Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hi, everyone! Welcome to Kanji Time!
Today, we are going to learn N4 kanji.
参りましょう! (Mairimashō!)
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This kanji means “arrive, wear, don, counter for articles of clothing.”
The On-reading for this kanji is チャク (chaku), like in 到着 (tōchaku), which means “arrival.”
目的地に到着しました。 (Mokutekichi ni tōchaku shimashita.)
And the Kun-reading is き, つ (ki, tsu), like in 着く(tsuku), which means “to arrive.”
職場に着く。 (Shokuba ni tsuku.) “Arriving at the workplace/ Arrive at the workplace.”
This kanji means “know, wisdom.”
The On-reading for this kanji is チ (chi), like in 知恵 (chie), which means “wit, wisdom.”
知恵比べ。 (Chie kurabe.)
知恵比べ。 (Chie kurabe.)
知恵比べ。 (Chie kurabe.)
And the Kun-reading is し (shi), like in 知り合い (shiriai), which means “acquaintance.”
知り合い (shiriai) “acquaintance”
友達 (tomodachi) “friend”
知り合い (shiriai) “acquaintance”
This kanji means “short.”
The On-reading for this kanji is タン (tan), like in 短気 (tanki), プチッ (puchi), which means “short-tempered.”
短気 (tanki)
If you’re a 短気 (tanki), you get angry pretty quick.
短気の逆は、「気がながい」。 (Tanki no gyaku wa,`ki ga nagai'.)
あなたは短気ですか、それとも気が長いですか。 (Anata wa tanki desu ka, soretomo ki ga nagai desu ka.)
And the Kun-reading is みじか (mijika), like in 短い (mijikai), which means “short.”
長い髪の毛 (nagai kaminoke) “long hair”
短い髪の毛 (mijikai kaminoke) “short hair”
This kanji means “polish, study of, sharpen.”
The On-reading for this kanji is ケン (ken), like in 研究 (kenkyū), which means “study, research.”
And the Kun-reading is と (to), like in 研ぐ (togu), which means “sharpen.”
包丁を研ぐ (hōchō o togu) “sharpen a knife”
研ぐ (togu)
This kanji means “private, I, me.”
The On-reading for this kanji is シ (shi), like in 私立 (shiritsu), which means “private, nongovernmental.”
私立の高校と公立の高校。 (Shiritsu no kōkō to kōritsu no kōkō.)
And the Kun-reading is わたし, わたくし (watashi, watakushi), like in 私達 (watashi-tachi), which means “us, we.”
私達はあなたの意見に賛成です。 (Watashi-tachi wa anata no iken ni sansei desu.) “We agree with your opinion.”
Quiz Time!
Say the reading of the following kanji:
着く (tsuku)
短気 (tanki)
私達 (watashi-tachi)
知り合い (shiriai)
研ぐ (togu)
Now, say the meaning of the following words:
短い (mijikai) “short”
研究 (kenkyū) “study, research”
到着 (tōchaku) “arrival”
私立 (shiritsu) “private, nongovernmental”
知恵 (chie) “wit, wisdom”
That’s it for today! Thank you so much for watching.
見てくれて、どうもありがとうございます! (Mite kurete, dōmo arigatō gozaimasu!)
Good luck for your kanji study! I’ll see you next time. Bye-bye!
チャオ! (Chao!)


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