
Vocabulary (Review)

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Welcome to learn Japanese grammar absolute beginner. In this video series, you learn basic Japanese grammar patterns and phrases through easy to follow audio and visual cues. Here is what we will cover in this lesson. Ready? Let’s get started.
Naomi: 私はうちへ帰ります。 (Watashi wa uchi e kaerimasu.)
Peter: So today, we are going to have a closer look at the direction particle "e" which is used with
Naomi: 行きます (ikimasu) 来ます (kimasu) and 帰ります (kaerimasu)
Peter: So verbs where you are going somewhere. Now "e" marks the place or a goal towards which the action moves. When "e" is used as a particle, it’s pronounced "e" although it’s written へ (he), the Hiragana syllable へ (e) and it’s placed before the verbs. Now this particle precedes the verbs to go, to come and to return.
Naomi: 私はうちへ帰ります。 (Watashi wa uchi e kaerimasu.)
Peter: I am going home.
What do we have first?
Naomi: 私 (watashi)
Peter: I
followed by,
Naomi: は (wa)
Peter: Topic marking particle
followed by
Naomi: うち (uchi)
Peter: Home.
Naomi: へ (e)
Peter: To
Naomi: 帰ります (kaerimasu)
Peter: Return.
So I home to return. I will return home and of course, the sentence is in the non-past polite. 帰ります (kaerimasu) is the non-past polite version of 帰る (kaeru) to return. So Naomi-sensei, how do we say to home?
Naomi: うちへ (uchi e)
Peter: How about to the station?
Naomi: 駅へ (eki e)
Peter: So topic followed by
Naomi: は (wa)
Peter: Topic marking particle followed by
Naomi: Place
Peter: Followed by
Naomi: へ (e)
Peter: Direction marking particle and then
Naomi: 行きます (ikimasu)
Peter: Or
Naomi: 帰ります (kaerimasu)
Peter: Or
Naomi: 来ます (kimasu)
Peter: And this is the basic pattern.
Naomi: 私はうちへ帰ります。 (Watashi wa uchi e kaerimasu.)
Naomi: 電車で行きます。 (Densha de ikimasu.)
Peter: Let’s take a look at the particle で (de) . Particle で (de) is used to mark a tool used to accomplish something.
Naomi: タクシーで帰ります。 (Takushī de kaerimasu.)
Peter: I will return by taxi.
So here the speaker is speaking. So the subject is actually inferred. So we just leave out that part 私は (watashi wa) . Then we have
Naomi: タクシー (takushī)
Peter: Taxi.
Naomi: で (de)
Peter: Here the means, the taxi is used to accomplish something. So taxi is a means, so we mark it with で (de) followed by
Naomi: 帰ります (kaerimasu)
Peter: I will return by taxi.
Naomi: 電車で行きます。 (Densha de ikimasu.)
Peter: I will go by train.
Naomi: 地下鉄で行きます。 (Chikatetsu de ikimasu.)
Peter: I will go by subway.
電車で行きます。 (Densha de ikimasu.)
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