
Vocabulary (Review)

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Marky: Marky here.
Nozomi: Nozomiです。
Marky: Welcome to japanesepod101.com and today, we are talking about ズーズー弁 and joining me in the studio is Nozomiさん。
Nozomi: こんにちは。青森県出身のNozomiです。青森は雪がたくさん降って、りんごが有名です。 I am Nozomi from Aomori. Aomori is famous for Apples and a lot of snow.

Lesson focus

Marky: Nozomi, what is ズーズー弁?
Nozomi: ズーズー弁は青森の方言です。
Marky: ズーズー弁 is Aomori’s dialect.
Nozomi: It’s not Aomori, it's Aomori.
Marky: Aomori. Nozomi san, many of our listeners may not know where Aomori is.
Nozomi: Excuse me, it’s not Aomori, it’s Aomori.
Marky: Can you – oh I am sorry. Nozomi, can you please tell our listeners where Aomori is?
Nozomi: It’s the most north part of Honshu.
Marky: Honshu is the main Island of Japan and Tokyo is located in Honshu. Right now, we are in Tokyo.
Nozomi: Yes.
Marky: And if we took the 新幹線(しんかんせん), the bullet train
Nozomi: Yes.
Marky: About how far is it from Tokyo to Aomori?
Nozomi: そうですね。4時間ぐらいかかります。
Marky: And in English?
Nozomi: It takes about 4 hours.
Marky: 4 hours okay and by airplane.
Nozomi: 1時間ですね。 It takes one hour.
Marky: I see. So Aomori is very far from Tokyo.
Nozomi: Yes.
Marky: And the language spoken there on a everyday basis is a little different from that spoken in Tokyo?
Nozomi: Yes that’s right.
Marky: Would you say it’s a lot different or a little different.
Nozomi: I think it’s a lot different.
Marky: Yeah I think it’s a lot different also. Some of the Aomori dialect you’ve taught me, the Aomori-ben, I can’t understand without an explanation. Today, I think we can explain a lot of these phrases to our listeners.
将: おめ、こった時間にどさ?
ゆき: なも、わはわらしっこむが迎えに行ぐじゃ。なは?
将: わー津軽漬け買いさ行くじゃ。
ゆき: んだがー。今夜もたげしばれるな。
将: んだ。んだはんでわは早ぐ帰ってあんずましい湯さ入るじゃ。へば、まんず!
Marky: ゆっくりお願いします。
しょう: おめ、こったじかんにどさ?
ゆき: なも、わはわらしっこむがむかえにいぐじゃ。なは?
しょう: わーつがるづけかいさいくじゃ。
ゆき: んだがー。こんやもたんげしばれるな。
しょう: んだ。んだはんでわははやぐかえってあんずましいゆさはいるじゃ。へば、まんず!
将: おめ、こった時間にどさ?
Hey you, where are you going at this time?
ゆき: なも、わはわらしっこむが迎えに行ぐじゃ。なは?
Nowhere, I am going to pick up my kid. How about you?
将: わー津軽漬け買いさ行くじゃ。
I am going to buy some Tsugaruzuke.
ゆき: んだがー。今夜もたげしばれるな。
Oh is that so? It’s very cold at night too, isn’t it?
将: んだ。んだはんでわは早ぐ帰ってあんずましい湯さ入るじゃ。へば、まんず!
Yeah it is. So I am going home early to take a nice bath. So later!
Nozomi: では、今日の語いを見てみましょう。
Marky: So let’s take a look at today’s vocabulary.
Nozomi: おめ
Marky: So Nozomi san,
Nozomi: Yes.
Marky: In standard Japanese, can I say おめ in an everyday situation?
Nozomi: No you can’t, it’s very rude.
Marky: Why is おめ rude? What is it in standard Japanese?
Nozomi: あなた、おまえ
Marky: And おまえ is used for who?
Nozomi: You can use it to very, very close friend or wife.
Marky: But basically it’s a kind of aggressive word?
Nozomi: Yes.
Marky: Okay so in standard Japanese, what word should we usually use?
Nozomi: あなた
Marky: So you. Okay the next word we’ve got is.
Nozomi: こった
Marky: And in standard Japanese.
Nozomi: こんな
Marky: And what does こんな mean?
Nozomi: Like this.
Marky: So can we hear this word in Tokyo?
Nozomi: No you can’t.
Marky: Would a Tokyo person understand this word?
Nozomi: I don’t know but maybe they can’t.
Marky: Okay yeah, I think if I heard it, I would be a little confused.
Nozomi: Yeah.
Marky: So okay the next word is
Nozomi: どさ
Marky: Maybe I can’t understand this one either. What does どさ mean?
Nozomi: It means where are you going?
Marky: Okay and in standard Japanese,
Nozomi: どこに行くのですか?
Marky: 例文お願いします。
Nozomi: どさ?湯(ゆ)さ。
Marky: That’s it.
Nozomi: Yes.
Marky: Okay what does that mean?
Nozomi: Where are you going? I am going to Hot spring.
Marky: Really?
Nozomi: Yes.
Marky: 湯さ。
Nozomi: Yes.
Marky: Okay. That is crazy, I can’t understand, great, great, great. Okay the next phrase
Nozomi: なも
Marky: What does this one mean?
Nozomi: なんでもない。
Marky: And なんでもない means what in English?
Nozomi: Nothing much.
Marky: Do you think a person in Tokyo would understand どさand なも?
Nozomi: Never.
Marky: Really?
Nozomi: Yeah.
Marky: It’s really, really out there.
Nozomi: Yes.
Marky: I noticed that どさ and なもare very, very short.
Nozomi: Yes.
Marky: Why are there so many short words in Aomori-ben?
Nozomi: Because it’s really cold in Aomori. So people don’t want to speak with loud mouth.
Marky: Is that true?
Nozomi: Yes maybe.
Marky: Okay very cool. The next word we have is also very short.
Nozomi: わ
Marky: This is not our topic particle は. What does this わ mean?
Nozomi: It means me 私(わたし)
Marky: Do you think a person in Tokyo would understand this one?
Nozomi: Maybe they can’t.
Marky: Our next word is
Nozomi: わらし
Marky: わらし And what does this word mean?
Nozomi: It means child or children.
Marky: Okay now this one is really different from standard Japanese. What is the standard Japanese?
Nozomi: 子供
Marky: Can you give us an example?
Nozomi: ありゃー、めんこいわらしっこだっちゃ。
Marky: Okay. What does that mean?
Nozomi: What a cute child!
Marky: In standard Japanese
Nozomi: まー、かわいい子供だわ。
Marky: The phrase you said in Aomori-ben, is that also feminine speech or masculine speech?
Nozomi: 関係ないと思います。 It doesn’t matter.
Marky: Both men and women can use this.
Nozomi: Yes they can.
Marky: Our next vocabulary is
Nozomi: いぐじゃ
Marky: And what does this mean?
Nozomi: 行きます。
Marky: Okay our next word is another very short form. What is this?
Nozomi: な
Marky: And な means
Nozomi: あなた
Marky: And basically in English, this means
Nozomi: You
Marky: Okay. Our next vocabulary requires a little bit of explanation but first, introduce to vocabulary.
Nozomi: 津軽漬け
Marky: Can you break it down?
Nozomi: つがるづけ
Marky: What is つがれづけ?
Nozomi: No つがるづけ。
Marky: つがるづけ。
Nozomi: Yes.
Marky: And it is my terrible pronunciation. This is a kind of 漬物(つけもの) which is a kind of Japanese pickle, right?
Nozomi: Yes.
Marky: This is made from 数の子(かずのこ) which is Fish egg?
Nozomi: Yes.
Marky: And さるめ which is a kind of squid?
Nozomi: Not さるめ. 「するめ」
Marky: Oh さるめ is like a Monkey.
Nozomi: Yes.
Marky: Okay するめ is a kind of squid.
Nozomi: Yes.
Marky: What else is in
Nozomi: こんぶ
Marky: こんぶ is
Nozomi: こんぶ Seaweed.
Marky: And the next ingredient.
Nozomi: 大根(だいこん)
Marky: Japanese radish.
Nozomi: Yes.
Marky: Very delicious.
Nozomi: Hmm しょうゆ味です。
Marky: So it has soy sauce taste.
Nozomi: Yes. It’s very delicious.
Marky: So the next word is
Nozomi: たげ
Marky: This means
Nozomi: It means とても or すごく
Marky: And in English
Nozomi: Very
Marky: Can you give us an example?
Nozomi: たげさみじゃ。 It’s very cold.
Marky: How would you say that in everyday Japanese?
Nozomi: すごく寒い。
Marky: Next is
Nozomi: しばれる
Marky: And this means
Nozomi: 寒い Cold.
Marky: Okay next word is another one of these very short words.
Nozomi: んだ。
Marky: In Tokyo, how would I say this?
Nozomi: そうですね。
Marky: Or in casual
Nozomi: そうだね。
Marky: Okay the next one is also interesting.
Nozomi: んだはんで
Marky: And what does this mean?
Nozomi: だから
Marky: In English.
Nozomi: And so, therefore.
Marky: 例文お願いします。
Nozomi: しばれるじゃ。んだはんで、帰るじゃ。 It’s very cold, so I go home.
Marky: Okay I like this next word.
Nozomi: あんずまし
Marky: What does this mean?
Nozomi: 気持ちがいい
Marky: In English.
Nozomi: Good feeling. It feels nice.
Marky: We talked about this next word earlier.
Nozomi: ゆ
Marky: What does this mean?
Nozomi: おふろです。 It means hot bath.
Marky: In Tokyo, if I use this word, does it mean hot bath?
Nozomi: No usually this means hot water.
Marky: Okay so there is a vocabulary difference. The next word
Nozomi: はいるじゃ。
Marky: And this means
Nozomi: 入ります。
Marky: And in English
Nozomi: Get into
Marky: Can you give us an example?
Nozomi: ゆさ入るじゃ。 I am taking a bath.
Marky: And next is
Nozomi: へば
Marky: And this means
Nozomi: It means では、じゃぁ4
Marky: How would you translate that?


Nozomi: It has a lot of meanings. Well, then, or so and I can use it as a goodbye.
Marky: Right. So じゃね。
Nozomi: Yes.
Marky: And the last word also means goodbye. This is
Nozomi: まんず。 It means またね、さようなら. In English, goodbye later.
Marky: On that note
Nozomi: みなさん、へばまんず。
Marky: Bye bye.


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