Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hi, everyone. Hi! Welcome to Kanji Time. ようこそ!(Yokoso!)
Today, we are going to review N3 Kanji. 頑張りましょう!(ganbarimashō.)
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This kanji means “task, duty”.
The on-reading is ム(mu), like in 事務所 (jimusho), meaning "office".
And the kun-reading for this kanji, つと(tsuto). 務め (tsutome), meaning "work; duty".
This kanji means "victory; win; prevail; excel".
The on-reading is ショウ(shō), like in 優勝(yūshō). 優勝(yūshō) in English is "victory" or "championship".
♪ We are the Champion, my friend... だっけ? (dakke?) Dadada... fighting... 止めましょう。 (yamemashō.)
Kun-reading is か(ka), まさ(masa), like in 勝ち (kachi), "victory, to win, triumph". 負け、負け、負け、負け... 勝ち! (Make, make, make, make... Kachi!)
This kanji means "diligent; become employed; serve".
The on-reading for this kanji is キン(kin), ゴン(gon); like in 勤務時間 (kinmu-jikan), meaning "working hours".
And the kun-reading is つと(tsuto), like in 会社に勤める (kaisha ni tsutomeru), meaning "to work at a company".
This kanji means "change, disguise, delude, turn into, transform".
The on-reading is カ(ka), ケ(ke); like in 化学 (kagaku). 化学 (kagaku) means "chemistry".
And the kun- reading is ば(ba), like in お化け (obake). お化け (obake) means "ghost, monster".
This kanji means "simple,one, single, merely."
The on-reading is タン(tan), like in 単位(tan'i), meaning "unit".
And 簡単な (kantan-na), meaning "simple, easy".
Quiz time!
Say the reading of the following kanji:
お化け (obake)
事務所 (jimusho)
会社に勤める (kaisha ni tsutomeru)
勝ち (kachi)
Now, say the meaning of the following words:
簡単な (kantan-na) "simple, easy"
化学 (kagaku) "chemistry"
勤務時間 (kinmu-jikan) "working hours"
優勝(yūshō) "victory, championship"
務め (tsutome) "duty, work"
Did you enjoy the video? I hope so.
See you next time. 漢字の勉強、頑張れ! (Kanji no benkyō, ganbare!)
じゃあね、また来週。(Jā ne, mata raishū.)


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