Vocabulary (Review)

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Hi, everyone. Welcome to Kanji Time. 今日はN2漢字を勉強しましょう。(Kyō wa enu tsū kanji o benkyō shimashō.)
Let’s go!
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This kanji means “manage, occupation, perform, conduct (business), plan”.
The on-reading for this kanji is エイ (ei) like in 営業時間 (eigyō jikan) which means “business hours”.
And the kun-reading is いとな (itona) like in 営む (itonamu), meaning “to run, manage, keep”.
This kanji means “utensil, implement, instrument, container, ability”.
The on-reading for this kanji is キ (ki) like in 受話器 (juwaki), meaning “telephone receiver”.
はい、もしもし。(Hai, moshimoshi.) はい。(Hai.) はい。(Hai.)
And the kun-reading is うつわ (utsuwa) like in 器が大きい (utsuwa ga ōkii) which means “a person of high caliber”.
器が大きい。(Utsuwa ga ōkii.) 器が大きい。(Utsuwa ga ōkii.)
器が小さい人。(Utsuwa ga chiisai hito.) おい、なんだよ、やめろよ!(Oi, nan da yo, yamero yo!) おい!(Oi!) もー!(Mō!)
器が大きい人。(Utsuwa ga ōkii hito.) 大丈夫だよ。(Daijōbu da yo.) うん、うん。(Un, un.) うん。(Un.)
This kanji means “group, round, association, lump, mass”.
The on-reading for this kanji is ダン (dan) like in 劇団 (gekidan), meaning “theatrical group”.
劇団。(Gekidan.) 集団 (shūdan) which means “group”.
This kanji means “surround, besiege, enclosure, encircle, fence”.
The on-reading for this kanji is イ (i) like in 雰囲気 (fun’iki), meaning “atmosphere and ambience”. いい雰囲気。(Ii fun’iki.)
And the kun-reading is かこ (kako) like in 囲いをする (kakoi o suru), meaning “to enclose”.
This kanji means “solid, firm, harden, clot, stubborn”.
The on-reading for this kanji is コ (ko) like in 固定する (kotei suru), meaning “fixing”.
And the kun-reading is かた (kata) like in 固める (katameru) which means “to fix, firm, harden”.
髪の毛を固める。(Kaminoke o katameru.) カチン。(Kachin.)
Quiz time!
Say the reading of the following kanji:
固める (katameru)
器が大きい (utsuwa ga ōkii)
劇団 (gekidan)
営む (itonamu)
雰囲気 (fun’iki)
Now, say the meaning of the following words:
囲いをする (kakoi o suru) “to enclose”
集団 (shūdan) “group”
受話器 (juwaki) “telephone receiver”
固定 (kotei) “fixing”
営業時間 (eigyō jikan)“business hours”
今日の漢字タイムは、以上です!(Kyō no Kanji Taimu wa, ijō desu!) 見てくれてほんとに、いつもどうもありがとうございます!(Mite kurete honto ni, itsumo dōmo arigatō gozaimasu!) それでは、また。 (Soredewa, mata.) See you next time. あ、もしもし。(A, moshimoshi.) あ、はいはい。(A, hai hai.) 分かりました。(Wakarimashita.) 行きまーす。(Ikimāsu.) Bye!


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