Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hi everyone. Hi. Welcome to kanji time. Today, let’s review N2 kanji N2漢字 (enu tsū kanji)
Oh, if you want to do the quiz first, please go to these times. These times, yes, yes.
This kanji means “price” or “value”. The on-reading for this kanji is カ (ka) as in 価格 (kakaku) meaning “price”; and the kun-reading is あたい (atai), as in 価する (atai suru) meaning “value, worth.”
This kanji means “protect, keep, preserve, support, caretaker.” The on-reading for this kanji is ホ、ホウ (ho, hō) like in 保証する (hoshō suru) meaning, “to guarantee”; and the kun-reading is たも (tamo) as in 保つ (tamotsu), meaning, “to keep”.
若さを保つ。 (Wakasa o tamotsu.)
This kanji means “master, learn, arrange, excellent, compile.” The on-reading is シュウ、シュ (shū, shu) like in 修行 (shugyō) meaning “apprenticeship”. And kun-reading おさ (osa) as in 修める (osameru), meaning “to major”.
This kanji means “individual, counter for articles, a piece”. The on-reading is コ (ko) as in 個室 (koshitsu), meaning “private room”, and 個人情報 (kojin jōhō) meaning “personal information”. Oh 個人情報。 (Kojin jōhō.)
This kanji means “double, increase.” The on-reading is バイ (bai), as in 倍数 (baisū), meaning “multiple”.
二、四、六、八、十。 (Ni, shi, ro, ha, tō.) 2,4,6,8,10. And 2倍 (ni-bai) double, 2, 2, 2, 2 二、二、二、二。 (Ni, ni, ni, ni.)
Quiz time:
Say the reading of the following kanji:
個室 (koshitsu)
倍数 (baisū)
価格 (kakaku)
保証する (hoshō suru)
修める (osameru)
Now, say the meaning of the following words:
値 (atai) Price, cost
修行 (shugyō) Apprenticeship
2倍 (ni-bai) Double
個人情報 (kojin jōhō) Personal information
保つ (tamotsu) To keep
今日のN2漢字は、以上です。 (Kyō no enu tsū kanji wa, ijō desu.)
Stay tuned until the next kanji time lesson. See you next time. Bye for now. Bye.


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