Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hi everyone. Welcome to Kanji time. Today, we are going to review N5 kanji 行きましょう!(Ikimashō!) Oh, if you want to do the quiz first, please go to these times.
This kanji means to walk, to go, to carry out, line. The on-reading for this kanji is コウ、ギョウ (kō, gyō) as in 一行 (ichi-gyō) meaning a line. 一行、二行、三行のメッセージ。(Ichi-gyō, ni-gyō, san-gyō no messēji.) And the kun-reading for this kanji is い、ゆ、おこな (i, yu, okona) as in 行く (iku) meaning to go. 行く、行かない。(Iku, ikanai.)
This kanji means high, expensive, increase, quantity. The on-reading for this kanji is コウ (kō) as in 高校 (kōkō) meaning high school and the kun-reading for this kanji is たか (taka) as in 高い (takai) meaning high/expensive. 値段が高い。値段が低い。(Nedan ga takai. Nedan ga hikui.) or 安い。(Yasui.)
This kanji means country, nation. The on-reading for this kanji is コク (koku) as in 国語 (kokugo) meaning national language and the kun-reading is くに (kuni) as in 国 (kuni) meaning country or nation.
This kanji means now. The on-reading for this kanji is コン、キン (kon, kin) as in 今月 (kongetsu) meaning this month 今月 (kongetsu) this month 来月 (raigetsu) next month 先月 (sengetsu) last month and the kun-reading is いま (ima) as in 今 (ima) meaning now.
This kanji means left. The on-reading for this kanji is サ (sa) as in 左折 (sasetsu) meaning turn left. 左折 (sasetsu) Turn left 右折 (usetsu) turn right and the kun-reading for this kanji is ひだり (hidari) as in 左手 (hidarite) meaning left hand 左手、右手。左目、右目。鼻、口。(Hidarite, migite. Hidarime, migime. Hana, kuchi.)
Quiz time!
Say the reading of the following kanji:
高い (takai)
左手 (hidarite)
今月 (kongetsu)
一行 (ichi-gyō)
国 (kuni)
Now, say the meaning of the following words:
今 (ima) Now
行く (iku) To go
高校 (kōkō) High school
左折 (sasetsu) Turn left
国語 (kokugo) National language
Did you enjoy it? I hope so. See you next lesson. Bye! あ、でもここでやるとすごい!ちょっと聞いてて。行くよ。縦に回す。すごい。なんか、ピヨピヨピヨピヨ…。めっちゃ聞こえるよ。あ、いて!(A, demo koko de yaru to sugoi! Chotto kiite te. Iku yo. Tate ni mawasu. Sugoi. Nanka, piyo piyo piyo piyo… Metcha kikoeru yo. A, ite!)


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