Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

快い、リ・ズ・ム。 (Kokoroyoi, ri・zu・mu.) あれ~、なんかおかしいなぁ。(Arē, nanka okashii nā.) Hi everyone. Welcome to Kanji time. Today, let’s review N2 kanji. Let’s go. Oh, if you want to do the quiz first, please go to these times.
This kanji means thorn, pierce, stab, blame, name tag. The On reading is シ (shi) like in 名刺 (meishi) meaning business card, business card 名刺。(Meishi.) 名刺交換。(Meishi kōkan.)日本で名刺交換するときは、こう差し出されたら片手で受け取るんじゃなくて、両手で受け取るようにします。(Nihon de meishi kōkan suru toki wa, kō sashidasaretara katate de uketoru n janakute, ryōte de uketoru yō ni shimasu.) And the kun-reading is さ (sa) as in 虫に刺される (mushi ni sasareru) meaning to be bitten by a bug. かゆーい。(Kayūi.)蚊に刺された。(Ka ni sasareta.) かゆい!(Kayui!) 血吸うたろかー。(Chi sū taro kā.)
This kanji means romance, love, yearn, darling. The On reading is レン (ren) like in 失恋 (shitsuren) meaning lost love. The kanji 失 (shitsu) means to lose and 恋 (ren) means love. Lost love. 失恋 。(Shitsuren.) And the kun-reading is こい (koi) like in 恋人 (koibito) meaning lover. 恋人 。(Koibito.) The kanji 恋 (koi) means love. 人 (bito) means person, human. So that literally means love person, lover.
This kanji means rule, follow, based on, model after, in brief. The On reading is ソク (soku) like in 規則 (kisoku) meaning rule or in 不規則 (fukisoku) meaning disorder. 不規則な生活。(Fukisoku na seikatsu.) 今日は12時に寝て、明日は9時に寝て。(Kyō wa jū-ni-ji ni nete, ashita wa ku-ji ni nete.) んー。(N.) 規則的な生活。(Kisokuteki na seikatsu.) 私は毎日9時にベッドで寝ます。(Watashi wa mainichi ku-ji ni beddo de nemasu.) 規則的な生活を心がけております。(Kisokuteki na seikatsu o kokorogakete orimasu.)
This kanji means secondary, vice, assistant, copy. The On reading is フク (fuku) like in 副作用 (fukusayō) meaning side effect. I drink the energy drink uh… and after [sound] 副作用で眠くなる。(Fukusayō de nemuku naru.) Or in 副知事 (fukuchiji) meaning vice-governor. 知事 (chiji) means governor, 副 (fuku) means vice. So that’s vice-governor.
This kanji means cheerful, pleasant, comfortable, quick. The On reading is カイ (kai) like in 快適な (kaiteki na) meaning huh comfortable and the kun-reading is こころよ (kokoroyo) as in 快いリズム (kokoroyoi rizumu) meaning delightful rhythm. 快い、リ・ズ・ム。(Kokoroyoi, ri・zu・mu.) ン、ン、ン、ン。(N, n , n , n.) 快い、リ・ズ・ム。(Kokoroyoi, ri・zu・mu.) 快い…終わり。(Kokoroyoi… owari.)
Now quiz time!
Say the reading of the following words:
恋人 (koibito)
副作用 (fukusayō)
名刺 (meishi)
不規則 (fukisoku)
快いリズム (kokoroyoi rizumu)
Now, say the meaning of the following words:
快適な (kaiteki na) Comfortable
副知事 (fukuchiji) Vice-governor
規則 (kisoku) Rule
虫に刺される (mushi ni sasareru) To be bitten by a bug.
失恋 (shitsuren) Lost love.
That’s all for today. あ~、最近は暑いなぁ。(Ā, saikin wa atsui nā.) ピー…プシュ。(Pī...pushu.) 蚊に刺された。(Ka ni sasareta.) かゆい!(Kayui!) それじゃ皆さん。(Soreja mina-san.) See you next time. Bye! かゆい!(Kayui!) 副、…あ?(Fuku, ...a?)


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