Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Okay. Let’s go. All right. Hi everyone, welcome to kanji time. Today, let’s review N5 kanji, huh huh! Let’s go. Oh, if you want to do the quiz words, please go to these times. ビン!(Bin!)
This kanji means time and hour. The on-reading for this kanji is ジ (ji) as in 時間 (jikan) meaning time. And the kun-reading for this kanji is とき (toki) as in 昼時 (hirudoki) meaning around noon. ディン!(Din!)
This kanji means seven. The on-reading for this kanji is シチ (shichi) as in 七時 (shichi-ji) meaning チッチッチッチッチッチ。(Chi chi chi chi chi chi.) Seven O’ clock and the kun-reading is なな、なの (nana, nano) as in 七つ (nanatsu) meaning seven items. 一つ、二つ、三つ、四つ、五つ、六つ、七つ!(Hitotsu, futatsu, mittsu, yottsu, itsutsu, muttsu, nanatsu!)
This kanji means car, wheel. The on-reading is シャ (sha) as in 車道 (shadō) meaning roadway and the kun reading is くるま (kuruma) meaning car. ディン!(Din!)
This kanji means Shinto shrine or society. The on-reading is シャ (sha) like in 会社 (kaisha) meaning company and the kun-reading is やしろ (yashiro), 社 (yashiro) means Shinto shrine. ビン!(Bin!)
This kanji means hand. The on-reading is シュ (shu) as in 手話 (shuwa) meaning sign language. 私は歌うのが好きです。(Watashi wa utau no ga suki desu.) 確か。(Tashika.) and the kun-reading is て (te) as in 切手 (kitte) meaning postage stamp.
Quiz time:
Say the reading of the following kanji:
会社 (kaisha)
切手 (kitte)
車 (kuruma)
七時 (shichi-ji)
時間 (jikan)
Now say the meaning of the following words:
社 (yashiro) Shinto shrine
昼時 (hirudoki) Around noon
七つ (nanatsu) Seven items
車道 (shadō) Roadway
手話 (shuwa) Sign language.
Thank you very much for watching. ありがとうございました。(Arigatō gozaimashita.) See you next time. 漢字の勉強、頑張ってください。(Kanji no benkyō, ganbatte kudasai.) また次回、お会いしましょう。(Mata jikai, o-ai shimashō.) では、このへんで。(Dewa, kono hen de.) さようなら!(Sayōnara!) Bye bye! As in 手話 (shuwa) What!


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