Vocabulary (Review)

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Jessi:Hi everyone! Welcome to the New JLPT N4 Prep Course at JapanesePod101.com. I'm Jessi and I'm here joined by Naomi-sensei.
Jessi:In Lesson1, we covered how to prepare for 問題1 and 問題2 in the Kanji and Vocab section.
Jessi:In this lesson, Lesson 2, we'll cover 問題 3 and 問題4 of the Kanji and Vocabulary section.
Jessi:First of all, Naomi-sensei, can you read the instruction for 問題3?
Naomi:( カッコ ) に なにを いれますか。 1・2・3・4から いちばん いい ものを ひとつ えらんでください。
Jessi:Fill in the blank to complete the sentence. Choose the best answer from 1 to 4.
Naomi:カッコ is 'brackets' or 'blank'. So in もんだい3 you need to choose the appropriate vocab word according to the context.
Jessi:This section is designed to test how much vocabulary you know. OK. How about the instructions for もんだい4?
Naomi:下線 の ぶんと だいたい おなじ いみの ぶんが あります。 1・2・3・4から いちばん いい ものを ひとつ えらんでください。
Jessi:Which of the following sentences has the closest meaning to the underlined sentence? Choose the best answer from 1 to 4.
Naomi:You need to find the sentence that is saying the same thing in a different way.
Jessi:This section is designed to test your knowledge about synonyms (similar words) and antonyms (opposite words).
Jessi:Allow us to start with how to prepare for もんだい3.
Naomi:As we said, もんだい3 is supposed to test how much vocab you know. First of all let's review する verbs.
Jessi:When certain nouns are followed by するor をする, they become a verb. Naomi-sensei, can you introduce some nouns like this that often show up on the test?
Naomi:Sure. あいさつ.
Jessi: "Greeting".
Naomi:So..あいさつする or あいさつをする means
Jessi:"To greet someone".
Naomi:やくそくis "promise".
Jessi: So やくそくする would be "to promise"
Naomi:予習 is preparation for a lesson. So 予習する is?
Jessi:"To prepare for a lesson".
Naomi:予約 is "reservation" .
Jessi:And 予約する is "to make a reservation". Actually, 予約 and 予習 starts with same sound and kanji, so they might be easy to confuse.
Naomi:That's why they show up on the test. (笑)Actually for those two words, knowing the kanji helps you a lot. The first kanji means "beforehand". 約 is the same kanji used in やくそく, "promise".
Jessi:Oh, I see. So よ・やく means "beforehand promise". So it becomes "reservation" because a reservation is something like a promise made beforehand between you and the shop.
Naomi:Exactly. And for 予習, the second kanji means "learn" .
Jessi:So よしゅう literally means "pre-learning", or "preparation for a lesson".
Naomi:Right. Other than する verbs, you should also review the katakana words frequently used in daily life. カタカナの問題は毎年かならず1つあります。
Jessi:Oh really? So there's always at least one question asking you to choose the appropriate katakana word.
Naomi:I'm not sure about this year though, because of the system change, but for the last 5 years, there's always one katakana question.
Jessi:OK, so let's practice some of those. Now I'm going to say some English words, so please say them in the Japanese way. Remember, these are katakana loanwords.
The first one is: "gasoline".(pause)The answer is?
Jessi:The second one is "cash register". (pause) Naomi-sensei, the answer is?
Jessi:OK, one more question. PC, for "personal computer".
Naomi:パソコン. These katakana words frequently show up on the test so please memorize them.
Jessi:In the previous lesson, we recommended that you review the kanji for body parts. Did you memorize them? If not, you can find the list of kanji for body parts in the lesson notes for this lesson, so be sure to memorize them. On the test, you have to choose the word for the appropriate body part from the given choices.
Naomi:Let's do some practice. I'm going to read the first part of the sentence. So please finish the sentence using (such and such)-がいたい。
Jessi:たくさん食べた is "ate a lot", and ので is "so" or "therefore". So, listeners, which body part do you think hurts?....The answer is? お腹. Your stomach probably hurts, right? So the answer would be おなかが痛い. Can we hear the whole sentence?
Jessi:Since I ate a lot, I have a stomachache.
Naomi:How about this one? おおきい こえで はなしたので、dot dot dot.
Jessi:大きい声 is "big voice" or "loud voice". 話す is "to speak", so 大きい声で話したので is "I spoke in a loud voice, so ..." If you speak too loudly, your throat might hurt so that would be...
Naomi:のどが痛い. 大きい声で話したのでのどが痛い。
Jessi:Since I spoke in a loud voice, I have a sore throat.
Naomi: It often happens to me. (笑)
Jessi: I understand!
Jessi:Now, on to もんだい4.This section is designed to test your knowledge about synonyms (similar words) and antonyms (opposite words). When learning new words, be sure to also look up similar and opposite expressions as well.
Naomi:そうですね。少し練習をしましょう。Let's do some vocab building practice. What's the opposite phrase of [役に立つ]"useful"?
Jessi:Well...that would be...役に立たない。
Naomi:そうですね。And can you think of a similar word?
Jessi:A similar word for 'useful'? Hmm, perhaps... 便利?
Naomi:Exactly. [遅れる] is "to be late". Can you think of any similar words or phrases?
Jessi:Well...遅刻する is also "to be late" or... you could also say 間に合わない, which is the negative form of 間に合う "to be on time"
Naomi: その通りです。Right.
Jessi:Let's do some practice for the もんだい4 section. Naomi-sensei is going to read a sentence in Japanese. So your job is to choose the sentence that has the same meaning. Are you ready?
Naomi:バスに まにあいました。
Jessi: Which sentence has the same meaning? The choices are:
1. バスに のること が できませんでした。
2. バスに のること が できました。
3. バスの じかんに おくれました。
4. バスを おりました。
Jessi:Can we hear the question again?
Jessi:So the translation is, "I was on time for the the bus", or "I caught the bus." So which of the given sentences has a similar meaning?
Naomi:2. バスに のること が できました。"I was able to catch the bus", or "I was able to get on the bus".
Jessi:Let's review the different choices. How about choice 1?
Naomi:バスに のること が できませんでした。
Jessi:"I wasn't able to catch the bus." How about choice 3?
Naomi:バスの じかんに おくれました。
Jessi:"I was late for the bus." And choice 4 is?
Naomi:バスを おりました "I got off the bus."
Jessi:So how did you do? We hope you got a good idea of what もんだい3 and 4are like. See you next time.


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