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Becky: Hi everyone! Welcome back to JapanesePod101.com. This is Japanese for Everyday Life Lower Intermediate Series, Lesson 15 - Giving Directions to a Taxi Driver.
Kaori: こんにちは!古橋香織 です!Hi everyone, Kaori Furuhashi here!
Becky: I'm Becky. In this lesson, you'll learn a useful skill for taking a taxi - How to tell a taxi driver directions.
Kaori: Becky さんは、タクシーの運転手さんに、うまく道順 (Becky: directions) を説明できますか。
Becky: I think I can tell them directions well when I get near my house.
Kaori: 家の近くを説明できれば大丈夫だと思いますよ。タクシーに乗ったら、まず最初に、目的地
Becky: destination
Kaori: の近くにある駅の名前や有名な建物などを伝えれば、説明しなくてもそこまでは、行ってくれますからね。
Becky: Right. If you tell them first the name of the station or a famous building near your destination, you’ll be taken there without any directions. Okay. Right before going into the lesson, here's a basic and important expression, “Turn left at the next traffic light, and go straight.”
Kaori: 次の信号を左に曲がって、まっすぐ行ってください。
Becky: You should use this expression or similar ones many times. Furuhashi-sensei, can you say that again?
Kaori: 次の信号を左に曲がって、まっすぐ行ってください。
Becky: Listen to the dialogue and participate when prompted by speaking aloud in Japanese. Use the patterns of Japanese you studied in the Beginner-level lessons. After you speak, you'll hear a model line of dialogue. Your answer doesn't need to be exactly the same, but do compare your response to the model line.
In this lesson, you'll play the role of a passenger of a taxi. Your goal is to give a taxi driver the right directions.
Becky: You get in a taxi. Say to the driver, “It’s near Akasaka station. Please go there first.
Taxi driver: はい、わかりました。(pause) お客さん、赤坂駅まで来ましたけど、ここから案内してもらえますか。
Becky: The driver told you that you're near Akasaka station, and asked you to tell him directions. Say, ”Turn left at the next traffic light and go straight, please.”
Taxi driver: わかりました。
Becky: For the next instruction, say, “If you go straight, you’ll see ABC bank on the right side. Please turn right there."
Taxi driver: 右折ですね。
Becky: For the final instruction, say, “Stop at the yellow sign over there, please.”
Taxi driver: こちらでよろしいですか。
Becky: The driver asked if here is OK. Answer, “Yes, here’s fine.”
Passenger: はい。ここで大丈夫です。
Becky: Here are some useful words and phrases for this task. The first word is,
Kaori: 信号、
Becky: traffic light
Kaori: 信号 (slow), 信号
Kaori: 交差点
Becky: intersection
Kaori: 交差点(slow), 交差点
Kaori: 角
Becky: corner
Kaori: 角(slow), 角
Kaori: まがり角(slow), 曲がり角
Kaori: 信号、交差点、角、曲がり角、という言葉は、右に曲がる
Becky: turn right
Kaori: 左に曲がる
Becky: turn left
Kaori: と一緒につかうことが多いですね。
Becky: Right.
Kaori: 信号を左に曲がる
Becky: turn left at the traffic light
Kaori: 交差点を右に曲がる
Becky: turn right at the intersection
Becky: Next is another way of saying “turn right”
Kaori: 右折する
Becky: Another way of saying “turn left” is,
Kaori: 左折する
Kaori: 右折 の 「う」 は、「右(みぎ)」と同じ漢字ですが、「う」と読みます。そして、左折の「さ」も、「左(ひだり)」と同じ漢字ですが、「さ」と読みます。
Becky: Right. Many kanji have different readings.
Kaori: はい、そうですね。
Becky: Next is
Kaori: まっすぐ行く
Becky: go straight
Kaori: まっすぐ行く
Becky: Next is a phrase to use If you go along a road without turning, although it’s not really straight.
Becky: go along the road
Becky: Next is,
Kaori: 右手に
Becky: "on the right side," or "on your right"
Becky: "on the left side," or "on your left"
Kaori: 側
Becky: side
Kaori: という言葉を使って、右側に
Becky: on the right side
Kaori: 左側に
Becky: on the left side
Kaori: と言ってもいいです。でも、道案内
Becky: telling directions
Kaori: では、右手に
Becky: on your right
Kaori: 左手に
Becky: on your left
Kaori: を使うことがよくあります。

Lesson focus

Becky: Now, the first key expression for this task is, "Turn left at the next traffic light and go straight.”
Kaori: 次の信号を左に曲がって、まっすぐ行ってください。
Becky: The first part of this instruction is "Turn left at the next traffic light."
Kaori: 次の信号を左に曲がってください。
Becky: This is a sentence pattern, which is, [something you see] plus
Kaori: を plus 右にまがってください or 左にまがってください。
Becky: So, let's say, “Turn right at the next intersection.”
Kaori: 次の交差点を右に曲がってください。
Becky: The next key expression is, “If you go straight, you’ll see ABC bank on the right side. Please turn right there."
Kaori: まっすぐ行くと右手にABC銀行が見えるので、そこを右折してください。
Becky: The first part of this expression is a sentence meaning “If you go straight, you’ll see ABC bank on the right side.
Kaori: まっすぐ行くと右手にABC銀行が見える
Becky: The first part is a clause meaning “If you go straight”
Kaori: まっすぐ行くと
Kaori: まっすぐ行く 
Becky: plus, a conjunction meaning “if”
Kaori: と
Kaori: まっすぐ行くと
Becky: followed by a clause meaning “you’ll see ABC bank on the right side.”
Kaori: 右手にABC銀行が見える
Becky: Together, they make an expression, "If you go straight, you’ll see ABC bank on the right side"
Kaori: まっすぐ行くと、右手にABC銀行が見える。
Becky: This is a useful expression If you want to explain how you can find a landmark. The pattern is, [do something] plus
Kaori: と
Becky: landmark が右手にみえる or 左手にみえる。
Becky: In this case, “do something” is
Kaori: まっすぐ行く
Becky: And the landmark is
Kaori: ABC銀行
Becky: "If you go straight, you can see ABC Bank on the right side."
Kaori: まっすぐ行くと、右手にABC銀行が見える。
Becky: Let’s practice. Say, “If you turn right, you can see ABC Hospital on the left side.”
Kaori: みぎに曲がると、左手にABC病院が見える。
Becky: Okay, in the model dialog, what did she say after explaining where you can find ABC Bank? She said, “turn right there.”
Kaori: 「そこ」(Becky: there) は、この場合、ABC銀行ですね。
Becky: So, you might want to explain first where you can see a landmark, and then give the next direction using the landmark.
Kaori: そうですね。まず、最初に目印
Becky: landmark
Kaori: がどこにあるかを説明して、それから、その目印を使って次の道順を説明するといいですね。
Becky: Can we hear the whole sentence again, “If you go straight, you’ll see ABC bank on the right side. Please turn right there."
Kaori: まっすぐ行くと右手にABC銀行が見えるので、そこを右折してください。
Becky: The two clauses are connected by a conjunction,
Kaori: ので
Becky: The basic meaning of
Becky: is a reason or cause.
Kaori: 「寒いので、コートを着る」とか、理由を表すときに「ので」をよく使いますね。でも、 and に近い意味で使われることもあります。
Becky: So, in this case,
J: ので
Becky: is used to mean “and.”
Kaori: そうですね。
Becky: Now try to participate in the dialogue using some alternative words you learned in this lesson. You'll play the role of a passenger in a taxi. Use as many of the expressions you learned in this lesson as possible. Let's get started!
Becky: You get in a taxi. Say “It’s near Akihabara station. Please go there first."
Passenger: 秋葉原駅の近くなので、まず、そこまでお願いします。
Taxi driver: はい、わかりました。(pause) お客さん、秋葉原駅まで来ましたけど、ここから案内してもらえますか。
Becky: The driver told you that you were near Akihabara station, and asked you to tell him directions. Say, ”Turn left at the next intersection and go straight."
Passenger: あ、はい、えーと、次の交差点を左に曲がって、まっすぐ行ってください。
Taxi driver: わかりました。
Becky: For the next instruction, say, “If you go straight, you'll see Bic Camera on the left side , please turn left there.”
Passenger: まっすぐ行くと左手にビックカメラが見えるので、そこを左折してください。
Taxi driver: 左折ですね。
Becky: For the final instruction, say, “Stop in front of the post office over there, please.”
Passenger: あの郵便局の前で止めてください。
Taxi driver: こちらでよろしいですか。
Becky: The driver asked if here is OK. Answer, “Yes, here’s fine.”
Passenger: はい。ここで大丈夫です。
Becky: How did you do? There are actually a large number of variations you can use in this situation. Make sure to look for them in the lesson notes.


Becky: Okay, That’s all for this lesson.
Becky: In the next lesson, you’ll learn how to make a request when getting a haircut.
Kaori: それではまた!
Becky: See you all next time!


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