Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hi everyone. Welcome to Kanji Time. Today, we are going to review N1 kanji. Let’s go. If you want to do the quiz first, please go to these times. バン!(Ban!)
This kanji means receive, undergo, answer (phone), take. The on-reading is キョウ (kyō) like in 享楽する (kyōraku suru), meaning enjoy. Ha ha ha, ha ha ha. And the kun-reading is う (u) as in 享ける (ukeru), to receive, to get.
This kanji means pavilion, restaurant, mansion, cottage. The on-reading is テイ (tei) like in 料亭 (ryōtei), meaning Japanese-style restaurant いらっしゃいませ。(Irasshaimase.) ようこそ。(Yōkoso.) And 亭々 (teitei), meaning lofty バン!(Ban!)
This kanji means humanity, virtue, benevolence, charity. The on-reading is ジン、ニ (jin, ni) like in 仁心 (jinshin), meaning benevolence and 仁愛 (jin’ai), meaning perfect virtue. バン!(Ban!)
This kanji means hermit, wizard, cent. The on-reading is セン (sen) like in 仙人 (sennin), meaning an unworldly man, an immortal and 歌仙 (kasen), meaning great poet.
This kanji means look up, depend, seek, respect. The on-reading is ギョウ、コウ (gyō, kō) like in 信仰 (shinkō), meaning belief and the kun-reading is あお (ao) as in 仰ぐ (aogu), meaning look up or ask.
Quiz time!
Say the reading of the following kanji:
料亭 (ryōtei)
仁愛 (jin’ai)
享ける (ukeru)
信仰 (shinkō)
仙人 (sennin)
Now, say the meaning of the following words:
歌仙 (kasen) Great poet
仁心 (jinshin) Benevolence
亭々 (teitei) Lofty
享楽する (kyōraku suru) Enjoy
仰ぐ (aogu) Look up, ask
Did you learn something new? I hope you enjoyed it. Isn’t it difficult? Good luck. Thank you and see you next time. Bye.


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