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Becky:Hi everyone! Welcome back to JapanesePod101.com. This is Japanese for Everyday Life Lower Intermediate Series, Lesson 22 - Telling a Friend You’re Running Late
Kaori:こんにちは!古橋香織 です!Hi everyone, Kaori Furuhashi here!
Becky:I'm Becky. In this lesson, you'll learn a useful skill for talking on the phone - How to tell your friend that you’ll be late for an appointment.
Kaori:Becky さん、友達との約束に遅れたことはありますか。
Becky:Yes, I've been late for an appointment with my friend, because something happened.
Becky:When you call your friend to say you’ll be late on the phone, you need to tell them - Point 1, the reason why you’ll be late
Kaori: 遅れる理由
Becky:Point 2, how long you’ll be late.
Becky:Point 3, what you want the friend to do, such as to keep waiting or to go ahead.
Becky:Okay, in this lesson you’ll find out how to tell your friend these three points.
Becky:Listen to the dialogue and participate when prompted by speaking aloud in Japanese. Use the patterns of Japanese you studied in the Beginner-level lessons. After you speak, you'll hear a model line of dialogue. Your answer doesn't need to be exactly the same, but do compare your response to the model line.
In this lesson, you'll play the role of a person who will be late for an appointment with your friend. Your goal is to tell the friend that you’ll be late on the phone.
Becky: You're calling your friend to say you’ll be late for your appointment with them today. Say, “Hello Ken, I’m calling about meeting up with you today."
You : もしもし、ケン。今日の待ち合わせのことなんだけど。。
Ken: え、どうしたの?
Becky: He asked "What's wrong?" Say to him, “I’ve got something urgent on, and it looks like I’ll be late by about one hour."
You : 急用ができちゃって、1時間くらい遅れそうなんだ。
Ken: 1時間か。。
Becky: He said “for one hour…” Ask him, “Sorry, but can I ask you to go ahead and go into the restaurant? "
You : 悪いけど、先に店に入っててもらえる?
Ken: わかった。
Becky: He said “Okay.” Tell him, “I'm sorry. I’ll be there as soon as possible.”
You : ごめんね。なるべく早く行くから。
Ken: うん。じゃ、後で。
Becky: He said “Okay. See you soon.”
Becky:Here are some useful words and phrases for this task. The first word is,
Becky:"something urgent"
Kaori:急用 (slow), 急用
Becky:"have got something urgent"
Becky:"overtime work." “Overtime work” can often be used as a reason for your lateness.
Becky:"need to work overtime"
Becky:A few more reasons are,
Becky:"traffic jam"
Kaori:渋滞(slow), 渋滞
Becky:"run into a traffic jam"
Kaori:寝坊(slow), 寝坊
Becky:"wake up late, oversleep"

Lesson focus

Becky:Now, this task requires a few key expressions. First is, "I’m calling about meeting up with you today. ”
Becky:The first part of this sentence is the phrase "meeting up with you today"
Kaori: これが、電話で話したい主題(E- subject) ですね。
Becky:This is the subject you want to talk about. So, when you want to tell why you are calling first, you say,
Kaori:主題 (E- “subject” plus) のことなんだけど
Becky:If you're calling about “this Saturday”, you say,
Kaori: 「のことなんだけど」は、カジュアルな会話で使います。
Becky:When you say “I’m calling about tomorrow’s meeting” in a formal way, you say,
Becky:In this case, the past tense (J- お電話しました)
is used in Japanese, like “I’m calling” in English.
Becky:The next key expression is, "since I’ve got something urgent, it looks like I’ll be late by about one hour."
Becky:The first part of this sentence is, “As I’ve got something urgent”
Becky:This is a casual way of saying it. If you say it formally, you say,
Becky:In this phrase, an auxiliary verb (J- しまう) is used in the past tense to express your “unwillingness or regret”.
Kaori: 「てしまった」は、カジュアルな会話では、「ちゃった」となります。
Becky:The part of (J- てしまった)is changed to (J- ちゃった)in a casual conversation.
Becky:Also, in a casual conversation, you can use the te-form to indicate a reason without using (J- ので)
Kaori:急用ができちゃったので、(E- can be said as) 急用ができちゃって
Becky:The second part of the key expression is, “It looks like I’ll be late by about one hour.”
Becky:The first part is “I’ll be late by about one hour”
Becky:It’s followed by a phrase meaning “looks like”
Becky:You need to change the verb (J- 遅れる) to a masu stem (J- 遅れ)to be followed by (J- そうだ). Altogether, they are,
Becky:And add a casual sentence-ending phrase explaining the situation
Becky:You need to change (J- そうだ)to (J- そうな) to be followed by (J- んだ). Altogether, they are,
Becky:Again, the key expression is,
Becky:The sentence pattern is, [reason] + [how many hours] + [it looks like I’ll be late. (J- 遅れそうなんだ。)
Becky:Say, “Because I woke up late, it looks like I’ll be late by 30 minutes."
Becky:Did you notice Furuhashi-sensei said, (J- 30分ぐらい) instead of (J- 30分くらい).
Becky:Here’s another practice sentence - say, “Because I ran into a traffic jam, it looks like I’ll be late by 2 hours."
Becky:One more key expression is “Sorry, but can I ask you to go into the restaurant?"
Becky:The first is a useful phrase you can use when you want to say “Sorry, but can you do something for me?”
Kaori: 「悪いけど」
Becky:The last part of the sentence pattern is "to ask someone to do something for me"
Becky:...in casual conversation,
Kaori: てもらえる?
Becky:If you want your friend to wait at a shop nearby, you say,
Becky:Now try to participate in the dialogue using some alternative words you learned in this lesson. This time you'll play the role of a person who will be late by one hour because you need to work overtime. Use as many of the expressions you learned in this lesson as possible. Let's get started!
Becky: You're calling your friend to say you’ll be late for your appointment with them today. Say, “Hello Ken, I’m calling about our appointment for tonight. "
You : もしもし、ケン。今夜の約束のことなんだけど。。
Ken: え、どうしたの?
Becky: He asked "What's wrong?" Say to him, “Since I need to work overtime, and it looks like I’ll be late by about one hour."
You : 残業になっちゃって、1時間くらい遅れそうなんだ。
Ken: 1時間か。。
Becky: He said “By one hour…” Ask him, “Sorry, but can I ask you to wait at a coffee shop nearby? "
You : 悪いけど、近くの喫茶店で待っててもらえる?
Ken: わかった。
Becky: He said “Okay.” Say to him, “I'm sorry. I’ll be there as soon as possible.”
You : ごめんね。なるべく早く行くから。
Ken: うん。じゃ、後で。
Becky: He said “Okay. See you soon.”
Becky:How did you do? There are actually a large number of variations you can use in this situation. Make sure to look for them in the lesson notes.


Becky:Okay, That’s all for this lesson.
Becky:In the next lesson, you’ll learn how to confirm with your friend about an appointment you made with them.
Becky:See you all next time!


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