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Becky: Hi everyone! Welcome back to JapanesePod101.com. This is Japanese for Everyday Life Lower Intermediate Series, Lesson 14 - Asking to See an Item in a Showcase.
Kaori : こんにちは!古橋香織 です!Hi everyone, Kaori Furuhashi here!
Becky: I'm Becky. In this lesson, you'll learn a useful skill for shopping - How to ask a clerk to show you an item from a showcase.
Kaori: アクセサリーとか時計は、ショーケースの中に入っていることが多いですよね。
Becky: Right. They usually sell watches or accessories in the showcase.
Kaori 手にとって見たいものが見つかったら、出してもらわないといけませんね。
Becky: So, if you find anything you want to see, you need to ask a clerk to show it to you. But, actually, it’s not always easy to get the right thing.
Kaori: そうですね。見たいものがどこにあるのかを正確に説明するのは難しいですね。
Becky: For example, if it’s the second from the right in the back row, how do you explain the position?
Kaori: 一番奥の列の右から2番目
Becky: OK. You’ll learn more phrases like this.
Becky Listen to the dialogue and participate when prompted by speaking aloud in Japanese. Use the patterns of Japanese you studied in the Beginner-level lessons. After you speak, you'll hear a model line of dialogue. Your answer does not need to be exactly the same, but do compare your response to the model line.
In this lesson, you will play the role of a customer at a watch shop. Your goal is to ask a shop clerk to show you the watch you want to see from the showcase.
Shop clerk: いかがですか。どれかお出ししましょうか。
Becky: The clerk asked you if he can show you something you want from the showcase. Tell him, “Please get me the second one from the right in the back row.
Customer: じゃ、一番奥の列の右から2番目のものをお願いします。
Shop clerk : はい、こちらでございますね。
Becky: The shop clerk asked if this is the one. Say, "Yes, that’s it."
Customer: はい、それです。
Shop clerk: はい、どうぞ。
Becky: You get the watch you want to see. Say, “Thank you” and then, after trying it on, say, “Can you show me another one?
Customer: ありがとうございます。もうひとつ見せてもらえますか。
Shop clerk: どちらをお出ししましょうか。
Becky: The clerk asked "Which one do you want me to get out?" Say, "The third one from the left in the front row, please."
Customer: 手前の列の左から3番目をお願いします。
Shop clerk: こちらですね。はい、どうぞ。
Becky: You get the watch you want to see. Say “Thank you” and after trying it on, say, “I’ll take it. Can you wrap it as a gift?"
Customer: ありがとうございます。あ、じゃ、これをください。プレゼント用に包んでもらえますか。
Shop Clerk:かしこまりました。
Becky: Here are some useful words and phrases for this task. The first word is,
J: 列
Becky: row
J: 列、れつ、列
J: 一番奥の列、
Becky: back row
Becky: The word meaning “back” by itself is,
J: 奥
Becky: When you want to specify the “last” row in the back, you say
J: 一番奥の列 (slow), 一番奥の列
Becky: If you want to say the second row from the back, you say,
J: 奥から2列目
Becky: the second row from the back
Becky: Please note that you don’t say,
J: 奥から2列目の列
Becky: because the word
J: 列)
Becky: is used twice. Without saying
J: 列
Becky: twice, but you say,
J: 奥から2列目
Becky: Here's the opposite word to “back”,
J: 手前
Becky: "Front"
J: 一番手前の列
Becky: "front row"
J: 一番手前の列(slow), 一番手前の列
Becky: “The second row from the front” is
J: 手前から2列目、手前から2列目
Becky: Here are more phrases to specify a location in the row.
J: 右から2番目のもの
Becky: "the second one from the right"
J: 左から2番目のもの
Becky: "the second one from the left"
Becky: The phrase meaning "rightmost” is,
J: 一番右
Becky: “leftmost” is
J: 一番左
Becky: The next phrase is to wrap something as a gift.
J: プレゼント用に包む
Becky: The first part is a phrase meaning “as a gift”
J: プレゼント用
J: 用
Becky: is attached to another noun as in
J: プレゼント用
E to mean “for the purpose of (that noun)”.
J プレゼント用
E means “for the purpose of a gift.”
E And it’s followed by a particle
J: に
Becky: to make an adverbial phrase,
J: プレゼント用に
Becky:   It modifies the next verb meaning “to wrap”
J: 包む
Becky: Altogether,
J: プレゼント用に包む
Becky: means “to wrap something as a gift”

Lesson focus

Becky: Now, this task requires a key expression, "the second one from the right in the back row, please.”
J: 一番奥の列の右から2番目のものをお願いします。
Becky: The first phrase of this sentence is the phrase "the back row."
J: 一番奥の列
Becky: The second is the phrase meaning "the second one from the right.”
J: 右から2番目のもの
Becky: So, when you specify the location of something that is placed in rows, you can say which row first, such as “back row”
J: 一番奥の列
Becky: or, “front row”
J: 一番手前の列
Becky: And then specify how far it’s placed from the right or left, such as “the second one from the right”
J: 右から2番目のもの
Becky: or “the second one from the left.”
J: 左から2番目のもの
Becky: If you say "the second one from the right in the back row", you say,
J: 一番奥の列の右から2番目のもの
Becky: Let’s practice! Say "the second one from the left in the front row, please".
J: 一番手前の列の左から2番目のものをお願いします。
Becky: Say, “the third one from the right in the second row from the back, please.”
J: 奥から2列目の右から3番目のものをおねがいします。
Becky: Did you get the phrase meaning "the second row from the back”?
J: 奥から2列目
Becky: The next key expression is "Could you show me another one?”
J: もうひとつ見せてもらえますか。
Becky: Let's break it down. First is a phrase meaning “another one” or “one more.”
J: もうひとつ, もうひとつ、もうひとつ
Becky: The second part is a useful expression when you find something in the showcase, which is “can you show me?”
J: 見せてもらえますか。
J: 見せて 
Becky: ...the te-form of a verb meaning “to show,”
J: 見せる
Becky: plus the potential form of an auxiliary verb meaning “to receive,”
J: もらえます
Becky: ...and a question marking particle
J: か
Becky:  The sentence pattern, “te-form of a verb + (J:もらえますか” literally means “Can I receive your action of doing something.” Naturally, it means “Can you do something for me?”
J: ですから、「~てもらえますか。」は、何かをおねがいするときに使います。
Becky:  Right. This makes a polite request. So, “Can you show me another one?” is
J: もうひとつ見せてもらえますか。
J: モデルダイアローグで、もうひとつ、「もらえますか」を使った文がありましたね。覚えていますか。
Becky: That's the sentence meaning, “Can you wrap it as a gift for me?”
J: プレゼント用に包んでもらえますか。
Becky: Let's practice! Ask “Can you show me the second one from the left in the front row?"
J: 一番手前の列の左から2番目のものを見せてもらえますか。
Becky: Now try to participate in the dialogue using some alternative words you learned in this lesson. This time you'll play the role of a person who's a customer at a watch shop. Use as many of the expressions you learned in this lesson as possible. Let's get started!
Shop clerk: いかがですか。どれかお取りしましょうか。
Becky: The clerk asked you if he could show you something you want from the showcase. Tell him, “Please get me the second one from the left in the front row."
Customer: じゃ、一番手前の列の左から2番目のものをお願いします。
Shop clerk : はい、こちらでございますね。
Becky: The shop clerk asked if this is the one. Say, "Yes, that’s it."
Customer: はい、それです。
Shop clerk: はい、どうぞ。
Becky: You get the watch you want to see. Say, “Thank you” and then after trying it on, say, “Can you show me another one?"
Customer: ありがとうございます。もうひとつ見せてもらえますか。
Shop clerk: どちらをお出ししましょうか。
Becky: The clerk asked "Which one do you want me to get out?" Say,"The rightmost one in the second row from the back, please.”
Customer: 奥から2列目の一番右のものをお願いします。
Shop clerk: こちらですね。はい、どうぞ。
Becky: You get the watch you want to see. Say, “Thank you” and after trying it on, say, “I’ll take it. Can you wrap it as a gift?"
Customer: ありがとうございます。あ、じゃ、これをください。プレゼント用に包んでもらえますか。


Becky: Okay, That’s all for this lesson.
Kaori: ショーケースの中の時計や宝石を選んで買ったことはありますか。見たいものを出してもらうことはできましたか?皆さんの経験を教えてくださいね。
Becky: In the next lesson, you’ll learn how to tell a taxi driver directions.
Kaori: それではまた!
Becky: See you all next time!


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