Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hi, everyone!
Welcome to Kanji Time!
Today, we are going to do N1 Kanji.
Let’s go!
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This kanji means “sturdy, strength.”
The On-reading for this kanji is ゴウ (gō) like in 剛健 (gōken) which means “sturdiness” and like in 金剛力 (kongōriki) which means “Herculean strength.”
This kanji means “saber, sword, blade, clock hand.”
The On-reading for this kanji is ケン (ken) like in 剣道 (kendō) which means “Kendo or Japanese swordsmanship.”
And the Kun-reading is つるぎ (tsurugi) like in 剣の舞 (tsurugi no mai) which means “a sword dance.”
This kanji means “dose, medicine, drug.”
The On-reading for this kanji is ザイ (zai) like in 薬剤師 (yakuzaishi) which means “pharmacist” and like in 殺虫剤 (satchūzai) which means “insecticide.”
殺虫剤をまく。 (Satchūzai o maku.)
Argh! Help me.
This kanji means “surplus, besides.”
The On-reading for this kanji is ジョウ (jō) like in 剰余金 (jōyokin) which means “surplus funds” and as in 過剰の (kajō no) which means “surplus.”
This kanji means “genesis, wound, injury, hurt, start, originate.”
The On-reading for this kanji is ソウ (sō) like in 独創的(な) (dokusōteki [na]) which means “creative, original.“
And the Kun-reading is つく (tsuku) like in 芸術品を創る (geijutsuhin o tsukuru) which means “create a work of art.”
Quiz time!
Say the reading of the following kanji:
金剛力 (kongōriki)
剰余金 (jōyokin)
芸術品を創る (geijutsuhin o tsukuru)
殺虫剤 (satchūzai)
剣道 (kendō)
Now, say the meaning of the following words:
薬剤師 (yakuzaishi) “pharmacist”
剛健 (gōken) “sturdiness”
過剰の (kajō no) “surplus”
剣の舞 (tsurugi no mai) “a sword dance”
独創的(な) (dokusōteki [na]) “original, creative”
That’s all for today! Thank you so much for watching.
それでは、独創的な踊りでお別れをしたいと思います。 (Soredewa, dokusōteki na odori de o wakare o shitai to omoimasu.)


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