Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hi, everyone. Welcome to Kanji Time.
Let’s review N5 Kanji today. Let’s go!
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This kanji means “small”.
On-reading for this kanji is ショウ (shō) as in 大小 (daishō), meaning “large and small”. 大、小。(Dai, shō.) 大、小。(Dai, shō.)
And kun-readings for this kanjis are ちい、こ、お (chii, ko, o) as in 小さい (chiisai), meaning “small”.
This kanji means “a little, a few”.
On-reading for this kanji is ショウ (shō) like in 少年 (shōnen), meaning “a boy”.
エキセントリック エキセントリック エキセントリック少年ボウイ (Ekisentorikku ekisentorikku ekisentorikku shōnen bōi)
Kun-reading for this kanji is すこ (suko) or すく(suku) like in 少ない (sukunai), meaning “a little, a few”.
This kanji means “above, upper”.
On-reading for this kanji is ショウ (shō) or ジョウ (jō) as in 上手 (jōzu), meaning “skillful”. 上手!(Jōzu!) 上手!(Jōzu!) 下手。 (Heta.)
Kun-readings for this kanjis are うえ、かみ、あ、のぼ (ue, kami, a, nobo) as in 年上 (toshiue), meaning “older”.
年上、年下。(Toshiue, toshishita.) “older, younger”.
This kanji means “to eat, meal”.
On-reading for this kanji is ショク (shoku) like in 食事 (shokuji), meaning “meal”.
Kun-reading is た、く (ta, ku) like in 食べる (taberu), meaning “to eat”.
料理を食べる。(Ryōri o taberu.)
This kanji means “new”. キラキラキラ。(Kira kira kira.)
On-reading for this kanji is シン (shin) as in 新人 (shinjin), meaning “newcomer”.
Opposite for this word is ベテラン (beteran).
Kun-readings for this kanji are あたら、あら、にい (atara, ara, nii) like in 新しい (atarashii), meaning “new”. New camera.
Opposite of 新しい (atarashii) is 古い (furui).
Quiz time!
Say the reading of the following kanji:
新人 (shinjin)
大小 (daishō)
上手 (jōzu)
食べる (taberu)
少ない (sukunai)
Now, say the meaning of the following words:
少年 (shōnen) “boy”
食事 (shokuji) “meal”
小さい (chiisai) “small”
新しい (atarashii) “new”
年上 (toshiue) “older”
That’s all for today. Thank you so much for watching.
私、今から小さくなりまーす。(Watakushi, ima kara chiisaku narimāsu.)
大きくなり、小さくなる。(Ōkiku nari, chiisaku naru.) Bye!


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