuichi: 道です。
Jessi: She's going to get the palm reading right there on the street.
Naomi: 今回の文法ポイントは?
Yuichi: 「たら」「と」「ば」の復習です。
Jessi: In this lesson, we're going to review the conditional grammar points たら, と and ば.
Yuichi: それでは聞いてみましょう。
: 手相占いをしませんか。
: 悩みは結婚とお仕事ですか?
: (ふむふむ)あなた、仕事で成功できたら、結婚はしないで良いと思っていますよね。
: 自分より、年収が高くて、頭がよくて、仕事ができる男性がいれば、結婚したいですよ。
: あ、いや・・・待ってください・・・あなた、結婚できますよ。
Yuichi: 今度は英語が入ります。
Jessi: Young lady, you're worried about something, aren't you?
: 手相占いをしませんか。
Jessi: Won't you have your palm read?
Jessi: Huh? How did you know I'm worried about something?
Jessi: I can tell by looking at your face. Please sit there.
: 悩みは結婚とお仕事ですか?
Jessi: Are your worries about marriage and work?
Jessi: Huh? How did you know I'm worried about marriage and work?
Jessi: They're the number one things that women worry about. All right, show me your hand.
: (ふむふむ)あなた、仕事で成功できたら、結婚はしないで良いと思っていますよね。
Jessi: (Hmm, hmm...) You think that if you're successful at work, then you don't need to get married, don't you?
Jessi: Huh? No, that's...
: 自分より、年収が高くて、頭がよくて、仕事ができる男性がいれば、結婚したいですよ。
Jessi: If I find a man who earns a higher salary than me and is more clever and better at his job than I am, then I'd want to get married.
Jessi: If you say that sort of thing, you'll be single your whole life.
: あ、いや・・・待ってください・・・あなた、結婚できますよ。
Jessi: Ah, wait a moment... You will get married.
Jessi: Huh? Really?
Jessi: No doubt about it. You will meet your ideal man.
Jessi: Thank goodness! When will that be?
Jessi: In forty-five years' time.
Yuichi: 占いをする人を占い師といいますが、よく、道にすわっているんですよね。はい。今回のダイアローグでも、道で声をかけられていましたね。
Jessi: Right. So, in big cities in Japan, you’ll sometimes see fortune tellers just sitting right there on the side of the road.
Naomi: そうですね。Fortune teller は占い師と言いますね。
Yuichi: 二人は手相占いしてもらったことありますか。 Have either of you ever gotten a palm reading?
Jessi: 私はないですね~
Naomi: 手相占いをしてもらったことはないですけど、手相占いの本とかってありますよね。
Yuichi: ありますね。
Jessi: Ah, there’s lots of books about 占い。
Naomi: あの、手の線に、名前が付いていて、運命線とか生命線とかあるんですよね。
Jessi: Ah, right. Like, they have different names for the different lines on your hands.
Naomi: Right.
Jessi: And, actually, I see them do that on TV a lot, too. Like, celebrities and stuff.
Naomi: あ、そうそうそう!そう、テレビでね、よく占ってますよね。
Jessi: Right.
Yuichi: そうですね。僕もインターネットでそのなんとか線というのを調べてみたんですけども、僕はあの、生命線が短いです。
Jessi: 生命線…So, your life line, basically, is short?
Yuichi: はい、そうなんですよね。
Jessi: Aww..
Naomi: でもね、ゆういちさん今、生命線が短いって言いましたよね。でも、私の生命線と、ゆういちさんの生命線同じぐらいの長さなんです。
Jessi: Really?
Yuichi: え?本当ですか?
Naomi: 本当本当本当。
Yuichi: [examines Naomi’s hand] めっちゃ長いですよ。
Naomi: これだよ?生命線。
Yuichi: あ、こっちですか?あ、短っ!なおみさんの生命線も短いですね、これは。だけど、実は僕は最近、生命線が伸びたんですよ。
Naomi: あ、そうなんですか?
Yuichi: はい。
Jessi: It got longer?
Yuichi: はい、なんか、二つの線がくっついて長くなりました。
Jessi: Hmm. I wonder if that means anything.
Naomi: よかったねー、長生きできてねー、ゆういちさんねー
Yuichi: はい、長生きできます。なおみさんよりも。
Naomi: 占いといえば、今、手相占い (Jessi – palm reading) という言葉を紹介しましたが他にもいろんな占いが人気があるんですよね。
Yuichi: そうですね。たとえば、よく日本の雑誌のうしろのほうに星座占いが書いてありますね。
Naomi: あ、星占いね。
Yuichi: はい。
Jessi: Which is astrology, right? The person’s horoscope?
Naomi: そうですそうです。あとは、干支占い?
Jessi: Ahh, the zodiac. Chinese zodiac?
Naomi: そうそうそう。
Jessi: Oh, that’s really popular too, isn’t it?
Yuichi: あと、名前の占いもありますよね。
Naomi: 名前占い?あぁ~字画占いのことね。
Jessi: Oh. 占い based on the number of strokes in the characters of your name. Is that right?
Naomi: はい。面白いですね。みなさんは、占いを信じますか?どんな占いを信じますか?教えてください。
Jessi: So, listeners, please let us know. Do you believe in 占い? If so, which kinds do you believe in?
Jessi: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word is...
Naomi: 気になる [natural native speed]
Jessi: to be concerned about, to be interested in
Naomi: 気になる [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi: 気になる [natural native speed]
Jessi: The next word is…
Naomi: 年収 [natural native speed]
Jessi: annual income
Naomi: 年収 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi: 年収 [natural native speed]
Jessi: The next word is…
Yuichi: 理想 [natural native speed]
Jessi: ideal, dream
Yuichi: 理想 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Yuichi: 理想 [natural native speed]
Jessi: The next word is…
Naomi: 悩み [natural native speed]
Jessi: trouble, pain, suffering
Naomi: 悩み [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi: 悩み [natural native speed]
Jessi: The last word is…
Yuichi: 手相占い [natural native speed]
Jessi: palm reading
Yuichi: 手相占い [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Yuichi: 手相占い [natural native speed]
Jessi: Let’s have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Yuichi: The first word is…
Naomi: 気になる
Jessi: To be concerned about, to be interested in. When using this phrase, the particle ga comes after what you are concerned about or interested in. For example…
Naomi: JLPTの結果が気になる。
Jessi: I'm concerned about the results of the JLPT test.
Yuichi: これは、JLPT の結果を早く知りたい。という意味ですね。
Naomi: はい。
Jessi: The next word is
Yuichi: 一生
Jessi: Whole life
Yuichi: ダイアローグでは、「一生独身ですよ。」
Jessi: You will end up being single your whole life. Could you give us another example?
Yuichi: 一生忘れない。
Jessi: I'll never forget this.
Naomi: あと、一生のお願い!なんて使いませんでした?
Jessi: あ~ いっしょうのおねがい?Like a whole life favor? Or, ah...”life's wish” or even just “Pretty please!” or “I'm asking you!”
Naomi: そうそうそう、大きなお願いです。
Yuichi: そうですね。This 一生 is just for emphasis.
Jessi: Right, so it doesn't actually mean “whole life” here.
Naomi: 一生のお願い、ゆういちさん、ノートかして・・・
Jessi: Kind of, like, please, I'm begging you. Will you lend me your notebook? So, maybe, like, before an exam or something.
Naomi: そうね。
Yuichi: そうですね。とても便利な言葉なので、ぜひ使ってみてください。

Lesson focus

Jessi: In this lesson, we will review three conditional grammar points that we have learned in the previous lessons, which are たら, と, and ば. This lesson primarily focuses on the differences among the three. You'll learn when you can use one but not the others. The biggest difference lies in whether or not the second sentence can express intention, a request, or obligation. When using the たら conjunction, it's okay to talk about intention, request, or obligation in the second sentence. For example, the sentence “After I eat dinner, I'll study” becomes…
Yuichi: 夜ご飯を食べたら、勉強しよう。
Jessi: So, because the second clause expresses the speaker's will, this たら cannot be replaced with ば or と in this case.
Naomi: Right. So, 夜ご飯を食べれば、勉強しよう。or 夜ご飯を食べると、勉強しよう。are incorrect sentences.
Jessi: Now as the first step, let's practice combining two sentences using a conditional. OK. Could you please give us two separate sentences?
Naomi: Sure. Which one would you use, と or たら? The first sentence is 田中さんの電話番号を知っている, and the second sentence is おしえてください
Jessi: So please combine these two and make one sentence meaning “If you know Mr. Tanaka's phone number, please tell it to me.”  
OK. And, what's the answer?
Yuichi: 田中さんの電話番号を知っていたら、おしえてください。
Jessi: Here, we had a request, so we used たら. Remember that you cannot talk about obligation/intention/or make a request after と. OK. Now, can we hear the next two sentences, please?
Yuichi: Which one would you use - ば or たら?大学を卒業する and 外国に行きたい。
Jessi: So now, combine these two and make a sentence that means “After I graduate from college, I want to go abroad.” 
Alright, and the answer is?
Naomi: 大学を卒業したら、海外に行きたいです。
Jessi: Here, we're talking about what we want to do – which is our intention. Remember that in most cases you cannot talk about obligation/intention/or make a request after ば. Okay, and now, you have to translate the English sentence into Japanese. Here is the sentence. When winter comes, snow falls every year.
Yuichi: 冬になると、毎年雪が降ります。
Jessi: But can't we also say, for example
Naomi: They do. But if you ask me which one is the most natural, I would say...冬になると、毎年雪が降ります。I know it's really difficult, but when the second clause talks about a natural phenomenon, it's safe to use the と conjunction.
Jessi: Ah~ okay. That makes sense. So we should remember that when you're talking about how to use a machine, giving directions, or natural phenomena, etc, you need to use と. 勉強になります。
Yuichi: このConditional はとても難しいですよね。
Jessi: うん、I think so.
Yuichi: ジェシーさんはどうやってマスターしたんですか?
Naomi: うん、私も知りたい!だって、完璧だもんね。
Yuichi: うん、完璧ですね。
Jessi: I agree that the conditional is pretty difficult. I would say that when you're listening to natural Japanese, like in dramas, movies, songs, etc., listen for the conditional, and take special note to what comes before it and what comes after it. By listening to natural examples of it, you'll start to pick up on certain patterns. And of course, you can listen to these lower intermediate lessons multiple times, that would help too.
Naomi: でもパターンを覚えるのはいいですよね。
Jessi: Definitely. Be on the lookout for patterns when you listen to natural Japanese. That will really make your Japanese sound a lot more natural.


Jessi: All right, well that's all for this lesson. Thanks for listening!!
Yuichi: じゃあまた。
Naomi: さようなら。


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