Vocabulary (Review)

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Hi, everyone! Welcome to Kanji Time!
(Kyō wa, N4 no kanji o benkyō shimasu.)
N4レベル。。。 (N4 reberu…)
(N4 reberu no kanji o benkyō shitai to omoimasu.)
Let’s go!
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This kanji means “color, counter for colors.”
The On-reading for this kanji is シキ, ショク (shiki, shoku), like in 色彩 (shikisai), which means “color, tinge.”
色彩 豊か (shikisai yutaka) “colorful”
And the Kun-reading is いろ (iro), as in 黄色 (kiiro), which means “yellow.”
This kanji means “England, English, honor, good.”
The On-reading for this kanji is エイ (ei), like in 英国 (eikoku), which means “United Kingdom” or “Britain” and 英知 (eichi), which means “wisdom.”
This kanji means “tea, brown.”
The On-reading for this kanji is チャ, サ (cha, sa), like in 紅茶 (kōcha), which means “black tea.”
紅茶 (kōcha)
紅茶 (kōcha) “black tea”
緑茶 (ryokucha) “green tea”
And 茶道 (sadō) “Way of Tea” or “tea ceremony.”
This kanji means “vegetable.”
The On-reading for this kanji is サイ (sai), like in 野菜 (yasai), which means “vegetable.”
🎵Carrot, onion, cucumber, potato.🎵
And the Kun-reading is な (na), like in 菜の花 (nanohana), which means “canola flowers.”
日本では。。。 (Nihonde wa…)
(Nihonde wa haru ni naru to, kono nanohana ga takusan sakihokorimasu.)
菜の花は、黄色いお花です。(Nanohana wa, kiiroi o-hana desu.)
This kanji means “medicine, chemical.”
The On-reading for this kanji is ヤク (yaku), like in 薬局 (yakkyoku), which means “pharmacy, the drug store.”
And the Kun-reading is くすり (kusuri), like in 薬指 (kusuriyubi), which means “ring finger.”
薬指 (kusuriyubi)
親指、人差し指、中指、薬指、小指。 (Oyayubi, hitosashiyubi, nakayubi, kusuriyubi, koyubi.)
薬指は結婚指輪をはめる指ですね。 (Kusuriyubi wa kekkon yubiwa o hameru yubi desu ne.)
Quiz time!
Say the reading of the following kanji:
色彩 (shikisai)
薬局 (yakkyoku)
紅茶 (kōcha)
英国 (eikoku)
野菜 (yasai)
Now, say the meaning of the following words:
薬指 (kusuriyubi) “ring finger”
黄色 (kiiro) “yellow”
茶道 (sadō) “Way of Tea, tea ceremony”
英知 (eichi) “wisdom”
菜の花 (nanohana) “canola flowers”
That’s all for today’s lesson! I hope you enjoyed this video. How was the quiz? Did you get it? If you didn’t, you need to review it again. I’ll see you next time. Bye-bye!


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