Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hi everyone. Welcome to Kanji time. Let’s do N1 kanji today. If you want to do the quiz first, please go to these times.
This kanji means waiter, samurai, wait upon, serve. The On reading is ジ (ji) like in 侍従 (jijū) meaning chamberlain. And the kun-reading is さむらい (samurai) 侍 (samurai) meaning Japanese warrior. つまらぬものを切ってしまった。(Tsumaranu mono o kitte shimatta.)
This kanji means scorn, despise, make light of, contempt. The On reading is ブ (bu) like in 侮辱 (bujoku) meaning insult and the kun-reading is あなど (anado) as in 侮る (anadoru) Look down on.
This kanji means marquis, lord, daimyo. The On reading is コウ (kō) like in 王侯 (ōkō) meaning royalty and nobility. And 気候 (kikō) climate. あ~。あー、風が気持ちいいな。あったかくて、温暖な気候。 (Ā. Ā, kaze ga kimochi ii na. Attakakute, ondan na kikō.)
This kanji means encroach, invade, raid, trespass, violate. The On reading is シン (shin) like in 侵入 (shinnyū) meaning infiltration. And the kun-reading is おか (oka) as in 侵す (okasu) meaning invade.
This kanji means stimulate, urge, press, demand, incite. The On reading is ソク (soku) as in 促進 (sokushin) meaning promotion. 販売促進。(Hanbai sokushin.) and the kun-reading is うなが (unaga) as in 促す(unagasu) urge.
Quiz time!
Say the reading of the following words:
侵入 (shinnyū)
侍 (samurai)
王侯 (ōkō)
促進 (sokushin)
侮る (anadoru)
Now, say the meaning of the following words:
侵す (okasu) Invade
侮辱 (bujoku) Insult
侍従 (jijū) A chamberlain
促す (unagasu) Urge
気候 (kikō) Climate
以上で、きょうのN1漢字のレビューは終わりです。勉強頑張ってください。N1難しいと思いますが。(Ijō de, kyō no enu wan kanji no rebyū wa owari desu. Benkyō ganbatte kudasai. Enu wan muzukashii to omoimasu ga.) See you next time. Bye bye.


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