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Becky:Hi everyone! Welcome back to JapanesePod101.com. This is Japanese for Everyday Life Lower Intermediate Series, Lesson 23 - Confirming a Meeting Location.
Kaori:こんにちは!古橋香織 です!Hi everyone, Kaori Furuhashi here!
Becky:I'm Becky. In this lesson, you'll learn a useful skill for making an appointment with your friend - How to make sure of the meeting place for your appointment.
Kaori: 私も、友達と駅の改札口 (E- ticket gate)でよく待ち合わせをするんですけど、よく、どの改札口で待ち合わせることにしたか、忘れちゃうことがあるんですよね。
Becky:Yeah, me too. I sometimes start wondering which gate I was supposed to meet my friend at– the west exit or east exit for example.
Becky:Right. In that case, you might want to make sure of your information, like “we're going to meet at the ticket gate at the west exit, right?”
Becky:It literally means, “today’s meeting place is the ticket gate of the west exit, right?”
Becky:Listen to the dialogue and participate when prompted by speaking aloud in Japanese. Use the patterns of Japanese you studied in the Beginner-level lessons. After you speak, you'll hear a model line of dialogue. Your answer doesn't need to be exactly the same, but do compare your response to the model line.
In this lesson, you'll play the role of a person who is wondering where you're supposed to meet your friend at a station. Your goal is to confirm with your friend and get the right information.
Becky: You're going to ask, “Our meeting place today is the ticket gate at the west exit, right?"
You: 今日の待ち合わせ場所って、西口の改札口だよね。
Friend: え?確か、西口じゃなくて、東口って言ってたと思うけど。
Becky: He said that he believed you had said the east exit, instead of the west exit. Say, “Oh, is that so?”
You: あれ?そうだっけ?
Friend: ちょっと待って、メール、確かめてみるから。(interval) ほら、やっぱり、東口だよ。
Becky: He asked you to wait a minute, and said he would check his email. After checking, he showed you the email, and confirmed that it was the east exit. Say, “You're right. It's good that I confirmed with you. Thank you.”
You: あ、ほんとだ。確認してよかったよ。ありがとう。
Friend: じゃ、また後で。
Becky:Here are some useful words and phrases for this task. The first word is,
Becky:"as I recall," or "if I’m correct"
Kaori:確か (slow), 確か
Becky:“I believe that.”
Becky:Next is,
Becky:"Oh, is that so?"
Kaori:そうだっけ? そうだっけ?
Becky:You can use (J- っけ)at the end of a sentence when you're trying to recall some information.
Kaori: ですから、この場合は、それは正しかったかな?と自分で情報を思いだそうとしているんですね。
Becky:So, in this case, he's wondering if that's so and trying to recall from his memory.
Becky:Next is,
Becky:"as was expected"
Becky:You can say (J- やっぱりそうだよ。)when you find something as you expected, or you thought.
Becky:Next is,
Becky:"you’re right"
Becky:In casual conversation, you can say (J- ほんとだ), dropping (J- う).

Lesson focus

Becky:Now, this task requires a key question, "Our meeting place today is the ticket gate at the west exit, right? ”
Becky:The first part of this sentence is the phrase "Our meeting place for today"
Becky:This is followed by a casual particle marking a subject,
Becky:So, you can say, (J- 今日の待ち合わせ場所は), but in casual conversation, you can say (J- 今日の待ち合わせ場所って) using (J- って) instead of (J- は)as a subject marking particle.
Becky:Next is the phrase meaning “the ticket gate at the west exit”
Becky:It’s followed by the informal form of the copula, a linking verb,
Becky:Altogether they are,
Becky:At the end of this sentence are two sentence-ending particles (よね).
Becky:This set of particles (J- よね) is used at the end of a sentence to ask if the information described in the sentence is correct.
Becky:Let's practice! You want to confirm with your friend that your meeting for today is at 7 o'clock.
Becky:You want to confirm with your friend that tomorrow your school is off.
Becky:You could also use the past tense of the copula,(J- だった)
Kaori: 今日の待ち合わせ場所って、西口の改札口だったよね。
Becky:You made the appointment before, so, you can use the past tense (J- だった) here.
Becky:As another variation, when you're trying to recall some information, you can use (J- っけ) instead of (J- よね) at the end of the sentence here.
Becky:Or, another version using the past tense is,
Becky:"Are we going to meet at the ticket gate at the west exit today?"
Becky:Here's the next key expression, “I believe we said the east exit, instead of the west exit, but..”
Becky:First is the word meaning “as I recall”
Kaori: 確か
Becky:Next is a phrase meaning “instead of the west exit”
Kaori: 西口じゃなくて
Becky:Next is a clause meaning “we said ‘the east exit’”
Becky:It could be said as (J- 東口と言っていた), but in casual conversation, the particle used for quoting (J- と) can be changed to a casual version (J- って)
Becky:Also, (J- 言っていた) can be shortened into (J- 言ってた) with (J- い) dropped.
Becky:Altogether they are,
Becky:This is followed by a phrase meaning “I believe”
Kaori:ちょっと確信がない(E- you are not 100% sure)ので、最後に「けど(E- but)」を付けているんですね。
Becky:You add a word meaning “but” (J- けど) to imply that “you believe so, but you also think you might be wrong.”
Kaori: 「確か、西口じゃなくて、東口って言ってたと思うけど。」の後ろに、「違っているかもしれない」が省略されています。
Becky:The sentence pattern to say “I believe something, but” is,
Kaori: 確か、~と思うけど。
Becky:Let’s practice. You're asked how much you pay for your cell phone. Say, “I believe that it’s about 5,000 yen, but…”
Becky:You are asked what time the movie will start. Say, “I believe that it’s from 8 o'clock.”
Becky:Now try to participate in the dialogue using some alternative words you learned in this lesson. Use as many of the expressions you learned in this lesson as possible. Let's get started!
Becky: You're going to ask, “Our meeting place today is inside the ticket gate, right?"
You: 今日の待ち合わせ場所って、改札口の中だよね。
Friend: え?確か、改札口の外って言ってたと思うけど。
Becky: He said that he believed they had said “outside of the ticket gate”. Say, “Oh, is that so?”
You: あれ?そうだっけ?
Friend: ちょっと待って、メール、確かめてみるから。(interval) ほら、やっぱり、改札口の外だよ。
Becky: He asked you to wait a minute, and said he would check his email. After checking, he showed you the email, and confirmed that it was outside of the ticket gate. Say, “You're right. It's good that I confirmed with you. Thank you.”
You: あ、ほんとだ。確認してよかったよ。ありがとう。
Friend: じゃ、また後で。


Becky:Okay, That’s all for this lesson.
Becky:In the next lesson, you’ll learn how to say what you want to do or plan to do.
Becky:See you all next time!


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