
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Yuichi: ゆういちです。
Naomi: なおみです。
Jessi: Jessi here. Did You Hear the Latest Gossip in Japan? I Heard That...
Naomi: 今回のストーリーについて教えてください。
Yuichi: 今回も、DJマキコのラジオ番組です。
Jessi: That’s right! DJ Makiko is back! This conversation is part of DJ Makiko's radio program.
Yuichi: ゲストには、脳科学者の酒井教授が来ています。
Naomi: 脳科学者?は brain scientist?
Jessi: Yes, a brain scientist. Or you could use the technical term, which is neurologist. The guest of the show is a neurologist, Prf. Sakai. They will be speaking formally.
Naomi: 今回の文法のポイントは?
Yuichi: 「らしい」。
Jessi: As in?
Yuichi: ピーターは、中国に行くらしい。
Jessi: “I heard that Peter is going to China.”
Yuichi: それでは聞いてみましょう。
Yuichi: 今度は英語が入ります。
Jessi: Good evening, everyone, I'm DJ Makiko.
Jessi: Today's guest is brain scientist Professor Sakai.
Jessi: Thank you for joining us, Professor!
酒井教授: よろしくお願いします。
Jessi: Thank you for having me.
Jessi: Now, a question from a listener.
Jessi: "Hello. I have a son who is in the first grade of elementary school.
Jessi: My son uses his left hand to write, hold chopsticks, and more."
Jessi: Ohh, a left-handed son! Isn't that great.
Jessi: It seems as if my son was told by his teacher to use his right hand.
Jessi: It appears that my son doesn't want to switch to his right hand. What should I do?"
Jessi: I see...
Jessi: Professor, what do you make of this?
Jessi: There is no need to "fix" this.
Jessi: Changing one's dominant hand is not good for brain development.
Jessi: Brain development...
Jessi: Oh, come to think of it, apparently a lot of artists are left-handed, aren't they?
Jessi: That's right. Apparently DaVinci and Michelangelo were also left-handed.
Jessi: Also, it seems that changing one's dominant hand builds up a lot of stress.
Jessi: Wow…is that so?
Jessi: Therefore, I think it would be a good idea to consult with the school and tell them that he is fine as a lefty.
Jessi: Right, that seems like the best thing to do.
Jessi: Professor, thank you for your time today!
Jessi: Not at all.
Jessi: Until next time.
Yuichi: なおみさんとジェシーさんは、右利きですよね。ちょっと調べてみたら、世界の10%くらいの人が左利きだそうですよ。
Naomi: 結構多いんですね。あ、でも、そういえば、アメリカのオバマ大統領も左利きじゃないですか?
Jessi: へー、あ、知らなかったです。
Naomi: あれ?あれ?ジェシー!
Jessi: 本当に知らなかったです、はい。へー。
Yuichi: でも、左利きだと大変なことって、あるんじゃないですかね?
Jessi: あ、例えば道具?はさみとか、左利き用のが必要ですよね。
Naomi: あ、そうですね。
Yuichi: そうですね。逆に、あの、左利きだと得するっていうこともあると思いますね。
Naomi: あぁ、スポーツですよね。左利きだと得するっていうのは、これはよく聞く話ですね。例えばテニスの選手の、ジョン・マッケンローとか、マルチナ・ナブラチロワとか左利きですもんね。
Yuichi: なるほど。左利きでスポーツするとかっこいいらしいですよ。
Naomi &Jessi: ふーん。
Jessi: So let’s summarize our discussion. First, Yuichi asked us what the disadvantages are of being left-handed. I answered tools. For example you need special scissors if you're left handed. Then he asked us about the advantages of being left handed. Naomi answered sports. It's said that left handed people have an advantage when they play sports.
Yuichi: でもなんか、絵が上手い友達は左利きが多かった気がしますね。
Naomi &Jessi: へー。
Yuichi: でも、ダイアログでも「芸術家の人は左利きが多い」と言っていましたよね。
Jessi: あ、言ってましたね。
Naomi: では、リスナーの皆さんはどちらですか。右利きですか、それとも、左利きですか。
Jessi: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word is:
Naomi: 無理矢理 [natural native speed]
Jessi: forcibly, against one's will
Naomi: 無理矢理 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi: 無理矢理 [natural native speed]
Jessi: The next word is
Yuichi: たまる [natural native speed]
Jessi: to collect, to build up
Yuichi: たまる [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Yuichi: たまる [natural native speed]
Jessi: The next word is
Naomi: 芸術家 [natural native speed]
Jessi: artist
Naomi: 芸術家 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi: 芸術家 [natural native speed]
Jessi: The next word is
Yuichi: 左利き [natural native speed]
Jessi: left-handed
Yuichi: 左利き [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Yuichi: 左利き [natural native speed]
Jessi: The last word is
Naomi: 利き手 [natural native speed]
Jessi: one's dominant hand
Naomi: 利き手 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi: 利き手 [natural native speed]
Jessi: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Yuichi: 最初は「左利き」
Jessi: left-handed
Yuichi: 「右利き」
Jessi: right-handed
Yuichi: じゃ、「両利き」はどういう意味か分かりますか?
Jessi: Uhm...Both-handed? Actually we have a special word for that - ambidextrous!
Naomi: おー、そんな英語があるんですね。
Jessi: はい。
Yuichi: かっこいいですね!
Naomi: 日本語だと「両利き」とか「両使い」というふうに言いますね。右手でも左手でも箸を持てたり、右手でも左手でも字が書けたりする人です。
Yuichi: すごいですよね。両利きの人っていうのは。
Jessi: うーん、そうですね。
Yuichi: 次は「たまる」
Jessi: to accumulate
Yuichi: 今回のダイアログでは
Naomi: 「ストレスがたまる」
Jessi: stress accumulates, stress builds up
Yuichi: という形で使われていましたが、他にも「~がたまる」という形で、色々使えます。
Jessi: This verb, たまる can take many kinds of nouns as an object.
Yuichi: 「お金がたまる」
Jessi: “Money accumulates.”
Yuichi: 「水がたまる」
Jessi: “Water accumulates.”
Naomi: こんなのはどうでしょう?「宿題がたまる」
Jessi: “Homework piles up.”
Yuichi: 「たまる」は自動詞 (intransitive verb) ですが他動詞 (transitive verb) は何でしょう?
Naomi: ためる
Jessi: to save. 例文お願いします。
Yuichi: 僕はお金をためた。
Jessi: “I saved that money.”
Naomi: へ〜、いくらためたんですか、ゆういちさん?
Yuichi: 一〇〇万円、貯めました。
Jessi: one million yen?
Naomi: へー、いいですね、ジェシーさん。
Jessi: すごいですね。
Naomi: 一緒に飲みにいきましょうね?
Yuichi: 冗談でしたー。
Naomi: 例文ですね、ただのね。
Yuichi: はい、例文です。最後は?
Naomi: 芸術家
Jessi: artist
Jessi: Let's break down this word.
Yuichi: 芸術
Jessi: art
Yuichi: 家
Jessi: This indicates occupation when attached to a noun.
Naomi: 「家(か)」を付けると、職業の名前になるんですね。英語だと -er とか -ist とか、そんな感じですかね。
Yuichi: 例えば、「小説家」
Jessi: novelist. 小説 means novel, and so 小説家 is a novelist.
Yuichi: 「政治家」
Jessi: 政治 - politics, 政治家 - politician.

Lesson focus

Jessi: In this lesson, we'll focus on the usage of らしい, which is used to make an assumption based on what the speaker has heard or seen.
Jessi: It has two English equivalents. One is "I hear” or “I heard that..., " which expresses "hearsay", and the other is "seems like” or “looks like..."
Yuichi: 今回は、hearsay の「らしい」を勉強しましょう。
Jessi: Okay, could you give us a sample sentence?
Naomi: 田中さんは、来年結婚するらしい。
Jessi: “I heard that Mr.Tanaka is getting married next year.”
When using らしい, you attach it to the informal form of verbs, adjectives and nouns. Let's look at how to form it.
Naomi: 北海道は寒いです。
Jessi: “Hokkaido is cold.” Then, to turn this sentence into hearsay, attach らしい to the informal form of the adjective.
Naomi: 北海道は寒いらしい。
Jessi: “I heard that Hokkaido is cold.”
Yuichi: では、練習をしてみましょう。Situation に合わせて、日本語で答えてください。
Jessi: Now let’s do some practice. I'm going to give you a situation in Japanese that you must keep in mind. After that, Naomi will ask you a question. Please respond to her using らしい. Okay, let's start.
Jessi: Here's the situation. ゆういちさんは、風邪をひきました。Yuichi caught a cold.
Jessi: Now please listen to Naomi’s question and respond in Japanese.
Naomi: 今日、ゆういちさん、仕事に来ていませんね。どうしたんでしょう。
Naomi: じゃあ、ジェシーさん。The answer is ...
Jessi: ゆういちさんは、風邪をひいたらしいです。
So, Naomi was wondering why Yuichi was not at the office.
You could say "I heard that Yuichi caught a cold." ゆういちさんは、風邪をひいたらしいです。
Let's do another one! Here's the situation.
Yuichi: ジェシーは、今アメリカに帰っています。
Jessi: “Jessi is back in the U.S.”
Naomi: 今日、ジェシーさん仕事に来ていませんね。どうしたんでしょう。
Naomi: じゃあ、ゆういちさん、答えは?The answer is ...
Yuichi: ジェシーさんは、今アメリカに帰っているらしいですよ。
Jessi: Naomi's question is the same, but the answer this time was "I heard that Jessi is back in the U.S now."  
And now, here's the last one. Here's the information.
池袋のラーメン屋はおいしいです。”The ramen shops in Ikebukuro are good.”
Naomi: あ~、お腹すいた。ラーメン食べたいな~。いいラーメン屋知らない?
Jessi: And the answer is?
Yuichi: 池袋のラーメン屋はおいしいらしいですよ。
Jessi: All right everyone, did you get it? Yuichi shared some information with us that he had heard somewhere. Also, as I said in the beginning, らしい can express not only "hearsay", but also the meaning of "it seems” or “it looks like." In the PDF, we compare this with the forms ようだ and そうだ we covered before. So be sure to check that out. All right, that's all for this lesson.
Yuichi: リスナーのみなさん、コメントに「らしい」を使って文章を書いてください。
Naomi: あー、そうですね。面白いうわさとか知っていたら、ぜひ教えてください。
Jessi: Ah, definitely! If you know any interesting rumors or gossip, please let us know using the らしい sentence structure.


Yuichi: それじゃ、また
Jessi: See you all next time.


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